The content of the document received at the county level is very simple, that is, to suspend the selection of the county gods and gods, and immediately publicize all the towns and villages within the jurisdiction, and suspend the selection of land.

Because the Yanxia Center has always been very concerned about the center's control over the lower and even the grassroots. Even though the specific execution power has to be continuously lowered because the territory is getting wider and wider, it has never given up on the control of the most grassroots. Therefore, when this After the release of this document, tens of millions of large and small human settlements in Yanxia began to move.

Some interesting things even happened. In some remote villages, the residents are basically of the same race. Because of the blood relationship, they are naturally closer emotionally. In addition, everyone knows the truth about who is really Good people, whoever is sincerely for the good of everyone, everyone has a steelyard in their hearts.

These good people have been blessed by good luck and even good luck because of humanitarian retribution, and at the same time realized the method of consolidating luck to obtain the god position.

There will always be some who will share this with their fellow clansmen, and then, almost as a matter of course, they will obtain the status of god of the land and become a veritable land god.

But after the propaganda team from the county authorities arrived, they were dumbfounded.

Ha, it turns out that the selection of the god position needs to be filed with the higher authorities in advance. We have established the land god without making any noise. According to the county, this is called "secret granting and receiving", just like the self-appointed king of the mountain. It may be integrated into the imperial court system outside the mountain. All gods who have not been recorded or granted privately without permission will be officially designated as wild gods, and those with bad nature will even be designated as evil gods.

In the end, the land god, who had been elected for less than a day, had to be deposed by everyone.

The propagandists of the county government managed to calm down with words:

"In the final analysis, the land god of your village still needs to be elected by you, and it is impossible for us to appoint an outsider to come in. Therefore, as long as your own minds remain the same, who should be the god or who should be.

It's just that this is the first time that this happened, we not only have to think about ourselves, but more importantly, we have to establish rules, otherwise, if all the people in the world follow their own will to enshrine gods and depose gods, then the world will not be chaotic or chaotic Not far away.

Therefore, the most important thing for us now is to establish rules and improve the process. "

It took a lot of warm words to appease, and finally some small gifts such as rice, flour, grain and oil were given to calm the loss and unhappiness in people's hearts.

Also on this day, the Yanxia Center immediately established a new department, [Division of Shinto].

This department was established almost instantly, and the moment it was established, it automatically became one of Yanxia's most powerful departments.

At the vice capital, prefecture, prefecture, and county levels, elite soldiers and strong generals from various departments, and capable officials in all fields were all drawn out, from the chief of the Shinto Department of the Imperial Capital to the sub-directors of the Shinto Branch of the Deputy Capital , Down to the prefectural and county levels below, nominally a vertical management relationship, but except for the people in the city who know each other, the soldiers don't know the generals, and the generals don't know the soldiers. Everyone quickly started working through the connection through the transmission box.

Before February, the Shinto Secretary visited and counted all those who could condense the Seal of Fortune, Seal of Fortune, and even the Seal of Merit within the jurisdiction.

Because whether it is to obtain good fortune, good luck or even merit, unless you engage in inventions and creations, it is impossible to complete it behind closed doors. It must interact with all aspects of society, especially those good people and good deeds. As long as the official is determined, it can be done quickly and accurately. find these goals.

In March, the Shinto Division had a conversation with these targets. One was to learn more information through the conversation, and the other was to confirm their own opinions. Not everyone is willing to become a god.

This is the wonderful part of the world, although in the subconscious mind of most people, becoming a god, if you have such an opportunity in front of you, you don’t want it, are you stupid?

But there are still many people who have this idea.

I do good deeds myself because I want to be happy, but if everyone recommends me to be a god, then this is no longer a personal preference but a kind of work. It is my duty to do well, and it is dereliction of duty if I do not do well. Not only will he be dismissed, he may even be held accountable.

In some people's cognition, after becoming a god, their identity and everything about themselves are constrained within the framework of this god. People only see this god, and no longer have me.

Even if a god can obtain a long lifespan, as long as it is not deposed, it is likely to last forever, but is it the god or me?

