He stretched out his hand to lift Xiao He up, and Xiao Hei kept struggling in his hand, and let out a few short screams in dissatisfaction.But Qin Ke is not afraid of it at all. After getting along with it for a long time, he has already figured out the temperament of this little bastard. At least it will not bite him.

"You said you, how can you be so edible?" This is Qin Ke's long-standing question. Logically, Xiao Hei is just a small lizard that is only a little bigger than a hand when coiled up. Small, in the period of growth and development, but the table of wine and food... Even if the amount of food Zhang Mingqi ordered was just for drinking, it was enough to fill the stomachs of several people.

Qin Ke stroked Xiao Hei's stomach a few times, Xiao Hei seemed to enjoy the stroking, closed his eyes, and even rolled over, pointing his stomach straight at Qin Ke.Qin Ke stroked it a few times, but felt that its belly was very flat, and it didn't look like it could hold so much food at all.

Abu also heard Qin Ke's words on the screen, and while scrubbing, he said: "Indeed, your little black is too edible. When you picked it up, was it so edible?"

"It should be." Qin Ke recalled for a while, it seems that except for the nearly two months when he was sleeping, he just gave it a certain amount evenly along the way. At least it didn't open its mouth to protest, and it finished eating obediently every time. Then climb back to the chest and continue to sleep.

This time, it should be the first time it was opened to eat.But according to this amount of food, Qin Ke felt that he would be eaten into a pauper sooner or later, maybe it would be better to sell it to Sun Qing?At least Sun Qing is so rich, it doesn't matter if there is another foodie in the family.

But with Xiao Hei lying on his hand with his eyes closed, Qin Ke couldn't really give it up to others.Before fleeing the famine, he also raised a little black dog, but his parents slaughtered it and made it into jerky and ate it on the way to flee the famine.

At first he refused to take a bite, but when he was so hungry that he panicked, he obediently swallowed the jerky into his stomach mouthful.Thinking back to this day, he still feels very sorry for that little black dog.But now that it is Xiao Hei, he will only treat it a hundred times better.

Qin Ke put his hand into the water, and Xiao Hei was submerged in the water, but it just rolled, wagging its tail, and swam happily in the water. From time to time, it even got into the water to do some difficult movements.

Qin Ke laughed silently, but he was a little worried: "You don't think it has some kind of disease?"

There was a sound of water in Abu's wooden barrel: "I didn't think that I should not be able to eat it if I was sick." He thought of something, and he was shocked suddenly, and the water splashed, "Could it be, it is some special monster Bar?"

"Monster?" Qin Ke took a closer look at Xiao Hei, who was happily in the water, and said in disbelief, "Where does it have special abilities that look like those written in books? Hmm...except for the appetite A bit peculiar..."

Abu doesn't know much about this, but he thinks that there is only one way to explain Xiao Hei's appetite: "It's not impossible to see monsters, right? It's like the one-horned python raised by Wang Ye."

Speaking of the one-horned python, Qin Ke frowned and trembled disgustedly at the scene in the mausoleum of King Ye, and said in a drawn-out voice, "Don't... if all the monsters are like that one-horned python, , I would rather it not be a monster."

"It's not that you want him..." Abu couldn't laugh or cry, "But it's true... Xiao Hei is too small. I heard that those monsters that evolved from wild beasts are all huge in size, not only in strength Infinity, and some of them can even practice spirituality."

"Practice the spirit..." Now whenever he mentions spiritual practitioners, Wang Xuanwei's face will subconsciously appear in his mind. Although Wang Xuanwei may not be the only master in the world, he has only seen Wang Xuanwei in his experience, so naturally he can't help it. Bring other people into the imagination.

At this time, a lazy voice came from outside the door: "How is the washing?"

"It's almost there!" Abu heard that Gao Changgong was standing outside the door, and he didn't dare to continue chatting. He picked up the speed with his hands, and the water in the wooden barrel sloshed for a while.

And Qin Ke also woke up like a dream, remembering that he had to go to some unknown martial arts performance in a while, so he hurriedly scrubbed and washed.

After a while, the two put on the clothes that Uncle Hei handed over and walked out of the room. Gao Changgong stood outside the door. A dark brown robe was as majestic as a mountain, and his hair was no longer tied casually with ties as he looked at him from head to toe, but was tightly tied up in a bun.

