Wang frame is less than one step away from him.

Gao Changgong smiled and kicked out his right leg slowly and softly. It seemed that he couldn't stop Wang Jia's full-body impact, but this leg kicked Wang Jia's crotch very trickily!

"Ah..." Just in front of Gao Changgong, Wang Zhuang covered his crotch and let out a heart-piercing howl. He knelt down and hit his head on the ground with a loud bang.

"I knew you were a fake eunuch." Gao Changgong whistled briskly and said with a smile.

Chapter 92 Another Dagger

At this time, the leading eunuch woke up faintly with the support of other eunuchs, looked at Gao Changgong standing calmly in front of Wang Jia, and Wang Jia had been hunched on the ground as if unable to stand up, and immediately greeted his side The little eunuch said: "Get him down!"

"Yes!" The eunuchs responded noisily, and they stood up and rolled up their sleeves to catch Wang Jia.Gao Changgong shook his head, and stopped everyone's progress with a soft sound, "Don't come. With his strength, even with his bare hands, he can kill you all here in a few breaths."

The faces of the young eunuchs suddenly changed color, and they retreated hesitantly one by one.

But the leading eunuch yelled angrily: "Are you afraid? As a court official of Jingwu, if an assassin wants to assassinate the master, it is difficult for you to hide behind the master? Isn't it just death? We Jingwu's internal officials, born as Jingwu's people, died as Jingwu's ghost! Pull me up, I will do it myself..."

"Forget it. This..." Gao Changgong thought for a while, but in the end he couldn't remember his name, so he just shook his head and smiled, "You don't need to show your loyalty in front of me, although this Wang The frame is in your team, but I'm not going to arrest you all as assassins."

The leading eunuch was told what was in his heart by Gao Changgong, coughed a few times in embarrassment, and smiled apologetically: "Where... where... It's the subordinate's negligence, even if he is arrested and questioned, he should."

"That's good." Gao Changgong nodded and whistled loudly.And just after this loud whistle, the sound of countless people running could be heard from all over the palace at the same time, mixed with the sound of spears mopping the ground, and the clank of armor pieces colliding with each other.

After a while, Zhu Ran, the commander of the imperial guards, led hundreds of guards and ran over.

"General." Although the forbidden army patrols everywhere, they are scattered, but in a short period of time, they have gathered from a small team of ten people to a team of hundreds of people, but there is no disorder at all, which is enough to prove the commander of the forbidden army. ability.

Of course, Gao Changgong is very clear about the commander's ability.Just because this Zhu Ran is his subordinate who has been with him for several years, if he doesn't have such ability to use troops, how can I recommend him to be the commander of the forbidden army?

Gao Changgong nodded, and then lightly kicked him on the pulse door, directly refusing Wang Jian's thought of biting his tongue, and then said: "Shut it up, and you will interrogate yourself." After thinking about it, he added, " You can remove his hands and feet first to prevent him from being able to resist or commit suicide."

Zhu Ran froze for a moment, looked at Wang Jia who was paralyzed on the ground, and said, "What strength is he?"

"It should be a cultivator who has broken through the three realms." Gao Changgong said, "Although he is not your opponent, he will be a trouble after all."

Zhu Ran nodded. His maturity and prudence was the reason why Gao Changgong chose him as the commander of the imperial army. Only in this way can he take care of the palace.Naturally, I am also very cautious in doing things.

He squatted down, stretched out his hands, and twisted Wang Zhuang's hands and feet one by one until they were dislocated, and then said to the guards behind him: "One one, three three, six five...take them away."

Gao Changgong frowned, and heard that Zhu Ran was declaring the team number of this forbidden army unit. He didn't expect that he had been away from his subordinate for a few years, and he actually brought his own set into the forbidden army. He was a little relieved, but at this moment It's not the time for him to reminisce about the past: "Send someone to surround the dining room, and don't let anyone wait. Also, this person is still a complete man, since he sneaked into the palace without a clean body, naturally There was also a problem in the clean room. As for..." He turned his head and looked at the whole team of eunuchs who were delivering food. Because of the chaos just now, many of the dishes in the hands of the eunuchs had fallen to the ground, and the surrounding area was a mess. , "They, lock them up too."

The leading eunuch's face froze. At first he thought he had heard it wrong. When the imperial army surrounded them and was about to leave with their armpits in groups of two, he finally burst into tears: "General! You are wronged!" I'm really not an assassin...I have nothing to do with's...Old Wu from the clean room, he said this Wang frame is very pitiful, he asked me to bring it in...the general..."

