Qin Ke thought for a long time and asked, "What do you do every day in Jingwu?"

Abu thought for a while, and said honestly: "Go to school, and then practice martial arts."

Qin Ke sighed, pulling his ears as if he hated iron and iron: "You are also a student of the prime minister after all, nothing else? How is your life different from ordinary people like me?"

"But I'm a commoner." Abu, who was rough-skinned and thick-skinned, didn't show much pain, and said, "I used to herd cattle for the rich man's family, starting from my grandfather's generation."

Qin Ke stopped his hand, looked at Abu foolishly, and said, "Then how did you climb up to Prime Minister Jing Wu?"

"I didn't climb it. It was Mr. who set up a special school to take in some poor children and teach them things. I happened to be selected, so I didn't continue to herd cattle. From then on, I met Mr. .”

"So he's your teacher?"

"Actually, the children in our school don't call him teacher, they just call him sir. Teacher is just what we call in private. It's impossible for us people to sit in school in this life, but with sir, we have This kind of opportunity. In addition to the books, the master also specially invited Dutong to teach us martial arts. Brother Chang Gong sometimes," Abu looked at Zhuge Wanling and said, "Actually, all the children in the school want to be the same as the master. "

Qin Ke smiled and said: "You definitely don't need to say it. You can tell from your expression that without him, you probably wouldn't be able to live."

Abu scratched his head: "Actually, I'm not sure either."

"What do you mean?" Qin Ke asked.

"Many times I feel that my husband is a big mountain, and I haven't even reached the foot of the mountain. I think of what was said in the "Book of Rites" of the previous dynasty. Those who want to regulate their families must first cultivate their bodies; those who want to cultivate their bodies must first rectify their hearts; those who want to rectify their hearts must first be sincere in their intentions..." Abu said, "Mr. , probably to cultivate one’s morality, regulate one’s family, govern one’s country and bring peace to the world? And I don’t think I can do it at all. What’s more, since a year ago, Mr. has become more and more serious, making people more and more unclear about his thoughts.”

After being silent for a while, Abu continued: "I think, maybe I can be like Brother Chang Gong, to drive and open the way for him."

"Not necessarily." Qin Ke hummed, "I haven't seen how powerful your husband is during this journey."

"That's because..." As soon as he spoke, Abu's complexion suddenly changed. He gritted his teeth, swallowed the rest of the voice back into his stomach, and let out two gurgling sounds from his throat.

"I can't say it." Abu wiped the cold sweat from his brow, and said in a low voice, "In any case... Mr. is very powerful."

Chapter 24 Secrets

Qin Ke didn't think too much, just waved his hands, and said helplessly: "OK, OK, your husband is the best. I think it would be even more difficult for you to be someone like Gao Changgong... After all... If it weren't for you Mr. Jia is holding back, I guess Gao Changgong beat that dead old man to the point of crying."

"Not really." Abu said with some hesitation: "I just think about it, but I know I can't do it. Brother Chang Gong is the god of war in Jingwu, and there are not many people in this world who can sit with him and discuss with him on martial arts. .I just hope that one day, I can catch up with his horse, be by his side, and be a lieutenant general for him.”

At this time, Gao Changgong suddenly approached and asked with a smile, "What are you whispering?"

Abu was startled, his whole face flushed red, wondering if Gao Changgong heard what he said just now.He faltered and said: "No... nothing... just chatting."

Gao Changgong put his hands behind his back, his tall and straight body seemed to have an unspeakable temperament: "It's so boring."

"Brother Chang Gong, don't you listen to the debate between Mr. Wang and Mr. Wang?" Abu asked curiously.

"What's there to listen to? I understand Wanling, and I have met Wang Xuanwei a few times. After all, only scholars like them can quarrel. I'm usually used to fighting." Gao Changgong said with a smile.

Abu was dumbfounded by Gao Changgong's simple and direct logic, and asked in a daze, "Is it so simple?"

"It's that simple." Gao Changgong looked at Zhuge Wanling, stared for a long time, and said softly, "Actually, sometimes, don't think about whether you can do it. Just chase after it. It's very simple."

Abu stood there dumbfounded, while Gao Changgong remained silent, as if he hadn't said anything.

