Wang Xuanwei knelt down slowly, Zhuge Wanling nodded, and bowed to Wang Xuanwei: "Mr. Wang has worked hard for many days, and he must not be able to have a good meal. Let's set up a few glasses of thin wine here today. , although there are no delicacies from mountains and seas, it is always much better than dry hard dry food."

Wang Xuan slightly glanced at the noodle cakes on the table, then at the milky white mutton soup. The wine in the bronze wine vessel was a familiar flavor to him. This kind of wine was a fine wine from the Mohist family. Compared with Jing Wu's frivolous As for the wine, the fine wine of the Mo family is as spicy as a knife and has a powerful aftertaste, which is more in line with his taste.

Wang Xuanwei didn't move his chopsticks, but said softly: "Mr. Zhuge is very interested. Presumably Gao Changgong has already taken the bloodthirsty reverse scale through the north-south passage. The big thing is over, can't you wish to sing loudly?"

Zhuge Wanling shook his head, with no complacency in his expression: "It's just a fluke to be one step faster than Mr. Wang, and there is nothing to be complacent about."

"Hmph." Ding Mo, who was standing beside Wang Xuanwei, couldn't hold back his anger, and snorted coldly, "Hitting people in the back, acting like a villain, naturally you won't be complacent."

"Presumptuous." Wang Xuan tilted his head to glance at Ding Mo, and said slowly, "You can also comment on Mr. Zhuge?"

After Ding Mo finished speaking, he also realized that he had made a mistake, and cupped his hands and said, "Ding Mo knew he was wrong."

Wang Xuan slightly looked away, even though he and Zhuge Wanling were rivals, he still defended Zhuge Wanling despite his words.And Zhuge Wanling just looked at him calmly, without saying a word.

But Wang Xuanwei, who just reprimanded Ding Mo for his rude words, smiled coldly at the moment: "Why don't you leave? Are you not afraid that I will kill you right here?"

With a calm expression, Zhuge Wanling reached out to take out a piece of cake from the cauldron, and then used chopsticks to pick out a piece of fresh and tender mutton from the mutton soup, and chewed it lightly, as if to prove that there was no poison in the food: "What's the use of killing me?" benefit?"

Wang Xuanwei still didn't move his chopsticks, his eyes were like a steel knife, and he cut Zhuge Wanling's face back and forth: "The benefits will naturally be many, killing you, Jingwu is equivalent to losing the commander, and those loose Jianghu forces are still there. Is it possible to continue to obey orders with Jingwu? And above Jingwu’s court, those forces that originated from the rivers and lakes and the aristocratic family are incompatible. When you are here, Jingwu can still maintain a balance, and when you If you die, the entire court will be overthrown because of your death alone. Taking this opportunity, the Mo family will go south and pacify Jingwu in one fell swoop. Do you think this is a good thing?"

Zhuge Wanling smiled and said: "So this is the benefit? Then let me tell you about other benefits. Once Jing Wu is overthrown and the world is in turmoil, Tang and Canghai will not let Jing Wu's rich land go first. But with the strength of their family, they will definitely not be able to fight against the Mohists, and they will unite to attack the Mohists, and the remnants of Jingwu will inevitably respond to the two families to attack the Mohists because you killed me. At that time, will the Mohists have the ability to face Facing a situation surrounded by enemies on three sides?"

Wang Xuan was slightly silent.

He knew that Tang Guo and Cang Hai had been hostile to the Mohists for countless years, and it was almost impossible to unite with each other.Compared with these two families, Jing Wu and the Mo family did not have much conflict.Moreover, through the north-south passage, Jingwu and the Mohists have also become an alliance that can be advanced, attacked, retreated, and defended. This is also the reason why Tang Guo and Cang Hai have been having headaches these years.

"For the sake of venting personal anger, you disregarded the Mo family's future success, Mr. Wang, are you such a person?" Zhuge Wanling smiled.

