"It's the old slave's fault." The old eunuch's old voice was extremely loving, "The old slave should have come in earlier, but I was just worried about disturbing the prime minister."

Only then did Zhuge Wanling concentrate his eyes, looked at the old eunuch, and said with a slight smile: "Now that you are not in front of people, you and I are not masters and servants, so there is no need to call them that."

The old eunuch shook his head: "The prime minister is the prime minister. And the slave... is just an old man in the palace. The slave has been used to things like superiority and inferiority for a lifetime, so it's better not to change."

Zhuge Wanling nodded slightly, not obsessed with it, but looked at the old eunuch in a daze, and asked softly: "Uncle Wang, do you think... am I a good person?"

The old eunuch stood quietly, but in the darkness, he seemed to be no longer stooped, and his thin body seemed taller: "The prime minister saved the people of Wu from the fire and water, established the capital of the country, and raised farmers, of course he is a good man. "

"But I still lied to that child." Zhuge Wanling said slightly melancholy: "Perhaps Liu De is right, I am a ruthless person, and to me, nothing is important..."

The old eunuch's expression remained unchanged, and he said respectfully: "The prime minister is also doing it for Qin Ke's good."

"I'm afraid not." Zhuge Wanling pinched the center of his brows, "I'm afraid it's just my wishful thinking to say that it's for his own good. Letting him participate in this matter is to push him into the fire pit. In the future, I'm afraid Taking risks is a must. Even if he is inconspicuous to those people now, there is no guarantee... When he goes deeper and deeper, he will not be noticed. At that time, how will he get out? Should I use other people to do it? ..."

"But the prime minister knows that even if you use other people, there will be no difference. This is the reason why I was willing to follow the prime minister...not avoiding relatives and estrangements, and treating them equally. It's what slaves want to see."

This old man who was once held by the stars in the aristocratic family, but was tortured in the palace, lived in the deep palace miserably, and became an eunuch, although his tone at this moment was understated, it was loud.

Outside the main hall, there was a wind blowing the treetops, and the cicadas seemed to be frightened, they stopped singing and hibernated.

Chapter 188 The Bun Shop

When Qin Ke pushed the wheelchair out of the palace gate, he heard a rooster crowing in the chicken shed. The sound was so loud that it seemed to go through the clouds, and the distant sky gradually turned gray.

"It's already this time." Qin Ke murmured, but Zhang Fu, who was waiting for him at the door, disappeared. A woman with no strength to restrain a chicken, alone, is not always a safe thing.

Thinking of this, he blamed himself for his carelessness, obviously he should let her go back to sleep directly.

But he looked around and saw Zhang Fu sitting under a big tree at the gate of the palace, leaning against the big tree and closing his eyes slightly, he felt relieved and slowly pushed the wheelchair forward.

Zhang Fu fell asleep.

In such a deep night, she had a peaceful smile on her face, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and the moonlight shone on her jet-black long hair, as if it had been covered with a layer of silver frost. .

A gust of cool wind blew by, she seemed to feel a little cold, her hands subconsciously put her arms around her shoulders, curled up like a shivering little mouse.

Qin Ke thought of the first time he saw Zhang Fu, she also fell asleep quietly on the wedding bed in King Shan Dawang's wedding room, which was full of bright red colors and hung with happy characters.

At that time, Qin Ke thought she was beautiful, more beautiful than all the girls in Daoxiang Village, but the situation was urgent, and the bandits outside the door were kicking the door that looked like it was going to collapse at any moment. He wasn't in the mood to take another look.

Then Zhang Fu followed them along the river all the way to Wu County, and from Wu County all the way back to Jianye City. These days, Qin Ke is also used to her existence, let alone paying much attention to her appearance.

"Zhang Fu..." Qin Ke whispered.

Zhang Fu was still sleeping soundly, breathing peacefully, as if this place was not under the tree outside the palace gate, but a warm bed at home.

"Zhang Fu." Qin Ke called out again, reaching out and gently touching Zhang Fu's shoulder.