Gao Changgong smiled and said: "Whoever is wronged, who is not wronged, I don't care if I say this, and you don't count if you say it. Don't worry, I just lock you up for a while. When the matter is found out, you will naturally be released."

The voices of the eunuchs crying for grievances gradually faded away, Gao Changgong looked at Zhu Ran, there was no smile on his face at this moment, only a touch of majesty remained.Zhu Ran knew Gao Changgong like this. Compared with his usual idleness, Gao Changgong looked like a rich and idle man. This kind of him is what he really looks like on the battlefield.

Although it is not a battlefield now, the danger in it is no less than that on the battlefield.If the Wang frame who was taken away just now could really sneak into the hall, the power around Zhuge Wanling might be hard to resist.

Just, why now?Even if Zhuge Wanling was ready to deal with the case of destroying dikes and flooding fields, how could he be sure that Zhuge Wanling would tear himself apart from them?

"How many nobles entered the palace today?" Gao Changgong said solemnly.

Zhu Ran reported a number.

Gao Changgong frowned, and said in a low voice: "Everyone who should come has come. But why?"

Zhu Ran was actually older than Gao Changgong. During his follow-up with Gao Changgong, he also served for the gentry. It was not until the founding of Jingwu that he switched from the gentry to join the Jingwu army, and finally became Gao Changgong's subordinate.He is also very clear about the struggle between the gentry in Jingwu and the Zhuge Wanling faction: "What does the general mean? This thing... really did the gentry?"

"Not them, is there anyone else who can invite practitioners with such cultivation?" Gao Changgong sneered, "Could it be that someone from the Canghai and Great Wall missions wants to kill Wanling?"

"How is that possible?" Of course Zhu Ran knew that Gao Changgong was just saying it casually. Compared with the Mohists who bordered Canghai Kingdom, there was no enmity between Jingwu and Canghai. If the people from Canghai entered Jianye City to assassinate Zhuge Wanling, But what good does the civil strife in Jingwu do to Canghai?

To the south of Canghai is the state of Tang, and to the east is the Mohist family. The geographical location is tens of thousands of miles away from Jingwu.

"There are no external thieves, there must be internal thieves." Gao Changgong said, "I guess that Wang frame pretending to be a eunuch can't get anything out of the trial, but you still have to try your best."


Just as they were talking more and more deeply, a guard of the Imperial Guard came panting with a spear in hand, but when he stopped, he was still firm and powerful: "Report... to find this thing from the dining room."

Before Zhu Ran went to see it, Gao Changgong had already picked it up, and the sergeant was not surprised. Although the imperial army was different from Gao Changgong in terms of position, Gao Changgong was No. 1 in the Jingwu military circle, and all soldiers would not think that he would Jing Wu did something unfavorable.

As soon as Gao Changgong opened the bamboo slips, the sergeant continued: "This is a list of supplies that the dining room is purchasing, but after comparison, there are two less knives that were originally used to cut fish. Ting Wei speculated that the assassin used this method to brought into the palace."

"Two?" Gao Changgong's complexion changed drastically, and he looked at Zhu Ran, "If it is two, that is to say, there is another dagger hidden on someone's body?"

Chapter 93 Su Dingfang

The banquet in the hall was still as usual, with staggered cups and cups, a scene of harmony.

"Dingfang, you come out." Mulan, who was seated at the head of the table, called someone's name, and then she put down her cup, and the light armor on her sleeve just touched the table, making a crisp clang.

After her call, a young man in his twenties walked out among the people standing behind him. He was also wearing armor and standing upright, but his immature face made him look less A bit majestic, but also a bit more youthful.

The young man stood in front of him with a huge machete in his hand, and saluted. Immediately, everyone in the audience felt the fierceness of the battlefield rushing towards them.

Although Jing Wu's treatment of the missions of the two countries can be said to have reached the extreme, there is an orderly hierarchy, and only Mulan has a table for everyone in the Great Wall.She herself is the sole administrator of the Great Wall, and has inherited the title of duke and marquis of the Mu family. She has a noble status. Jing Wu also arranged Wanling's equal position in this way, showing some respect for her.

Compared to him, Liu De of Canghai Kingdom is inferior.

And the accompanying people behind Mulan couldn't even sit at the table. They had to wait until the banquet was over before they could have a meal of good wine and food prepared by Jing Wu at another place.