The debate between Zhuge Wanling and Wang Xuanwei did not have any results, or in other words, it was destined to have no results.One is the prime minister of Jing Wu's affairs, and the other is the Mohist general in command of the military. In a sense, they represent the differences between Mohism and Jing Wu.

The difference between the two countries can often only be scrubbed with the blood of the battlefield.

If the words are not speculative, naturally half a sentence is too much.

Wang Xuan was slightly tired, and said with a flick of his sleeves: "It's not convenient to have a long talk here. If there is a chance, I will invite Mr. Zhuge to my Mo family's Jicheng to have a talk. Although the Mo family area does not produce Longjing, it also has good green tea. You can invite Mr. Zhuge to taste it."

Zhuge Wanling asked back: "Why didn't Mr. Wang come to my Soochow to have a talk? The good tea that Wanling left for Mr. has remained until now."

"Hmph." Wang Xuan sneered slightly, no longer entangled in this topic, but looked at the yin-yang fish on the ground. After a long time, he looked up at the formation around the sarcophagus: "Shen Mian... Release... Shackles..."

Wang Xuanwei was a little puzzled, this sentence was really weird to understand, although there was a saying that death was a deep sleep, but as a king, death was mostly called death, or did this dead King Ye deceive himself to such an extent?And this will also say that God has released him from his shackles, and wants to rule the world in the future. Could it be possible that King Ye was already insane because of his health before his death?

The most important thing is, who is this god referring to, who can bewitch him to such an extent?

There were too many doubts that were left unanswered, Wang Xuanwei walked slowly around the two sarcophagi.It wasn't that he didn't want to open the sarcophagus on the spot to see what was hidden inside, but the hardships along the way made him know that this mausoleum was definitely not that simple.

What if he forcibly opened the sarcophagus for a moment of pleasure, but fell into the trap set by the owner of the tomb for the tomb robbers?This matter must be considered in the long run.

"What is he doing?" Qin Ke asked strangely.

Abu looked at Wang Xuanwei, shook his head and remained silent.

At this time, Stonehenge ushered in another transformation.

I don't know what power drives this stone formation. After everyone entered, this stone formation will change every certain time. It is precisely because of this change that people enter the formation not long after. Wrong location.

However, compared to before, because everyone was in the stone formation, they couldn't figure out the changes in the stone formation, and could only rely on Wang Xuanwei's Xuanwei to find out the path.At this moment, everyone is in the center of the entire stone formation, where the eye of the stone formation is located, and these changes are naturally obvious at a glance.

Wang Xuanwei looked at the gigantic boulders that were moving silently, while countless towering boulders receded into the stone slab, there were also countless boulders standing bravely in front of everyone as if they were riding the wind and waves.

"Bamen Dunjia...eight...gossip..." Wang Xuanwei seemed to have thought of something, his eyes glowed brightly, and muttered, "Tai Chi...stone formation...the eyes of the formation...so it is so...so it is so... ..."

"So that's the case, I was wrong." He suddenly laughed heartily, the harshness of the laughter made Qin Ke's shoulders tremble uncontrollably, and he suddenly felt that this person was a little crazy at this moment.

And Wang Xuanwei turned his head suddenly, and said to Zhuge Wanling: "Did you see it earlier?"

Zhuge Wanling smiled and said, "What?"

Wang Xuanwei didn't even mention the title of "Mr. Zhuge", but said bluntly: "This stone formation is not a line of defense to protect Ye Wang's sarcophagus. On the contrary, Ye Wang's sarcophagus and even the Taiji diagram at the foot are just Part of this stone circle."

Wang Xuanwei's eyes were filled with brilliance: "This is not a defensive formation at all, but a large formation that absorbs the breath of Yin and Yang!"

Zhuge Wanling nodded: "I've been thinking, if there is anyone here who can answer this question, Mr. Wang is the only one. The classics of the Mohist school are as diverse as the sea, and Mr. Wang has learned from the past and the present, so naturally he doesn't know this little thing." Yin Yang Locking Dragon Formation'."

Wang Xuan said coldly: "You finally admitted that you know?"

