"The giant asked first, why did General Wang Xuanwei and Junjun Sun take a thousand black horses without reporting this time?"

Sun Boling said without hesitation: "Follow the power urgently, not to mention that there are many eyes and ears of Jing and Wu in the Mohist school. In order to avoid the leak of news, the general and I took the black horse out of the capital first. When this matter is over, we will definitely write a letter to the giant. "

The messenger nodded, obviously the Juzi had said something to him: "Okay. Then, please ask Junjun Sun to listen to the Juzi's second question! Since the matter is urgent, why are you standing still and defending the city at this moment? You must know that Jing Wu Prime Minister Zhuge Wanling is a treacherous and cunning person, if he loses the opportunity, what should he do?"

Hearing this, Sun Boling frowned. The first question, the Mohist tycoon was accusing him and Wang Xuanwei of misappropriating the black cavalry for exceeding their authority, but the second question seemed to be about tactics, but it seemed to have a bit of a sense. The taste of being forced to ask?

He bowed his head in thought, and explained slowly: "Pengcheng is only a hundred miles away from the north-south passage. No matter who is going to enter Jingwu through the north-south passage, I, Pengcheng, can respond accordingly. But if we take the initiative to attack, it will be easy to disperse our troops and fail to concentrate. strength."

"Okay." The messenger nodded again, but this time, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, "The third question of Juzi, are you and the general connected with Jing Wu?"

As soon as the words fell, the word Sichuan on Sun Boling's forehead was like a knife carving on his young face. If he still felt something was wrong when he asked the second question, at the third question, Sun Boling finally understood where the hidden sharpness lies. .

The giant is actually suspicious of him and Wang Xuanwei?Where did this start?Only from that thousand black rides?Although the black cavalry is indeed the cornerstone of the country, if the two of them really want to rebel, let alone a thousand, it may not be difficult to take all the black cavalry away. How can they be so petty?

Sun Boling raised his head and stared at the messenger holding the Juzi's token with deep eyes, as if he wanted to penetrate this person and find some clues.

But in the final analysis, the messenger is just a messenger, and it is really difficult to dig out the inside story behind him.After a while, he replied softly: "The general and I are loyal to the Mo family, and please don't listen to the villain's slander. It can be as short as seven days or as long as half a month. The general and I should go back to the court, and then we will personally report to the court." The giant explained."

The messenger looked at Sun Boling, and finally showed a soft smile on his face: "Mr. Sun, Juzi also believes in the loyalty of you and the general, but he is just a little worried. The two generals were plotted against by Zhuge Wanling, so he sent me here." Ask about the situation."

Speaking of this, the messenger praised in a low voice: "In the final analysis, who in the Mo family does not know the great contributions made by the military adviser and the general for the country? Juzi often said that the Mo family was able to win in this troubled world thanks to the presence of two of them. A safe place, otherwise he would not have been able to be this giant, but would have become someone else's prisoner! He and even the entire Mo family should remember this kindness."

"The giant's words are serious." Sun Boling lowered his head, avoiding the trap in his words lightly, and said softly, "I and the general are just blaming me. How can there be any kindness?"

Chapter 51 Chase

"At least it proves that you and the general are very valued by Juzi. The problem this time is obviously just the worry of those old officials. Juzi has to put on a show. In fact, Juzi still only trusts you." The orderly Smiling authentically.

"But there is one more thing." The messenger suddenly said seriously, "When I came out, Juzi specifically told me that although Junshi Sun was young, he was born with poor health. The turbulence is constant, and Pengcheng is a barren land, lacking medical care and medicine, and there is no suitable bed for the army to sleep in..."

"It's all right." Sun Boling interrupted him, inexplicably having a bad feeling, "People in the military have already gotten used to it. Although my legs are disabled, my health is not that bad. It’s a little more inconvenient, but it’s not a big deal.”

The messenger nodded, looked at Sun Boling reverently and said, "The military adviser is indeed the minister of the humerus of the country, the giant is right."

With a bit of joy, he continued, "However, Juzi has repeatedly asked the military division not to be so tired. Therefore, Juzi asked the military division to go back to Jicheng to recuperate first, and Juzi also prepared an extra thousand black horses for the military division. There are a total of [-] black cavalry brought out by the military division, so that there is no need to worry about the problem of sharply reducing the strength of the troops. Naturally, they can take the initiative to attack and catch the fleeing Zhuge Wanling. The prefect can decide the matter here, and the military division can. Don't worry... military advisor? Military advisor?"

The messenger suddenly noticed that Sun Boling seemed to be distracted, coughed in embarrassment, and said: "Mr. Sun, I don't know the content of this Juzi order. What else do you not know?"

