Qin Ke thanked him again for a while, put away his things, took a deep breath, and slowly started to enter the city.

Chapter 56 Dadu Jianye

The cave in Jianye City was very long, and the light at dusk could not shine inside. For a while, Qin Ke felt as if he had returned to the tomb of King Ye.

Of course, more often than not, the noisy crowd around him made him regain a sense of reality. As he walked out of the city cave, the setting sun was like a persimmon hanging in the sky. The "branches" formed by the clouds are crumbling.

And Qin Ke's focus was no longer on the fiery red sunset and the magnificent sunset, he was already shocked by the prosperity of Jianye City at this moment.

The crowds of people entering the city rushed towards different roads one after another, and finally disappeared. Qin Ke stood there blankly, looking at the bustling street with people coming and going, and was speechless for a while.

Even though the light at dusk was a bit dim, there were still crowds of people on the street moving away or approaching like waves one after another.

The first time Qin Ke saw so many people was still on the way to escape from the famine, but at that time he looked very miserable, and the surroundings were even more tragic, except for the bony fleeing people who were still walking with only half their lives left and those It was already impossible for there to be any moving corpses nearby. The only active ones were the wild dogs that gnawed on the carrion of the corpses so that they were alive and kicking.

Jianye City, on the other hand, has two completely different scenes. On both sides of the stone-paved road that is wide enough to run four or five horses side by side, there are shops that have been lit with candles. There are everything from cloth and cotton yarn to inns and restaurants. The rice is enough to match the output of one season in Daoxiang Village.

From time to time, farmers who have just entered the city push the wheelbarrows to carry the sacks inside, and then these farmers will take the money they sell for grain, go to the textile shop to pull a few bolts of cloth, and take advantage of the dusk. Before it was dark, he hurriedly left from the gate of the city.

Going forward, leaving the vicinity of the city gate, the people here are no longer in a hurry, but walk leisurely in twos and threes, some seem to be watching the scenery, and some are looking for their favorite things in the nearby stalls.

There is plenty of rain in the south, and along the way, Qin Ke has seen rivers like thousands of galloping horses, and the tributaries of these rivers flow into Yecheng, but they seem to have changed from a mighty warrior to a gentle girl. The road flows quietly, dividing the entire Jianye City into different equal parts.

These rivers are connected by various stone arch bridges or slab bridges. The scenery above is beautiful, and there are boatmen holding pennies on the bottom to fiddle with the water and slowly push the boat forward.

When he walked along the river to the wide lake, in front of Qin Ke, there were already countless big boats intertwined with lights, and the outside was bright red and festive.

Most of these big ships have two to three floors, and some of the higher ones even have four or five floors. The ambiguous lantern light shrouds them in an indescribable atmosphere. From time to time, there are hearty laughter from men and gentle expressions from women. should and.

Qin Ke looked at the beautiful sisters standing by the side of the boat and leaning on the railing, his face flushed for a while, and he didn't know where to focus his eyes.

Qin Ke's eyes widened, he didn't say a word, he didn't look back, he gathered his breath like a thief who just stole something, and disappeared in a flash, leaving the charming woman on the boat giggling.

When his mood gradually calmed down, Qin Ke finally began to think about the most critical issue now. When his stomach growled, he realized that he hadn't eaten much all day.

There are many restaurants in these four weeks, full of guests, just the aroma of a fish after frying, steaming, etc. is enough to make him salivate.It's just that he just stood at the door of those restaurants for a while, looking at the sign hanging behind the shopkeeper, he was scared away by the price above.

After all, it is Jianye City... Qin Ke stroked the purse that he had used a lot along the way, and then touched the bag of silver in the bag, although he really wanted to taste the beautiful things in Jianye City. The dishes are really not that lavish, and they can only shuttle through the alleys of Jianye City one by one based on their feelings.

Soon, he really found a seemingly shabby neighborhood in a branch outside the main street, and he jumped up with joy, constantly grateful for the outdated "Wu Guo Tong Jian", letting him know that such a big city still exists. Look at areas where he can afford to spend.

Thinking that he would no longer have to eat the hard dough and the earthy smelling water poured from the sand river, he impatiently found a noodle restaurant and sat down.

