"Abu!" Qin Ke yelled, his dagger and shield were like a big mouth clenched tightly, when he pressed down, Su Dingfang's sword was difficult to pull out from the gap between the shield and the dagger.

Of course, Abu couldn't let go of this golden opportunity. He took a deep breath, his legs sank one after the other like a bow, and the spear and elbow were completely connected in a line.

This is Gao Changgong's spear skills, and also the reason why he chose a long spear.Although Gao Changgong only had a name in the Imperial Academy and seldom actually taught in person, Abu still learned what he wanted from those few short lessons.

The spear moved towards Su Dingfang's chest, the rotating spear tip brought a sharp wind sound, Su Dingfang's eyes finally changed somewhat, Qin Ke's standing up was the first variable, and Abu's shot was the second variable In his opinion, these two people have not been washed by blood and fire at all. Even if they are two excellent materials, they are far from ready.

But they were able to fight unrelentingly under such pressure, at least proving that they are not people who will fail easily.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, but he felt that this martial arts performance was more interesting.

It seems that the sword is stuck in the shield and the short sword is difficult to draw out, but it just looks like it!He let go of his left hand, changed to holding the knife with one hand, and then slapped the top of the knife handle hard!

Qin Ke's eyes froze, and under this force, the saber pierced through the bite of the shield and the dagger, and a blade protruded out of his head, almost severing his throat!

Chapter 95 Confrontation

Su Dingfang's sword is not very sharp. If one wants to say that the famous blade is blowing hair and cutting hair, then Su Dingfang's sword is broad and thick, more like a club used to smash people.But Qin Ke looked at the cold and sharp blade, but he knew very well that if the blade really pierced his throat, no matter how slow the blade was, it would still be enough to make his blood spurt out along his throat, and that force was even stronger. It would directly break his throat bone.

Following the saber, Qin Ke saw the smile on Su Dingfang's face. He knew that Su Dingfang was merciful, but he still felt a little angry in his heart.

But had to retreat.

The saber passed through the gap between the sword and shield, and continued to approach his throat. Qin Ke could feel that Su Dingfang's fighting spirit was getting stronger and stronger, and he had no way to retreat.He let go of the saber that was stuck by the sword and shield, raised the shield in front of him, and raised the saber along the way. When the two intersected, sparks flashed out.

Abu's spear had already arrived in front of Su Dingfang, but Su Dingfang had regained his freedom, and he was able to retreat before the point of the spear reached his chest with ease, and the raised sword slashed on the barrel of the gun.

After all, it is a long spear with a wooden pole. Su Dingfang's strength is so great that even this blunt sword is enough to split the barrel of the gun. It had to go upwards, as if floating into the clouds, and under the strength of his hand grasping the tail, it was retracted again.

At this moment in the scene, it seemed that time was turning back. Qin Ke and Abu once again lived in the front and the other in the back, but facing Su Dingfang who seemed not impatient in front of him, the eyes of the two were more dignified and admirable.

The little country master finally let out a long breath. Although the three of them came and went back and forth several times in the arena, the speed was so fast that he was almost overwhelmed.He only felt that as long as he blinked slightly, this wonderful battle would end in an instant.

"Who has the upper hand now?" the little king raised his head and asked the old eunuch surnamed Wang beside him.

He can ask such a question, which naturally proves that the old eunuch is not only a court eunuch, but also a practitioner with a certain level of cultivation.Although eunuchs often have some physical and mental disabilities after being tortured in the clean room, making it difficult for them to climb the peak of martial arts or spirit, but it is man-made, and there are always some people who have the perseverance to do it.

Hearing the king's question, the old eunuch lowered his head and smiled and said, "Although the two students are still young, they can still compete with the experienced General Su, which is really rare."

It is said to be evenly divided, but in fact, people with real eyesight can still see that Qin Ke and Abu are at a disadvantage. However, this martial arts performance is just a friendly move between the two countries. Even if there is no shortage of east wind overwhelming west wind, no one will Stupidly stood up and refuted.