Zhuge Wanling shook his head and said: "I just don't need to hide it anymore. The Yin-Yang Locking Dragon Formation can absorb the breath of heaven and earth and lock it in it. This moonlight from the outside is actually a hole used by the Yin-Yang Locking Dragon Formation to communicate with the world. Both yin and yang are divided, sunlight is yang qi, and moonlight is yin qi, under the alternation of yin and yang, this stone array naturally produces enormous power."

"And this power..." Wang Xuanwei moved his gaze down, looking at the two sarcophagi beside him, "It's inside these two sarcophagi."

Wang Xuan slightly stroked the surface of the sarcophagus, stroked the distorted line of words, and said, "King Ye is not only unwilling to die...even...he wants to come back to life again. There are two sarcophagi for Yin and Yang, and one for collecting Yin Qi. Guarantee that his body will not rot, collect yang energy in one place, and use this pure yang energy to suppress his body and not become a demon. He is still dreaming his great dream, thinking that the "god" will come One day, wake him up and let him return to the world."

What kind of crazy person would want to come back from the dead?

Although Wang Xuanwei's words were not particularly loud, everyone felt as if they had been hit by a thunderbolt, and they couldn't recover for a long time.

Wang Xuanwei regained his composure. He looked at Zhuge Wanling with deep eyes, "Am I guessing right? Mr. Zhuge?"

Zhuge Wanling didn't deny it, nodded, and said: "The records about King Ye that Jingwu kept were from a historian, but when I found this manuscript, the historian was no longer alive."

"What happened more than 100 years ago, of course the historian died." Qin Ke asked strangely.

Zhuge Wanling smiled and said: "Yes, but there is one more special thing. The manuscript I found did not come from his descendants, let alone from his relatives and friends. It was found in an earthen stove. And more than half of the text on it has been burned by charcoal fire. There is such a sentence written on it about Ye Wang: Ye Wang was sick, so he called a famous doctor from Wu to prolong his life. No. So he believed in the art of witchcraft, and closed his doors day and night in palace."

Qin Ke said blankly: "What does this have to do with the death of the historian?"

Wang Xuanwei said coldly: "A historian who can write such words and sentences, naturally, he can't die anymore. It's just that he didn't die at the end of his life. I'm afraid it's not just him, even his whole family, and even his blood relatives. They were all slaughtered."

Qin Ke was shocked by such a bloody fact, and stammered a little: "Just... because he wrote that King Ye believes in witchcraft?"

Abu explained: "Your Majesty the emperor of the previous dynasty hated witchcraft because there were witchcraft harming people in the palace. He even told the world that anyone who used witchcraft would be punished with death. King Ye Dear nobles, of course we can't let such news get out."

Zhuge Wanling nodded, with some relief in his eyes: "Abu, I've made some progress."

Abu's face flushed, and he hesitated and said: "No...no...it's just reading recently, and I happened to read an anecdote about the previous dynasty."

Chapter 25 Dragon Robe

What kind of crazy person would want to come back from the dead?

Although Wang Xuanwei's words were not particularly loud, everyone felt as if they had been hit by a thunderbolt, and they couldn't recover for a long time.

Wang Xuanwei regained his composure. He looked at Zhuge Wanling with deep eyes, "Am I guessing right? Mr. Zhuge?"

Zhuge Wanling didn't deny it, nodded, and said: "The records about King Ye that Jingwu kept were from a historian, but when I found this manuscript, the historian was no longer alive."

"What happened more than 100 years ago, of course the historian died." Qin Ke asked strangely.

Zhuge Wanling smiled and said: "Yes, but there is one more special thing. The manuscript I found did not come from his descendants, let alone from his relatives and friends. It was found in an earthen stove. And more than half of the text on it has been burned by charcoal fire. There is such a sentence written on it about Ye Wang: Ye Wang was sick, so he called a famous doctor from Wu to prolong his life. No. So he believed in the art of witchcraft, and closed his doors day and night in palace."

Qin Ke said blankly: "What does this have to do with the death of the historian?"

Wang Xuanwei said coldly: "A historian who can write such words and sentences, naturally, he can't die anymore. It's just that he didn't die at the end of his life. I'm afraid it's not just him, even his whole family, and even his blood relatives. They were all slaughtered."

Qin Ke was shocked by such a bloody fact, and stammered a little: "Just... because he wrote that King Ye believes in witchcraft?"

