Wang Xuan sneered slightly: "In this vast world, how many loyal ministers can there be? What's more, to be a loyal minister depends on whether his master is willing or not. The former imperial tutor once used death to admonish the emperor not to be too hasty in the matter of becoming a king, but the emperor If he refused to listen, the Grand Tutor knelt outside the main hall door without taking in a drop of water for three days. Finally, he became discouraged and set himself on fire in the imperial study. It can be seen that being a loyal minister may not be respected by others, I am afraid that many times you have to bear it. There are many things that should not be endured. As long as these princes hold the military power in their hands, which one has not thought of ascending to the supreme position?"

Speaking of this, Wang Xuanwei looked at the crown in his hand, and when he thought of the chaotic world, he showed a bit of disgust.He threw away the crown casually.

The crown rolled a few times on the ground, and the string that was originally strung with pearls and jades suddenly broke, and the black pearls and jades were scattered all over the ground, just like the disintegrating situation in the previous dynasty.

"How many people like this are there in this world?" Wang Xuanwei thought of the Tang Kingdom, thought of the sea, and finally looked at Zhuge Wanling, feeling a little tired for a while.

At this time, a peaceful dark golden light lit up inside the sarcophagus.

The original crown had already been thrown to the ground by Wang Xuanwei, and only a set of dragon robes was left in the sarcophagus, including knee coverings, ribbons, red lapels, etc. A palm-sized silver-white crescent-shaped object was revealed in front of him.

He has never felt such a solemn and solemn power, peaceful but proud, restrained but somewhat majestic.It lay quietly in the sarcophagus, obviously it was a thing, but Wang Xuanwei could feel its pulse, its... heartbeat.

"This seems to be... scales?" Wang Xuanwei's gaze was attracted, and at this moment he could no longer care about anything beside him.That force was calling to him, it woke up, it was excited, and the originally peaceful pulse also accelerated in an instant.

Wang Xuanwei unconsciously stretched out his hand, and the black knight beside him shouted worriedly, "General!"

But Wang Xuanwei had already touched the scale-like silver-white object, and that force surged into his body crazily.

For a moment, Wang Xuanwei seemed to feel that he was not in this gloomy sarcophagus, but in a towering hall, outside the hall was endless clouds and majestic mountains, and there was nothing beside him.

Not alone, but supercilious.

He took a step forward, and there was thunder rolling along with his thoughts.And when he took every step, the sky thunder violently exploded, and he felt endless power flooding his whole body, but he was not happy. There was a stronger power controlling him, and all emotions seemed to be separated from him. Gone.

"But it's not me..." Wang Xuanwei woke up suddenly, with disappointment in his voice, and then he coughed violently.

He didn't know when he fell into it, but when he walked out of the illusion, he suddenly felt his whole body loosen, and almost fell to the ground.

With the sound of clanging, the crescent-like scales fell back into the sarcophagus.The strength in Wang Xuanwei's body disappeared, he felt his body lighten, his back was wet with sweat at some point, sticking to his back, very uncomfortable.

The relit torches in the hands of the black knights crackled, and his eyes were still a little hollow, but compared to the previous state of complete absence, he had recovered a lot.The practice of the Mohist school pays special attention to tempering the spirit. If it weren't for this, he might be lost in the power that seems to be able to call wind and rain and never get out.

Even though that state still made him unable to resist reminiscing about it, he knew that the person standing in that temple was not him, but someone else.A person... so powerful that he was completely beyond his imagination.

And he just experienced what it was like to be in his place.

"General!" Heiqi supported him, only feeling that his hands holding the scales were trembling, and asked extremely worriedly, "Are you alright?"

"It's okay." Wang Xuan said calmly, "Be optimistic about Zhuge Wanling, and pay attention to Gao Changgong's every move."

Zhuge Wanling didn't care that the black knights were pointing at him with Mohist crossbows, even though he knew that as long as he made any movement now, these black crossbows would be fired in an instant and land on him.

The Mohist hand crossbow is extremely powerful, and it takes three stones to fully draw the bowstring. Although there is a mechanism designed by the Mohist to ease the difficulty of winding, if it is not for these Mohist elite black cavalry, I am afraid that it will be difficult for others to use these crossbows .

He is just a frail scholar who doesn't even have cultivation base. If these crossbow arrows fall on his body, they will first directly penetrate his not thick body, and the force they bring will make him fly up.

"Mr. Wang, you should know what this is by now." Zhuge Wanling said.

Wang Xuan took a breath, and with the support of the black knight, he regained his footing. Although the force was violent, it didn't intend to destroy his body. It was just silent for too long and needed a place to vent.Naturally, he also recovered quickly.