After a long time, Wang Xuanwei raised his head and stared at Zhuge Wanling, and said slowly: "Mr. Zhuge stayed here just to mock me?"

Zhuge Wanling shook his head, stretched out his hand to pick up a piece of mutton and chewed it carefully, and after swallowing, he said gently: "I stayed because I wanted to tell Mr. Wang something."

Countless thoughts flashed through Wang Xuanwei's mind, and he slowly held the bronze wine glass in his hand.Zhuge Wanling ate the noodles and mutton soup, but did not drink the wine in front of him.

But Wang Xuanwei looked calm, took a sip slowly, and said, "What is it?"

"Mr. Wang didn't get the Bloodthirsty Nilin, did he think that luckily he still has a piece of Shenlong Nilin in his hand, and when he goes back to the Mo family, he can still do business?"

Hearing Zhuge Wanling mention this matter, Wang Xuanwei's complexion could not help but darken: "Whether I can do business or not, it's none of your business?"

"I just want to remind Master Wang that it is better to check the scale earlier. If you give this scale to Mozi, I am afraid that Mozi will doubt your ability to do things in the future."

"What do you mean..." Wang Xuan frowned slightly, turned his head to Ding Mo and said, "Scales."

Ding Mo lowered his head, carefully and slowly took out a piece of rag from his bosom.The scales of Shenlong contain the powerful power of his whole life, and also contain the memory fragments in a long life. If you touch it directly with your body, those memory fragments will be crazily poured into the human body. If the strength is weaker, even It is possible to directly destroy the brain domain and become an unconscious fool.

Naturally, he had to be wrapped in rags to block that ancient yet majestic power.

Chapter 54 Lamb Soup, Dragon Scale, Tianxia

Although Ding Mo did not witness the death of Shenlong in the first place, he also saw the huge body of Shenlong that turned into jade later, and the fight among the snakes was still fresh in his memory.With a feeling of reverence, he slowly lifted the rag, ready to show the sacredness and majesty of Shenlong Nilin again.

But when he just lifted a corner, his expression changed: "What's going on?"

He frowned, and quickly lifted all the cloth covering it with his right hand. Wang Xuanwei's pupils also shrank slightly, and he reached out to take the cloth in Ding Mo's hand. All the power disappeared, and the original dark golden luster was completely gone, and the entire scale seemed to have become another thing completely.

Under the noon sun, the reverse scale reflected the pale sunlight, and looked like a beautiful piece of iron with a slight gloss.

"This..." Wang Xuanwei didn't know what to say. Shocked in his heart, he thought for a moment, before Ding Mo could stop him, he stretched out his hand and grasped the piece of Shenlong Nilin with his flesh.

However nothing happened.

Those memories that are too huge to bear, as well as that Zhongzheng peaceful but infinitely majestic power, why did they disappear at this moment?

He could feel a bit of warmth, but it was because it was stored in the inner pocket of Ding Mo's chest all the time, and he was left by the heat of Ding Mo's qi and blood all the way, but this is Shenlong Nilin. No matter how hot Ding Mo's chest is, even if magma flows on it, there shouldn't be any changes.

According to legend, it is a completely independent small world, and the cold and heat of the outside world has nothing to do with him.

Obviously, for some unknown reason, the power on the scales completely disappeared during the seven days he was running around.

The precious thing about Nilin is that it contains the powerful power of Shenlong, but when it loses these powers, Nilin is even the most vulnerable part of Shenlong, so Shenlong regards it as the most important part all his life. If you touch it, you will be furious.

Now, even if the reverse scale is intact on the outside, but even so, what use is it?

Zhuge Wanling continued to chew carefully, and said softly: "This is not the Ni Lin that faded when Shenlong died, and it does not contain the power of Shenlong's life. Moreover, this Ni Lin suppressed the body of King Ye for a hundred years. It has already declined, and after the death of Shenlong, this piece of reverse scale naturally lost its power."

Wang Xuanwei stared at the reverse scale, his lips moved, but he didn't say a word.

