"It is a matter of course that the lord bestows land on his vassals, and the vassals reward them with loyalty."

Aaron showed a hint of excitement.

The feudal nobles of this era are completely different from Huaxia.

In the late feudal period of China, although the noble titles of princes and uncles were also called by this name, they actually had no real fiefdoms and private soldiers at all, so of course they were taken away by the emperor.

In the west, even the king cannot hang a baron with one order.

In Aaron's view, the western kingdom is like a company, and the king is at most a weak chairman who may be dismissed by the board of directors in minutes...

In the green forest, once he became a knight, it would be difficult for Colin to do anything to him even if he was in the position.

Theodore said a few more words, and looked at Colin: "The upper green forest has been under the rule of the Davis family for generations. Now that the ruler has changed rashly, those people will inevitably have some resistance. What should we do?"

"Father, I am willing to be your sword and remove all obstacles for you." Colin replied without hesitation.

And Theodore was a little disappointed, looking at Aaron.

"In the Upper Green Forest at this time, we should focus on appeasement. We can recognize the legality of the surrendered knights' territory. In addition...Although the direct line of the Davis family is dead, Sylvie is still..."

Aaron had a playful smile in his heart: "Why don't you continue the previous engagement, let Colin marry Sylvie from the Davis family, and announce that their child will be the heir of Green Forest in the future, how about it?"

"A good idea, with the wisdom to rule!"

A happy smile appeared on Theodore's face: "Did you hear that? Colin... prepare to marry Sylvie immediately. The celebration must be huge!"

Collin felt as if he had been punched.

He didn't want to marry the woman who brought him shame, let alone... that woman was in Aaron's hands, and he didn't know what had happened to her!

However, this is a political marriage, even if Sylvie is a sow, he still has to marry her!

What's more, this is also to consolidate his position as the heir.

As long as he married Sylvie and had children, Aaron Sotos and Sean Sotos would never be able to compare with him!

Chapter 14 Venison

"In this era, if all the heirs are dead, the son-in-law also has the right to inherit. Of course, it is limited to the direct line, and those who have been in the collateral line for an unknown number of generations will go away..."

"After all the men in the Davis family are dead, Sylvie is a rare commodity to live in."

"And those ignorant people always think that there should be a noble lord to rule them, and they have strange sympathy for the descendants of the poor nobles. This is also the reason for marrying, and it will kill all instability in the cradle!"

Aaron Sotos thought lightly.

"With this step, I have completely given up the fight for the heir, which can greatly reduce the future troubles caused by this war's too brilliant... If Colin is smart enough."

To be honest, he really doesn't have much interest in a mere territory.

In the current situation where the extraordinary is hopeful, whoever loves to inherit will inherit.

"Everyone yearns for longevity, but they can't find it. That's why there are substitutes, such as the pursuit of longevity through the bloodline of having children, and the spiritual longevity of writing books and sayings, and passing on to future generations. However, these are all vain!"

"Now... the real extraordinary is right in front of my eyes, so what does everything else mean to me?"

Aaron's eyes were firm.

Looking at this scene, Theodore couldn't help sighing in his heart.


in a dream.

Aaron recalled all kinds of video images he had seen in his previous life, found out what could be used, and then began to repeat the memory.

In the dream world, he is equivalent to a state of controllable hypermemory, and his memory is equivalent to a library.

At this time, it is to take out the content of interest, memorize it again, and then bring it back to reality!

Although in reality he does not have the ability of [Extraordinary Memory], but the quality of an ordinary person is enough to recall the content he learned repeatedly in his dream.

Using this method, it is completely possible to reproduce some technologies from previous lives.

He woke up, picked up a brand new notebook next to him, and began to take notes.

This time, he didn't use Chinese, but Lusen language.

After all, these are not secrets, and maybe they have to be watched and studied by craftsmen, making it too complicated is completely embarrassing for yourself.

"Soil chemical fertilizers, cement, indigenous steelmaking, steam mechanism ideas... After my own territory is issued, I can start these projects as much as I want..."

"It seems that it doesn't need much. One soil and chemical fertilizer is enough for the territory to have a good harvest. After all, the current sad agricultural technology is really not enough..."

The soil fertilizer is quite simple, it is indeed a magic weapon for the traversers to increase production, and the materials are also very easy, as long as fresh cow dung, soybean flour, and calcium sulfate are enough.

And the knight's territory is completely private, no matter what kind of industry it is, there is no need to be afraid of being directly taken away by Theodore.

Even, even if it is a rebellion, Theodore must be able to defeat his private soldiers before the trial can continue.

Moreover, as long as he does not rebel and fulfills his duties as a vassal, it is impossible for the lord to do anything to him...


After putting away the notes, Aaron rang the bell on the table.

A maid came in immediately, cleared the table for him, and picked out clothes for going out.

"Tia, this is yours."

Aaron stuffed a gold coin into Tia's clothes, looked at the little maid's shy expression, and said suddenly: "After Colin's wedding, I probably have to go to Blackstone Manor, so you have to think about your way out beforehand. tell me."

Hearing this, Tia's expression couldn't help but change.

As far as the maids in the castle are used to enjoying the good life in the castle, most of them don't want to go back to the farmers to suffer.

And there are not many ways out for these maids, and becoming the lord's lover is probably the best one.

In this era, no matter how much a maid loves to daydream, she never thought of becoming the mistress of a castle.

In addition, it is rationed to those in charge and their sons.

Of course, skilled maids can also continue to work in the castle as cooks, maids, or nuns who teach ladies.

