Chapter 193 Qingzhou Ghost Rider

When Orion was secretly guessing Qin Ke's identity, Qin Ke tilted his head and murmured: "You said, let's see..."

Of course, Qin Ke doesn't understand the market of bows and arrows. Let him watch and give them. He really doesn't know what price to give. He can only pretend to know how to know. After all, although he has some money in his pocket, he can He is not a spendthrift in his heart, and the poor time in the past has already taken root in his heart. Although he wants to help that hunter now, it doesn't mean he is willing to be blackmailed foolishly.

Stretching out his hand to hold the broad ox horn bow, Taixuetang taught him the skill of looking at the bow, and he felt the smooth curve of the ox horn bow and the arc of the foot that can exert the power to the extreme, he let go of the rein, and pulled his hands suddenly bow!

For the first time, Qin Ke had already pulled the bow halfway. The strength of this bow was surprisingly great. It was even better than those good bows from the Imperial Academy. He was slightly happy in his heart. The range can go up to [-] steps!

Both Orion and Corporal's eyes lit up. They never thought that a person of Qin Ke's age could have such powerful strength and could easily pull this hard bow. Moreover, they could tell from the expression on Qin Ke's face It can be seen that he still has a lot of energy left.

And as the qi and blood in Qin Ke's body swelled, the muscles of his arms became hard as iron in an instant, he took a deep breath, and stretched the horn bow to its full capacity.

The bow is like a full moon.

At this time, Orion and Wuchang's eyes were already wide-eyed, and the crowd on the side also let out a sound of exclamation. They didn't expect that Qin Ke could really draw the bow, and Wuchang thought of Qin Ke's first bow. The weak look he entered the city for the first time did not look like a warrior who could use a strong bow...

... I am afraid that only Qi and blood practitioners can achieve this level.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the two of them became even more reverent.

Practitioners of qi and blood say that there are not many, and that there are not many, but compared with ordinary people, they are not very common after all.

After a while, Qin Ke slowly released the horn bow, and said with satisfaction: "Not bad."

"It's better for you to bid. If I said it was low, it would appear that I bullied you." Qin Ke pretended to be calm. To be honest, he didn't know what the price of the bow was. He said this, seemingly grand, but in fact he created a price for himself. A kind of "expert" appearance, others see that he is not a layman, so naturally they dare not charge high prices.

This trick was learned when he followed Uncle Ji to the town to buy beef.

Orion hasn't recovered from Qin Ke's heroic appearance just now, but when he heard Qin Ke's words, his heart trembled, he looked at Qin Ke's appearance carefully, and said gratefully: "My lord...the villain is so bold... 30 taels of silver?"

"Hey..." Before Qin Ke could speak, the corporal took a deep breath, "You really dare to speak, a bow is 30 taels of silver, for hunting, how much can your family sell leather for a month?" Money? Can I exchange it for three taels of silver?"

"I can't change it." Orion shook his head, but he still said firmly, "But my bow is indeed a treasure of my family. If it wasn't for the birth of a baby at home, and spending money to hire a doctor when it was difficult, I would definitely not sell this bow. ...Even if I can't draw it, it is always a thought to have a good bow to pass on to my family."

Qin Ke nodded. There are also hunters in Daoxiang Village. They pass on their good bows from generation to generation. On the one hand, hunting bows cannot be made casually. On the other hand, it is also a thought in the hearts of the hunters. In the future, when one's children are promising and able to excel in martial arts, they should always have a handy weapon at that time.

"30 taels is 30 taels." Qin Ke nodded, reached into his bosom and took out three ingots of silver, one ingot of ten taels, and handed it to Orion, "I will take this bow."

"Okay...thank you, sir." Orion was ecstatic. In fact, 30 taels is already a very good price. Although he went to the city to find those official lords, he might be able to sell them for a better price, but those official lords usually don't pay much. Playing with bows, just like using things like this as decorations.No matter how good the bow is, it will inevitably be covered with dust. In addition, these nobles have no way to maintain it. Even the best bow will deteriorate after a long time. For the officials and gentlemen, the worst thing is to throw it away and buy a new one. For him, it's always not a taste.

Now the good bow belongs to Qin Ke, a young talent, his heart is burning hot, he took a last look at the ox horn bow, and thought, father, the child is not filial, but the bow you made, I think you have found a good owner .

After Orion left, Qin Ke reached out and inserted the bow back into the bow bag made of animal skin, and carried it on his back. Then he took out the token in his belt, handed it to the captain and said, "I want to go out of the city, please record it. ?”