Hearing this sentence, the little king happily clapped his hands, shook his legs and said, "That's right, I thought they were going to lose at that moment, this Su Dingfang doesn't look very strong, but his swordsmanship is very... overbearing. "He thought of a more appropriate description.

"Su Dingfang's practice of Iron Wall Kungfu is a way of opening and closing. In addition, the Su family has practiced their skills on the battlefield for generations, so it is natural to be domineering." The old eunuch replied with a smile.

"The battlefield?" Although the little master was born in the year when the Wu kingdom was divided, he was still young and had never seen a war with his own eyes. Don't spit out the bones, is it true?"

"Of course it is true." The old eunuch squinted his eyes and watched the confrontation between the three people, "Otherwise, when the imperial dynasty was in decline, why would it be necessary to allocate money and food from the treasury to support the Mu family? The prime minister wanted to come and tell the king, This time they came, they must have something to ask of Jing Wu, the king should make a plan early."

The little king nodded. Although he knew nothing about these things, when his eyes fell on Zhuge Wanling who was silently tasting the light wine, he felt at ease again: "Anyway, there is a father, so I don't have to worry about these things."

His voice was clear and clear: "Father Xiang is not in good health...it's better to drink less alcohol."

Zhuge Wanling nodded slowly, he didn't feel panic because of the sudden concern of the lord, his brows were all relaxed: "Thank you lord for your concern, I understand."

His attitude naturally aroused dissatisfaction among the gentry officials who gathered together, and the whispering voices wafted around in the crowd.

"It's really disrespectful for the lord to be so courteous that he can still sit quietly."

"After all, the lord is still too young. If the lord were older, how could he tolerate Zhuge Wanling's arrogance? A commoner can actually be ranked first..."

"Hush... Keep your voice down, don't let anyone hear you. He is the prime minister after all. If we are blamed and punished for a crime of disrespect, we have no place to reason."

"Does he dare? The prosperity of Jingwu depends on us? Punishment? I want to see what crime he dares to punish us for!"

Qin Ke's wind vision has already unfolded, and the wind and grass around him have been magnified countless times in his ears, and naturally these words have entered his ears without any omission.It's just that he doesn't have time to take care of so much at the moment. At the moment, Su Dingfang is his most difficult trouble.

He took a step to the left, facing Su Dingfang's right. The shield was raised to the height of his nose, only his eyes were exposed, and he stayed on Su Dingfang's legs and saber for a long time, but he couldn't find any of Su Dingfang's arms. flaw.

"What should I do?" Qin Ke whispered to Abu.

Abu also frowned, and the hands holding the gun were sweating silently, making him feel hot and wet. He raised the gun to his chest, and the strength in his hand made the gun barrel slightly curved: "I don't know." , maybe you can try to break his balance."

Qin Ke nodded slightly, he had already thought of it, since there was no way for Su Dingfang to take advantage of them, they could only take the initiative to create opportunities.After all, they are two people, and if they cooperate with each other, it may not be impossible for Su Dingfang to suffer from the enemy, as long as they can break through his long sword...

Beads of sweat accumulated on Qin Ke's forehead. He knew that Su Dingfang was also waiting for their attack. The more violent their attack, the bigger the opening would be. Even if there is a tacit understanding between the two, it is impossible. Really connected.

As long as Su Ding can break through the subtle distance between the two, with his single strength, he can suppress any of them.

In other words, the attacks of both sides will start at the same time.

"Then try it." Qin Ke said softly.

As he spoke, he no longer hesitated, his body sank, and he took a step forward.

Even though it was only one step, it was already within Su Dingfang's control.

Although Qin Ke didn't have any actual combat opportunities, after all, he practiced swords in Daoxiang Village for a few years, and the wind vision technique strengthened his perception. The wind brought by the sword rushed towards his face, but his momentum of advancement was not weak. against strong.

Facing Su Dingfang's slashing and slashing, he held the dagger with his right hand backhand, the hilt of the sword pressed against the shield, and he blatantly pushed forward against the saber!

Huge power exploded on the shield, Su Dingfang's power is still so terrifying, occupying the advantage in cultivation base, every time he slashes, it seems to split the refined iron shield in half.