The worst result is to be kicked out of the castle when she gets old, marry a farmer, and spend her life hard.

Looking at the maid who was biting her lip, Aaron continued blankly: "Whether you want to continue to follow me, or have a crush on the steward or his son, or want a sum of money...you can tell me, Don't answer me immediately, you have a few days to think about it."

He had to admit that he didn't have much affection for this maid, and doing this was already the limit.

After getting dressed, Aaron walked out of the room and into the garden.

Suddenly, he moved his nose and smelled the aroma of barbecue.

"Ginny, it's you!"

Aaron turned around and came to a corner, where he saw little Ginny secretly roasting venison.

On the white marble are grills, barbed wire, and seasonings in various dishes, which use precious spices and black pepper.

A venison leg is hanging on the side. Ginny's maid is holding a dagger, cutting off pieces of venison and putting it on the grill. The other plate is full of roasted venison, and little Ginny eats it all Flowing oil.

Hearing someone approaching, the little girl was very panicked at first, but she didn't relax until she found out that it was Aaron: "Brother Aaron..."

Ginny seemed to like it a lot since she was taught this way of eating it last time, especially the recipe for the dipping sauce.

"I don't want me to say anything unless I share it with you."

Aaron laughed, sat down, took out a dagger, and cut off the deer's leg.

The sliced ​​venison is sizzling on the grill, sprinkled with a little spice from time to time, and after it is roasted, it is almost delicious.

Aaron ate very happily, and it was like a competition with Ginny, destroying the barbecue in a whirlwind.

After eating, the maids cleaned up the grill. Ginny held a glass of deer milk and suddenly said, "Mom has been very unhappy these days... and Sean."

Aaron didn't speak.

The castle is preparing for a grand wedding, and it's no wonder Mrs. Sonia is happy.

At this moment, Ginny lowered her head and said in a soft voice, "They also mentioned you..."

Aaron was a little speechless, but this matter was brought up by himself, and he was prepared to be angered.

After all, even though Sonia and Sean are still in great glory at this time, when Theodore dies and Colin takes over, their end may be even worse than their previous self!

At this time, I already owned the fief, which was bestowed because of military exploits and could not be deprived of it. As for Xiao En... if he didn't have meritorious service, even Theodore would find it difficult for him to have the fief.

I am afraid that becoming a wandering knight after growing up is the only way out.

Chapter 15 The Sun Is Crazy

The month of green banyan withered, on the 3rd.

No matter how frantic and protested Mrs. Sonia was, Colin's wedding was held as scheduled.

Theodore seems to be planning to regard this as a celebration of the unification of the Green Forest, so it is very grand, but everyone with a status in the Green Forest has come to Sothosburg.

The huge castle is decorated with lights and festoons, and a large number of cooks are busy in the back kitchen, presenting all kinds of wonderful delicacies.

Roast chicken, lamb chops, steak, suckling pig, vegetable salad, raisin pudding, cheese, mead...

All kinds of delicacies filled the long table, and the hall was full of laughter.

But the home of the wedding is not here.

According to the customs of the Lvsen people, marriage needs to be carried out under the banyan tree to establish a sacred bond.

The most famous banyan tree in Sothos is the "God Tree" located behind Fort Sotos.

"Today, I am very honored that you are here to witness the wedding of my son Colin Sotos and Sylvie Davis!"

Theodore wore priestly robes and looked serious.

Aaron glanced at the bride and found that Sylvie did not resist, and immediately understood that this woman probably accepted her fate.

After all, how else could it be?

What's more, although the direct line of the Davis family is dead, there are still collateral lines, and she must consider them.

Mrs. Sonia and Sean are also there, but with polite smiles on their faces, outsiders can see the falsehood.

The vassals below behaved even more differently.

The original knights of the Sotos collar were naturally beaming and proud, while the newcomers of the Davis collar had more complicated expressions, which were worth pondering.


Aaron swept his eyes and saw a stranger.

It was a strange nobleman, wearing a silk robe as smooth as milk, with meticulously combed hair, and a hint of arrogance in his eyes, looking at these green nobles like city people coming to the countryside.

"Who is this person?"

With a thought in his heart, he pulled Knight Turner Shawlyen beside him and asked in a low voice.

"The envoy of the Kagash kingdom, the king's jester - Feili Gotuo, he brought the king's canonization, as if he wanted to ennoble the lord, the earl, etc..."

It can be seen that Turner is very disdainful about this.

After all, the conflict between the Kagash Kingdom and the Green Forest can be said to have existed since ancient times.

In a long time ago, those forest barbarians who couldn't survive went south to plunder the lords in the warm southern land, and formed a deep 'friendship' with each other!

It was not until later that the Kagash Kingdom was established that this situation eased. After all, the Green Forest people are not fools.

It's easy to grab the softies in the south, but it's not easy to deal with the softies when they unite.

Later, the Kingdom was unable to take down the Green Forest, so it could only seal the strong ones in the Green Forest, which was regarded as bringing the Green Forest into its rule in name.

'Isn't this just the opening of the map? '

Aaron also thought about it. Perhaps this is how his family's title and the Davis family's title came about. It seems that he was conferred as a baron by the king before?

But it was useless, and neither side took it seriously.

Now that the green forest is unified, the king is probably stimulated by this, and it is only natural to take some action.

This canonization is probably a kind of show of favor?

'Actually, apart from being nice in name, this is of no use. Even if he is called a Baron, Sotos is still the ruler of the Green Forest! '

After understanding this, Aaron didn't bother to pay attention to the messenger, and put his mind back on the sumptuous dinner.

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