Taixuetang has always taught people in an eclectic manner, whether it is books or scriptures, and the second of the six arts, "Royalty" and "Shooting", which were gradually abandoned in Mohism, are in full swing in Taixuetang.After Huang Hansheng's remonstrance, Zhuge Wanling simply transferred horses from the army, and set up a stable directly on the east side of the Taixue Hall, not only to raise war horses, but also to train the students of the Taixue Hall to train horses.

It's just... most of the students in the Tai Xuetang are not very interested in this class. After all, galloping horses, feeling the majestic wind blowing by their ears, and running until the sun sets, is the most important thing every day. A dream every teenager can have.

In contrast, watching stallions and mares mating all day, recording their estrus time and mating month, preparing fodder and caring for foals is tedious and trivial.

But there are exceptions.

The corner of Qin Ke's mouth curled up slightly. The stable was close in front of him. There were sounds of water splashing and horses being scrubbed inside. No need to guess, he knew that Abu must be one of them.

The stench of horse manure made Qin Ke rub his nose, but he was a child who grew up in the countryside, so the smell was not unbearable for him. There were tall war horses on both sides, although compared The batch of war horses that came in, these native war horses from Jingwu looked a little smaller, but their fat body and strong horseshoes were enough to make people feel that their bodies contained the power to gallop on the battlefield.

After all, it was Gao Changgong who led these war horses all the way to the capital Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty.

"Abu." Qin Ke looked at Abu who was holding a brush and vigorously brushing the black horse's back, and shouted with a smile.

A Bu turned his head and saw that Qin Ke was actually walking over, he said happily, "A Ke, is your leg healed?"

Qin Ke laughed: "Do I have to sit on the chair all the time?"

The war horse, which was being scrubbed halfway by him, was covered in water, perhaps because he was dissatisfied with Abu's "inattentiveness", he trembled all over, and the water splashed everywhere, which immediately covered Abu all over.

"Wait! Wait! Wait!" Abu raised his hand to resist the splashing water, reached out to hold the rein, comforted the impatient horse, and said while brushing, "Sit for a while when you come, just sit on the railing over there. I have to clean up this guy first."

Abu used to graze cattle, and occasionally helped take care of horses. He is also very familiar with washing horses, and he has a lot of intimacy with these animals. Today happened to be time, so he didn't go out to mess around. Wash the stables quietly here.

Qin Ke shook his head and said with a smile, "I'll help you."

"Can you do it?" Abu was worried that Qin Ke would not be able to brush horses. The families of the two of them were not wealthy families, let alone clan nobles. What could not do with grooming horses, carrying water, going to the fields, and transplanting rice seedlings?

He was just worried that Qin Ke's legs were not healed yet. From the way Qin Ke walked slowly when he first came in, he could already guess how much Qin Ke's legs had improved.

"It's okay, it's not something drastic." Qin Ke walked over slowly, took another brush from the barrel, and brushed the horse's back very familiarly.

This war horse is different from other war horses. It is a serious northern wild horse. Its black hair is black and shiny, its bones are broad, and its figure is vigorous. It's just that the taming days are still short, and it looks a bit rebellious, but it may be because of its personality. , this horse is not very annoying, on the contrary, it has a bit of child-like naughtiness.

Every class, the students of Taixuetang decide who can ride him by guessing fists, and it has never failed to show amazing speed. When he runs, it is like a gust of black wind.

Thus, he had the name "Black Wind".

Under Qin Ke and Abu's scrubbing, Heifeng's horse's eyes showed a bit of enjoyment, he sneezed, and shook his fluffy mane.Just at this moment, Qin Ke's chest twitched a few times, and Xiao Hei woke up unexpectedly at this moment, with a small head protruding from his collar.

Hei Feng happened to see it, staring at the lizard who was much smaller than him with his big eyes, his eyes showed some doubts.

Xiao Hei was not at all afraid of the tall man in front of him who seemed to be able to stomp it to death with one foot, but there was a bit of disdain in his eyes.

Hei Feng also understands human nature. He was naturally very displeased to be looked at by Xiao Hei with such eyes. He raised his head proudly and let out a long hiss at Xiao Hei, as if to show his strength. With tit-for-tat confrontation, there seems to be a bit of gunpowder in the air.