Qin Ke stared blankly at Gao Changgong, only to feel that Gao Changgong finally looked like a great general now, but the calm aura on his body and the sense of distance between his brows made him feel unfamiliar.

Abu had seen Gao Changgong wearing formal court clothes, so he was not surprised, but asked nervously, "Go now?"

Gao Changgong laughed softly, and the majesty on his face melted like ice and snow: "Otherwise? Let you go home for the New Year first?"

Abu was embarrassed for a while, and didn't know how to refute. He just stood side by side with Qin Ke, and got into the car with Gao Changgong. Following Heibo's shout, the black horse began to gallop at small steps. When it reached the palace gate, Qin Ke and Abu happened to be in the carriage. I wrote down some of Gao Changgong's instructions about etiquette.

"Remember, it's not shameful to lose, but you have to look good when you lose." Gao Changgong finally said with a smile.

Qin Ke felt that this matter was very boring. If he lost, what else could he do?However, since Gao Changgong said in the car that this martial arts performance in front of the palace might make him fight soldiers from the sea or the Great Wall, he felt a little uneasy again.

After the missions from Canghai and the Great Wall entered the city, officials from Honglu Temple naturally arranged accommodation, because the missions from Canghai and the Great Wall had been notified earlier, and the arrangements were naturally very thoughtful, from bedding to food and even to Blacksmiths who repair armor are all available.

After unloading the heavy burden, the horses of the entire cavalry also had the concentrate in the trough to replenish their strength. The cavalry in Canghai and the Great Wall had always been fed by the riders themselves. The grooms arranged by Honglu Temple were politely greeted. Declined, and rushed out lightly.

However, most of the sergeants in the cavalry can rest, but the envoys of the two countries cannot take a good night's sleep at this juncture to relieve the wind and sleep along the way.At this moment, the palace was full of drums and zithers, and the sound could even reach the palace gate.

Gao Changgong and Abu Qinke did not go the same way, and after entering the palace gate, they went their own way.Abu was often in and out of the palace, but he was very familiar with the route in the palace. It didn't take long for the two of them to arrive at the court meeting hall in King Jingwu's palace.

The old eunuch Qin Ke had seen stood outside the gate of the main hall, and when Abu and Qin Ke walked up the steps and appeared in front of him, the old eunuch showed a kind smile on his face, and walked over with a slight stoop.

"Wang Gonggong." Abu still respectfully called Abu as always, and Qin Ke still bowed his hands and bowed to Abu seeing Abu's respect, but the voice of Wang Gonggong was so low that only he could hear it.

The old eunuch didn't have any objections. His old face was covered with wrinkles, and the years of wear and tear made him patient enough to face these young people: "Here you are? Wait outside the palace gate first. I'll go in and make an announcement. "

After the old eunuch entered the gate of the palace, after a while, the old eunuch's old voice came from inside: "Xuan, students from the Imperial Academy, Lu Fengxian and Qin Ke, come to the palace to have an audience!"

Chapter 90 The Young Lord

"Abu, so your surname is not Ah? Your surname is... female?"

Qin Ke tilted his head and asked in a low voice, it was the first time today that he heard someone calling Abu's full name, and he found it interesting and puzzled.

A Bu didn't correct Qin Ke's misjudgment by hearing, but when Qin Ke was about to take a step to cross the threshold, he lowered his head and held him back.

At this time, a young eunuch standing outside the palace gate, only a few steps away from them, looked the two of them up and down, and suddenly opened his male duck voice without warning and shouted loudly: "Xuan, Taixuetang!" Students, Lu Fengxian and Qin Ke, enter the palace to see you!"

Qin Ke was a little dazed by the shout, scratched his head, thinking that I am standing in front of you, why are you shouting?

Abu tugged his sleeve quietly again, and whispered a word: "Let's go."

So Qin Ke followed Abu across the high threshold and walked into the hall in a daze.

Jingwu's royal palace was inherited from the Wu Kingdom before the split, but it was repaired a lot later because of the vintage.Before, Qin Ke didn't dare to look inside because of some uneasiness outside the door, but when he was standing in the middle of the hall now, he was shocked by the grandeur of the hall.

The main hall is very large. The distance from the gate to the innermost part is fifteen feet, and the left and right sides can be as wide as eight feet. Although it looks like a mountain from the outside, but after entering this space, Only then did Qin Ke really marvel at the strength of the craftsmen.