Some people think that it doesn't matter at all. What kind of song is sung on the mountain, the butt determines the head, and after becoming a god, what you think and do must be from the perspective of the god. It is hypocritical to entangle these things.

But some people think this is very important.

Therefore, the Shinto Division believes that it is necessary to understand their true wishes through this conversation.

They will even take the initiative to introduce to them the constraints they will be subject to after becoming gods.

They don't want to have such a situation, that is, those who can condense the seal of corresponding luck, because of curiosity about the gods or other reasons, they are promoted as gods by others, but after working for a few days, they either feel that they are too restricted to be free, or If you feel that you are depressing your spirit, or you just blatantly sabotage work and government, it is not fun to do so.

Therefore, it is best to clarify the matter from the beginning, and you may even describe it in a slightly exaggerated and serious direction, so that they can take this matter seriously and make a truly heartfelt choice.

At the same time, the Shinto Division is in contact with the underworld through the Chenghuang Temple, because ghosts are also eligible to participate in the election, as long as their luck level is sufficient.

Even according to the private communication of the Shinto Division, they are more inclined to let ghosts act as gods, because they are already dead, and they will not be entangled in issues such as self, other and self like living people.

In addition, one of the important responsibilities of the city god is to maintain the hub connection between the present world and the underworld. It is necessary to manage both the present world and the underworld. Ghosts are familiar with this task, and it will be much easier to get on the job.

However, all of this depends on the wishes of the city residents themselves. What they have to do is to push as many qualified candidates as possible to them.


In March, in the southernmost county and the northernmost prefecture in the hot summer territory, the content of the exchanges between people after meeting was surprisingly consistent.

"Who do you choose?"


"I originally wanted to choose XXX, and I thought he was really good. After reading the other shortlists given by Shinto, one of them felt strange to me, and it was a ghost who had been dead for several years.

I didn't know much about his deeds at first, so I went to the reference room to check it out, and I was very obedient. I didn't expect him to do so many great things when our city was first established. The horde of beasts in the city caused a fatal blow, but he himself was broken and spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair.

Even so, he still insists on his original intention. It can even be said that every plant and tree in this city has left his mark.

Although we young people don't know him, we still have a lot to appreciate his contributions. Even though he has been dead for many years, there are many older people who insist on offering him a stick of incense every day. "

"Hey, you say that, I want to choose him."

"There is nothing wrong with choosing him. The Shinto Secretary has already made it clear that once a god is established, it is not a major fault, and the city residents are not allowed to dismiss it at will. It’s better to be careful when dealing with him.”


Ordinary people don't think so complicatedly, but they know a word called final conclusion.

I also know the simple truth that people will change.

Therefore, as long as a person has not reached the final conclusion, even if he has done good people and good deeds for seven or eighty years, no one can guarantee that his mentality will not change or even be distorted for the rest of his life.

Although they are not sure whether those ghosts are really reliable, at least they have made a strong comment with the life they have passed.

From birth to death, their life history is there. During this publicity period, they are open to anyone's nitpicking and scrutiny.

The existing concepts tell them that this matter is ridiculous, but the reality in front of them tells them that this is the truth, and this matter must be treated seriously.


By the end of March, under the supervision of Shinto divisions at all levels, each town and village had launched their land gods.

There are more than 6000 million earth temples, and more than 6000 million earth gods have been born.

Because the village was built in a short period of time, more than 90.00% of the land gods are held by local people with good reputation and good luck, and some are held by ghosts who have made great contributions and sacrificed.

After testing, as long as it is within its jurisdiction, the power of the land god is at least comparable to the peak of the Qi training state, and the strong land god is comparable to the purple mansion state.

The reason why the fluctuations are so large is mainly affected by the population within its jurisdiction. A village has a few hundred people, and a market town may have tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of people. The disparity is naturally huge.

In addition, it is also related to factors such as the strength of its own professional ability and people's evaluation of him.

If a land god's business level is relatively rough, and everyone gives him bad reviews in his heart, then his ability will be weak. On the contrary, if they are all positive, then his ability will be relatively strong.

