Sensing it carefully, but feeling so intimate, he seemed to see some vague pictures in a trance, the smoke rising from the kitchen above the village, the farmers working in the fields, the sound of children reading in the school, the bustling and bustling world in the market. In Vientiane, spaceships shuttle back and forth in the sky, and those public servants in temples who are self-denying and devoted to public affairs, worrying about the country and the people.

They are all very vague images, if you want to continue to grasp them, they will immediately dissipate into nothingness.

Various speculations emerged in his mind.

Finally, the old master moved, and the pen moved like a snake, and he wrote eight large standard italic characters on the paper in one go.

【Do unto others, do not impose on others】

A very simple yet profound statement.

This time Chen Zhongxia saw it more clearly, as the old master walked down the pen, the charm lingering around the pen tip seemed to find an outlet, and seemed to have a target to rely on.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is a superior calligraphy and painting work.

But in his eyes, every word, every stroke and every painting is full of that kind of aura, which naturally exudes a special aura.

Finally, when the horoscope is completed, this momentum becomes complete and clear, forming a natural whole.

In many ways, this is very similar to the rune system's rune-making process.

Concentrate before making the talisman, do a good job of the overall idea, have a well-thought-out plan, and then be coherent and complete in one go. Any interruption in the middle of the talisman will be considered a failure of the talisman making.

When a complete talisman is formed, it automatically becomes a whole that connects end to end and loops back together, and its charm is completely natural.

These are very similar to the current situation.

But there are also more differences. First of all, the old master is not a drawing symbol, but a calligraphy work without a doubt. Moreover, through observation, he found that in the process of using the brush, the old master pays more attention to the unity of charm and aesthetic layout. The thickness and weight of strokes, the structure of the center of gravity of each character, and the echo between characters are all derived from aesthetic needs and have no fixed structure. This is different from runes. invalidated.

The creation of the old master is like making a work of art, but making talismans is more like a craftsman creating miniature sculptures.

Both are difficult, but the difficulty is different.

Then, after the rune is formed, its special paper, pen and ink, and the aura in the air will automatically infuse and empower it.

From the beginning to the end, the old master did not interact with the aura, but had an intimate interaction with the special aura. It is also because of their deep participation that this calligraphy work is unique.

Without the old master's introduction, he already felt the effect of this calligraphy and painting.

Hanging it in the study room can calm the mind. If a practitioner can hang it in a quiet room, not to mention completely eliminating the intrusion of external demons, but it will greatly reduce the probability of becoming possessed by demons.

If it is treated as a one-time consumable, disputes can be stopped. For example, swords are drawn, and the next moment they will fight each other, killing a tense situation where blood is flowing like a river. He will lose the desire to kill in an instant, and there is a high probability that he will sit in the tea room and have a peaceful and heart-to-heart negotiation.

And if it is used to deal with demons, it is likely to have miraculous effects beyond imagination.

Because the function of this calligraphy and painting is not aimed at the aura, nor at the spirit, but at the soul.

It can let the mind full of killing, violence and hostility towards the world gain a moment of tranquility, let the mind covered in dust by various mundane affairs get a moment of freedom, and examine yourself and the world with a "sober" attitude.

No matter for ordinary people or practitioners, this is a treasure of a town house.

For the devil, it can seduce the human side deep in their hearts.

There is no attack more concise and efficient than this, unable to defend, unable to evade.

I'm not as skilled as you, and I can't beat you, so I'll give you a painting and calligraphy.

You can go to fight against humans and demons by yourself, from the physical level to the spiritual level, you can fight whatever you want, if you can beat this battlefield to collapse, it will be the best.

The old master didn't say a word after finishing this picture, and stood quietly by the side.

Chen Zhongxia also silently circled the picture repeatedly to study it, and from time to time, he let out a sound of admiration.

After a long time, he raised his head, looked at the old master and said, "Old master, when did you have this ability? It's amazing, it's really amazing. You have opened up a new path without making a sound, and it is different from our current practice. The system is completely different, but it also has unique and subtle features, and I want to learn from you."

The old master waved his hand and said:

"I didn't develop this, the changes all come from the birth of the luck rules this year.

In the beginning, I just had some hazy feeling, slowly trying to confirm it, after a few months of groping alone, and now I finally figured out some tricks, but my knowledge in this area is really lacking, although vaguely It feels like there is a way here, but I can't see it clearly, and I don't know how to take the next step.