Under his call, Zhang Fu slowly opened her sleepy eyes, but at the first moment she let out a cry of surprise, and then examined carefully and found that the black figure in front of her was none other than Qin Ke in a wheelchair. The face was red, and she stood up quickly.

"I'm sorry. I'm just a little tired from standing up. I wanted to sit here for a while, but I fell asleep." Zhang Fu murmured cowardly, looking like a child who had made a mistake.

Qin Ke shook his head, smiled and said, "It's not my fault. If I knew I would go in for so long, I should have let you go back before I entered the door. It's cold at night, you sleep here, if you suffer tomorrow The cold is not good."

He is, is he concerned about me?Zhang Fu's heart warmed slightly, and her voice became a little sweeter: "It's okay, I'll just go back and drink some ginger soup. When I was a child, every time I caught a cold, my mother would make ginger soup for me, add some brown sugar, and soon Enough."

The rooster crowed unwillingly.Zhang Fu looked at the sky, covered her mouth and exclaimed, "Ah, it's so late."

Qin Ke nodded, staring at the distance in a daze: "It should be so early. In another hour, it will be dawn by this day, right?"

It's dawn and another day has begun, but where is Master at this time?Is he in a certain corner, looking for traces of artifacts over mountains and mountains, or has he reached the "other side" that he has been pursuing all his life?

Zhang Fu looked at Qin Ke, felt his depressed mood, and her mood sank a lot, her cherry lips parted slightly, and she said softly: "What's wrong with you? Are you not happy in the palace? Prime Minister Zhuge... Did he scold you?"

Qin Ke shook his head and said, "I just can't figure out some things."

"What's the matter?" Zhang Fu asked hesitantly, "Although I don't know if I can help, it might make me feel better to talk about some things."

"No need. It's not a big deal." Qin Ke shrugged. Of course, Zhang Fu couldn't let Zhang Fu know about this matter. Maybe he had to hide it from more people. He pretended to be relaxed and said, "Let's go, tonight You are also tired, you can go back to catch up on sleep before it is bright."

Zhang Fu was a little disappointed, a woman's intuition is always sharp, and she was born in a wealthy family, and she frequently went to and from the court.

Maybe in Qin Ke's heart, he is still an outsider?

Biting her lip, she thought for a moment, then suddenly said, "Shall I take you somewhere?"

"Where are you going?" Qin Ke looked at her strangely. It was not a big deal for him to stay up all night, but Zhang Fu suddenly proposed to take him to a place at this moment when he should be the most sleepy. , What kind of medicine is she selling in this gourd?

After thinking about it a few times, Qin Ke still nodded. Anyway, almost everyone in the city is sleeping at the moment. Even if he goes back to the Imperial Academy, he can only get under the covers and lie dead. In his current situation, I can't sleep at all, so why not go for a walk with Zhang Fu.

The wheelchair rolled slowly on the Qingshi Road in Jianye City. A man and a woman moved forward slowly in the gradually fading night. The water in Jianye City continued to flow along the river, and some swimming fish jumped out of the water and quickly followed the water flow. Dive into the mud.

Along the way, the two talked softly about interesting things in Wu County. Although Zhang Fu's laughter was restrained, it was still as clear and sweet as a silver bell, floating in the light mist in the morning.

To Qin Ke's surprise, the owner of the steamed stuffed bun shop opened very early today. At this moment, on top of the cauldron set up in front of his shop, there are steamers stacked one on top of the other. white mist.

"Qin Ke, you got up so early?" The owner of the steamed stuffed bun shop didn't know how many times he had seen Qin Ke come to eat steamed stuffed buns at his place. He was so familiar with him as if he was a relative of his own. He was a little surprised, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, I fell off my horse and broke my leg... It's nothing serious, it should be fine in half a month." Qin Ke didn't talk about the military exercise, anyway, the owner of the bun shop didn't understand, "Lu Bo, Are the meat buns cooked?"

Seeing Qin Ke's disapproving look, Lu Bo felt relieved, and replied repeatedly: "I have steamed meat buns a long time ago, and I have several baskets. Recently, the business is good, and the buns are not worrying about selling."