Wang Xuan looked at the crescent-shaped scales slightly, this time, he didn't dare to touch them rashly again, even though there was still a voice in his heart shouting to him: "Hold it! Hold it! Hold it and you will hold the world! "

But Wang Xuanwei knew that that power didn't belong to him, it couldn't even belong to anyone, it only belonged to its former master.

"I never thought that Shenlong Nilin really existed." Wang Xuan sighed slightly.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then looked in shock at the still restless dark golden light in the sarcophagus.Shenlong?Shenlong!

This is almost a legendary fetish. In the previous dynasty, the dragon was used as a totem, and the emperor called himself the son of a dragon. However, these dragon sons have been passed down from generation to generation. Until the entire dynasty fell apart, they never really saw a single dragon.

Many suspect that Shenlong is nothing more than a fiction.

But at this moment, all doubts have become real, and dragons really exist!

"Is it dead?" Wang Xuanwei then asked another question that everyone couldn't think of.

Ding Mo's eyes flickered. Legend has it that the dragon's reverse scale is the most untouchable part of the body. As long as it is touched, the dragon will be furious. When it is angry, there will be thunder and thunder between the sky and the earth, and the heavy rain will last for several months. Until the torrential flood covered everything he could see.

And the most important scales of Shenlong are here, is it possible that Shenlong is dead?

Chapter 27 Sound

Although the former dynasty has been disintegrated for nearly a hundred years, the worship of dragons in the former dynasty has already been deeply rooted in the government and the public. Even the common people subconsciously silenced when they talked about dragons, as if they would offend Tianyan if they spoke louder.

This kind of divine creature hides in the clouds in many legends, and has the power to move mountains and seas. When he passes by, all living beings bow their heads and worship.

Naturally, in the hearts of everyone, Shenlong is already an immortal existence.

Do dragons die?How did the dragon die?

But when the dragon's reverse scale was placed in front of them, many people couldn't help but make a judgment.

Zhuge Wanling closed his eyes and said, "In this world, what is immortal?"

This seems to be the best answer to Shenlong's death, and also the most euphemistic explanation.It's just that Qin Ke stared at Zhuge Wanling blankly. The moment he closed his eyes, he seemed to see the confusion and incomprehension in Zhuge Wanling's eyes. wildfire.

Qin Ke thought of what Wang Xuanwei said before, Zhuge Wanling's heart was like a fire burning, and sooner or later he would turn into horses and weapons and travel all over the world.

He seemed to be looking for something.But what exactly?

Nobody knows.

Wang Xuanwei looked at the divine dragon's back scales, and said with some seriousness: "In this world, there is indeed no immortality, and the longest life span is only a hundred years. Sometimes, I often ask myself, what is the meaning of what I have done in my life?" A piece of fabric was removed from the cuff to cover the reverse scale, it still contained enormous power, this power was so great that it could even change many things.

"But!" Wang Xuanwei raised his voice and roared, "If you don't do anything, it's the same as dying? I, Wang Xuanwei, will never die on the bed in this life. The world is still uncertain, how can I sleep peacefully?" ?”

He turned his head, looked at Zhuge Wanling, and said, "Mr. Zhuge, I know that you and I will meet again one day in the future, but by that time, we may not be friends, but enemies."

Zhuge Wanling watched Wang Xuanwei wrap up the Dragon's Reverse Scale slowly and put it into his bosom. Under the wrapping of the thin cloth, that kind of neutral and peaceful power was as peaceful as a well-behaved sleeping baby, and smiled: " Won't you take me back to Jicheng?"

Wang Xuan slightly shook his head: "You and I both know. Now is not the time."

Gao Changgong laughed out loud: "Then I have to remind you, if you don't take him away now, I'm afraid you won't have such a good chance in the future."

Wang Xuanwei looked at Gao Changgong calmly, and said slowly: "General Gao, one day, I look forward to facing you in front of the battle."

"I'm so young, maybe one day you won't be able to get out of bed while lying on the sickbed." Gao Changgong joked with a smile.

Wang Xuanwei didn't care about Gao Changgong's evasiveness, but still said: "I will never break my promise. But I hope General Gao can remember what Wang once said. Mohist black cavalry will have a showdown with Qingzhou ghost cavalry one day sooner or later."

Qin Ke, who was lying on Abu's body, listened to Wang Xuanwei's words, and always felt uncomfortable. Speaking of which, he was coerced by him to enter the tomb of King Ye tonight. There were many difficulties and dangers along the way, and he almost lost his life. When it came to the real treasure in the mausoleum, even though he knew that it was impossible for this treasure to fall into his hands, the words Wang Xuanwei said sounded a little bit harsh, like an order to chase away guests.

Now that the treasure is in hand, we idlers can leave, right?

Thinking of this, Qin Ke sneered: "Don't be too happy, we are all still trapped in this place, this stone formation alone is enough to give you a headache."