For the land god, his strength comparable to the foundation-building realm and the purple mansion realm is secondary. He can be defeated, but it is difficult to kill, because he can hide from the ground and teleport within the jurisdiction. The jurisdiction is equivalent to his kingdom of God, and he can enter and leave the world and the world of the underworld at will, so it is almost impossible to be captured.

According to the deduction of relevant people, even if a strong person in the Golden Core Realm wants to kill him, the best way is to slaughter all the local residents first, and first abolish his "divine kingdom".

In addition, the God of Earth can easily mobilize the Humanity Qi within a certain limit. If there is another black wind disaster, there is no need to warn people to avoid it, but just use the Humanity Qi to disperse it.

Because the power of the land god is stronger than expected, and he can easily shoulder the responsibilities of the body. After discussion, the Shinto Secretary canceled the phenomenon of the coexistence of the land father and the mother-in-law in the earth temple, because each prayer is limited. The population is small, and if two gods are enshrined at the same time, their strength and means must be much weaker than that of one god.

As for what the local land god is, it depends on the results of the local people's public recommendation.


In April, in addition to the imperial capital, other cities at all levels such as counties, prefectures, prefectures, and vice-capitals also successively completed the selection of many gods in the Town God's Temple.

A more interesting phenomenon is that, except for those newly relocated cities with little historical origin who elect living people to become city gods, in cities that have experienced more than one generation, the elected city gods are basically ghosts.

And all the candidates for the judges are exactly the opposite of the City God. Most of them are living people, and there are very few ghosts.

As for the day and night wandering gods, they are basically created by the internal competition of ghosts, because living people have no interest in these two gods who run errands and send ghosts. To be a wandering god, the attraction is seriously insufficient.

All of this is basically in line with Shinto Division's conception. They seem to have done nothing. In the process of public recommendation, they did not give any hints or guidance, but they seem to have done everything.

According to statistics, the strength of the town god of a county with a population of about 20 is around the middle stage of the Purple Mansion Realm, the strength of the judge is at the peak of the Foundation Establishment Realm, and the strength of the Wandering God is between the peak of the Qi Training Realm and the early stage of the Foundation Establishment Realm.

The strength of the City God of Fu with a population of about 50 is basically at the peak of the Purple Mansion Realm, the Judge also has the initial strength of the Purple Mansion Realm, and the wandering god's strength is around the middle stage of the Foundation Establishment Realm.

The strength of the city god with a population of about one million is comparable to that of the Golden Core Realm. In the late stage of the Judge Zifu Realm, the strength of the Wandering God is not at the peak of the Foundation Establishment Realm.

However, the vice-capital City God with a population of two to three million is stronger than the State City God. The judges have the strength comparable to those who have just entered the Golden Core Realm, and the wandering gods are also at the level of the Purple Mansion Realm.

For the gods, this is just the most basic thing.

Their lives are almost bound to the residents of a city. In other words, after becoming a god, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to die, as long as people don't want him to die, he basically can't die.

Earth escape, teleportation within the jurisdiction, free travel between the two worlds, and entrusting people with dreams are all the most basic methods. Dispelling the black wind and catastrophe, being vigilant about the birth of demons in the city and other hidden dangers are discovered and dealt with immediately after they are exposed. The most basic duties.



imperial capital.

Three Heart Academy.

Chen Zhongxia showed up at the gate of the academy with Jin Yun'er, looking up at the plaque of the academy, feeling very strange.

Of course, there is more than one college like Liuyi College in the imperial capital. In terms of practice colleges alone, there are two higher practice colleges, more than a dozen middle-level practice colleges, and even more elementary practice colleges.

In addition, there are many other various schools that have nothing to do with spiritual practice.

Three Hearts Academy is a purely ordinary academy that promotes ancient culture.

Although this is an ordinary academy, its status is not ordinary at all.

The dean of this academy is an ordinary person with no qualifications for cultivation. He has devoted his whole life to the maintenance, development and dissemination of Yanxia's traditional culture, and he has tried to absorb nutrients from Yanxia's own cultural roots to find solutions to various problems and contradictions in the world. key.