The corporal stared blankly at the token in Qin Ke's hand, with a wry smile all over his face, thinking that you still said that you are not an adult, but the token in your hand can only be obtained by the confidant of General Gao Changgong in the Jingwu Army something...

He said helplessly: "My lord, why do you want to have fun with me?"

"What do you mean?" Qin Ke was puzzled.

"In your capacity, you need to record where you enter and exit the city gate." The corporal leader still wanted to say a few more words, but there were bursts of horseshoes from the city gate not far away.

Qin Ke held Heifeng's rein and felt that Heifeng was calm as usual.I don't know what's going on, but Heifeng's personality is usually very naughty, active, and he has to react when encountering something, but as soon as Xiaohei climbs on its head to sleep, it is as quiet as a dedicated dog. soldiers.

Qin Ke looked up, and there was a troop of cavalry galloping outside the door. They were wearing black armor, their swords slumped down, and their steps were well-regulated.

They also wore a layer of armor on their faces, and their masks were portrayed as ghosts, which looked extremely hideous.

The first person seemed to be different, sitting on a red northern barbarian war horse, galloping like a ball of flames.

"Qingzhou Ghost Riders!" Countless civilians looked at this menacing cavalry army with a bit of fear on their faces, but they were quickly replaced by fanaticism.

It was this terrible cavalry army, under the leadership of Gao Changgong, who once attacked the city and pulled out the stronghold, and swept across the territory of the Tang State, which kept the peaceful days of the Jingwu people.

Naturally, this cavalry army has been deified in their hearts. Even though their faces are ferocious and they carry a murderous aura that seems to come from hell, they are still fascinating like gods descended from heaven.

Qin Ke looked at the knight on the back of the red horse with complicated eyes. He lifted his visor, revealing his young face, and glanced at Qin Ke slightly from the side. His eyes were as cold as those on the field of military exercises that day. .

With just one glance, he pulled down his helmet again, and then led the Qingzhou Ghost Riders behind him, and the line was like a whirlwind passing through the hall, and soon turned into a small spot on the street.

"Sun Qing..." Qin Ke whispered the name.

He never thought that seeing Sun Qing again would be like this.

Obviously, after winning the military exercise, Sun Qing got the title of lieutenant general as he wished, and entered Qingzhou Ghost Rider. Looking at the direction he was going, it was the military camp in Jianye City. It seemed that he had just returned from executing a military order.

"With his strength...he is indeed competent." Qin Ke nodded with some conviction, but thinking that the distance between himself and Sun Qing seemed to have widened a lot, this made him feel down all of a sudden.

But soon he adjusted his mentality again. Anyway, he never planned to join the army, let alone occupy a place in the Jingwu Army or the court, so what if there is some distance from Sun Qing?

Anyway, he only came here to find his master. When he found his master and everything settled, they could go back to Daoxiang Village together...

Even though Jianye City is as prosperous as a beautiful city, there is a saying that "this place is my hometown", and only Daoxiang Village is his home. Even if there is no meat bun to eat, it is still the place where he can feel most peaceful.

"You see." Wu Zhang pointed to the Qingzhou Ghost Rider who had gone away, "The inspection at the gate of the city... is only aimed at the common people and businessmen, like the old man just now, he wouldn't even look at us at all. .”

"But I'm not an adult." Qin Ke finally explained with a wry smile.

But the corporal frowned, no matter how you looked at it, his face was full of disbelief, Qin Ke didn't say any more, put the token back in his pocket with one hand, turned on the horse, shook the reins, and the black wind neighed, and ran away. To the direction of Jiujiang City.

Chapter 194

There are three major cities in Jingwu. As the capital of the country, Jianye City is naturally the largest, and because it is the center of Jingwu's power, it also has the largest number of troops stationed there. Although Qin Ke has never entered a military camp, he also knows that there are [-] people in Qingzhou City in Jianye City. The Ghost Riders and the [-] Jingwu Infantry Army were in different barracks, forming corners to defend the royal city.

Jiujiang City is in the north of Jianye City. Although it is inferior to Jingwu, it has an open terrain and unimpeded traffic. There are also four large saltwater lakes. The salt produced every year is enough to supply one-third of Jingwu.Nine water veins flow from inside and outside the city, and big ships come and go on the water every day, hence the name of Jiujiang City.