Zhuge Wanling said: "Mr. Wang, if you lose to me, Juzi can forgive you, but if you hand over this scale to Juzi, I'm afraid he will doubt whether you still have the ability to sit in the position of general. Those old officials in the Mohist court are staring at Mr. Wang with countless eyes, waiting for Mr. Wang to make a mistake. At that time, they will definitely attack you. If Mr. Wang is reprimanded for this, it is not something I would like to see. "

Wang Xuanwei turned his head slowly. He is standing now, condescending, staring at Zhuge Wanling coldly: "Mr. Zhuge, as the Prime Minister of Jing and Wu, would you care about the honor and disgrace of me, a general of the Mo family?"

Zhuge Wanling smiled, and said: "If I said that I did this because I admired you, you probably won't believe me."

"You and I are not saints. If I could, I would really kill you here, and if you had to, you would also kill me." Wang Xuanwei said indifferently, "You and I both know this."

Zhuge Wanling nodded, and replied slowly: "In these years, although a mediocre monarch like Li Qiuhuang sat in the court of the Tang Dynasty, his solid foundation is still there, so it should not be underestimated. And Canghai has been managed by Cao Meng in recent years. , with tens of thousands of soldiers under his command, plus [-] tiger and leopard cavalry, once they are dispatched, the momentum will be like thunder. In comparison, although the Mohist school is known as contending among a hundred schools of thought, Master Wang knows the actual situation better than me."

"The world is now divided into four parts. I, Jing Wu, do not seek to rule the world, but I also hope to be alone in this catastrophe. In this case, we can't just fight alone." Zhuge Wanling smiled mysteriously and said, "Jing Wu The Mohists need this friend, and the Mohists also need Jingwu, an ally that can contain Tang or support the Mohists."

Listening to Zhuge Wanling's analysis of the current situation, Wang Xuanwei turned his head to the side with a bit of relief in his eyes.He and Zhuge Wanling have surprisingly consistent views on the general situation of the world. If they weren't enemies, they might be close friends who could sit down and have a drink in a small tavern, but now...

"You still haven't answered my question. Mr. Zhuge." Wang Xuan said coldly, "Although the Mo family has always looked down on Jing Wu who came from the rivers and lakes, Jing Wu has never been an enemy of the Mo family. Even if it wasn't for me, the Mo family would unite with Jing Wu Resist Tang and Canghai. But Mr. Zhuge is pulling this matter on me, what do you mean?"

Zhuge Wanling nodded calmly, and said: "Mr. Wang really has nothing to do with whether to form an alliance or not. But what I, Jingwu, want is a strong and powerful ally, not a Mohist school that has been corrupted by party disputes. And the strength of the Mohist school requires You and Sun Boling are wise and courageous people who came from strategists."

Listening to Zhuge Wanling's praise, Wang Xuanwei felt a bit of sadness in his heart for no reason.The internal struggles of the Mohists were originally a part that he was reluctant to mention.

But these years, the struggle within the Mohist school has become more and more intense, and it seems that it has become more and more difficult for him to avoid this problem, not to mention that this time, if the struggle within the Mohist school had not even affected Sun Boling and his previous deployment.

If Sun Boling had not been recalled by Juzi, but had continued to stick to Pengcheng and cooperate closely with him...Zhuge Wanling would never have had the opportunity to sit here safely.

Indignant in his heart, looking at the scales on his hands that had been reduced to iron sheets, a surge of anger welled up in his heart, and he waved his hands.

"Whoosh" sounded.

Ding Mo's eyes blurred, feeling a strong wind passing by, he suddenly turned his head to look, and there was a tiny crack on the half-person-high boulder behind him, and the already tarnished Shenlong Nilin was looking at it. It is deeply stuck inside, only a little black tip is exposed.

"Go back to the city." Wang Xuan turned his head coldly, not even looking at Zhuge Wanling.