"Boss...a bowl of green vegetables...um...chicken noodle soup!" Qin Ke, who had been hungry for a day, stroked his belly, calmed down, and began to look expectantly at the boss's hands with the feeling of "just this time". Rina dough that deforms as it is kneaded.

Although it is such an old and narrow block, there are people coming and going. There are many customers sitting in the noodle restaurant, some of them are regular customers, drinking tea and waiting for noodles, and occasionally joking with the boss. The home noodle shop has added a lot of warmth.

Qin Ke's noodles came out of the pot quickly, and when the chicken soup with chicken bone and chicken was poured on the noodles spoon by spoon, a strong meaty fragrance overflowed like this.

Qin Ke munched like a wolf that failed to catch its prey for a few days. It was only when the whole bowl of noodles was half eaten that he thought of chewing carefully, lest this bowl of expensive chicken noodle soup be ruined. Inexplicably sacrificed his five viscera temples in this way.

It's just that the southerners have a small stomach, and the portion of a bowl of chicken noodle soup is much smaller than the sea bowl he usually eats. He can only finally satisfy his rumbling stomach by ordering another bowl of plain noodles.

Sweating profusely, drinking the last sip of noodle soup with a sea bowl in his hand, Qin Ke wiped his mouth and let out a long full belch, which caused some rollicking eyes from the guests who were eating Yangchun noodles.

While checking out, Qin Ke asked the boss, "Boss, do you know how to get to Antai Street?"

Antai Street, this is the address that Zhuge Wanling told him before he left, saying that when he arrives in Jingwu, he can take the jade to a shop there and find a man named "Jiu Ye", and he will help arrange everything .

"Antai?" The boss is thin, but his kneading arms are full of calluses. After receiving the money, he continued to knead the dough and replied, "Go along this street, go south, cross two bridges, three Street, we’ll be there. But that side is older than ours, and every household closes their doors and lights to sleep at night, so you probably won’t be able to keep up if you go there now. Little brother, are you here to join relatives?”

"No. I'm looking for someone." Qin Ke glanced at the darkened sky, feeling a little disappointed, not because he was in a hurry to see Zhuge Wanling now, but if he couldn't find Master Jiu tonight, he There is no place to live, and staying in an inn is another expense. He has spent several taels of silver on his way to Jingwu, and now even if he is asked to spend an extra copper coin, he will feel distressed for a long time.

But since the boss introduced the situation so firmly, he had no choice but to thank the boss, touch the money left in his purse, and find a small inn to spend the night.

The inns in this old street are naturally not very spacious, but fortunately they are clean. As for the damp smell and crowded rooms, these two items will not make Qin Ke feel sad.He was originally a farm boy, and he was used to hardships. He slept in straw and a cart pulled by donkeys along the way.

After putting down the few luggage, Qin Ke lay on the bed with his head in his hands.Staring blankly at the curtain above the bed, he began to think about his future plans.

What would happen if we saw Zhuge Wanling?How would he tell himself about the master's whereabouts?And if the master is far away from Jingwu, do I have to continue to search all the way with my two legs and sleeping in the open?

"But it's not so much trouble." Qin Ke murmured, although others might think it's okay to ask Zhuge Wanling for some money, but Qin Ke always felt that he couldn't say that. On the one hand, he felt that it was his own business. Son, it has nothing to do with Zhuge Wanling. On the other hand, he always feels that he is not that familiar with Zhuge Wanling. Maybe they share weal and woe in the tomb of King Ye, but he feels that he has never been close to the real one. Zhuge Wanling.

In the final analysis, how could a small person like him understand what was going on in the mind of a man as tall as Zhuge Wanling?

Thinking of this, he stretched and rolled on the bed in frustration, trying to get rid of all kinds of messy thoughts in his mind.

However, it wasn't his rolling that threw off his thoughts, but he heard a gurgling sound coming from his stomach.

He ate very much for dinner, so naturally the growl in his stomach could not be due to hunger, but when the severe pain surged up, Qin Ke's complexion changed, and he got up from the bed, all Thoughts became a mess.

"The thatched cottage..." Qin Ke pushed open the door with a painful expression, plopped down the stairs, asked the shopkeeper, endured the discomfort and came to the backyard, found the two small thatched cottages that were simply separated by wooden boards, and panicked. After closing the door and squatting down, a relaxed expression appeared on his entire face.