The musicians played and sang near the walls on both sides, and the sound of chime bells could be heard.The people were divided into two rows and sat facing each other. Qin Ke couldn't even call out the delicacies placed on the table in front of him.

Zhuge Wanling was sitting at the first table on the left, facing the valiant woman with her armor on, her long knife was placed aside, and the silver knife in her hand cut open the plate sprinkled with cumin. She gently put the roast meat into her mouth and chewed slowly, her eyes were calm and sharp, just like the knife in her hand, as if she wanted to cut Zhuge Wanling open to see what kind of person he was.

Beside her was the middle-aged scribe, with wandering eyes, as if he was enjoying the beauty of vocal music, but also as if he was deliberately not looking at Zhuge Wanling.

The long red carpet was laid from the entrance to the innermost end of the hall, and Qin Ke was taken aback when he looked up several stairs.

Today, the envoys of the two countries came hand in hand. As the lord of Jingwu, it is natural to be present to show respect for the two countries.But when Qin Ke saw the child who was only thirteen or fourteen years old sitting on a chair, looking around impatiently with his legs dangling, he finally realized that this was the "young master" of Jing Wu.

"My lord, the two Taixue students have arrived." Zhuge Wanling looked at the child and said softly.

Lord Jingwu's restless eyes met Zhuge Wanling's extremely calm eyes, and his dangling legs suddenly straightened. As his waist straightened and his eyes looked straight, he finally gained some dignity.

Abra pulled Qin Ke, and slowly knelt down: "Students see the king."

Qin Ke felt that this kind of kneeling made him a little uncomfortable, and couldn't help but want to stand up, but Abu's hand firmly grasped his sleeve, so he held back again.

"Pingshen..." Although the young king had tried his best to make his voice calm and upright, after all, the child's immature voice could not be concealed, so Qin Ke didn't hear any majesty, but felt very strange.

Two young students, facing an even younger ruler, is there such a ridiculous scene in this world?

"Father Xiang, are these two of your most proud disciples?" The king looked at the two of them carefully, while Mulan and Liu Dedu, who were sitting on the side, were also observing the two of them. Gathered to two people.

Qin Ke began to withdraw inexplicably in his heart, wishing he could run straight out of the hall.

Zhuge Wanling said in a calm voice: "I'm not good at being a teacher, how can I dare to say something about my favorite student? It's just a student who knows a little bit about martial arts."

The king smiled old-fashionedly: "Father, you don't need to be modest, the student who can be valued by you will naturally not be mediocre. Come on, give the two of you a seat."

However, just this last sentence caused everyone in the venue to be shocked. Sitting in front of the palace is the supreme honor of a subject. If it were not for the banquet today for the envoys of the two countries, I am afraid that everyone would have to continue to stand and listen to the king. , but even on such a special day, two people with no size and fame just got a seat because of Zhuge Wanling?

If the lord favors Zhuge Wanling so much, I'm afraid it will cause criticism, right?

Zhuge Wanling's expression was calm, he was not very frightened by this kind of favor, nor was he grateful, he just said softly: "The lord of the country respects the virtuous and corporal, although I shouldn't obstruct it, after all, neither of my two students have made a career again. It is already a great honor to be able to go to the palace to see the true face of the king, as for granting a seat... there is no need. When they can do their best for Jing Wu in the future, the king will reward them again."

The lord sitting on the chair thought he had done a beautiful thing, and he was a little elated, thinking that after this incident, Xiangfu should also praise him rarely, right?

It's just that after he heard Zhuge Wanling's words, his face became bitter.Although he is a young boy, the education he has received since he was a child has also made him understand many things that ordinary people cannot understand.Knowing that he had done too much, he lowered his head and stuck out his tongue, nodded and said: "In this case...then stand still. In the future, if the two of you can become the pillars of my Jingwu Dynasty, Gu will definitely reward you heavily! "As he spoke, he even secretly turned his head to look at Zhuge Wanling's reaction, only to find that Zhuge Wanling just lowered his head slightly, sitting quietly, and let out a sigh of relief.

For an exchange of words between the young king and Zhuge Wanling, Qin Ke only found it extremely strange.It can be said that the young ruler listened to Zhuge Wanling to a degree of obedience. It is no wonder that Zhuge Wanling's prime minister, Jingwu Chaozheng, made Jingwu people only know the "prime minister" but not the "lord".

Even if Zhuge Wanling is the "father of the prime minister", wouldn't someone with the status of the king not have any thoughts of his own?