Following Wang Xuanwei's ruthless tugging on the reins, as if using all the strength in his body to turn the horse's head, he swung his whip and yelled, and the horse under his crotch seemed to have immediately received his order, and spread its hooves. , all the way galloping away.

Fifty black knights followed closely behind, raising dust to cover the sky and the sun.

Zhuge Wanling watched the dust raised by the black cavalry dissipate from a distance, but he still calmly put down his chopsticks and ate his food, as if he had no intention of leaving.I don't know how long it took, the gate of the gate of the north-south passage suddenly opened, and a horse rode out from the gate from a distance, and quickly approached him.

That horse was obviously a rare steed, and its speed was extremely fast, like a wild dragon on the ground, it didn't take long before it arrived in front of Zhuge Wanling.

Gao Changgong reined in the horse, but this domesticated wild horse was still a little rebellious at the moment, struggling a few times restlessly.It's just that Gao Changgong sat on it, but it was as stable as Mount Tai, and it didn't move at all.

"Don't make trouble, I'll give you some more beans." Gao Changgong calmed the horse slowly, then jumped down, walked to Zhuge Wanling, and said with a smile, "What's going on?"

Zhuge Wanling smiled, stretched out his hand and took out a kit embroidered with orchid grass from his bosom.

Bloodthirsty Nilin is lying quietly inside at the moment, but he and Gao Changgong are very clear at this moment, if it is not separated by a thick layer of silk, the killing intent in the scales can definitely drain the blood of people in an instant , take away the soul of a person.

"The reason why Shenlong Nilin fell off in the past is probably because of this piece of bloodthirsty Nilin that was born against the sky. Now that the two pieces of Nilin are reunited, the one that fell off before has a natural sense of fear towards the bloodthirsty Nilin. , in front of it, it will naturally restrain all its sharpness..."

Zhuge Wanling stroked the delicately embroidered orchid grass on the kit, as if muttering to himself.

"So... are you sure that Wang Xuanwei has a bad temper all the time?" Gao Changgong tutted, "If it were me, this would be a piece of dragon's reverse scale, even if it was taken home and offered three sticks of incense every day, it would be worth it It’s a matter of showing off, looking at the whole world, how many people are lucky enough to collect a piece of inverse scales shed by a dragon?”

Zhuge Wanling smiled: "Wang Xuanwei is a person who values ​​the country far more than money, goods and property. Now that Ni Lin has lost his power, he is just a thing to play with. There is no benefit for the country or the people. It is natural to give up and give up."

"You keep talking like that, and I'm going to start admiring Wang Xuanwei's family and country feelings that take the world as his own responsibility." Gao Changgong waved his hand, took a few steps forward, stood on the big stone inlaid with the dragon's reverse scale, and smiled. With a smile, he slowly stretched out his hand.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the afterimage slowly dissipated, and more than a dozen cracked cracks appeared on the stone.And Gao Changgong just held the dragon's reverse scale with his thumb and forefinger, and was pulling it outward.

Afterwards, several larger cracks spread rapidly on the boulder like thunder and lightning, and connected with those small cracks. After the sound of "click, click", the whole boulder has been shattered into countless fragments , collapsed in front of Gao Changgong.

Gao Changgong turned his head, wrapped the scale in his hands with the torn rags, saw Zhuge Wanling staring at the mutton soup stained by stones in a daze, and said with a smile: "I'll treat you to better ones when you go back. .”

He looked at the cloth bag in his hand again, suddenly suppressed his smile, and muttered to himself.

"What kind of expression would he have if he found out that he delivered the dragon scale to you while running thousands of miles away?"

Chapter 55 Standing Below the Castle

The sound of horseshoes rumbled across the vast expanse of land. Although the black cavalry only had fifty and were exhausted, they were still fighting high, but the sabers in their hands had not been unsheathed for a long time, and all the black cavalry were holding back their breath. Not spit fast.