Xiao Hei looked at it quietly for a long time, perhaps feeling tired, he opened his small mouth and let out a soft cry.

It was just an unbearable noise.

The pride in Heifeng's eyes suddenly turned into panic. Its four hooves trampled on the ground vigorously, and its whole body kept retreating. The stable is only so big, where can he retreat?Soon, its huge buttocks touched the railing, and under the push of its strong four hooves, the hay on the ground of the stable stirred, and the railing also let out a sharp groan.

Chapter 191 Pastry and Thanks

"Black Wind! Black Wind..." Qin Ke and Abu shouted in unison, but they couldn't figure out what was going on at all. They could only hold Hei Feng's rein in a daze, and tugged hard.

But the terrified Heifeng completely ignored the shouts of the two, and stepped back desperately on all fours.

The railings of the stable couldn't withstand its strong body, so he broke through the straw ropes tied to the railings, and immediately jumped up on the field in the middle of the stable.

Qin Ke and Abu couldn't control the strange power from the northern wild horse, so they could only grit their teeth to support it. Abra pulled the rein, stepped on the ground with both legs, and paused, his whole body was like an old tree with roots.

But Qin Ke turned over and jumped on the horseback.

Hei Feng had already removed the saddle, and his body was covered with a lot of water. Qin Ke could only clamp the horse's belly firmly, and then stretched out his hand to stroke the horse's neck.He had the experience of frightening the horse last time, and he also learned a lot of ways to calm the horse. After repeated attempts, the black wind that had been churning has finally calmed down in the stable.

Seeing that Heifeng finally returned to normal, Abu finally breathed a sigh of relief, he stretched out his hand to support Qin Ke who had just got off the horse, and said with a wry smile: "After all, it is still a wild horse, and its temperament is really hard to figure out. Next time, the railings will have to be replaced with iron chains."

Qin Ke gasped heavily, looked at Heifeng struggling and said: "I'm more worried about my legs..."

Abu was startled, and then remembered that Qin Ke is actually still a sick person, so he quickly let go of the rein and went to check Qin Ke's legs.

"Don't worry." Qin Ke looked at Abu's anxious look, forced a smile, and said, "I just used some force, and now it hurts a little, but the imperial doctor also said that my bones have basically grown, so I'm fine."

"I still have to see the doctor again. If something goes wrong, I have to interrupt the reconnection at that time, which is even more troublesome. I used to see soldiers in the army being reconnected, and the pain was so painful that the three of them couldn't hold it back." " Abu said worriedly.

Qin Ke knew that Abu was also concerned, so he nodded, but how could the imperial physician be so easy to invite?Those gray-haired old immortals, every time they enter an imperial school, they are arrogant, and they don't even sell Huang Hansheng's face. If it weren't for the order from the palace, a person like him with no size and fame would definitely No such treatment.

Before the imperial doctor comes to the imperial academy for a diagnosis next time, it is better to find a quack doctor to have a look, anyway, the difference is not big.

Qin Ke lowered his head slightly, saw Xiao Hei looking up at him, and couldn't help smiling: "What's wrong? You care about me too?"

Xiao Hei withdrew his gaze, no matter how he looked at it, he looked like "it's none of my business", which made Qin Ke feel depressed for a while, and then he glanced at Hei Feng with a condescending expression, probably thinking about this Why was the stupid big guy so unafraid, jumped on the momentum, and landed on Hei Feng's body.

Heifeng's whole body trembled suddenly, but he didn't dare to move at all, so he could only let Abu lead him back to the stable, while Xiaohei got into the black mane on his horse's head and fell asleep comfortably .

And Qin Ke and A Bu brushed their horses until they were about the same, so they put down their brushes. Just at this time, someone came in from outside the stable. Qin Ke thought it was a classmate of the Imperial Academy, and said with a smile: "Pour out the tank outside. , there is still water in the tank inside."

However, when he raised his head, he was suddenly stunned.

It is indeed his classmate, but this person is not any face that appeared in the Imperial Academy recently.

Zhang Mingqi.

Qin Ke also got along with Zhang Mingqi in Wu County for some days. Although it would not completely change his mind, Zhang Mingqi's dedication to the disaster victims really surprised him a little.

How did this original rich young master change into a person who cares for the common people?