Abu explained: "Your Majesty the emperor of the previous dynasty hated witchcraft because there were witchcraft harming people in the palace. He even told the world that anyone who used witchcraft would be punished with death. King Ye Dear nobles, of course we can't let such news get out."

Zhuge Wanling nodded, with some relief in his eyes: "Abu, I've made some progress."

Abu's face flushed, and he hesitated and said: "No...no...it's just reading recently, and I happened to read an anecdote about the previous dynasty."

Zhuge Wanling didn't pay attention to him anymore, but continued: "Then I checked all the files, but I couldn't find any records about Ye Wang's involvement in witchcraft. But fortunately, some things have not been buried after all. Years ago, I found a nanny from a wealthy family. Her mother was a personal servant in the palace at that time. He still had enough power to control the government, and one night he was drunk and told her on the bed curtain that he had found a way to relieve his pain, but maybe he couldn't wait for this way while he was alive. But he was fanatical He thought that even if he died, as long as his body would not rot, he would have a chance to come back to life. The female officer thought he was just drunk and talking nonsense, and didn't care, but just a few years later, Ye Wang died of illness, and his funeral team disappeared for no reason on the second day of the funeral. She finally gradually felt that what Ye Wang said might be the truth. Uneasy. Her daughter is the only one who has heard about this matter. She heard from her mother that Ye Wang had sent someone to build a large-scale construction project here, and we also got the news because of this.”

After listening to Zhuge Wanling's words, Wang Xuanwei's eyes were indifferent: "Whether Ye Wang is dreaming a thousand years or not, I don't understand that Mr. Zhuge expends energy to unravel cocoons in such a mess to trace Ye Wang's reality, and even find What is his mausoleum for?"

"Naturally, it's for something useful." Zhuge Wanling acted aggressively, "But since Mr. Wang is here, why bother to ask me? Maybe that thing is hidden in the sarcophagus, and you are only a distance away from it slate."

Wang Xuan sneered slightly: "Mr. Zhuge is testing whether I dare to open the coffin?"

"No." Zhuge Wanling said, "It's just that the item is too special, so I just said it like that, for fear of being suspected of blasphemy."

Wang Xuan frowned slightly, and looked at Ding Mo. The latter was stationed holding a fine steel spear in both hands. Although it could share the strength, it took a lot of strength to go all the way, and even with Ding Mo's cultivation, he couldn't bear it.Gao Changgong's strength is so strong that he can restrain people with only a fine steel spear. If he opens the coffin at this time, let alone whether there are other mechanisms in the tomb. What should he do to stop him?

Gao Changgong still held his hands behind his back, and looked at him with a slight smile, but Wang Xuanwei felt the sharpness of it. Heiqi lost three people along the way, and the rest were also injured along the way.

However, Gao Changgong just used a knife to fight against Gang Feng in the stone formation, and even used it as a shield for everyone to break through the shocking door. Has his strength also weakened?

Countless thoughts changed in his mind, Wang Xuanwei narrowed his eyes slightly, and a chill leaked out from them.

"Zhang Yu, Qiantong." Wang Xuanwei said suddenly.

"Yes." The two black knights came out and bowed their hands respectfully, "Please order, General."

"Open the coffin." Wang Xuan closed his eyes slightly, and finally made this decision.

The two black knights looked at each other, hesitated for a moment, and the black knight named Zhang Yu asked tentatively, "Which sarcophagus should you open?"

Wang Xuanwei didn't seem to hear it, and put his hands behind his back to the piece of moonlight that was pouring down on the top, shining like silvery white frost on the ground.The tomb is extremely dark, but the moonlight seems to give people a kind of warmth, so that people will not feel lonely in such darkness.

"The sarcophagus of Yang Yu." Wang Xuan said slightly.

If it were Qin Ke, probably because he didn't know which sarcophagus to choose, he would simply find a copper coin to throw at it, and then rely on the front and back of the copper coin to decide whether it is a sarcophagus for yang fish or sarcophagus for yin fish.

But Wang Xuanwei is not Qin Ke, his every move has his own considerations.And in terms of preparation, he will not spare any effort.Following his command of "all black knights be on alert", all the black knights who had been a little depressed drew their knives, and the hand crossbow was wound up again. Amidst the glare of the knives, this cavalry seemed to be a spiked sword. Hedgehogs, although many of them have injuries, they still maintain an amazing momentum at such a moment!