Sun Boling was sitting in a wheelchair. With his disabled legs, it was impossible for him to get up like a normal person to get the pitch-black token. But now, even if his legs were not disabled, he could really stand up and take the token. cards, he is not willing to do so.

"Lingshi, I would like to ask, did this order really come from the mouth of the giant, or did someone issue the order on behalf of the giant?" Sun Boling's young face showed a serious expression, "The giant once gave me and the general a response to the situation. Right, it shouldn't be..."

"Bold!" The orderly shouted suddenly, and the flattery just disappeared in an instant, and the speed of changing his face was dizzying, "Military division, this is the order of the giant. Seeing the order is like seeing the giant personally. How dare I lie to you?"

"Your envoy doesn't need to say that. Of course I believe it." Sun Boling looked at the pitch-black token and thought, "I wonder if your envoy can go back and tell the giant that I can't leave Pengcheng for the time being, and I'm still needed here." Sitting in the town, if I leave, there will be a big gap in the general's layout, and I will bear the blame at that time."

The messenger looked at Sun Boling and sighed, "Why do you have to push yourself so hard? Gains and losses at this moment are not as important as your body. As long as you are still here, there will always be opportunities to make contributions in the future."

There will always be opportunities to make meritorious deeds in the future, which naturally means that there is no need to make meritorious deeds for the time being.

Such a smart person as Sun Boling, he naturally understood the hidden meaning in the words, he should have been angry, but Wang Xuanwei trusted him and entrusted him with his backhand completely, but he couldn't do it now.

Sun Boling sighed and said, "Your emissary has worked hard all the way, and he probably hasn't had any food yet, so I'll accept it. You should rest first."

Hearing that Sun Boling agreed to come down, the messenger immediately smiled, and stepped forward slowly, holding the Juzi order in both hands, with a full gesture of respect, and slowly put him on Sun Boling's outstretched hands.

"Ahem...you don't need to eat. I'm just an unknown person running errands for the giant. I'm too sorry to trouble the military advisor. I just need to add some dry food and water. The giant once said, let me go back to the city with you , in that case, I'll wait for you here."

Sun Boling looked out of the window, thinking of Wang Xuanwei who was probably on the run, frowned, and said slowly: "I beg your envoy to allow me to write a letter, is that all right?"

The messenger nodded and said, "Please."

The letter on the crow was taken down, Wang Xuanwei stretched out his hand, in the palm of his hand was some torn dried meat handed over by Ding Mo, and handed it to the crow, the crow was obviously very happy, it quacked a few times, and lowered its head three times I ate it in two bites.

And Wang Xuanwei looked at the letter with only a few sentences, his face was so gloomy that it seemed to be covered by dark clouds, making one wonder if it would be raining cats and dogs in the next second.

Wang Xuan stretched out his hand slightly and waved his arm lightly. The crow understood what he meant, and immediately fluttered its wings and flew away, but after a while it flew away into the sky.

"Cough cough cough..." Wang Xuanwei suddenly coughed.

"General, what's wrong?" Ding Mo knew that Wang Xuanwei's body was wounded when he killed King Ye in the mausoleum, and now he refused to rest and insisted on tracking Zhuge Wanling with his injuries. He said worriedly, "What did you write in the letter?" ?”

"You can see for yourself." Wang Xuan said gloomyly.

Ding Mo took the white silk book, and gently smoothed the curly corners. After just a few glances, his complexion changed drastically.Can't help cursing: "What kind of bastard is this? Just let the military division return to Jicheng for no reason?"

There was anger and sadness in Wang Xuanwei's eyes, which was very complicated: "Once the Juzi's order is issued, it is impossible for Boling to stay in Pengcheng any longer. As a result, the north-south passageway is useless, and Zhuge Wanling can no longer be stopped."

Ding Mo was resentful in his heart, so naturally he didn't take it into consideration: "I don't know what the giant thinks, isn't this adding to the chaos?"

Wang Xuan glanced at him coldly, Ding Mo suddenly felt a slip of the tongue, felt a little ashamed, thought for a while, and said: "Then what about taking the initiative to attack? Now Pengcheng doesn't count those pawns, there are two thousand black cavalry, and he should be able to intercept them." There are ghost riders from Qingzhou who fled into the territory of my Mo family. Zhuge Wanling is playing with suspicious soldiers, but there are not many people after all."

"Not many people? Hmph." Wang Xuanwei said, "Fifty Qingzhou Ghost Riders, divided into groups of three, how many groups can they be divided into?"