Qin Ke only felt that half of his body was going to be paralyzed, but the ruthlessness in his heart seemed to go from his chest to his throat.

With a low shout, the shield suddenly went up, and the dagger he held back was shining with silver light. Following the movement of the shield, he swiped at Su Dingfang's wrist from bottom to top!

Got it!

Qin Ke was overjoyed, even if he couldn't suppress Su Dingfang with this sword, as long as he could temporarily restrict Su Dingfang's movements, Abu's full thrust would be enough for Su Dingfang to throw away the sword and admit defeat, right?

It's just that before the joy in his heart spread, a huge force ruthlessly pressed down from his shield.Originally, Qin Ke still had to hold the shield under Su Dingfang's almost brutal slash just now, and the muscles from his shoulders to his arms were still very sore.

Under such strength, his shoulders sank, and the short sword in his hand was already close to Su Dingfang's wrist, but it was difficult to hand it out any more.

Chapter 96

Mulan showed a slight smile: "Xiao Su's saber gesture is not just as simple as strength."

Su Dingfang's eyes were sharp, and the saber in his hand suppressed Qin Ke's sword and shield after exerting force again, and there was a sharp piercing sound in the air. He looked sideways, and Abu's spear had already stabbed towards him like a poisonous dragon.

Abu's strength is greater than ordinary people's imagination, and the attack he stabs with all his strength is naturally far superior to ordinary people.Even if he suppressed Qin Ke with a sword at this moment and could not move, but facing Abu's gun, it is also impossible to be empty-handed.

As soon as the force on his knife was released, Qin Ke immediately felt his body recover its strength, but before he exerted his strength to continue to raise the short sword, Su Dingfang had already taken advantage of this short moment to approach Qin Ke straight.

The distance between the two was no more than an inch, but Qin Ke only felt a majestic force coming towards him, and Su Dingfang's body was as hard as a mountain, hitting him!

"Iron Wall Art?" Qin Ke's complexion changed, and he only felt a tightness in his chest. The force penetrated into his internal organs and bones along his shoulders and chest. He was shocked and fell backwards.

But Su Dingfang raised his saber and took another step, the saber drew an arc in the air, and slashed fiercely at the spear head!But when his saber reached halfway, it turned back upside down.

After the jingle, a black shield flew out and rushed straight towards the noble officials. Everyone's faces were pale, but their legs were firmly fixed in place - with their physical fitness, it was too late to fight like this. Respond in a short time.

But when the shield was about to hit an official standing in the front, a hand appeared in the middle without warning.That hand is neither wide nor strong, except for some calluses that still remain on the tiger's mouth, it looks very weak.

But it was such a frail hand that forcibly held the flying shield, as if this kind of thing was nothing more than an ordinary thing to it.

Liu De looked at the three of them and remained silent.

Abu's eyes were as bright as candles, and his blood had been stimulated to the limit. The spear finally reached Su Dingfang's body, and after Su Dingfang blocked Qin Ke's impromptu throwing of the shield, the knife in his hand was naturally three times slower. point.

The saber is wide and long, and can defend all directions on the battlefield, but in this kind of battle, it is not a weapon that can change the saber's posture at will.From this point of view, he seemed to be unable to avoid the shot.

However, to everyone's surprise, Su Dingfang threw down his saber neatly at such a time, advancing instead of retreating, as if he wanted to meet Abu's spear with his flesh and blood!

Liu De squinted his eyes, even if it is the Iron Wall Kungfu, it cannot be truly fearless of swords unless it has been practiced to the level of the ancestors of the Su family, and although Abu's cultivation is weaker than Su Dingfang, why does Su Dingfang dare to abandon the sword to meet him? ?

Abu was holding the spear, his face was a little frightened. It can be said that he had exhausted all his strength in this shot. Even if he wanted to take it back, it would be too late at this time. Originally, he estimated that Su Dingfang would meet him with a sword. , or just retreat to avoid the sharp edge, but now what is he going to do to meet him like this?