Wang Xuan glanced at him slightly, with indifference in his eyes, the moonlight shone down, outlining his contempt.

Qin Ke burst into anger: "What do you mean?"

Zhuge Wanling smiled and explained to Qin Ke: "Since it is a formation, there must be traces to follow. The key is whether the traces are in front of your eyes. Before entering the stone formation, neither Mr. Wang nor I could see the whole picture of the stone formation. Naturally, it is impossible to judge. But now, this stone formation revolves around this sarcophagus, and the law of operation is naturally clear at a glance. Now that the law is mastered, this stone formation is insignificant."

Zhuge Wanling said it firmly, and Qin Ke naturally knew the two people's attainments in miscellaneous studies, so he didn't dare to question it, but he still asked a little unconvinced: "What about those big snakes? They don't have any rules."

Gao Changgong laughed loudly: "Don't you understand? How can a few snakes be the opponent of General Wang Xuanwei? His opponent has always been us. He just waved his hand, and Xuanweizi was able to eat up the giant python." No matter how strong the one-horned python is, it might not be able to stand alone in front of Heiqi and General Wang. The reason why he retreated in front of the python was because he hadn't actually seen anything. Of course, he had to reserve enough energy Deal with us. Now that he has the things in his hands, is it still difficult to get out of this tomb?"

Qin Ke was stunned. This way, Wang Xuanwei's strength can be said to be vividly displayed. Although compared with Gao Changgong, he seemed a bit overshadowed, but even so, he still recognized Wang Xuanwei's strength.

But he never expected that this was the result of Wang Xuanwei's holding back.

He lives in a small mountain village. If he had not had such a mysterious master, I am afraid that he would not be able to learn any methods of cultivation in this life, and he has not seen a few masters in his practice for so many years. Martial arts people who only know how to do three-legged cat kung fu don't even need to mention it.

Could it be that people outside the mountain are all perverted in terms of practice, and now masters are worthless?Qin Ke thought sadly.

If anyone knew what he was thinking at the moment, they would sigh that the child was naive.Wang Xuanwei and Gao Changgong are among the few masters in this world. Their strength comes from themselves, not from any external factors.

Qin Ke is undoubtedly going astray when he compares them with himself.

"Don't move around." Abu suddenly felt that Qin Ke on his back was a little restless. He turned his head, but still didn't dare to relax his hands, "What do you want?"

Qin Ke didn't speak, his eyes were solemn, he didn't know where the strength came from, he broke free from Abu's hand, slid down on his broad back, and landed on both feet.

The Xunfeng technique not only gave him a powerful ability to hide, but also his sensitivity to sound surpassed that of many people. Therefore, he was able to capture many sounds that others could not.

It's just that the voice was too small, too easy for people to ignore, and even he had to concentrate on it.For some reason, he felt a little uneasy.

"chacha" "chacha"

The sound came from Qin Ke's ears, as if something was rubbing against it slightly. In fact, the mausoleum is built in the middle of the mountain, so there must be some subtle sounds, perhaps the sound of groundwater flowing, or the low sounds of bats. Moan, such a cracking sound is really nothing.

But Qin Ke felt that the voice came from a very close place, and he couldn't be sure where.

"chacha" "chacha"

The voice gradually sounded, and even the frequency was much faster.Qin Ke finally felt that his ears could probably distinguish the direction of the voice, so he listened intently.

But soon, the voice gradually increased, even to the point where others could hear it.

"What sound?" Abu said anxiously, "It came from..."

Qin Ke also looked at that place, and everyone's eyes also stayed there.

Qin Ke finally understood.

This voice actually came from another sarcophagus that was still tightly closed.

"chacha" "chacha"

The sound is still going on, but the movement is getting louder and louder. Qin Ke is a little creepy. It seems to be the sound of digging stones with nails?

"Mom." Qin Ke said in horror, "King Ye said he was going to be resurrected. Is this really resurrected now?"

Wang Xuanwei's eyes froze, looking at the sarcophagus inside the yin fish, collecting yin qi to ensure that the body does not rot is a very harsh method, although yin qi has an immediate effect on the protection of the corpse, but the long-term effect Then, the corpse will gradually be transformed by the evil spirit, turning into something like... a demon.

And King Ye set up two sarcophagi and put the clothes tomb in the Yangyu sarcophagus, naturally to prevent this kind of thing from happening.

But why, this mechanism has failed?

"Since the cloak mound in Yangyu suppresses Yin Qi, why..." Wang Xuan was slightly confused, but soon became sharp again. He waved his hand to signal the two black knights to control Zhuge Wanling, and then, with a flick of his sleeve, "Xuan The "trino" flew out of his sleeve again.It's just that compared to when they were in the stone formation earlier, the number of Xuanweizi has dropped sharply again, and now there are less than half of them left.