"About sixteen groups." Ding Mo replied.

"Sixteen groups, plus Zhuge Wanling, Gao Changgong, and the little boy named Abu, three people, can be regarded as seventeen groups. These people are scattered in different places, approaching the north-south passage in different routes and in different directions, two thousand The black cavalry can only divide the troops to intercept. But once the two thousand black cavalry are divided, a group will only be a hundred or so."

"This...isn't enough?" Ding Mo asked in a daze.

"Of course not enough." Wang Xuanwei rode on the horse, his gaze was like a torch, "Who are we going to chase? Zhuge Wanling himself doesn't have any force, but don't forget, there is a Jingwu God of War by his side. More than 100 black knights, even if it is real Let them find him, but how can they stop him? If he doesn't mind wasting some time, maybe he can rely on the lives of more than 100 people to delay him for some time, but if he directly wants to take Zhuge Wanling away, hundreds of people Black knights are futile."

Wang Xuan said in a low voice: "If it is said that Bo Ling personally commanded, it may not mean that the game will be lost. Maybe we can arrange a route, and after one side encounters, it will attract other groups of black cavalry to gather together. Even if it cannot be stopped, it can delay a lot. Time. But the giant directly recalled Burling, which is tantamount to drawing salary from the bottom of the pot..."

"Why did the giant do this?" Ding Mo asked with an ugly face.

"Zhuge Wanling's move is really in a good position." Wang Xuanwei said solemnly, "Probably he stole our way. When we came out, we were just responding to the situation and giving people facts. The old ministers in the court didn't want me at all. Leading troops with Burling, they know that no matter how fiercely they fight and have no soldiers, they will never be able to speak hard."

Speaking of this, Wang Xuanwei's words also contained a bit of anger, and said in a cold voice: "The vertical and the horizontal are for the road, and the yin and the yang are called the way. Those old men are full of academics, and their thoughts are Winning or losing has already left the Mohist family behind. How can we stick to the form of kingship, hegemony, and the use of soldiers to govern the country? If my Mohist family can use both kings and hegemons like it did back then, the world... should have been unified long ago."

Speaking of this, Wang Xuanwei's mood was a little depressed, and he coughed a few more times: "But these people are my enemies, and I don't need to care about their jealousy. The only thing that hurts me is that the giant refused to believe me, and was killed. With just a few words, he instigated, he called Boling back to Jicheng, and cut off my back...to cut off my back..."

Wang Xuanwei raised his head suddenly, and the whip made a crisp crackling sound. The severe pain caused the black war horse under him to neigh, and it sprang out suddenly, like a black lightning bolt on the wasteland.

Wang Xuanwei's eyes were sharp, he didn't look at Ding Mo who had already caught up beside him and the black knight behind him: "There is still a chance... There is still a chance... If we can catch up to him..."

The wind blew his hair, and the horse under his crotch panted violently.

Chapter 52 Farewell to Daoxiang Village

Although he made up his mind to go to Jingwu, Qin Ke still delayed a lot of time because of various trivial matters, and when he finally felt that all the things he should arrange had been arranged, even the morning glories at home were all arranged. After someone took care of him, he was finally able to pack his luggage which was not too bulky.

A pair of clean clothes, a few writing brushes soaked in ink to dry, a roll of "Wu Guo Tong Jian" that he brought along for fear of being bored on the road, plus a pack of dry food and a buckskin water bag, these are the things he plans to use on the road.

After all, from Daoxiang Village to Jingwu, it will take seven days even if the horse gallops wildly. Although Daoxiang Village has several stables in the village because of the implementation of the Mohism’s horse policy over the years, all the official horses are raised in them. One end had to be recorded in detail, and he didn't want to use it privately to get wanted by the Shang Mo family, so he could only rely on walking.

Naturally, the luggage is lighter so that he can walk faster.

However, when going out, Qin Ke still looked back at the cottage that had been with him for many years, and sighed: "It's different from the heroes written in the book, it's too shabby."

After speaking, he touched the deerskin bag at his waist that had been filled with clean water, put revenge on his back, and walked slowly towards the entrance of the village.And amidst the chirping of a few birds, the entrance of the village was full of voices, and a dense crowd of people stood shoulder to shoulder.

These are the villagers in the village, most of them are his uncles and aunts, and some of them are young people around his age. Qin Ke is familiar with them, even if he closes his eyes, he can speak from them He can tell which one has poked a beehive with him, and which one has touched crabs in a stream with him.

"Everyone... what are you doing..." Qin Ke stared blankly at the dark place, "Is it possible that you are going to announce something today?"