Chapter 57 Two voices outside the hut

After all, people who grew up in the north suddenly came to the south, and the acclimatization was like a sticky piece of honey that lingered, and in many cases, this acclimatization would affect him in the most direct way. trouble on the body.

Qin Ke can also be considered to have experienced this kind of illness that "scholars traveling" often suffer from. Fortunately, his body is strong, so there will be no major problems, and he will recover naturally in two days, but whenever this time He had to spend a lot of time in the hut with the flies and maggots and the strong smell that couldn't be concealed, which really made him helpless.

"Have you found that person?" At this moment, a voice suddenly came.

Qin Ke, who was squatting in the hut, felt tense, wondering why this voice would appear suddenly, and why he would ask such an inexplicable question.

After a while, another voice replied: "I found it, it's in that old shop. What does your lord say? Catch it? Or kill it?"

"What are you doing here?" The first voice replied coldly, "It's been so many years since we've been able to stay in this kind of place, and he's definitely not someone who pursues fame and fortune. Even if we catch him, do you think we can easily Open his mouth? What's more, that old ghost has no relatives all his life, and his only son died in battle ten years ago. I'm afraid that when you want to catch him, he will think of a way to kill himself immediately life."

The second voice understood the meaning, and replied solemnly: "Okay, I'll tell my brothers, do it before midnight."

"Do things neatly, don't let us wipe your ass every time, adults are not very happy." The first voice said: "When things are done, I will transport the money to the old place."

"Thank you, my lord. But what was agreed before..."

"Do your job well and don't ask too many questions. Generally, people who ask too many questions will die sooner." The first voice was obviously dissatisfied, "As long as you do your job well, my lord It will definitely reward you, and you will have the glory of the rest of your life. Now, you don't have the qualifications to know."

"I understand! I understand!" The second voice hurriedly agreed, and then said flatteringly, "My lord has a lot of things to do every day, so I won't bother you anymore, and now I'm going to call my brothers to do things?"

"Go. Remember what I said."

The footsteps gradually faded away, but Qin Ke felt a little uneasy in his heart.With his ability to hide, and the door of the hut happened to block it, so he wasn't worried about being discovered.It's just, did he happen to bump into some kind of murder scene?And since he is called an adult, it is obvious that the person who bought the murderer has a high status, at least he is a person with an official position.

He suddenly felt that there was a huge shady hidden behind the inexplicable things, he shivered, and suddenly didn't dare to think about it.

Early the next morning, Qin Ke set off from the inn to Antai Street. The grotesque dreams of last night made him feel a little sluggish. He hung his head and ate the leftover pancakes like a wilted chicken. Shake it.

Jianye City seems to wake up later than he thought, probably because the people in this city don't work in agriculture, so they don't need to get up early to do things.However, some small restaurants have already opened their doors, and they are bustling with steamed buns and steamed buns, and fried dough sticks are fried golden in the oil pan.

After Qin Ke finished eating the noodles, he spent two baht to buy a big pork stuffed bun and gnawed on it. While walking, he looked at the gradually bustling street, but he started to enter the deserted Antai old street .

The owner of the noodle shop yesterday was right. Antai is indeed older than the other side. This kind of oldness is not only reflected in the old buildings and mossy bricks and tiles, but also in the lifelessness of this area. Obviously now It's already morning, but many shops don't intend to open at all, and there are only two or three people walking on the road, dressed in sackcloth, with wandering eyes, each doing their own things, and they don't even bother to look at each other .

Qin Ke found the oil shop, and its signboard was quietly hanging on the eaves, swaying gently with the wind.And the door is closed, it seems that the owner intends to stay in bed until the sun is high before getting out of bed.

Qin Ke stood outside the door, slowly finished eating the steamed stuffed bun, waited for a while, and when the nearby shops gradually opened but the door of the oil shop was not loose at all, he finally became a little irritable.

He stretched out his hand, intending to knock on the door, but with a flash in his eyes, the knock turned into a push, and he pushed slowly.

After the sound of "squeak", the door was pushed open like this.

"Who is this Jiu Ye? The store is not closed, and I am not afraid of attracting thieves." Having said that, Qin Ke also realized that his current behavior was like a thief, so he just took a peek and took a private look. .

There was no one there, but countless things fell to the ground, making it a mess.