Mulan smiled slightly, as a response to Su Dingfang's salute, then turned her head to look at Qin Ke and Abu who were standing respectfully side by side, and said loudly: "Dingfang, it's Su Yong, the deputy general of the Great Wall garrison." My son, four years ago, Old General Su died on the Great Wall. He was conscripted into the army, and he has grown a lot. Today, I am lucky enough to meet two elite students from the Jingwu Tai Academy. This opportunity, let me see the demeanor of Jingwu Wuxiu?"

The little king who sat on the highest place was young and active, and was already a little tired of the entertainment in the arena. Although Zhuge Wanling had told him the rules of the banquet and that there would be a battle, he heard Mulan's words , I was still happy.

Is it going to start so soon?

The little master twisted his buttocks on the throne twice, his legs couldn't help but wanted to dangle, but Zhuge Wanling glanced over, and he forced himself to sit upright again, and said in a very heavy and rigid tone that it was not suitable for his age words.

"Sure enough, he is the handsome young man from the Great Wall. He is unforgettable." The little master glanced at Zhuge Wanling. It must be a wonderful battle for the general." He rolled his eyes, recalling whether he had missed anything, and added, "However, a soldier's weapon is still harmful to harmony after all, so let's stop it."

Mulan nodded, and Su Dingfang bowed his head respectfully, "Of course."

In fact, the weapons had already been carried out of the palace. The martial arts of the sea and the Great Wall are known all over the world. For this battle, the government and the opposition are all prepared.When choosing weapons, Qin Ke whispered to Abu: "Hey, that Su... Dingfang, he doesn't look as tough as the warriors around him. From this point of view, are we lucky?"

Abu lowered his head and smiled wryly, reaching out his hand to caress the blade on the weapon rack: "On the contrary, this Su Dingfang is the most difficult one among the group of warriors."

Qin Ke took out a dagger, weighed it, and was taken aback when he heard it: "Why? He seems to be no different from ordinary southerners." He thought about Su Dingfang's figure, and gestured, "Not particularly tall, but also Not particularly strong…”

"The ancestors of the Su family have lived in the south for generations, and it was only during the previous dynasty that they took the emperor's order to go to the Great Wall to guard the border. In terms of blood, he is indeed no different from the southerners... But let's not say that the Su family has been to the Great Wall for more than [-] years. In [-], the way of doing things is no different from that of the northerners, but the Su family's 'Iron Wall Kung Fu' is enough to give us a headache."

"Iron Wall Art? What is that?"

"A kind of practice method." Abu explained in a low voice. "Generally, Qi and blood practitioners first practice the meridians, then temper the bones, and finally go deep into the bone marrow to get reborn. Generally, these three stages are called the three realms. Breakthrough With these three realms, one can enter a new realm. But Iron Wall Kung Fu is different. It requires meridians and bones to be cultivated at the same time from the beginning of practice. The degree of rigidity is far more terrifying than that of ordinary practitioners, the ancestors of the Su family practiced the iron wall art to the extreme, not only invulnerable to swords and guns, but also directly smashing people to pieces with physical strength."

"So powerful?" Qin Ke gasped, "Aren't we going to lose?"

"It's not necessarily... After all, we don't know Su Dingfang's strength at all, so we don't necessarily lose. Moreover, Brother Chang Gong asked us to 'don't lose too ugly'. I think the two of us will not really give it to us if we are together." Jing Wu is ashamed." Abu thought for a while, held his most commonly used spear, and handed Qin Ke a round shield.

Although Qin Ke doesn't like to use shields, but with the attitude that one more thing can be thrown out as a hidden weapon even if it is not needed, he reached out and took it: "So... what is above the three realms?"

"It's hard to say." Abu said, "It is said that after the three realms, different people have different ways of practicing, and the flow of qi and blood can also follow one's inclinations, so there is no fixed saying. Many people pass that threshold and stagnate, and many people After that threshold and leapfrogging, none of these are accurate."

"Then... what level is Gao Changgong?" Qin Ke asked.

This question made Abu think for a long time, and finally shook his head: "I'm afraid only Brother Chang Gong knows this...even...Even Brother Chang Gong himself doesn't know."

"It's really the same as what it says in a book..." Qin Ke muttered in a low voice.

Abu looked sideways, "What book?"

Qin Ke hummed in a low voice: "Anyway, it's just a story about a bunch of talented men and beautiful women who love me today and I love you tomorrow. They love each other, and then they fight back and forth. I went out of the mountains to the county to listen to that third-rate storyteller. Mister said it. It said 'the more muddled the practice, the better it is'. But you certainly don't know."