Zhang Mingqi also looked at him, he knew very well in his heart that it was not because he cared about the people, but because he himself was one of the thousands of people.

Abu was cleaning the barn, when he heard the voice coming out, he said with a smile: "Ah, Ake. You don't know yet. Zhang Mingqi is going back to Taixue to attend classes today, but he is still serving in the military, and he has to go back to the barracks from time to time. According to reports, he happened to be here today, so I asked him to help wash the horses together."

Qin Ke nodded, Zhang Mingqi didn't say anything, just picked up two buckets of water and poured them into the vat outside the stable.In the past, even though he had the strength as a practitioner, he would never do this kind of rough work.

In this stinky stable, he used a big brush to wash horses one by one, and finally made his whole body covered in sweat and water. This kind of work, what should he, a young master, do?Anyway, as long as there is silver, people are willing to wash horses for him.

I think he spent a lot of money in the brothel back then, but now, he can't even get ten taels of silver on him, let alone change his father to a better residence.

The middle of the family is weak, and the huge family property is all filled with the treasury. This incident completely destroyed his father. Now he is 50 years old, but he is like an old man in his dying years. He coughs every day. Every time Zhang Mingqi hears it, he can't help but I was worried for a while.

After the work was done, he became leisurely, feeling a little overwhelmed.He was given a holiday in the camp today, and all the courses in Taixuetang had been finished, so what should he do?

go home?

But what he is most afraid of now is to go home to that dilapidated house and see the cramped eyes and his father coughing one after another.

Naturally, he can only be alone in a daze, killing time like this. In the past, he still had a lot of fun to find: going to the theater to book a venue, going to a brothel to drink, playing polo at a horse farm outside the city, or dating a few friends. The two sons of a family went hunting in the woods together... But now, those things are as far away from him as the previous life.

"Here." Just as he finished pouring the water and was sitting on the haystack staring into the distance in a daze, Abu came to his side, with a few pieces of light yellow pastries lying flat on his open hands, glowing A floral scent.

Zhang Mingqi felt a little familiar, and after careful confirmation, he was sure that the words on the pastry were exactly what he had often seen before.

"Hongfuji's cakes." Abu smiled slightly: "Please accompany me to brush the horses today. You are carrying water and sweeping the floor. I can only use this to express it. Don't be too little..." Speaking of which, Abu A little embarrassed, "I don't have much money, Hong Fu Ji's cakes are really expensive..."

Hong Fu Ji, the pastries made there were one of Zhang Mingqi's favorite things to eat before. Naturally, he bought a lot at home and used them as refreshments everywhere.Occasionally, he would bring many of them to Taixuetang for those gentry children who had a good relationship with him to eat. It's not easy.

It's just that those noble children who used to laugh and laugh with him now keep a distance from him because of what happened in his family, for fear that the fire in his house will burn them. Those who were closest to him even secretly talk about him.

Listening to those swear words, if he hadn't recognized his identity already, he might have rushed up and fought with them.

But now, looking at the pastry in Abu's hands, the sadness in his heart is getting stronger, and the surface is still calm.

"Are you pitying me?" Zhang Mingqi raised his eyebrows indifferently.

Abu was startled, he didn't expect Zhang Mingqi to say that, he hurriedly said: "Don't get me wrong..."

"If you don't eat, I will." Qin Ke walked over from the side, staring and said: "Who pity you, we just want to thank you, we heard that you like this pastry, so we pooled some money to buy it. In this way, we have collected half a month's monthly money."

"Ake...don't say that." Abu frowned.

Qin Ke snorted, stretched out his hand and threw his share into his mouth, feeling the aroma of orchids wafting in his mouth, until he swallowed, he opened his mouth in satisfaction: "But this is really delicious. , sweet, fragrant and soft, it melts in the mouth, it is worse than meat buns...but...it's easy to get tired after eating too much...it's not as good as meat buns..."

"If you eat too much meat buns, you'll get tired of them." Abu said with a smile, "It's you who have always had a soft spot for meat buns."

"Maybe... this is my destiny?" Qin Ke laughed, and sat on a tall haystack with his hands on his hands, his legs dangling casually.

Abu also sat on the haystack, and continued to pass the pastries over, saying: "Let's eat some first. You should be hungry after doing so much work. There is still an hour before the meal, let's make some cushions first."