At this time, Uncle Ji squeezed out from the crowd with difficulty, looked at Qin Ke, and smiled a little embarrassedly: "Ah Ke, this is all a little kindness from the big guy, although you said you don't want us to send it off, but you also You are the children who grew up in our Daoxiang Village, but we are all your elders. My own children are going to go on a study tour, and I feel a little sorry for letting us uncles not take a look."

Uncle Ji has always had a close relationship with Qin Ke. Of course, one of the reasons is due to his "eldest son, the second baby, who never let him worry about it". In addition, his wife never got pregnant again, so he kept Qin Ke Treat him as his second son.And looking at Qin Ke's simple outfit, thinking that this child will really leave here from today to go out to travel the world alone, his eyes are slightly red, and he almost shed tears.

Qin Ke was also inexplicably sad, and whispered: "Uncle Ji, don't be sad, I just went out for a while, and it's not like I won't come back, why are you crying?"

"Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry." Uncle Ji rubbed his eyes vigorously, his eyes were as red as an old rabbit, but he smiled reluctantly, "Sand got into his eyes."

"Actually, I should be happy for you." Uncle Ji continued, "Although you have not yet reached the age of weak crown, you are still considered a young adult after all. It's good to go out to study, and when you come back in the future, you may become a member of our county. Senior officials, we little people also have brilliance in their faces."

As soon as he stretched out his hand, Qin Ke felt a heat in his hand, he asked in confusion to the bundle that Uncle Ji handed over, and asked curiously, "What is it?"

"Your Aunt Qing personally baked the pancakes for you, using white flour and millet, and you can eat them on the way." Uncle Ji had a smile on his face, but Qin Ke nodded vigorously. You must know that there are not many white flour in the village, and this A bag of pancakes can last him for several days, which shows how good Uncle Ji and Aunt Qing are to him.

As if aware of Qin Ke's thoughts, Uncle Ji grinned: "It's okay, Uncle Ji has earned a lot these days, and Uncle Ji can still afford this meal of white noodles. It's no better than going out to study in the village, you have to eat Order well, take care of your body. By the way..." Uncle Ji suddenly slapped his head and shouted to the crowd behind, "Ah...Ahqing..."

Among the crowd, Uncle Ji's wife came out and replied angrily, "What are you shouting for? It's not embarrassing!"

Uncle Ji stopped talking immediately.

Seeing Uncle Ji's angry look, Qin Ke pursed his lips and smiled, and said softly: "Aunt Qing, don't count on Uncle Ji. He is also a shopkeeper now, so he has to take care of face."

"If you don't want to lose face, you just opened a dilapidated inn, and people come and go every day, it smells like a latrine..." Having said that, Aunt Qing's face showed a bit of complacency, and then he held his hand As soon as he handed it over, a heavy bag of things came into Qin Ke's hands.

"Take it, count it as a favor from the people in our village."

Listening to the sound like stones colliding and rubbing, Qin Ke guessed that there was a lot of broken silver in it. According to the weight estimate, there must be at least eight or nine taels, and suddenly panicked: "What is this for? How can I get it from the village People's money?" She was about to hand it back when she stretched out her hand, but Aunt Qing deserved to be known as the "No. [-] shrew in Daoxiang Village", and Qin Ke stretched her hand back timidly just by staring at her.

Aunt Qing said: "Youdao is good at home for a hundred days, but it is difficult to go out for a day. There is a place to spend money along the way. It is always good to spend more money."

Feeling the heat of the pancakes in his arms and the weight of the silver, Qin Ke felt warm in his heart, and his eyes were a little red. He lowered his head slightly, blinked his eyes, and tried his best to suppress the soreness in his heart. He raised his head and said, "That's okay!" ..." He said to the crowd, "Uncles and uncles, go back, I'm leaving!"

Everyone responded immediately, but the sound was not neat, but like a flute played randomly, the room was wow.But Qin Ke looked at these familiar faces, but felt moved and reluctant.

"Brother Ah Ke, are you going to travel around the world and come back to be a high official?" At this time, Erwa, who had been unable to find a chance to speak in the words of the elders, finally interjected, and he asked excitedly.

He is still childish, his hair is disheveled, and although the top of his clothes is still clean, there is already a lot of mud sticking to the bottom, and the braided grasshopper in his hand is enough to prove his jumping character.

Qin Ke looked at the Erwa who was two years younger than him gently, shook his head and said, "I'm just going out to do some errands, I shouldn't be a high-ranking official..." But after thinking about it, he felt that it was not good for the Erwa to be upset. Disappointed, he could only blink and continue, "If I become a high-ranking official when I come back, how about asking you to do the paperwork for me?"

