Then, all the clothes on his upper body were torn and scattered in all directions.

"Ake!" Abu's liver and gallbladder were broken, and he started to go towards Qin Ke. The black knight guarding him pressed his knife with one hand and took a step forward, trying to stop Abu's unauthorized actions.

A force seemed to surge in like a tide. At that moment, he felt like a rock washed by the tide, staggering a few steps and almost kneeling.Among this group of people, although Abu is tall and tall, compared to Zhuge Wanling and Gao Changgong, he looks too inconspicuous, but how could Heiqi think that this boy's burly figure is not just an empty air, but a real one? Possesses such divine power!

Abu rushed out of the crowd and rushed towards Qin Ke.

Everyone was shocked, Wang Xuanwei's face turned livid, and he said loudly: "Stop him!"

Too late.

Before everyone could react, Abu had passed the black cavalry and rushed straight towards Gangfeng!

Gao Changgong held a knife in both hands and turned slightly sideways. A gust of wind passed by the tip of his nose, leaving a three-inch-deep mark on the boulder with a chirping sound.And he raised his leg and kicked Abu to the ground.

"Are you looking for death?" Gao Changgong's voice became serious, "He's fine."

Abu was stunned, he looked over Gao Changgong's waist, and saw Qin Ke's thin figure.His upper body was naked, revealing his well-proportioned and muscular muscles from years of martial arts training.Gang Feng left tiny gashes on his body, but because they were too sharp, these gashs didn't even overflow with blood.

But he did not die after all, nor did he fall to the ground like the first black knight who was blown by the strong wind, and his body turned into a puddle of shredded flesh.

Qin Ke was still doing the movement of holding the sky with one hand, and when he took another step, the wind in the whole space stopped in an instant!

"It's now!" Gao Changgong shouted.

Wang Xuanwei had already made preparations, and as his eyes froze, the Xuanwei behind him, who had already been ready to go, buzzed loudly and rushed out.

Qin Ke tightly closed his eyes, his face was pale. With his ability, he had exhausted all his strength and spirit to control the wind in the stone formation. He even suspected that the reason why he was still standing was simply because Being pulled by the power in this space, at this moment, he could no longer control the wind, in other words, the wind controlled him.

"Heh...heh...heh..." He wanted to breathe hard.

But the air in his lungs was squeezed out of his body by an inexplicable force, he couldn't move his feet, he couldn't even open his eyes, the outside voices disappeared at this moment, and unprecedented darkness and loneliness enveloped him.

He was terrified, he felt that he might die because of this power.

Xuan Weizi crossed his shoulders with a loud buzzing sound, pierced through the entire Jingmen, and then they condensed into a ball in the air, and then disintegrated suddenly, turning into countless light spots, scattered in all directions.

If they want to find the direction of this stone formation, they can't just wander around.

The two most important gates of the Bamen Dunjia: the gate of life and the gate of death, they are now too close to the gate of death, if they can't figure out the direction of the stone formation and walk around in the stone formation, there is only possibility of death.

According to the plan, he should have heard Xuan Weizi come out of the gate, scattered away, and quickly retreated, returning to Gao Changgong's protection.But at this moment, he couldn't hear any sound from the outside world at all, so how could he determine when he would stop?

In the darkness and loneliness, every minute and every second will be magnified to the extreme. He can't count the time, and can only passively bear the increasingly heavy force, as if to tear his body apart.

"Who will save me?" Qin Ke whispered in his heart.

As blood spilled from the corner of his lips, his entire world spun, disintegrating and collapsing, and finally turned into countless boulders, hitting himself.

He felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, and then fell limp and fainted on the ground.

Chapter 22 Text

Qin Ke woke up in a daze, and what he saw was still a dark underground space. The blackness was like a heavy night, and when it was pressed down, it was like dark clouds.And he moaned softly, only feeling that his headache was split from top to bottom by an axe.

"Ake. Ake? Ake?"

In front of Qin Ke's eyes was Abu's simple and honest face, watching him with concern, and when he called his name, he seemed worried about disturbing him, so when he got to the back, his tone became uncertain.

Qin Ke smiled, and said weakly: "Stop screaming, I have a headache."

Abu was carrying Qin Ke on his back, and he was relieved to see him awake at this moment. He turned his head and couldn't help laughing: "It's okay, it's just a headache." He glanced at Gao Changgong who was walking in front, and said: "Listen Not seeing our voices, the whole person seemed to be dazed. Fortunately, Brother Chang Gong knocked you out, and he said that if you continue, you will be made a fool by that force sooner or later."

So, is that so?Qin Ke thought absently.