Zhang Mingqi looked at the pastry in Abu's hand, remained silent for a long time, and finally stretched out his hand.

He took a bite of the pastry into his mouth, but a bean-sized teardrop fell down like this, hit the tiger's mouth where he was holding the pastry, and smashed into pieces.

He chewed the sweetness in his mouth, but his heart was full of pain.

"Thank you." He said softly.

Chapter 192 The City Gate

Five days later.

The horseshoes collided one after another on the flat road of Jianye City, and the sound of "treading and treading" was very clear. In the streets full of pedestrians, Qin Ke rode a tall war horse all the way, attracting countless passers-by. Can't help but look sideways.

Although the war horses promised by Canghai to Jingwu have already arrived in Jingwu, there is no such a large horse farm in Jianye City, so a horse farm was built in a wide area outside Jianye City, specially used to accommodate war horses and breed horses foal.

In just a few years, these improved horse breeds from the northern barbarian war horses will grow up, galloping on the battlefield and making great achievements under the crotch of Qingzhou ghost riders.

And this batch of war horses is the next focus of Jingwu. Gao Changgong directly stationed [-] Jingwu troops plus [-] Qingzhou ghost riders, enclosing the camp like an iron barrel, and it is even more impossible to let anyone in to watch and taste.

Naturally, in Jianye City, there are still a few who can have the tall war horses of the Northern Man.Therefore, it is common sense that the black wind under Qin Ke's crotch can attract so much attention.

Heifeng obviously feels good about this new horseshoe, his feet are like the wind, and the horse's hips twist and turn, like a child who got a new toy.Qin Ke was also happy to see this naughty black horse so happy, and let it gallop forward happily.

And on top of Hei Feng's head where the horse's mane is lush, there is a tiny lizard lying on its stomach, basking in the sun with its eyes closed, drowsy, whoever it is if it's not Xiao Hei.

"Why do you like sleeping on people's heads so much now?" Qin Ke looked at Xiao Hei and couldn't help laughing, "Is it because of how soft the hair is?"

Xiao Hei also ignored him, he seemed to be getting more and more assertive now, he just lay on Hei Feng's head and continued to sleep.

"This time, Lord Gongjin helped borrow the black wind... I will return the black wind when the time comes, so you can only go to sleep in the stable." Qin Ke teased, actually thinking about the black wind in his clothes. He had stayed in the chest position for several months, and leaving suddenly made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Raising his head, looking at the city cave where pedestrians were constantly pouring in, Qin Ke got off his horse, took out the token from his arms, led Hei Feng, and approached the guards who were checking the road citation documents.

"You, your bow is not allowed." The guard was frowning, looking at the common people dressed as hunters, "Jianye City has a law, and a bow with a stone is not allowed to be brought into the city. Your ox horn bow is no longer in compliance with the law, or You just keep it with me, or you go back and come back tomorrow, remember not to bring this thing." Speaking of this, he looked at Orion suspiciously, "Can you pull such a heavy bow?"

His suspicion is not unreasonable. Although the Orion in front of him has a big bone, he is not very strong, and his face is slightly fat. He is probably not a ruthless person who can go up the mountain to hunt tigers and leopards. What are you doing with this bow?As for those short bows purely for hunting hares, pheasants, and roe deer, anyway, he didn't bother to take care of them, so he could bring them whenever he wanted.

Orion also had a sad expression on his face. He stroked the ox horn bow in his hand and said, "Master, you have good eyesight. How can I draw this bow? It was made by my father. He was a craftsman before his death. A good skill at making bows. As a son, I don’t live up to expectations. I didn’t succeed in my studies. I can only be a hunter. Recently, the prey in the mountains is a little less, and a child is born at home, and I lack money to buy some things. If you take me This bow has been buckled, what can I sell it for?”

The guard still frowned, and said: "If you want to sell bows, you can set up a stall outside the city gate. Why go into the city?"

"Those people outside the door are selling scrap metal..." Orion was full of expectation, stroking the smooth bow of the bullhorn bow, "This is a good thing... only those old men in the city can buy it." Knowing the goods, outside, those people want to take my bow for only a tael of silver. If I sell it like this, I don’t know how to see my father after I die! Master, you are accommodating... Please. "

There was already a long queue at the gate of the city, and countless people were waiting to enter the city. The people behind saw Orion spending so much time alone, and were immediately a little unhappy, and a few curses came over.