Sitting on the advantage of fish and salt ships, Jiujiang City naturally became the largest commercial center in Jingwu.

If Jianye City is said to be a place where rich and powerful gather, then Jiujiang City is a place where merchants gather.

At that time, Zhang Mingqi's father, Zhang Tong, was just a small businessman who inherited his father's business, but with his business acumen, he became one of the largest businessmen in Wu State after ten years in Jiujiang City, and later donated Jing Wu's armaments. , After Jing Wu Jianguo won the title of noble and official, and entered the court, it can be regarded as shining.

Even though Zhang Tong has now been dismissed from his official position, his title has been cut off, and his family property has been confiscated, his affairs are still talked about in Jiujiang City.For every merchant who entered Jiujiang City, what they think most in their hearts is how to become rich. Zhang Tong is undoubtedly a role model for them to learn from.

So what if people die for money and birds die for food?

"It's so lively." Qin Ke led the horse and walked in Jiujiang City, feeling the streets that were more crowded than Jianye City, surrounded by people's voices, vendors with stalls everywhere on both sides of the road, yelling loudly in clear voices.

The route Zhou Gongjin prepared for Qin Ke was to go to the Tang Kingdom with the caravan. Although Jiayuju was destroyed, there were spies set up by Zhuge Wanling in the Tang Kingdom, who kept collecting information about the artifacts in the Tang Kingdom. Ke also made up for these businessmen's affairs during this period, so as not to reveal too many flaws sometimes, so he knows a lot about these businessmen's affairs.

Most of these are small merchants from other countries. They don't have much capital, and it is impossible for them to lead the fleet to unload and load cargo at the port like those big cargo merchants. But they also have some ingenuity: big business If you can’t do it, buy some small items from Tang Kingdom, Canghai Kingdom or even the Great Wall, such as: bone flute, wolf teeth, sandalwood, jewelry...

These things are easy to move around, and you only need a bag to take them away. In addition, it is not common in Jingwu. Naturally, some merchants are willing to accept goods from them and sell them in some cities in Jingwu. When the capital in hand is sufficient, you can consider starting a larger business, and making a fortune is just around the corner.

Although the journey is far and wide, it may not be smooth. In troubled times, bandits are rampant. Most of the big bandits have settled with those rich and big businessmen. They only need to pay the "protection fee" every time, and they can lead a huge caravan across the road. .And the little bandits didn't dare to rob these big merchants, so they only dared to start with these merchants who were like rootless duckweed.

Among the mountains and forests, I don't know how many dead bones there are.

"Blood Demon Fang! Blood Demon Fang!" While Qin Ke was meditating, a merchant's shout came from his ear.

Blood Demon Fang?Qin Ke has seen Mulan, Su Dingfang and those burly soldiers from the Great Wall, and knows that the strength of the Great Wall is enough to rival any country in the world today, but such an iron army has maintained extremely high battle losses on the Great Wall every year. I don't know what the beasts and blood demons from the "unknown land" look like.

Thinking of this, Qin Ke led Heifeng and slowly approached the vendor.

At this moment, many people surrounded Hong Shang, each with their own expressions, but they were all commenting on Blood Demon Yam.Qin Ke's gaze passed through the shoulders of everyone, and he was surprised at first when he saw dozens of fangs scattered on the stall.

These teeth may not be big, but they are not small. Each tooth is as thick as an adult's index finger and pale as snow, but the sharpness is far more terrifying than anyone imagined. When the vendor carefully held a tooth at the end , scratched a piece of linen with the sharp end, and the linen almost didn't make any tearing sound, and it was already cut in two. When he found another stone, he put his fangs against the stone, and then used another A stone knocks at the end.

The fangs savagely broke through the hard stone, like a nail, sinking deeply inside.

He struggled for a long time, but he still couldn't pull out the fangs. He simply took another stone and knocked it several times. Finally, he smashed the stone open. The fangs inside were not damaged at all, and the tip was still as sharp as a needle. .

Qin Ke took a deep breath. With such teeth alone, he could feel the horror of a beast like a blood demon. What's more frightening is that a beast like a blood demon never acts alone. How on earth did the power of the Great Wall fight against this kind of musk for thousands of years?