"What is this?" Outside the door, there was a group of eunuchs carrying all kinds of delicacies lined up in a neat line, moving forward slowly.Gao Changgong frowned and stood in front of them.

"Back to General, this is steamed fish in clear soup." The leading eunuch said cautiously.

The relationship between Gao Changgong and Zhuge Wanling is so good that it is a good story even among the people of Jing and Wu, and everyone in this palace knows it. The Lord is respectful, so Gao Changgong's status can be imagined.

Nodding his head, Gao Changgong's eyes caught sight of one of the eunuchs, who looked very humble with his back arched. His hands in his sleeves were slightly tightened, but his usual lazy smile appeared on his face: "Where does this fish come from?"

"It was fished from the big river. There were quite a lot of fish in the past, but this year there was a flood, so it was not easy to catch fish, and the harvest was much reduced. However, I know that the dining room was specially transported in advance when the mission arrived in Jianye City today. A batch came, raised in the pool water, spit out mud, and the taste was very fresh."

Although the eunuch didn't know why Gao Changgong asked this question, and even such a question violated court etiquette, he still answered respectfully.

This is not only because of Gao Changgong's high position and weight, but also because of the admiration for Gao Changgong in the eunuch's heart.The fact that Gao Changgong swept the Tang Kingdom with [-] Qingzhou Ghost Riders was not only talked about by the Jingwu people, but even the eunuchs were extremely proud.

Even if they were eunuchs, they were still eunuchs from Jingwu.Even without the most important thing of a man, they are still a man in their hearts.If they had that kind of ability, which one of them would not want to cross the battlefield immediately?

Even though they knew that they couldn't have such an opportunity, they still yearned for Gao Changgong, who seemed to be shrouded in light.

Now that he can talk to Gao Changgong so closely, the eunuch is actually a little nervous, but it is not because of fear but because of excitement.What happened today, at least when they are old in the future, they can still proudly brag to those young eunuchs who have just entered the palace: "I think back then, I was also a person who served the Jingwu God of War, and he even invited us to join the army. It’s not that we are in the palace with the heavy responsibility of taking care of the court, otherwise Jingwu would have another general.”

Chapter 91 Dagger

With the usual expression, Gao Changgong casually raised his hand to open the small bronze cauldron held by the eunuch. Under the lid, a fish that had been cooked and was as white as snowflakes exuded a tempting fragrance.

The state banquet in the palace naturally uses the best ingredients in Jingwu. This fish seems to be just steamed, and there is nothing special about it, but the fresh and tender fish can be preserved in such a simple way. Maximum taste.

"Very good." Gao Changgong made a brief evaluation, but his eyes never left the new face who stood in the queue of eunuchs, looked extremely humble, and lowered his head to the lowest level.

"What's your name? I don't think I've seen you before?" Gao Changgong said with a smile.

The leading eunuch hurriedly approached Gao Changgong, and explained in a low voice: "General, this is Wang Jia, who has just entered the palace. His family escaped from the north. It is said that all his family members have died, and he is the only one left. Seeing him pitiful, I took him into the palace to work."

"No wonder, he looks like a northern man." Gao Changgong smiled and looked at Wang Jia. His skin was rough, his lips were thick, and although his lowered eyes revealed humility, there seemed to be a sharp edge between his brows .

Gao Changgong's eyes fell on his rough hands, his jaws were full of calluses, maybe it was because he chopped too much firewood in the dining room, or he did some tiring work outside the palace.

"It just so happens that the envoys from Canghai and the Great Wall came from the north, but they are from your hometown." Gao Changgong nodded, and stretched out his hand very freely, trying to uncover the small tripod dragged by the plate in Wang Jia's hand.

Wang frame seemed to be afraid of something, his body shrank and avoided a little.

Gao Changgong failed to touch Xiao Ding, his hands were hanging in the air like this, his eyes narrowed.

"Wang frame! This is the general!" The leading eunuch looked at the scene, frowned, and reprimanded, "The general wants to see the dishes, what are you hiding?"

"It's okay." Gao Changgong waved his hands and said with a smile, "Who are you from? The Liu family? The Sun family?"

The leading eunuch was taken aback for a moment, not understanding what Gao Changgong meant when he suddenly said: "General... I don't understand?"

"I'm not asking you." Gao Changgong stared at the little eunuch, "Tell me. At this time, you will always have to say it sooner or later."