But now he really doesn't want to recall the loneliness just now, so he smiled with some difficulty: "No wonder the back of my neck still hurts like someone punched you hard." He wanted to get off Abu's back, But as soon as he moved, he felt as if his body was being torn apart inch by inch, and he grinned in pain.

"Don't worry." Abu said, "Your body has just endured too much force, and you are a little bit out of strength. You should rest more."

"Where are you?" Qin Ke put his face on Abu's shoulder, stopped struggling, closed his eyes, and let Abu carry it on his back, even less bothered to look at the outside world.

Abu looked at the figures of Zhuge Wanling and Wang Xuanwei in front of him, and said, "We're almost out of the Stone Formation, and we're now on the last stretch of the Shengmen Gate. After leaving the Life Gate, we're out of the Stone Formation."

Qin Ke nodded wearily and said, "I'll sleep for a while."

Qin Ke fell asleep very fast, so fast that people even suspected that he just woke up for a short time was just what the old people called "dream walking syndrome".

But Abu knew Qin Ke was tired, and Zhuge Wanling said that Qin Ke's actions to stop those gale winds just now undoubtedly carried a mountain on his shoulders. His bones would be shattered inch by inch, and he would bleed to death all over his body.

Although he was sore and depressed now, compared to the worst outcome, it was already a good situation.

Thinking of this, he reached out and took out a pill from his bosom, and stuffed it carefully into Qin Ke's mouth.

"Hmm... I want to eat beef." Qin Ke swallowed the elixir dreamily, with a silvery saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth.

The exit of Shengmen is actually in the center of the stone formation, and the whole stone formation seems to be a ring, surrounding the space in the middle.The boulder is just a layer of protection, and the center of the stone formation is its eye, which is also the safest place.When they walked out of the boulder pile, everyone's eyes suddenly became clear.

"This is the mausoleum?" Wang Xuanwei walked side by side with Zhuge Wanling, and he saw a ray of light quietly falling down from the top of the tomb, silvery white like frost, it was moonlight.But under the moonlight, there were two sarcophagi that had been sleeping for an unknown number of years. They didn't look gloomy, but gave people a sense of solemnity.

The ground in front of the sarcophagus is carved with heavy patterns, and large pictures are painted with ore pigments. The majestic mountains are undulating in the picture. Below him, there is a group of worshipers. They kneel down devoutly and face the sky. Make a call.

There seemed to be a figure in the big and thick clouds, with thunder.

When everyone approached the sarcophagus, Wang Xuanwei looked at the pictures on the ground, thinking deeply, as if he had caught some clues.

"That's right." Zhuge Wanling was about to move closer, but a black knight stopped him with a scabbard.

He calmly stared at the black knight's unfriendly eyes, without fear or anger, just as calm as a waveless pool.After watching this for a long time, the black knight felt inexplicably fearful and took a step back, but he had a responsibility and knew that the critical moment had come, and he must not let Zhuge Wanling affect Wang Xuanwei. Bite the bullet and stand in front of Zhuge Wanling.

"Mr. Zhuge." Wang Xuanwei said playfully, "Is this the place you want to find? The tomb of a former prince?"

He stretched out his hand to touch the patterns on the sarcophagus, and the moonlight shone on the coffin. It was clearly just a sarcophagus, but at the moment it was as clear as jade.

"Daji Dynasty, the 45th year of Zhongping, March." Wang Xuanwei followed the words on the sarcophagus, reading out word by word, "When I first saw the true face of God, I was terrified..."

The expression on Wang Xuanwei's face kept changing.

This sarcophagus records some deeds of the owner of the tomb, but it mainly focuses on what happened after 45 years of Zhongping. Perhaps for the owner of the tomb, what happened before 45 years of Zhongping is not important at all?

Following the text, Wang Xuanwei gradually saw the name Ye Wang.Wang Xuanwei had heard that in the last years of the Ji Dynasty, the emperor appointed his brother as king in order to ensure that the power in his hands would not fall to the hands of the aristocratic family.Among them was the emperor's younger brother, King Ye.

During his lifetime, he firmly occupied the most affluent state of Wu in the world. He fought hard for ten years just to protect the dignity of the emperor. He can be regarded as one of the most loyal princes.

It's just that he was weak and sick, and died of illness when he was only [-]. His descendants were unworthy, and because of selfish interests, he split the country and fought on his own, and was finally destroyed by the kings.

Mozi even commented on King Ye, saying: "If he can live longer, the state of Wu will become an iron bucket in his management. With his help, the emperor must be able to extend the Ji Dynasty for a few more years." Ten years? If that’s the case, there won’t be the current Jing Wu.”

"King Ye... Wu Kingdom...Jing Wu..." Wang Xuanwei thought for a long time, then looked up at Zhuge Wanling, and suddenly understood why Zhuge Wanling knew where this tomb was.Except for a few big families in Jingwu, who would know about King Ye's tomb?