He has never moved a brick for Yan Xia, nor killed an enemy with a knife, he is just a scholar, but if you really want to study his contribution to Yan Xia, Chen Zhongxia doesn't even dare to boast that he is better than him .

He is engaged in theoretical research.

Its achievements include but are not limited to "The Positioning and Moral Consciousness of Practitioners in the Yanxia Civilization Circle", "Living People and Ghosts: New Ethics and Moral Views", "Adjustment of the Yanxia Center's Positioning in the Great Change", "Why The killing among practitioners cannot be judged by the prevailing law or even morality"...

His writings are abundant, he thinks about a wide range of issues, has a keen insight, and often sees what others cannot see.

Even more commendable is that he can not only raise problems, but also propose solutions.

People's concepts are not formed for no reason. In the process of their growth, they must have been influenced by countless external forces, whether they are ordinary people or practitioners, without exception.

And people's ideas will directly affect people's behavior.

Then, if a positive influence is exerted on a person when he forms a concept, he will most likely become a positive person; on the contrary, if a negative influence is exerted on him, he will probably become a negative and evil person already.

The most typical example is practitioners. If their concept is the strong respect, the weak prey on the strong, and the law of the jungle, then the hot summer will be another situation.

The dean of Three Hearts Academy is not well-known, and most people in Yanxia don't know of his existence.

But he seemed to be guarding the growth of every Yanxia person. When they were hovering at the crossroads, he would quietly push them back and push them to the positive and sunny road.

This force is not too great, and those who are stubborn, "I won't", will go another way.

But this does not hinder the greatness of its credit.

He knew all this and admired it deeply, but this morning when he received the handwritten letter he sent someone to invite him to come to Sanxin College, he was still very confused.

After all, everyone is not in the same circle, even if they get together by force, there is nothing to talk about.

"It can't all be people with meritorious deeds. Let's get in touch with each other, shall we?"

This seems to be a rare common ground for everyone, but he even thought that it is impossible for someone to be such a shallow person, so this made him even more puzzled.

Even Jin Yuner was very curious when he heard the news, and even temporarily put down the work at hand, and came with him to take a look at Rare.

Compared with Liuyi College, the Three Hearts Academy is small in size.

There is a huge screen wall at the entrance, bypassing the screen wall when entering the door, you can see a not very big playground, an old man is standing under a fruit tree in full bloom, waiting for them.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Seeing them coming in, the old master greeted them with a smile: "Mr. Chen, are you here? ... Who is this?"

I don't know why, when Chen Zhongxia heard the name "Teacher Chen", his heart tightened inexplicably, feeling that he was not worthy, and hurriedly said: "Old Master, don't call me that, you are older than me, just call me by my name. She He is my lover, and I admire you very much, this time I have the opportunity, so I will come and visit you together."

After exchanging pleasantries, the old master led the two of them to his study.

"Old Master, why did you ask me to come here this time?" Chen Zhongxia directly expressed his doubts.

"Look at me writing a piece of calligraphy." The old master is not foolish, the pen, ink, paper and inkstone are already prepared on the table, he picks up the brush, dips it in thick ink, holds it in his hand, stands quietly in front of the table, and does not immediately Started, it seems to be calculating the structure of the whole word in the bottom of my heart.

Chen Zhongxia watched quietly, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

In his perception, as an ordinary person, the old master's spiritual power is very weak, but at this moment, as he completely concentrates his mind here and converges on the tip of the pen, although his spiritual power has not become stronger, it has become more powerful. Cohesive and pure.

In his perception of the Golden Core Realm, he really saw the nib of the pen glowing slowly.

Jin Yun'er next to him obviously also noticed this, and turned her head to look at him, but they kept quiet and did not interrupt the old master's rhythm.

Sensing carefully, Chen Zhongxia found that as the nib of the pen really entrusted the old master's spiritual will, there was an inexplicable aura in the surrounding space surrounding the old master and the pen in his hand.

This aura is very special, completely different from aura, more ethereal and illusory, he had never even felt the existence of this force before.

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