"Is anyone there?" Qin Ke hesitated for a moment, but still called out, but obviously no one responded to him in this messy shop. After thinking for a while, Qin Ke slowly opened the door, looked back outside, Then stepping forward on the debris all over the ground, my heart sank slowly.

There wasn't much place to stay in the oil store, which was crowded with shelves, and when the ground was full of broken pieces, he felt that he had nowhere to go.But as he walked past the shelves, looked at the counter, and saw the oil slowly dripping from an overturned place, he felt a chill run down his spine.

It's a sign of a fight.

Although Qin Ke is not an official and does not study criminals, he is still keenly aware of the fierce fighting that took place here, and there are many small fragments of the empty pottery clay fragments on the ground. The result of exerting force and stomping suddenly.

Practitioners like him who practice Qi and blood know how important it is to stand on the ground. They are different from those practitioners who practice mind power and like to use mind power to control small things like flying swords and knives to float around. After all, the power of the body is not only It is only in the arms, and more in the line from the waist and abdomen to the ankles of the legs. Only in this way can the strength of one's whole body be condensed to one point.

And under such force, huge force will inevitably be generated under one step, and it is not surprising to crush these tiles.

But, where did the two wrestlers go?Why can't I see a single person?

After thinking for a while, Qin Ke walked carefully to the door, and was about to put the bolt on, but found that the bolt had been broken by a sharp weapon at some point. Apparently, a murderer broke into the room with a knife, and the man who was called The "Nine Masters" fought fiercely.

However, no corpse was found here, at least proving that the battle was not that tragic.

"What should we do now?" Qin Ke asked himself, he came to Jingwu without relatives or friends, and he didn't have much money. If he couldn't find Master Jiu, he wouldn't be able to find Zhuge Wan either. Mausoleum, should he be allowed to settle down in this huge city of Jianye?

With messy thoughts in his mind, he slowly walked into the inner room of the oil shop, which was also very simple, just a plain flat bed, a table, a chair, and a chair that had obviously been used for many years. It's just an old tobacco rod at the head.

The owner of the oil shop, that Jiuye seems to be a very simple and simple person, Qin Ke guessed silently, as his thoughts moved, the breeze brought by the Xunfeng technique gently spread around his side, expanding , the surrounding voices gradually became clearer.

Although he has practiced Xunfeng Art since the first day of practice, the most proficient skill he can master so far is still the part called "Wind Vision" in Xunfeng Art.

What is Fengshi?Use the wind as your eyes, expand your hearing, and even let the surrounding sounds present pictures in your mind. Although there is a certain gap compared with seeing with your eyes, compared with your eyes, your ears can capture some things that your eyes can't capture. to something.

He heard the sound of breathing, which was rapid and exhausted, and the low moaning sound of a person was as unpredictable as a mouse walking through a cave, but Qin Ke found the location of that person from this sound. direction.

Qin Ke closed his eyes and walked slowly in that direction. After walking about five steps, he arrived at the table with the cigarette poles.

He opened his eyes, frowned, looked at the ground, and murmured: "It seems to be underground?"

But at least one person's voice can be heard in the shop, and that person is very likely to be the ninth master of the oil shop. Qin Ke was a little joyful in his heart, lay down and knocked on the floor slowly: "Jiu... Lord... sir?"

The man didn't respond, but Qin Ke's wind vision still heard the man panting below, and seemed to be coughing a few times.

Qin Ke raised his head, tilted his head and thought: "There should be a place to go down." Then he crouched on the ground like this, touching the floor, groping bit by bit.

Chapter 58 Traces

The indoor floor is not very clean, and there is even a lot of dust accumulated in many places, and you can touch the dust with your hands. However, Qin Ke, a small commoner, is not very afraid of getting dirty, but persists Feeling, and from time to time, digging the gaps in the floor with fingers.

Suddenly, he looked at the old tobacco rod and fell into deep thought.

Master Jiu is obviously a very simple person, as can be seen from the lack of any decorations in his room, but there is still such a cigarette rod in the room of such a simple person, and this old pipe must be Lord Jiu favorite things.

He walked over and gently held the tobacco rod, but felt some sticky liquid on his hand.

When he opened his hand, he was shocked, and he retracted his hand as if it had touched hot oil.

Lowering his head, his fingers were stained with bright red blood, which had gradually turned black, as thick as oil that had been spilled before.