"In the 45th year of Zhongping, in June. After burning incense and bathing, and then entering the mountain, the gods were angry, and the mountain was closed for three days by heavy rain and mountain torrents. I was in a mess and returned to China by luck."

"In the 46th year of Zhongping, three envoys were sent, but they did not return."

"In the 47th year of Zhongping, I went to the mountain, but I didn't see God, and I came back."

"In the 48th year of Zhongping, the gods avoided me, but what, what."

"In the 50th year of Zhongping, I was dying of illness. At that time, the country was in crisis, and the rebellion of the relatives and gentry was getting stronger and stronger. There was no place inside and outside the court that was not a battlefield. It is ridiculous that the ambitions in the chest cannot be displayed, and God's will tricks people. But... if you can see God , why can’t this providence be reversed?”

"In the 51st year of Zhongping, I entered the mountain and finally saw my face. My spirit has been weakened, and I am so old. How? How?"

"In the 52nd year of Zhongping, the royal mausoleum was first completed, and it was enshrined in the sky for all generations. God was very happy, and he bestowed treasures."

Ye Wang finally died in the 54th year of Zhongping. He was terminally ill and survived for four years. Although he could feel how difficult it was for Ye Wang from the text, Wang Xuanwei paid more attention to the constant repetition of "" The word "God" seems to regard "God" as a person or an existence, and the respectful meaning in the words seems to put him above the emperor.

Who could make someone like Ye Wang put him higher than the emperor?Is it really a god?

He touched the edge of the sarcophagus, turned his head, and looked at another sarcophagus. He never understood why there were two sarcophagi in the mausoleum since it was King Ye's tomb.

Although many tombs of dukes and dukes set up "suspect coffins" to confuse tomb robbers' sight in order to prevent theft, but two sarcophagi are placed in the same place, with a distance of less than ten steps, so they must not be suspicious coffins?

Could it be that it is recorded in the text that King Ye admired... God?

"Let him come over." Wang Xuan said slightly.

The black knight who was blocking Zhuge Wanling immediately took a step back, making way for Zhuge Wanling.

Zhuge Wanling smiled, walked forward to Wang Xuanwei's side, and said, "Mr. Wang."

"Mr. Zhuge, you must know more about this King Ye?" Wang Xuan said slightly.

"Yes." Zhuge Wanling didn't hide anything, "After all, my foundation in Jingwu itself is his legacy."

"In that case, Xuan Wei is offended, I wonder if Mr. Zhuge can explain why there are two sarcophagi here?"

Zhuge Wanling stood beside the sarcophagus, looking at those words, also lost in thought.

After a long time, Zhuge Wanling looked up at Wang Xuanwei and shook his head.

Wang Xuanwei sneered, "Mr. Zhuge doesn't know what these words mean?"

Zhuge Wanling said: "Who in this world dares to say that they know everything?"

At this time, the stone formation slowly moved again.The painting that was originally on the ground next to the sarcophagus turned out to be like flowing water, slowly flowing and changing!

Chapter 23 Arguments

In the shadows, there seemed to be a cold smile.

Qin Ke woke up with a start, staring at the two sarcophagi. The voice in the cave came back again. He was sure that this time it was no longer an auditory hallucination, and the sound did not sound like the wind blowing in the cave.

is an individual.

The dyes on the ground smudged, they collided and merged with each other, and the originally brightly colored picture after hundreds of years had already turned into a chaotic cloud, and in it, there seemed to be countless galloping horses galloping and neighing, It also seems that there are countless lions roaring angrily.

In the end, these colors all disappeared. The original mottled colors finally disappeared as if they were eaten by something. Instead, they were black and white. They flowed, as if they were alive, but they were not Will stain the soles of everyone's boots.

I don't know how long it lasted, but they finally calmed down, but they looked completely different.

This is a huge picture of Taiji, the left and right yin and yang fish are intertwined, but they are clearly separated. They seem to be blending, but they are mutually exclusive.When Abu was studying in Jingwu, he had seen many Tai Chi diagrams, but he couldn’t describe this one. It seemed to be like this from the moment the world was born, and every detail was full of the feeling of “it should be like this”.

It symbolizes birth and death, but also power.

"Look quickly. The text has changed!" Abu looked at the sarcophagus and raised his hands in shock.

Wang Xuanwei looked at the sarcophagus, and the words on it had indeed changed. The original words on the sarcophagus were the seal scripts of the Ji Dynasty for hundreds of years. Show respect for the emperor.

But now, these seal scripts seem to come alive, distorted a little bit, like a terrifying monster that is about to break out of the coffin.