But Qin Ke can clearly feel that the remaining less than half of the Xuanweizi is the most domineering part of all Xuanweizi!

Chapter 28 Monsters

"So... this old and immortal King Ye is really a fake corpse now, right?" Qin Ke's face was ashen, and he couldn't help shivering. While trembling, he climbed back to Abu's back briskly.

He is now physically weak, even if he wants to escape, he can only rely on Abu's leg strength.

Fortunately, it seems that Abu doesn't know martial arts, but in fact, it is only because of the presence of Wang Xuanwei and Gao Changgong, two current masters, so he is completely inconspicuous. In fact, his personal cultivation alone is enough to rival the digital black knights. Naturally, there is no problem in running for one's life together. As long as you don't fall behind, there will always be a scapegoat to resist for a while.

Abu's face was pale, and he wanted to laugh at Qin Ke's behavior but couldn't. He was just like a frightened deer, trying to stay away from the sarcophagus as much as possible, but he was behind, and was held at the waist by the black knight with a hand crossbow ,dilemma.

As the sound of picking the sarcophagus lid became louder and louder, the air seemed to be much thicker, and a sense of tension permeated around everyone.Along the way, everyone has already seen the giant python that shouldn't exist, and the sharp wind like a knife. They should be immune to the abnormalities in the tomb, but somehow, thinking of the sarcophagus lying in the sarcophagus... It was a person who was resurrecting the fraudulent corpse, and everyone's hearts were in the air at this moment.

I don't know how long it took, the sound of "chacha" in the sarcophagus gradually subsided, and Ye Wang, who was lying in it, seemed to feel that he could not open the sarcophagus, and gradually fell silent.

Everyone's heart sank slowly, thinking that he was a dead person after all, how could he really climb out of the coffin again?The lid of the sarcophagus is so heavy that a warrior might not be able to push it away from it. King seems that there is no record in the history books that he has a cultivation base...

But the next moment, the lid of the sarcophagus was suddenly lifted!

A hand, not even a hand, was a claw covered with iron blue scales. Although there were still some outlines of human fingers, it was completely distorted from the outside, and the curved shape was reminiscent of The eagle's claws and sharp nails are like steel knives, and it is with this that he can scratch the sarcophagus.

He sat up slowly, facing the moonlight, and then crawled out with some difficulty. He was obviously as weak as a baby, but he didn't know what kind of force he used to lift the lid of the sarcophagus.

When he stood up completely, everyone's breathing almost stopped.

This is no longer what a person should look like. The moonlight falling from the top is flowing on Ye Wang's body. On his forehead, a sharp horn that should not belong to human beings is shining with black light.

The iron blue scales were like fish scales, but with metallic light, they pierced through his flesh, spread from his cheeks to his chin, and continued downward, sinking into the armor he was wearing.

His mouth is pointed, like a fox or a crocodile, with serrated teeth exposed inside.

And his eyes were closed, not because he couldn't open them or didn't want to open them, but because there were countless black silk threads stitched on his eyelids, completely covering his eyes.

All the black knights nervously aimed their crossbows at him, but even though the black knights were strong-willed, they still felt terrified in the face of such a thing that could not be explained by common sense.The hand crossbows trembled slightly in their hands, as long as their fingers pressed lightly, the crossbow arrows would instantly turn into locusts and shoot at King Ye.

Ye Wang seemed to be stunned, he felt the moonlight shining, he was meditating, as if he was missing something.

Without Wang Xuanwei's order, the black knights did not dare to pull the trigger easily. They trembled, facing this monster that should not exist in the human world, they didn't even know whether the crossbow in their hands could cause damage to him or it as expected. Lethality.

Someone trembled a bit, a crossbow arrow broke free, and went towards Ye Wang's eyebrows fiercely like this!

"Fire the arrows!" Following Wang Xuanwei's resolute order, all the black knights pulled the triggers in their hands, but at a distance of one after the other, those subsequent arrows caught up with the previous one and flew out due to a miss. The crossbow arrows fell on Ye Wang one after another.

The sound of "ding ding ding" sounded, and some of these crossbow arrows hit Ye Wang's armor, making a deep dent in the armor, and some actually shot into Ye Wang's flesh, but under the protection of the scales, However, Ye Wang's body did not leave the slightest wound.

However, this powerful momentum still knocked Ye Wang back a few steps. Just this detail made the black knights subconsciously breathe a sigh of relief—at least, it can be hit, maybe With more power, it can repel him!

Ye Wang seemed a little angry, he opened his sharp mouth and let out a low growl like a wild wolf.

He started to run, stepping on the ground, the huge strength made him hit a stone drum with every step, saliva dripped down the corner of his mouth, he was like a beast that had been hungry for hundreds of years, Impatiently, he ran towards the black ride.

"Draw the saber!" Wang Xuan yelled slightly.

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