Wang Xuanwei took the lead, his face was gloomy, the heavy clouds suppressed his sight, and he repeated the scene of meeting Zhuge Wanling just now in his heart, and the ominous feeling in his heart became more and more intense.

It seemed that Zhuge Wanling had led him by the nose from the very beginning.From spreading the news that the treasures of Daoxiang Village are alive, to finding out that the source of the news came from Jingwu, and then everything in the mausoleum...

"Zhuge Wanling... actually wants to use my power to help him break through the stone formation?" Wang Xuan frowned slightly and muttered, "If that's the case...then..."

"No..." Wang Xuanwei's contemplation finally came to an end after being jolted on the horse for an unknown amount of time. He suddenly raised his head, grabbed the rein, and shouted loudly, "Wait!"

Although the black cavalry were well-trained, such a hasty stop made them a little messy, but soon, they reorganized their formation and stood quietly at the rear, waiting for Wang Xuanwei's order.

"General..." Ding Mo just wanted to speak, but was blocked by Wang Xuanwei's wave.

And Wang Xuanwei changed the expression on his face repeatedly, and finally figured out some joints.

He originally thought that Zhuge Wanling asked Gao Changgong to bring the bloodthirsty Nilin back to Jingwu in order to ensure Nilin's safety.

But thinking about it now, that bloodthirsty scale is so close to him, it's within easy reach!

He reined in his horse and turned back, looking at the high mountain range, even if he turned his head now, Zhuge Wolong had already brought the Ni Lin back to Jing Wu, how could it possibly return to his hands?Thinking that his seven-day raid was equivalent to sending Zhuge Wanling a piece of inverse scales, he cursed: "Zhuge Wanling!"

His voice stopped abruptly, and then his whole body was limp like catkins fluttering in the wind, and fell to the ground with a "bang".

"General!" Ding Mo jumped off his horse in a hurry, and even fell down because he got off too fast and lost his footing, but he didn't realize it, he stood up and ran towards Wang Xuanwei. The black rider of the Mo family hurriedly approached, followed After pinching people, feeding pills and other measures, Wang Xuanwei finally woke up faintly.

It's just that he looked at the sky quietly, and finally just sighed, and said: "Zhuge Wanling, I am not as good as him."

Ding Mo gritted his teeth, although he didn't understand why Wang Xuanwei said that suddenly, but he always kept in mind the reason why the master humiliated his ministers to death: "General, let's fight back, Jing and Wu's defensive checkpoints are only five thousand, and our army But there are [-], plus [-] black cavalry, I don't believe that we can't break through that broken door."

"Stupid!" Wang Xuanwei stared at him with sharp eyes, "Do you think I really lost to Zhuge Wanling?"

Stared at by such eyes, Ding Mo bowed his head a little uneasy: "General..."

"Help me on the horse." Wang Xuanwei's face was pale, but he still stubbornly stood up. Ding Mo hurriedly held him down, trying to stop him from messing around, but Wang Xuanwei waved his hands suddenly, clapped them away, and said, "Zhuge Wanling was right. , although my Mohism claims to be contending among a hundred schools of thought, over the years, kingship and hegemony have already overwhelmed the Jishang Academy, and the other schools have fallen, and those that have been annexed have been annexed, and they are no longer as prosperous as they were in the previous dynasty."

"But no matter whether the giant chooses kingly or overbearing in the end, it is not a good thing for the country, the king, the world or the common people. Although I lost to Zhuge Wanling today, in fact, I lost to my Mo family. A corrupt court. A piece of dragon scales is a trivial matter, if we turn against Jing and Wu because of this matter, once our Mo family starts a war, we will have no chance to deal with hidden dangers in the country."

"Ai! A piece of divine dragon's scales cannot change the general trend of the world..." He sighed, looking at the vast world, he felt the weight on his shoulders almost made him unable to breathe.

Even if he goes back, what chance is there to ensure that the Mo family can regain its original grand occasion?

It's just doing your best and obeying the destiny.There is no one who can determine the fate of heaven with his own will. There is no one before, and there is no one now.