Abu nodded, and said, "I've heard a lot... There are many storytellers like Jianye City, but they prefer to talk about what happened between Wu Guo and Jing Wu. Everyone loves to hear it."

"From Wu to Jingwu..." Qin Ke looked towards the main hall, "Then you must be talking about Zhuge Wanling?"

"Of course. Jing Wu Jianguo, Mr. has contributed a lot." Abu hesitated, and said, "Ake, why do I feel that you don't like Mr.?"

"Why should I like him? He's not a big meat bun." Qin Ke curled his lips.


"Both... have you chosen?" The old eunuch came out of the hall, and the young eunuch who looked like a wooden man suddenly lowered his head and called "Old Ancestor" softly.And he just nodded slightly, his eyes kept on the two people who were choosing weapons.

Under such gazes, Qin Ke and Abu didn't dare to stay longer, and with the help of the eunuch beside them, they put on a half-body armor. Qin Ke twisted uncomfortably, and hurriedly followed the old eunuch into the hall. and go.

Su Dingfang's armor does not need to be worn separately, and the weapon he uses is a simple saber, about a finger thick, with a straight blade and a slightly curved blade, with a broad blade like Mulan's saber.

This is a killing weapon on the battlefield. Although it doesn't look very sharp, it can keep the blade of the weapon without breaking. It's just that it is much heavier than ordinary swords.From Qin Ke's point of view, this kind of war knife doesn't seem to be used to cut people, but more like to chop something... stronger and harder than people.

Su Dingfang slowly bent his knees, the blade of the saber stretched from his hands to between his eyebrows, his eyes were sharp, and his legs remained motionless.

Qin Ke is in the front, with a black iron shield in his left hand and a sharp dagger in his right hand, while Abu is holding a spear in the back. The distance between the two is no more than five steps, and they are like a pair of brothers who have been together for many years. echo each other.

Although the performance of martial arts has only just begun, Qin Ke has already smelled a very bad smell.

He has not personally experienced Su Dingfang's iron wall skills, but he has already felt his unwavering aura. Compared with Abu and him, Su Dingfang is a real warrior. The moment he stepped into the battle formation, There is only life and death in his eyes, and everything is just floating clouds.

Chapter 94 Cruel Battle

"Is this the warrior of the Great Wall?" Qin Ke whispered.

The officials and gentry sitting on both sides also exclaimed in a low voice: "Is this the warrior of the Great Wall?"

The state of Wu has been divided for many years. Although there have been constant wars, most of them are just small fights among the gentry. After today's fighting, they rested and started negotiations. After the negotiations, they fought a few more battles.It can be said that apart from the battle between Jing Wu Chuli, General Gao Changgong and the Tang State, and the tragic war of Wu State's great split, there was no large-scale war.

But the people who witnessed the tragic internal strife in Wu State were old and dying, and those old men of the gentry who spent their days idle and raised birds and flowers would not be willing to mention the bloody past. Naturally, only a few of the gentry officials present did not Show a surprised expression.

"After all, it is an army that has guarded the border and fought against gluttony for thousands of years. Although this Su Dingfang's father, Su Yong, is not very famous, this Su Dingfang has the charm of his ancestor."

"How does the doctor of Chinese medicine promote the aspirations of others and destroy his own prestige?"

"I think Xuan. The Su family's iron wall skills are already strong, and the Great Wall Army has been in battle for a long time. In comparison, these two poor children have never been on the battlefield, and they have no deep family education. What is the use of the things taught here?"

"That's not the time to gloat. Even if we usually disdain these poor children, but these two represent Jingwu. If they lose the home game, Jingwu will lose face."

There were endless discussions, and Qin Ke frowned, only feeling that this group of people was really noisy.But Abu whispered from behind: "Don't be distracted." Suddenly he woke up, his current target should be Su Dingfang, not anyone else.

It's just that he loosened at this moment, but Su Dingfang has already taken a big step forward, the saber pierced through the air, and with great strength, he slashed down fiercely!

Qin Ke's pupils shrank suddenly. If he was really hit by this knife, he might be cut in half.But he is also a practitioner after all, the agitation of Qi and blood gives him faster reaction and speed than ordinary people.

He raised his hand, and the black fine iron shield in his left hand suddenly lifted up, and there was a sharp clanging sound in the hall, and countless people covered their ears in an instant.