After finishing the demonstration, the merchant smiled and said to everyone: "Everyone, take a look. I bought this specially at the Great Wall. This blood demon slipped through the Great Wall after being injured. Died at the door of a farmer's house, and I spent a long time with my fellow villagers before collecting it. On the other side of the Great Wall, this is a good military supply... You can also see that this blood demon tooth is extremely sharp, Even refined iron may not be comparable. Of course, this thing can be made into an arrow or a hidden weapon. Even if it doesn’t work, it can also be made into jewelry to hang evil spirits. Don’t you think it’s worth it? A piece of silver, is it expensive?"

Two taels of silver is enough to be said to be the income of an ordinary family for a month. If it is said that it is buying all the teeth, everyone thinks it is affordable, but it can be said that two taels of silver is not expensive. Naturally, it seems a bit ridiculous .

The people around shook their heads for a while, and some people sneered: "It's just a few teeth, two taels of silver, why don't you grab them?"

The merchant was not angry, but said: "Guys, I don't force myself, buy if you want, and let go if you don't want to. Good things are not afraid that no one will know the goods." At this point, he continued to shout at the top of his voice, " Blood Demon Fang!"

A moment later, Qin Ke led the horse and walked on the bustling street, looking at the bundle of blood demon teeth in his hand, he smiled wryly.

He didn't know how he bought these blood demon teeth by mistake. Although the merchant finally gave him a half discount, one tael of silver for each, twelve blood devil teeth still cost him 12 taels.

Maybe it's because I just bought a good bow and just needed to buy some arrows?So what is the difference between this and those big girls who bought a hairpin and rushed to buy matching skirts and embroidered shoes?

Qin Ke shook his head, trying his best to throw this awkward thought out of the blue.

It's just a pot of arrows to go to the armory shop, and it's only two taels of silver. Although these blood demon teeth are powerful when made into arrows, Qin Ke always feels that he is a little impulsive.

"I should have asked Brother Su for some..." Qin Ke muttered, "He came from the Great Wall, and he might have a lot of these things with him... But I heard that the blood of this blood demon is poisonous, I don't know Will there be some toxins on these teeth?"

After all, after buying everything, it is impossible to return these teeth. Qin Ke took a last look at these white fangs, and simply stuffed them all into the bottom of the bag without thinking about it.

When he gradually penetrated into Jiujiang City, what he saw was naturally a variety of shops.

He asked someone for directions, and the person had a strange expression after listening to Qin Ke's narration, and even responded with a very ambiguous look in his eyes, which made Qin Ke very puzzled.

And when he walked eastward for about two miles according to what the man said, and then turned into another street...he finally understood the meaning of that look.

Here are... countless brothels.

After all, Qin Ke has seen the bustling people like Jianye Dadu, so he won't be too surprised to see this scene. He thinks that merchants are busy all year round, from south to north, from west to east, eating and sleeping on the road, passing mountains You have to beware of bandits when you are in the city, and when you finally come to Jiujiang City, you will want to "relax" for a while.

With these merchants who are willing to spend a lot of money, the brothels and gardens in this city are naturally very "appropriate" like bamboo shoots after the rain, breaking through the ground one after another. Absolutely, I don’t know how many blocks it covers...

Chapter 195 I'm Not Here

Probably because there is a charcoal stove in the room, Qin Ke looked at the women who were smiling at him on the attic, their delicate collarbones and smooth shoulders were exposed, which was enough to make a young man like him a bit confused At a loss, he hastily withdrew his gaze and lowered his head.

Those women laughed coquettishly. They are so smart, they can naturally see how extraordinary the black horse Qin Ke is leading, and what he holds in his hand is the long sword that Gao Changgong gave him "Bodhisattva", the tassel of the sword is swaying in the wind, it is extraordinary, these two things are enough to prove that Qin Ke is not an ordinary person, and such a person has a lot of money in his pocket.

Some bold women already waved their hands at Qin Ke, their voices were soft and soft like a murmur: "Young master, come in and sit down! I have good tea here, so it would be good to sit and listen to the piano."

Speaking of listening to the piano... Those who are familiar with the industry will naturally know what will happen next.

Qin Ke was considered to have "made a big fuss" in the brothel at the beginning, but at that time it was forced by the situation, and he had pursuers from both sides. Zhang Mingqi and those gentry children insisted on a posture of not giving up until they were beaten up, which led to He has no time to take care of Yingying Yanyan in the brothel.

But now, he looked up at the name of the brothel: Lan Yuxuan, and immediately cursed that fellow Gao Yishui in his heart: What song and dance workshop... The name is elegant, but this is obviously a big brothel!