Qin Ke nodded with a smile. Recently, the missions from the two countries visited Jianye City, which naturally attracted many people to visit the city. In addition, in order to save Jing Wu's face, the government specially allocated money and lowered the rent of inns in Jianye City. It also attracted many tourists.

When there are more people, the business is easier to do, and Jianye City has ushered in a prosperous period.

"Lubo, the missions of the two countries have already left the city. In a few days, there should be fewer tourists. By then, you still make so many buns that you can't sell them... Uh, can you sell them to me cheap?"

Lu Bo smiled so that his face was full of creases, and his eyes were almost invisible: "Little ghost, you are so beautiful... I know, Lu Bo has been selling buns here for decades, where are you?" Still don’t know about those Daodaos? There just happen to be freshly baked big steamed buns, hot and fragrant, how about two?”

"Come two. One for each person." Qin Ke thought for a while, then touched his hungry stomach, thinking that there was still a lot of money left in his pocket for this month, so he simply stretched out his hand and gestured: "Four."

"Okay." Lu Bo quickly climbed up the ladder, picked out the four largest meat buns from the tall steamer, wrapped them in lotus leaves, and handed them to Qin Ke, who was about to take out the money. Lu Bo grabbed his wrist, "These five buns are for free, no money!"

"Send it?" Qin Ke was stunned for a moment, but found that Lu Bo was winking at him, and said in a low voice, "Qin Ke, this is the first time Lu Bo saw you bringing a girl, so Lu Bo must express it. This girl Yes, people look like flowers, and they can push you all the way, so they must be virtuous. The most important thing is..." He gestured with his rough hands, "Big buttocks, I will definitely give birth to a big fat boy in the future! "

Qin Ke was stunned for a long time, then choked on the saliva and coughed violently: "Lubo... what are you talking about...we are friends...friends..."

"You're still a friend." Lu Bo laughed loudly, "That's right, you educated people, this girl doesn't look like a girl from an ordinary family at first glance, so she can't be like a vulgar guy like Lu Bo. Go to drill the woods right away. Get 'the order of the parents and the words of the matchmaker'..."

Drilling into the woods is a common occurrence in Daoxiang Village. After all, in such a small village, no one can afford a matchmaker. If a man and a woman are unmarried and they like each other, they will get into the woods naked Meet each other, make a private decision for life, and then the two families get married with drums and gongs. In a few years, they should have a child.

Qin Ke heard that Lu Bo's words were getting more and more outrageous, and quickly covered Lu Bo's mouth: "Lu Bo, don't talk nonsense, how old am I, why are you drilling into the woods..."

Lu Bo pulled Qin Ke's hand away and smiled like an elder: "It's still early? It's not too early. At your age, let the children in our hometown run around!"

Chapter 189 Sunrise

After leaving the steamed stuffed bun shop, Qin Ke looked at Zhang Fu who was blushing in embarrassment, and said, "I'm sorry. Lu Bo... just likes to yell." At this point, he curled his lips again, "What the hell? Lin Zi, it's a mess..."

Zhang Fu shook her head, showing a shy smile: "It's okay... I know."

Qin Ke nodded, took out a steamed stuffed bun from the lotus leaf, felt the temperature on it, blew on it specially, handed it to Zhang Fu and said, "Eat?"

"You eat first. I'll push you." Zhang Fu smiled. She couldn't eat a lot of palace banquets. Although she was not a delicacies in the past, at least she could enjoy endless delicacies. Compared with However, she likes the simplicity of porridge and side dishes, and has no special preference for meat dishes.

Qin Ke was not hypocritical, he stuffed the steamed stuffed bun into his mouth, and took a bite. The fragrant gravy filled his mouth, and even his originally heavy mood eased a lot.Meat buns are really the best thing in the world. Even Zhou Gongjin's mutton dish is also very good, but in comparison, he still likes this kind of food. After eating it, he can feel that his stomach is constantly being filled.

After all, he knows very well that the most insane thing in this world is starvation.If his family had meat buns... no, even if they had bran and fodder for livestock to eat, he wouldn't be so alone now.

If you can find the master, maybe you can find the taste of home again in the thatched cottage in Daoxiang Village.