Huge power was transmitted to Qin Ke's body along the shield. He held up the shield, but his left foot involuntarily knelt down and slammed heavily on the floor of the hall.

"Ake!" Abu yelled, his hands shook, and the spear in his hand spun in a circle in the air. As he took a step forward with his legs, his elbows and arms suddenly straightened, and the spear was like a poisonous dragon. General stab out!

The gun pointed at Su Dingfang's face, but he didn't panic at all. The saber slashed across the shield in Qin Ke's hand. When he raised his arms, the saber had retreated to the most suitable position. When the tip of the gun collided with the saber, he Put the spear out of the way.

He glanced at Abu in surprise. The power on the spear was much stronger than he predicted, but after all his cultivation still had the advantage. When he released the power on the spear, not only did he not retreat, but Taking advantage of this momentum, he strikes again!

Qin Ke knelt down on one knee, and before he had time to stand up, he heard the wind of the sword whistling on the other end of the shield, and the sword exerted force on the fine iron shield again, making him unable to lift his head. He could feel Abu's long spear He exchanged back and forth with the long knife on top of his head several times, but Su Dingfang seemed to be determined to press him down. Almost every time the exchange was completed, Su Dingfang would take advantage of the trend and slash him back hard. ground.

Qin Ke was inexplicably annoyed, thinking that you would feel uncomfortable if you didn't hack me because you saw me holding up the shield?

Of course, he also knew in his heart that after all, Su Dingfang was one against two, and it was reasonable to adopt the tactics of suppressing one person and then dealing with the other.It's just that whoever it is, being the target of being suppressed will also feel uncomfortable.

The sound of "ding ding ding" resounded continuously in the hall, and the expressions on the faces of the Jingwu officials standing in the hall were not very good-looking.Although they were prepared in their hearts, they still did not expect this situation.

Two people were crushed and beaten by one person from the beginning?What kind of reason is this?

But in the fierce battle, everyone did not say a word.In their eyes, this battle seemed to be more than just martial arts. Every time Su Dingfang drew his sword, he brought the cruelty of the battlefield, and the wind of the sword he carried was like a sweeping wave. Reef", the people present who had not actually experienced the battle had a kind of fear in their hearts.

With a sound of "ding dong", the wine bar in the hands of the little king fell to the ground, and what was inside was not strong wine, but sweet and sour rice wine, but he had no time to take care of the wine bar that fell to the ground, the fight between the three of them, his It seemed as if a big rock had been stuffed into his chest, making it difficult to breathe.

He was just a child, and in his opinion, performing martial arts is as fun as watching people play polo. It's not like he hasn't seen the warriors in the Jingwu court competing in martial arts on weekdays, but any one of them would be able to move like this. As if to kill someone?

However, among the crowd present, there was still a group of people with calm eyes, as if everything in front of them was nothing surprising.

Zhuge Wanling didn't watch the fight between the three, he just quietly poured himself a glass of thin wine, drank it in small sips, his eyes drifted away, and his mind seemed to have drifted to the unknown distance.

Mulan, on the other hand, ate with a calm expression, as if the outcome of the match had nothing to do with her.

Liu De was also drinking, but his eyes fell on Zhuge Wanling, with nostalgia, hatred, and disgust flashing in his eyes...

The warriors of the Great Wall are dressed in armor and stand like silent pine trees. For them, the battle between the fields is just a common thing in daily life. From the day they can hold a knife, they have put themselves They put their life and death on the tip of the knife, and they regard every battle as the last. Performing martial arts is not a performance, but a temper.

Qin Ke gritted his teeth, the clay figurine is even a bit angry, let alone a human?As the rosiness on his skin became more and more beautiful, and the qi and blood still spread all over his body, each of Su Dingfang's cuts was very powerful, and it could even be said that he was powerful. If he faced Su Dingfang alone, he would have already lost by now.

But after all, he is not just a person!

"Ha..." With a low growl, Qin Ke suddenly raised his shield!

The face of the black shield was engraved with a roaring lion, but under Su Dingfang's countless slashes, the entire face of the lion was still scarred.

However, when Qin Ke rallied his whole body to lift it up, it was still unyielding!

Su Dingfang's knife fell on the shield again, Qin Ke's left hand sank, and he felt a huge force spreading upwards along his arm, but he bit his lip, but suddenly pulled the shield to the left, as the sword was drawn His shield shifted, Qin Ke shook his right hand, and the dagger showed its edge, upward!

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