"That's a good relationship!" Erwa patted her chest and said, "I happen to be doing things under Master Sitian, and when I learn more, I can help you in the future. Father said that you will definitely be the one who will do big things in the future, I also feel that way, hey, in this village, you are the only one who reads those books and doesn’t want to sleep!”

Qin Ke thought to himself that you didn't see me when I was secretly sleeping, but he still patted Erwa on the shoulder and said with a smile, "You can't just watch and fall asleep after you do something for Master Sitian."

"Do not worry."

Qin Ke nodded, walked slowly a few steps, folded his hands according to the posture his master taught him, and bowed slowly.

"I'm leaving!" He said for the second time, but perhaps because he felt that the words were too short, he continued, "I will definitely be back."

After saying this seemingly simple but firm words, Qin Ke finally started to walk slowly towards the outside of the mountain.

he does not know.

When he set foot on this village again, everything had already changed.And when he recalled the past, he felt as if it was a lifetime away.At that time, he was no longer an ignorant boy in the village, but whenever he recalled the past, this place was the most peaceful and happy place in his life.

But he has to keep going.

Can't go back.

Chapter 53 Someone Waits at the Table

When the strong wind blows the clouds, it seems that the whole sky is running fast in one direction, and the horse below is like a small dot on the ground, very small.

"Ahem..." On top of the galloping horse, the pale-faced Wang Xuan coughed slightly. Following this journey, they passed through the barren plain, and gradually entered the rolling pasture.And on such a road, his internal injury broke out again, and his fatigue made him catch a cold. Every cough made Ding Mo, who was also galloping beside him, feel tight.

"General, further ahead is the north-south channel, which has been controlled by Jing Wu, and there are five thousand elites inside, if..."

"I know these things better than you." Wang Xuanwei interrupted him with a cold gleam in his eyes, "I'm sick, but not to the point of being confused."

After finishing speaking, he pulled the rein hard and shouted "wait!", the black riders got the signal, and they all tightened the rein to rein in the horses' castration. With a few horses neighing, the whole cavalry gradually slowed down. Move forward slowly.

All the horses are panting heavily. The squeeze along the way has already brought the potential of these excellent horse breeds to the limit, but because of this, Ding Mo also knows that even if these horses can return to the Black Cavalry alive The racecourse will also lose weight due to such intense running, and it will be difficult to recover within a year or two.

And by that time, the horse's best age will have passed, and even if it recovers, it will not be better than it is now.

Thinking about how they followed the trail of Zhuge Wanling and others, regardless of the stamina of the horses all the way, but they couldn't even see the buttocks of Zhuge Wanling and others, which is really frustrating.

Their cavalry army has already switched between two horses, and they seldom stop on the way, but they still can't catch up with Zhuge Wanling. Where did they get such speed?

But besides worrying about the horses, Ding Mo was more worried about Wang Xuanwei's physical condition. During this journey, Wang Xuanwei was running on horseback at other times except for healing at night, and now he was suffering from the wind and cold, no one knew. How long can he resist.

But now, Wang Xuanwei reined in his horse, finally giving him a sigh of relief.

"General, are we not going after him?" Ding Mo tentatively asked.

Wang Xuan looked into the distance slightly, his eyes narrowed slightly as if in thought, after a while, he said softly: "No need, someone is already waiting for us."

"Is there someone waiting?" Ding Mo was stunned for a moment, but before he had time to think, he realized that what caught his eyes was a lonely figure in the distance.

The figure was so thin that he even ignored it, and when he rode his horse forward slowly, the voice gradually became louder.

In the continuous wind, the man's blue clothes fluttered with the wind, and there was a small table in front of him, with a bronze wine vessel and two small cauldrons on it, one of which contained bread , while the other tripod contained milky white soup.

Ding Mo frowned, looked carefully, the hand holding the knife tightened, Zhuge Wanling!

He subconsciously widened his eyes and scanned his surroundings. Since Zhuge Wanling is here, doesn't that mean that Gao Changgong and others are also nearby?

But he searched for a long time, but he couldn't find any traces of people. Zhuge Wanling seemed to be a completely pure person, not even his entourage named Abu was by his side.

Wang Xuanwei rode his horse and slowly approached Zhuge Wanling. When he was less than twenty steps away from Zhuge Wanling, he dismounted, handed the reins to a black rider beside him, and walked over .

"Mr. Zhuge."

Zhuge Wanling smiled. He also looked a bit tired after running around for a long time, but his eyes were still as calm as an ancient well. He pointed to the blanket opposite the small table and said, "Mr. Wang, please."

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