On the main hall, in front of the king, what kind of crime is it to accidentally kill the young general of the Great Wall Mission?

"Stop..." Some people wanted to exclaim, but the blink of an eye was not even enough for them to call out the word stop.

The little country master stood up completely. He had never imagined that the battle would go on like this.It was originally a martial arts performance in front of the palace, so what if Su Dingfang lost?But why did he do this?

Abu's spear finally reached Su Dingfang's throat, and his eyes were closed, as if he didn't dare to look directly at Su Dingfang who was about to fall into a pool of blood.

However, Su Dingfang was happy and unafraid. As he closed his arms, the tip of the gun hit his arm, and a sound of metal collision resounded through the hall!

Abu was startled suddenly, and quickly opened his eyes, and the scene in front of him immediately let him breathe a sigh of relief.

Liu De looked at Su Dingfang and suddenly smiled.With Su Dingfang's cultivation base, it is naturally impossible to resist Abu's puncture purely by relying on iron wall skills, but just now, his arm collided with Abu's spear, tearing the sleeve, and the iron armguard inside That's how it came out.

Although the power of Abu's shot was enough to be transmitted to the bones even with the iron arm guard, but Su Dingfang had the iron wall skill to protect the body, so naturally he didn't worry about this.When the power sent by the spear was finally empty, he locked the spear and stuck it along the barrel of the spear!

Abu reacted at this time, secretly said badly, but it was too late to resist Su Dingfang's attack.An inch is long and an inch is strong, but what the spear fears most is being bullied a few feet in front of him. In this case, it is difficult for the spear to even start a defensive position.

But Su Dingfang is like an arrow that leaves the string, his momentum is like a broken bamboo!

Abu let go of his spear, but he couldn't fight Su Dingfang with his bare hands. After only a few rounds, he was hit by Su Dingfang's hard body and couldn't help but retreat.He closed his lips tightly, knowing that the situation was over, but stubbornly refused to admit defeat, gritted his teeth slightly, and went forward again.

Su Dingfang's eyes were calm, his arms trembled, and he planned to give Abu the most decent way to lose weight.

"Don't move." A sharp edge suddenly appeared on his shoulders. Qin Ke was dressed roughly, feeling the faint pain in his internal organs. At such a critical moment, he finally got close to Su Dingfang.

The outcome has been decided. Although the victory did not come beautifully, the two sides were just performing martial arts. Such a result will not hurt the face of the two countries at all, but it is a kind of unexpected joy.

The little king clapped his hands happily. In his opinion, this battle was unprecedented. In comparison, those warriors raised by the court were simply boring. However, he still did not forget what Zhuge Wanling taught him : "Okay! The martial arts of the three of you can be said to be fully displayed in this hall. It doesn't matter whether you win or lose in martial arts, not only the winner, but everyone will be rewarded!"

At the moment when the old eunuch loudly announced the rewards, Qin Ke, Abu, and Su Dingfang lowered their heads, but whispered.

"How did you get close to me?" Su Dingfang smiled. He was not angry because of this victory or loss. The martial arts style of the Great Wall is rooted in it, and martial arts competitions are common.Moreover, Qin Ke was able to approach him from behind just now. It was not just luck, but also the strength that made him curious. As long as a person moves, he will naturally make a sound. The faster he walks, the more violent the wind will be.

But when Qin Ke approached him with the sword just now, there was no wind at all, so Su Dingfang ignored Qin Ke who was behind him, and he put the sword on his neck.

"It's just luck." Qin Ke replied in a low voice.In fact, he himself knew that if Su Dingfang hadn't been caught off guard by his Xunfeng technique, which could control the wind within a certain range and use it to cover his own tracks, it would be hard to say whether he would win or lose.

At least he now admires Su Dingfang's martial arts very much, and the part of his body that is still aching makes him deeply feel the rigidity of Iron Wall Kungfu.In comparison, his Xunfeng technique looks like a villain's method.

"I've started learning martial arts since I was sensible, and listening to the wind and debating positions is more of an instinct. Just now...it can't be luck." After listening to the old eunuch's reward, and thanking the little king according to the etiquette, Su Dingfang said to Qin Ke, "It seems you don't want to say it."