Zhang Fu pushed him, and slowly went up the tower in the east of the city. The tower of Jianye City was exquisitely designed, and there was a smooth path in the middle of the stairs for wheelbarrows.The stones used to defend the city can be easily transported up, and many heavy objects can also save a lot of manpower.

"Let me come down." After all, Zhang Fu has little strength. Although there is such a path that is convenient for wheelchairs, it still seems difficult to push Qin Ke upstairs.He simply jumped out of the wheelchair, stood on the steps on both sides with one leg, and grinned at Zhang Fu.

Zhang Fu walked all the way, and there were beads of sweat on her forehead. She wiped it off with her sleeve, and followed Qin Ke to push the wheelchair up to the top of the city.

The Great Wall Mission and the Canghai Mission left here. Of course, Qin Ke and Zhang Fu didn't know that Zhuge Wanling, Gao Changgong, and Zhou Gongjin also talked here not long ago.

Qin Ke looked from a distance, and the mountains in the distance undulated like the waves of the sea, and the clouds covered them like a thick quilt, making them sleepy.

"This is where you want to come?" Sitting in a wheelchair, Qin Ke reached out and handed the bun in the lotus leaf to Zhang Fu. During the journey, he was afraid that the bun would get cold, so he kept covering it in his arms.

"Yes." Zhang Fu took the bun, felt the temperature of the lotus leaf, and felt warm again, "But I didn't find this by myself, you know, I don't like to walk around, but the fan likes it. She's just a crazy girl who doesn't obey discipline, and now that she's in Jianye City, of course she has to take a look around. It's also a coincidence that she found this place."

Qin Ke looked at the scenery in the distance and nodded: "It's a pity that it's still dark now. By the way, Miss Qiao, is she going to stay in Jingwu forever?"

Zhang Fu just took out the bun from the lotus leaf, took a bite, heard Qin Ke's question, chewed and swallowed the food hastily, and said, "It should take some time. What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Qin Ke scratched his head and said, "It's what they said, they said...Although Master Zhou Gongjin is not young, he has never been married, and this time he met someone in Wu County. Ms. Qiao, I have something interesting for Ms. Qiao."

Speaking of this, he hastily added: "Of course there are some meanings... There should be some... It's not that he wants to propose marriage right now. I'm just asking casually."

After Zhang Fu listened quietly, a smile appeared in her beautiful eyes: "So that's what happened. I know."

"you know?"

"Well. In fact, she should know about the fan. After all, Mr. Zhou...although he is a good hand at things, but in front of the fan... he is really a little..." She couldn't say the word "clumsy", so she hummed Humming over, "Fan Zi knows all about his care for Fan Zi."

Qin Ke hummed and said, "So?"

"I can't say that. Fanzi's intentions... Only she knows. However, Fanzi has been in the rivers and lakes for many years, and she has never liked to be restrained. It may not be too easy to let her stay by one person's side. Master Zhou may not No, it's just that it's hard for the two of them to get together."

"Really." Qin Ke thought for a while, Zhang Fu is a woman after all, and she has a very close relationship with Qiao Feifan, so she must have a reason for saying this.It's just that I still can't help mourning for Zhou Gongjin in my heart. I guess he is a hot face and a cold ass.

After talking about this matter, the two were speechless for a moment, Qin Ke looked into the distance, Zhang Fu concentrated on eating the buns, chewing slowly, and the wind blew the bamboo wind chimes hanging on the eaves of the tower, making a sound. Crisp and pleasant.

The artifact... where in this world would it be?It seems that Zhuge Wanling has found a clue to the secret hidden in the Tang Kingdom, and when his legs and feet are free, it is time for him to leave Jingwu and go to the Tang Kingdom.

It's just that he still needs a guide... Although Zhuge Wanling said that he could arrange someone for him, he always felt that there was something Zhuge Wanling didn't tell him, and he didn't want to be led by Zhuge Wanling all the time.

By the way... there seems to be someone who is very suitable.

At the beginning, that person said that he was working as a musician in the largest song and dance workshop in Jiujiang City, and Jiujiang City is now in the territory of Jingwu... From Jianye City, riding a horse is only a day or two. questionable.