Although Gao Changgong's voice carried his usual laziness, the leading eunuch felt a chill creeping out of his body inexplicably.His hands trembled slightly, no matter how stupid he was, he would still feel it when he heard the Liu family and the Sun family, two old noble families who could be said to be the pillars of Jing Wu.

Rumors about the cause of the flood have already spread in Jianye City. Although the government has not confirmed it, they have shown their attitude by keeping silent and not severely punishing those who spread the rumors.

How big a crime must it be to destroy dikes and flood fields, destroy countless fertile fields, and cause thousands of people to be displaced?If someone really did it on purpose, once it is found out, beheading alone will not be enough to vent public anger, right?

As for such a big matter, you can figure it out with your feet. It is absolutely impossible for a few county magistrates to dare to decide on their own.And once some things are involved upwards, they become very scary.

The strictness of the court has already given these aged eunuchs an innate sense of politics, although they are still far behind those gentry or officials who can really turn upside down in politics, the ability to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, Few can match them.

Just as the leading eunuch was constantly recalling the news of Jianye City in the past few months like a revolving lantern in his mind, a light flashed in front of his eyes.The light was so dazzling that he couldn't help blinking his eyes. He frowned, thinking where did this little bastard come from to take a mirror to look at himself?

But soon, his eyes were round!

Not a mirror!

It's a dagger!

It was a dagger that was already showing its sharpness in Wang Zhuang's hand!

"Big..." He opened his mouth, wanting to call out "General, be careful", but the sharpness was so fast that he couldn't say five words in such a short time.

Wang Jia threw away the tripod that took out the dagger, and the murderous intent between his brows was wanton. The eunuch's clothes could not cover his broad frame at all. He bent his waist not only to show humility, but also to prevent himself from Too outstanding among eunuchs.

And when he no longer concealed his differences from ordinary eunuchs, he was like a sharp weapon that had been dusty for a long time, polished by the whetstone of killing, and sparks burst forth.

Practitioners... The leading eunuch can naturally see that this is definitely not a speed that ordinary people can possess, and only practitioners who have refined their qi and blood and are physically stronger than ordinary people can possess such a speed!

That sharp ray was like a falling meteor. In the blink of an eye, it had crossed the distance of two steps and stabbed straight at Gao Changgong's chest.

The frightened cry of the leading eunuch finally spewed out from his throat and exploded in the air of the palace.From his angle, what he saw was that Wang Jian just sent the dagger in his hand into Gao Changgong's chest.

A scalding hot current surged up from the soles of his feet, hit his chest, and surged up his throat, making him want to rush forward and tear the assassin away.But another chill rushed from his heart to his limbs, making him weak all over.

how so?He thought, but the scene in front of him made his limbs feel cold, how could Gao Changgong be stabbed so easily?

But when he looked again carefully, there was joy in his eyes, and with a deep sigh, he rolled his eyes and passed out immediately.

Gao Changgong smiled, Wang Frame's speed is very fast, it can even be said that in Jianye City, such a master like him is not too rare, but it is a pity that he did not meet someone else, but Jianye City, who is most capable of restraining him people.

With just a slight lift of his right hand, the dagger that seemed to have slowed down countless times in front of Gao Changgong had already fallen into his hand.

Wang Jian didn't even notice a pain in his hand, and his empty hand followed his force and hit Gao Changgong's chest straight.

Only then did such a "stabbed" scene appear in front of the leading eunuch.

And when Wang Jia's hands holding the dagger hit Gao Changgong's strong chest, he finally felt something was wrong, he groaned, he held his hand, took a step back, and saw his dagger dangling on one of Gao Changgong's fingers, He gritted his teeth, and bumped into Gao Changgong just thinking about it!

"Want to die?" Gao Changgong said.He has already seen that Wang Jia is definitely not someone who is so stupid that he is still obsessed with fighting against the wall after such a failure, but his eyes are full of determination, and there is no trace of retreat. What he wants is to regard Gao Changgong as a pillar, even if If you can't kill Gao Changgong, then kill yourself on him!

Gao Changgong's patience was limited, especially when this matter became more and more puzzling to him, so he no longer held back.

Wang Jian was going to crash into him, so he naturally wouldn't let him get what he wanted.As the war god of Jingwu, he has countless ways to make Wang Jia die on the spot, but there are also countless ways to make Wang Jia's expectations come to nothing.

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