"The 55th year of Zhongping..." Wang Xuan was slightly taken aback. Ye Wang was buried in the 54th year of Zhongping, but why was it written in the 55th year of Zhongping?

Zhuge Wanling looked at the distorted line of words, and read out softly: "The formation was first formed, but I slept here, and in the future, the gods will release me from my shackles, and rule the world!"

This line of words seems to carry Ye Wang's deep-rooted hatred for unfulfilled ambitions, and the last word has already been distorted to the point where it is almost unrecognizable.

Wang Xuan snorted coldly: "The remnants of the previous dynasty still vainly plan to come to Japan?"

Zhuge Wanling shook his head, and said, "If according to the time when he died, the previous dynasty had not yet been destroyed, how can we talk about remnants of evil?" Looking up at Wang Xuanwei, Zhuge Wanling said, "The Mohism originated in the former dynasty of Emperor Hongwu. In the Jishang School Palace, the first generation of giants were the princes and tutors, and they have a close relationship with the previous dynasty. The country where the country is now established, Jicheng, is the capital of the previous dynasty. Could it be that the Mohists also demeaned the previous dynasty as worthless? ?”

Wang Xuan sneered slightly: "You don't have to mock me. Although my Mohism originated from the previous dynasty, I have always believed in benefiting the world, and I am not loyal to one country and one monarch. Back then, the second Mohist patriarch was even banned for opposing the previous dynasty's tax increase. The emperor was imprisoned, and finally committed suicide in prison. Maybe the previous dynasty also guarded the stability of the world, but after Emperor Changlong, the Ji dynasty levied violently and poisoned the world. Why do we, the Mohists, respect the ruler of chaos?"

Zhuge Wanling nodded, and said: "This statement is reasonable." The topic changed, "However, in the name of helping the world, the Mohists have conquered Tang and Canghai six times in the past few years, causing countless border people to be displaced. Is it righteous?"

Wang Xuanwei said righteously and honestly: "The extravagance of the Tang Dynasty spread all over the country, the people did not know how to abide by the way of the people, and the king did not care about the majesty of the king. In the sea, there is a ruthless king like Cao Meng, who is ambitious and never relaxes his covetousness towards my Mohist family. Is it possible that my Mo family should treat these two neighbors kindly?"

He stared at Zhuge Wanling with fiery eyes: "I would like to ask Mr. Zhuge, you used Jianghu gangs as your foundation, gathered the aristocratic families of the former Wu Kingdom, and eventually became the Jingwu Kingdom, but why did you establish the country?"

Zhuge Wanling pursed his lips, smiled, and sighed: "It's just a scholarly spirit, and he wants to protect the safety of one side."

Wang Xuan said coldly: "I'm afraid it's not necessarily true. I know that a person like Mr. Zhuge is like a fire burning in his heart. Sooner or later, he will turn into horses and weapons and travel all over the world. If it weren't for Jing Wu and the Mohist sect. Alright, I would even suggest to Juzi, take advantage of Jingwu’s unsteady footing, and lead troops south.”

"Aren't you afraid that Tang Guo and Cang Hai will sneak in?" Zhuge Wanling smiled.

"If they can occupy the fertile land of Jingwu, even if the Mo family loses a few cities, what's the pity?" Wang Xuan said coldly.

"It's the way of strategy." Zhuge Wanling smiled, "It's just going to hurt the people of the Mo family."

"All the people in the world are people who are loved by both the Mohists. My Mohism treats everyone in the world equally. If it can benefit the unity of the world, Wang Xuanwei is willing to bear this infamy."

Qin Ke frowned for a while, he didn't understand what Wang Xuanwei and Zhuge Wanling were arguing about, but these two people were facing each other from left to right, as if the world outside the mausoleum had no beginning and no end.

And this world finally killed his brother, his father, his mother, and his sister who was only a few months old.

But Abu was listening attentively, with reverence written all over his face.

But Qin Ke said a little unhappy: "Hey, can you stop looking at your teacher with that kind of eyes all the time, you make me doubt that you like men."

"Ah?" Abu was stunned, then scratched his head and said, "What do you mean... like a man?"

Qin Ke was stunned for a moment, never expecting that Abu would ask him like this: "How should I say this? Uh... uh... It's like what Uncle Ji in the village said when he went out to buy meat in the county... Master Rabbit, have you heard of it?" ?”

"don't know."

Qin Ke looked into Abu's eyes carefully for a long time, and finally gave up, thinking that this guy really didn't understand.He was a little annoyed, thinking that Uncle Ji was drinking a little wine the night he returned to the village, and said with a contemptuous expression, "Those dignitaries outside would rather let the beautiful girls go, but they would go to the brothel to find some pretty girls." boy", isn't it purely bragging?

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