He probably touched this tobacco rod not long ago, but it seems that he didn't bother to take it away because he was injured?

Thoughtful and somewhat suspicious, Qin Ke stretched out his hand to pat the table, stroked it back and forth, and finally pushed the table vigorously.

As the sound of "Zi Zi Zi" rubbing came out, Qin Ke was overjoyed. Sure enough, it was a mechanism. As he exerted force on his hand again, the table that was completely connected to the ground moved slowly. After the "bang" sound, Qin Ke turned his head, and on the edge of the wooden bed, there was a hole no bigger than a person, and the inside was as deep as the night.

With a slightly erratic torch, Qin Ke jumped into the cave carefully.Different from its appearance, this cave is actually not very deep, and the distance from top to bottom is no more than one person's height. It is a bit wider inside, but overall it is just a small space.

"Looks like a cellar?" Qin Ke cleared his throat, just about to speak: "Nine..."

A gust of wind blew the torch in the candlestick in his hand, and it seemed that there was a flash of cold light, and the torch went out in an instant, and when Qin Ke was still unprepared, a figure bullied him like a tiger in the arms!

Qin Ke's heart tightened, and the dagger at his waist was unsheathed, but it was still a bit late after all. The cold light was far faster than he imagined, but in an instant, it had already reached in front of his eyes .

Qin Ke's pupils shrank sharply, and as the blood in his body surged, a huge force burst out from him!

As his body shook violently, the force extending from the back of his waist collided with the chest of the man in his arms, and only a muffled "hmm..." was heard, and the black figure backed away. And the cold light also moved back a few inches as he retreated.

The dagger in Qin Ke's hand was finally lifted up. As he turned his wrist, the palm of the dagger changed its position, and then the cold light that stabbed forward again stabbed fiercely on one side of the dagger, and the force It was so big that Qin Ke's hands were slightly numb.

"Wait!" Qin Ke wanted to cry.

However, that cold light did not give him a chance to speak. As the power on his dagger was lightened, the black figure retreated silently, but this retreat was only a short-term stop for the next attack. gain momentum!

Qin Ke heard the heavy breathing and the sound of the black shadow taking a step on the cellar floor. Although it was pitch black, he still opened his eyes wide. The dagger in his hand should not be neglected in the slightest. At the moment when he slashed diagonally from top to bottom, the dagger in his hand intertwined with the cold light, and then he stomped his feet. With this force, he slammed into the shadow's body in reverse. bosom!

In the chaos, Qin Ke heard the dull sound of the iron falling to the ground. He felt that he was pressing on the abdomen of the black shadow, and the strong arms of the black shadow firmly pressed his shoulders and climbed up to his neck. It seemed that he wanted to forcibly break his neck in this way!

"Rebellious officials and thieves!" Black Shadow growled lowly.

Qin Ke threw away the dagger in his hand, and tightly held the wrist that oppressed his neck with both hands. With the strength of his legs, he stood up suddenly.But even though his feet were on the ground, the black shadow still firmly clamped his neck, pulling him, making him unable to lift his waist.

But that's enough!

Qin Ke's legs seemed to be rooted in the ground. With this posture, he also found the best position for his strength.As he suddenly bent his knees, the strength went from his shoulders to his outstretched palms. His hands were like two thin knives, showing their sharpness at this moment.

Naturally, the hand knife is not going to kill the heart of the black shadow. If that is the case, Qin Ke doesn't have to throw his dagger aside.He thrust his hand forward, and his fingertips unexpectedly entered the neck and the black shadow's palm like iron tongs.

The black shadow is very powerful, but after Qin Ke's initial panic, his blood is surging, and he will only be stronger than the black shadow.And as his hands were pushed outwards, Soi Ying's hands were slowly torn apart.

Heiying gritted his teeth and held his breath, as if he had exhausted all his strength. He made a "hmmmm..." sound from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were blood red, like a wild beast.

But Qin Ke's burst of strength made him suddenly pull away Soi Ying's hands, and he got out all of a sudden!The moment he stood up straight, he finally shouted: "Stop beating!"

It is true that the black shadow did not rush forward again, but it was not because he would be frightened by Qin Ke's shout and turn into a trembling little girl hiding in the corner.Intense gasps came from the black shadow's mouth, and each gasp carried a protracted sound like sawing wood.

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