But... Maybe Zhuge Wanling could be counted as one?

Wang Xuan lowered his head slightly, thinking absentmindedly, suddenly his expression relaxed, and he said loudly: "All officers and men obey orders! Return!"

Qin Ke stood in front of Jianye City in a daze, looking at the city wall as high as a mountain, only felt that the magnificent cities in the book had become reality at this moment, and his head was a little dizzy for a while.

Jianye City, the capital of Jing Wu, is a big city inherited from the Wu State at that time. After the establishment of Jing Wu, the economy and trade gradually resumed. The city has also been expanded several times to meet the needs. Only twelve gates in the southeast, north, and west are enough to stand out. What kind of flow of people does this male city have?

And even if this has been done, the people and nobles who enter and leave the city every day still block up these city holes, and there are long queues everywhere, and the guards are shouting everywhere, knocking on the walls with their scabbards. , tried their best to maintain order, but it was almost hoarse because of the loud voices...

Qin Ke looked at the dark crowd, like the orderly worker ants in an ant nest, they have been pushing and shoving in the crowd, and finally managed to squeeze to the door when the sun was about to set.


Although Qin Ke got the county master's paperwork, it was a lot of trouble along the way, so he was still a little cramped.He spread out his burden clumsily. There was very little luggage in it, a document, a roll of bamboo slips, three writing brushes, a suit of dirty clothes, two pancakes and a buckskin bag. The entirety of his nearly two-month journey.

And when he reluctantly put his purse, which had already used up a lot of money along the way, on the table, the sergeant, who was waiting impatiently, finally couldn't help laughing: "A little money, as for being so coy Well? You look like a bitch, why don't we snatch you from you?"

"A little silver?" Qin Ke stared blankly at the sergeant, thinking that there are a whole 11 taels of silver in it, how can it be said that it is a little?

But soon, he came to his senses and gave a wry smile. This is Jianye City, not Daoxiang Village. In this kind of place, 11 taels of silver is probably nothing.

"Yo hoo. It's rare for a scholar from the Mohist school." The sergeant looked at him, touched him again, frowned, and found a dagger from his body.

Qin Ke's heart tightened, and he said, "Master... I used this as a book knife to shovel typos." He didn't dare to say that it was a self-defense weapon left by his master, not to mention that he was full of emotions along the way and wanted to write. When ordering something, I really used this dagger to shovel bamboo slips countless times. After all, in terms of sharpness, this dagger is far easier to use than a book knife.

"Tell me, why are you so nervous?" The sergeant glanced at him and said helplessly, "Even if you say it's for self-defense, what's so strange?" He stroked the blade and praised, "But this dagger is really good. .”

Qin Ke hurriedly followed up: "My family has passed it down for several generations." Of course his family did not have such a good dagger, but he was always worried that the sergeant would take his dagger away, so he came up with such a saying, " My father said, when people are there, the dagger is there, but when people are gone...the dagger must also be there."

"I've heard your words more than a dozen times a day, and I'm tired of it." The sergeant smiled, and slipped the dagger back into its sheath, "But it's best not to use this thing indiscriminately in the city."

"Definitely." Qin Ke was overjoyed, and took the dagger with his hand, with a satisfied smile on his face, "Thank you, Mr. Jun."

For Qin Ke's humility and obedience, the sergeant is still a little happy. Although the common people are the same to them, but after all, Qin Ke's documents prove his status as a "scholar". different.

In the past, those wandering scholars relied on some ink in their stomachs, only thought that the world was full of idiots who were full of food all day long, and they would point out the country at every turn, and the eyes of sergeants guarding the city gate like them were even more arrogant.

There are not many scholars who are as respectful as Qin Ke, but they are always rare.

"Okay. Let's go in." The sergeant rolled up the scroll of bamboo slips, which turned out to be mostly unreadable, and put it back in Qin Ke's bag. Looking at Qin Ke, he also had a smile on his face. .

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