"Hey! In the front, if you are not allowed to enter, you will not be allowed to enter. What are you talking about there! You can't buy a broken bow for a tael of silver? Are you still looking for the old man? I think you are a charlatan! Hurry up! Get out of the way, we are still in a hurry to enter the city!"

"That's it!"

The guard looked at the Orion with tears in his eyes, and felt a little embarrassed. The common people don't know the quality of bows and arrows, but he has been in the army for many years. Although he didn't become a general, he has an appreciation for these bows and crossbows. The hunter's father was a craftsman somewhere, but even he might not be able to draw half of this bow, and only those warriors in the army can exert the power of this bow, and it is sold outside the door. Something is wrong.

But the law is a law after all, common people are not allowed to bring a stone crossbow into the city, if he dared to let this person into the city easily, he will have to bear any problems at that time, he is a small pawn, how can he afford it?

Just at this time, he heard the loud sneezing sound of the war horse, the sound of trampling came to his ears, and then a young man's slightly immature voice: "Sell it to me?"

The guard turned his head, saw Qin Ke's cheek clearly, was slightly taken aback, and Qin Ke was also taken aback, the two looked at each other for a while, Qin Ke suddenly found that the guard in front of him was the one who checked him when he entered the city The corporal chief of the clerk, who had been away for many days, could see this old face again. Qin Ke, who had experienced many things, couldn't help showing a smile.

In fact, when Gao Changgong went out of the city that day, the corporal leader was also there. He had seen Qin Ke following behind Gao Changgong a long time ago, and now he saw Qin Ke again, with a smile on his face: "My lord."

"My lord?" Qin Ke was stunned, but quickly realized that it was the black wind behind him that gave the guard a wrong judgment. Northern barbarian army horses are rare, and those who can ride are either rich or expensive, and more are The generals in the army and the natural guards also regarded him as an adult.

"I'm not an adult, it's me, it's me." Qin Ke pointed to his face, "When I first entered the city that day, you were still checking my documents. My name is Qin Ke, call me The name will do."

"I know the humble job." The corporal also had a smile on his face, "But now you are not what you used to be, and the humble job is still the humble job, how can you still be called an equal?"

"It's not what it used to be..." Qin Ke smiled wryly, what is his cultivation?But even if he took a step forward in cultivation, he is still not a big shot, right?Or is it about his status as a student in the Imperial Academy?But students are just a group of students, although everyone knows that they will have a bright future in the future, but before that day, they are just commoners, without any fame, what kind of adults are they?

"You can still call me by my name. I'm not an adult. I'm neither an official nor a general. I'm just a commoner." Qin Ke said solemnly, then turned his head, looked at Orion, and said, "This..."

Orion hurriedly raised his hands in a bow, and said, "My lord, Lou Pu, my villain."

"I'm really not an adult." Qin Ke said dumbfoundedly, "How much do you plan to sell this bow for?"

Anyway, it was Zhuge Wanling who paid for the "archery" class in the Imperial Academy for so long. On the way to Tang, if you meet a thief, sometimes bows and arrows are better than swords. Hunting always comes in handy.

Zhuge Wanling said that he mentioned Jingwu, so he should not carry too much shadow of the Jingwu military on his body. Bows and crossbows are standard in Jingwu, and they can be seen at a glance, so he has to buy them himself. Now he wears With a lot of money, he changed from a poor ghost to a "little rich man" almost overnight. Buying a bow is never a problem.

"My lord. You can give it to me..." Orion glanced sideways at the tall and strong northern barbarian war horse, secretly dumbfounded, darling, this is not a mount that ordinary people can have, although there have been horse dealers coming to the north in recent years , but after all, the number is rare, and the shape of the horses is by no means as tall and strong as Heifeng.

With such a war horse, it wouldn't be a problem to sell it for a few hundred gold in those officials' homes, right?For a grassroots person like him, a few hundred gold is enough for his family to have enough food and clothing for a lifetime, and even his son, his grandson...

And this "adult" is so young, could it be that he is a new generation of general in the army?Or are they the children of those gentry nobles?

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