"The black cavalry of the Mohist school is indeed the best in the world." Zhuge Wanling praised.

They are not only guarding against possible dangers after opening the coffin, but also guarding against Gao Changgong, Zhuge Wanling and others!

"If King Ye wants to ensure that the corpse does not rot, he must not touch the pure yang energy. Presumably he will not really lie in it by himself, it should only be a tomb of clothes. But there is no guarantee that there will be no mechanism, be careful." Wang Xuanwei said in a heavy voice.

At the moment when the sarcophagus was slowly opened, Zhuge Wanling felt a sudden tightening in his hand, he looked sideways, Wang Xuanwei's face was solemn, and his hand had already grasped his wrist without knowing it.

Even though Wang Xuanwei is not a warrior who is good at cultivating physique, his strength is still not weaker than that of an ordinary soldier, not to mention that Zhuge Wanling does not have any cultivation level. Pain welled up in his brain, and he could no longer maintain his original calm and peaceful posture, so he hunched slightly.

Wang Xuanwei was undoubtedly using this move to firmly control Zhuge Wanling in order to counter Gao Changgong who might lose control at any time.

Naturally, Gao Changgong would not fail to notice such details. Most people in Jingwu knew that Zhuge Wanling's body was weak, even inferior to ordinary people. Wang Xuanwei's move, even if it did not damage Zhuge Wanling's muscles and bones, undoubtedly It will make Zhuge Wanling feel uncomfortable.

It's just that he didn't move, he just stood and smiled without any fumes, but Qin Ke, who was lying on Abu's back beside him, saw a bit of killing intent in his eyes.

The sarcophagus in Yangyu was finally opened. Inside the stone coffin, as Wang Xuanwei said, there was no Ye Wang's body. Inside the empty sarcophagus, there was only a neatly folded suit of clothes.

After hundreds of years of vicissitudes in this dark mausoleum, this set of clothes still maintains the same appearance as before, even the color has not faded at all, as if waiting for someone to put it on again, and see the light of day again with the posture of the past.

The heavy crown fell to the ground, making a heavy muffled sound.Wang Xuan looked at the set of clothes slightly, stretched out his hand, and grasped the crown on the clothes.

The entire body of the black crown had crowns hanging from the front and back, each with as many as twelve rows, and the jewels and jade on it were neatly arranged, and they swayed gently with the movements of Wang Xuanwei's hands.There is a hole on each side, with jade sticks interspersed and ribbons hanging down.The ribbon hangs down to about the ear position, and there is also a pearl on each side.

Wang Xuanwei knew that this was called "Yun Er" in the previous dynasty, and the function of wearing it next to the ear was to remind the wearer not to listen to slander.only……

"This is not the standard for conferring a king." Wang Xuan said slightly.

Feeling Wang Xuan let go of his hand slightly, Zhuge Wanling smiled palely, and said, "Of course not. This is the dragon robe of the former emperor."

Chapter 26 Reverse Scale

"Dragon Robe?" Qin Ke stared blankly at the crown. When he was born, the previous dynasty had already fallen apart. What's more, even if the previous dynasty was still there, he, a commoner, would never have the chance to see the crown that should belong to him. The crown of the owner of this world.There was an inexplicable sense of dignity in his heart, but he still expressed his doubts, "Isn't King Ye a prince?"

Zhuge Wanling said softly: "In the 37th year of Zhongping, the king's Changling army has exceeded [-]."

Qin Ke was even more confused: "What's so strange about that? Isn't it normal for a prince to have an army?"

Feeling the eyes of Wang Xuanwei and Gao Changgong, Abu blushed slightly, and explained to Qin Ke: "The emperors of the previous dynasty had unified regulations on the designation of kings. Although the territories of princes and kings are different in size, and the number of troops is also different. But The maximum scale of the establishment must be controlled within 2 people, otherwise it is an attempt to rebel. This is also the method used by the former central government to control the king, otherwise the army of the princes and kings will continue to expand indefinitely, and it will also pose a threat to the central government.”

Qin Ke suddenly realized: "Oh, that means, this King Ye is not really a loyal minister."

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