Qin Ke didn't answer. He really didn't want to tell others about Xunfeng's art.

But fortunately, Su Dingfang didn't intend to delve into it: "But it doesn't matter, everyone will have some secrets of their own. If there is a next time, I hope to discuss with you."

Compete?You can cut radishes, cabbage, pork and mutton yourself.Qin Ke rolled his eyes in his heart, thinking that people who practice martial arts are really full of fighting in their minds.And when he shifted his gaze to Zhuge Wanling, Zhuge Wanling looked at him and smiled approvingly.

Qin Ke felt happy inexplicably, but turned his head quickly.

What are you so happy about?It's none of your business, it's already troublesome for you to get involved, shouldn't you scold him hundreds of times in your heart?Qin Ke thought blankly.

When he turned his eyes back to Zhuge Wanling, he found that Zhuge Wanling had already raised his glass with both hands, drinking with Mulan and Liu De, and he couldn't help but feel lost.

The three of them drank a glass, while Zhuge Wanling only drank the remaining wine in the glass, but everyone knew about his poor health, and no one would blame him.A eunuch bowed his waist, respectfully stepped forward to pour wine, and the transparent wine line shone with silver light.

Qin Ke narrowed his eyes, but a gleaming dagger had already come out of the jar!

Chapter 97 Assassins!

It's an assassin!

This idea suddenly flashed in Qin Ke's mind. He thought of the many stories his master told him back then, the sharp sword hidden at the end of the map scroll, the fish gut dagger hidden in the belly of the fish, and the sword hidden on the strings of the guqin. Lethal Needle...

And this eunuch's hands were covered with wine, holding the dagger drawn out of the jar, his eyes were sharp, with killing intent, and he moved forward with almost all his strength, as if turning that scene into reality.

Qin Ke only felt that something exploded in his heart, and a hot current rushed straight to his brain. A voice in his heart was shouting, but his hands and feet were as stiff as ice, and he couldn't make any response.

Time seemed to slow down, and it was like scenes of pictures in front of him, one after another slowly alternating in front of him.

Qin Ke saw the silver light on the dagger going straight towards Zhuge Wanling's throat. Zhuge Wanling's eyes were calm, and he didn't seem to react to the eunuch's stabbing. After all, he was not a practitioner. Under the circumstances, his reaction power could not be so fast.

It only needs to move forward a little further, and this silver light will tear his throat, and large balls of blood will spurt out from it.

"There are... assassins!" Qin Ke finally shouted out, he even wondered if he had yelled so loudly in his life, it seemed that there were 1 him roaring angrily in his body.

And when his strength returned to his limbs, his chest seemed to be stuffed into a big rock, and he couldn't breathe.His eyes were wide open, and his mind was in chaos.

He raised his foot, and the blood in his whole body rushed out of his heart crazily. He felt as if his body was being poured by hot lava. From a distance of more than a few steps, he flew fiercely towards the assassin holding the dagger.

The assassin turned his head and frowned. The dagger in his hand drew a silver light on his strong and powerful arm, cutting open the wooden table case. His eyes were like a sharp knife, cutting Qin Ke's chest with palpitations.

Qin Ke's whole body's strength has been exhausted in this kick, and his legs are weak, so he just goes limp.

The assassin lowered his head, and in silence, the dagger stabbed towards Zhuge Wanling again.

He has lost the most important opportunity, will God take care of him?

Even if he didn't yell, everyone had already noticed the eunuch's violent movements. If it was said that they had no time to react before, but now Qin Ke's kick delayed the assassin's sure-kill stab, which undoubtedly gave them The moment is created.

The table table that was cut into four pieces by the dagger fell to the ground, making a crisp collision sound, and Su Dingfang stomped his feet, shooting out like an arrow that left the string.

Swords and weapons are always strictly prohibited in the main hall. This time, apart from the weapons carried by Mulan and Liu De, even the sword worn by Su Dingfang was temporarily returned to him after being signaled by the Lord Xiao.

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