He finally understood why the eyes of the person who told him the way were full of ambiguity. It seems that the "Wanhualou" and "Yihongyuan" that Mr. Laishu said were all nonsense. Nowadays, all brothels are elegant, who would Take such a vulgar name.

And Gao Yishui is a luthier in such a place, how corrupt is his life these days?

Biting his lip, he hesitated for a while, and finally made up his mind, led Hei Feng, brought his own "Bodhisattva", and bowed his head with a tragic determination of "I will serve anyone who dares to stop me". Just rushed to Lan Yuxuan.

"Hey, hey, this young master..." The bustard who was standing in front of the door to greet the guests hurriedly stopped him, but was bumped into his arms by Qin Ke. The strong fragrance made Qin Ke sneezed. At the beginning, staring at the old bustard, she was distraught and indignant: "What are you doing!"

The old bustard was startled by his yelling, and looked at the young master carefully... No matter how you look at it, he looks like a master with a background, why is he so anxious to enter a brothel?

Could it be that it's a baby?

She looked into Qin Ke's eyes more carefully. Speaking of which, she was also popular in the past. When she was the top card, those Yingying and Yanyan upstairs were probably still babbling.

And many years of experience in watching people let her see at a glance that Qin Ke is not a knowledgeable master, coupled with his blushing and dodging eyes... he must be an innocent young child!

Thinking of this, she was overjoyed immediately, and quickly put on a smile all over her face. The crow's feet carved in the corners of her eyes seemed to emit fire-like enthusiasm over the years. This is a big fat sheep, and it has to be slaughtered. Fan... bah... so good to entertain...

"Young master, you can't just go in like this." The old bustard said with a smile.

"What's wrong with me?" Qin Ke stared blankly at the old bustard, wondering if it's because his linen clothes made people feel shabby?Probably yes.

Look at those "benefactors" in Lan Yuxuan who are all well-dressed, either silk or brocade, jade pendants and jade rings can't wait to hang all over their waists, all of them are emerald green and jingling, like a handful of blue waves. His clothes were indeed too simple, and there was even a sense of poverty.

But the old bustard didn't think so, just kidding, my aunt and I have been in this song and swallow dance for half my life, even if I stuffed a cushion into my chest to make a fake, but our eyes are genuine!

Look at this Northern barbarian horse, I don't know how many officials and eunuchs can't buy it with gold and silver.And the long sword in his hand added a lot of luster to him, don't think that a dusty scabbard with no decorations can cover my old lady, the tassels hanging on the hilt and the ornaments are absolutely perfect It's not an ordinary thing, it looks like something that came out of the palace!

Isn't this a big shot?If my old lady misses it... today I can crash into this pillar to my death!

"Of course you can go in. Our store is big, but we never bully customers. Even if you are a commoner, if you want, you can come in and talk to girls." The guests in rags came in through this door. Those were the second-generation ancestors in Jianye City who liked to dress up as ordinary people. Some girls even liked this way of pretending to be pigs and tigers. It's lame...but who makes people rich and powerful!

All she thought about in her heart was how to cater to Qin Ke, and her eyes finally fell on Hei Feng.

"But you horse..." She hesitated, but the smile on her face didn't diminish at all.

Qin Ke also took a look at Hei Feng, Hei Feng was stupid and didn't move at all, of course Qin Ke also knew that it was because Xiao Hei fell asleep on top of his head, and he didn't dare to turn his head around: "My horse is fine. ah."

"Of course it's very good... very good..."

The old bustard cursed inwardly, nonsense, can the northern barbarian's horse be bad?Still smiling, he said: "Master, I misunderstood, I didn't mean that, you are very good, and your horse is also very good. But after all, this is a place for guests to have fun, isn't it? There is a stable in the back of the store, and there are special staff Take care, as long as you tell me, you can also give your horse a good wash. It is really inappropriate for you to lead the horse in directly."

"Oh...that's it." Qin Ke said a little shyly. His mind was blank just now, and he just wanted to lead Heifeng in. Now he was reminded, and he suddenly came to his senses.

His face was blushing a little hot, and he wished he could find a seam in the ground and get in right away.

After it was done like this, he didn't even have the intention to go in. Looking at the very kind face of the old bustard, he hesitated.

"Then...then I won't go in, this, this aunt," he couldn't think of how to address him for a moment, and it was hard to call him the old bustard directly, "I'm here to find someone, Gao Yishui, I heard that he is the luthier here, is he there?"

"Ah? Looking for someone?" The bustard felt lost, did the cooked duck just fly away?

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