But, how can I ask him to help me?

As time went by, the sky became brighter little by little, and the mountains in the distance came alive in this light, and the clouds gradually turned from gray to white, looking soft and light.

"The sun is coming out soon." Qin Ke murmured.

And just as he finished speaking, the first ray of sunlight shot out from behind the mountain, like a huge arm, propped up the sky, and the clouds seemed to have been raised a lot under the light, and then the red sun stepped forward. Firm and steady pace, climb up between the mountains.

The bright red clouds rolled, and the whole world seemed to be covered by a majestic force. From far to near, from mountains to towers, everything, anyone, was as insignificant as an ant under such a force.

But it's strong...not cold.

The warm sunlight caressed the bodies of Qin Ke and Zhang Fu, and the chill in the night also disappeared without a trace under such warmth.

Zhang Fu said softly: "It's pretty, isn't it?"

Qin Ke thought of the dragon in the tomb of King Ye from such a scene. He died quietly, but his soul returned to that world because of this.These great beings, like the sun, set every day and rise again at the next time without any suspense.

"It's very beautiful." Qin Ke was a little fascinated. When he was in Daoxiang Village, he also watched the sunrise side by side with his master on the edge of a high cliff. When he came to Jingwu all the way, he was tired of many complicated affairs. How long has it been since I watched the sunrise quietly like this?

"Maybe... I really think too much."

Zhang Fu didn't know what Qin Ke was thinking, but she just pursed her lips and smiled.

Chapter 1 Ninety

Perhaps it was because the imperial physicians of the imperial hospital used extremely precious medicinal materials that were only found in the court, or perhaps it was because Qin Ke's recovery power was much higher than that of ordinary people. No matter what, Qin Ke's injury recovered quickly. Far faster than he imagined.

Only ten days later, Qin Ke had already removed the splint. The imperial hospital said that his bones were in good shape and fit perfectly without any problem. Now he just put on a plaster, and he greeted Huang Hansheng and hugged him. With the medicine box out of Taixuetang.

Qin Ke walked barefoot on the cold floor, felt the smoothness of the floor again, and couldn't help jumping for joy in his heart, but if he walked a little faster, he would be reminded by Zhang Fu, so he had to slow down obediently, suppressing the desire to run desire.

"Freedom still tastes good..." Qin Ke looked at the sky. The swallows had already flown away, but the sparrows were still hiding under the eaves. Huang Hansheng used horse grass and mud to make nests for these birds that were about to spend the winter. A few feeding racks were set up on the treetops. These sparrows lived well and chirped tirelessly every day.

In fact, Huang Hansheng is a very interesting old man. After getting acquainted with him, he is very kind and easy to get close to.

Qin Ke compared Huang Hansheng's serious old face in class with his smile when feeding these birds, and couldn't help but chuckle.

Hearing the crowing of these sparrows, he couldn't help but feel a little anxious, so he put on his shoes and walked slowly towards the stable outside the Imperial Academy.

"Where are you going?" Zhang Fu asked from behind.

"I'm going to see the horse." Qin Ke replied while turning his head while walking.

Zhang Fu looked at him worriedly: "It's not convenient for you to ride a horse now, the imperial doctor said..."

"I know. I'll rest for a few more days." Qin Ke grinned, "I just feed the horses, I don't intend to ride. Anyway, I'm idle, I'm bored these days."

"Then be careful." Zhang Fu nodded. She also knew that Qin Ke's walking would activate his blood and speed up the recovery of his leg injury, so she didn't stop her, but she added carefully, "Don't get carried away." , you can’t run yet.”

"I know." Qin Ke replied, but it's not easy to resist the desire to run, pouted, he could only concentrate on reminding himself, and then walked towards the stable step by step.

He really went to see the horse. He was going to Jiujiang City to find someone. He had to have a fast horse. Otherwise, this journey should have been two or three days, who knows how many days it would be extended.Zhuge Wanling said that he would arrange all his needs: money, horses, customs clearance documents...

That being the case, it shouldn't be a big problem for him to temporarily borrow a horse from Taixuetang.

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