I thought of you. "

Speaking of this, he respectfully saluted Chen Zhongxia as a teacher, and said, "You are my teacher in this respect, and I hope to get some guidance and inspiration from you."

Chen Zhongxia quickly helped him up, and said: "Old Master, don't say that, it's not about giving advice, let's exchange ideas."

The two sat down in the tea room, Chen Zhongxia said:

"I saw that when you write, you have a special charm that is drawn into the words with your pen tip, and this calligraphy work has such a magical effect, which is also why.

It is also the first time I have seen this kind of aura, but according to my judgment, it should be the aura of humanity, or more precisely, it is the aura of humanity in Yanxia. "

Then, he shared with the old master the concept of the way of heaven and the way of humanity and their relationship and division.

The old master listened very attentively, occasionally doubts or inspirations appeared in his mind, he did not interrupt, but waited for Chen Zhongxia to finish speaking before discussing with him on these doubts and inspirations.

Finally, he said thoughtfully:

"So, the changes in this world do not come from one core, but two. One is the core of the world, that is, the way of heaven, and the other is the core of humanity. The dragon that spanned tens of thousands of miles back then is the embodiment of Yan Xia's humanity.

What I am arousing now, and what gives this word its magical effect, is Yan Xia's humanity. "

"En." Chen Zhongxia nodded in agreement.

"I..." The old master was about to continue talking, but suddenly he froze and didn't speak. Chen Zhongxia thought that something happened to him and was about to greet him, but suddenly he saw two lines of tears flowing from his eyes like a spring, blurring his eyes. His ravine face.

Old tears.

Not only Chen Zhongxia, but also Jin Yun'er, who seldom made a sound beside him, were taken aback, and hurriedly asked: "Old man, what's the matter with you, why are you crying all of a sudden?"

The old master didn't respond immediately, and continued to sit quietly for a while, then slowly wiped away the old tears on his face with the skirt of his clothes, and then said slowly: "Because I feel love, a silent love."

"The way of heaven is selfless, there is no closeness, no distinction between good and evil, good and bad.

Infestation by foreign demons, black winds and disasters, the breeding of demons, the rise of non-human intelligent life, even after death, there is no peace, and even the living are full of worries about this, and are full of fear of what will happen after death.

There are thorns all around us.

We are like boys walking barefoot among the thorns and wearing thin clothes. Every step we take, we will be dripping with blood.

At this time, we... our Yanxia stood up. He gave us the world of Yin and Ming, so that the dead can rest in peace, and the living can no longer worry. Now we have the rules of luck and the Shinto system, so that good will be rewarded with good , a good ending.

He is silent and does not appear in front of others, but he always remembers us and cares about us. He puts on us puncture-proof and stab-proof shoes, and puts on thicker clothes and protective gear for us. The jungle of thorns will no longer be pierced with blood.

We are loving Yanxia, ​​and He is also loving us. "

Speaking of this, the old master's heart seemed to empathize with the vast and silent love again, and his voice choked up again.

Hearing what he said, both Chen Zhongxia and Jin Yun'er were deeply moved, and their moods fluctuated accordingly.

Yes, how can I not cry, that is not crying, that is joy, it is moved, it is a child walking in the thorny jungle suddenly turned around, and suddenly found a figure silently guarding behind him, in order to prevent him from being stabbed Fucking my heart, I tried every means to protect him and take care of him.

How can you not cry at this moment?Besides crying, does he have any other way to repay this love?

The tea room fell into silence, and no one made a sound to break the silence.

They are all immersed in this indescribable and rare spiritual realm.

After a long time, Chen Zhongxia bowed respectfully to the old master and said: "Since an elder understood the mystery of the way of heaven and the way of humanity, I have been looking at it with a scrutiny mentality, just like a surgeon looking at a human body on an dissection table. All the research and comprehension of Him is to 'dissect' more things, which made me ignore the most important things, if not for your point, I still can't get rid of the arrogance of this practitioner."

After a while, he sat upright again, returned to the topic just now, and said:

"Our practitioners have two sources of practice, one is aura, the other is spirit, and one more is ourselves.

And old master, the path you have embarked on has nothing to do with aura, or the strength of a person's spirit, or even a person's talent. It is more like a kind of spiritual cultivation, so I dare not use the practice method Come to advise you, it will do more harm than good.

I don’t even recommend you to learn about anything related to spiritual practice. Since you have embarked on a completely different path, it’s best not to be affected by any other existing paths. Only in this way can you walk out a path that is new and unique enough path of. "

The old master heard the words, while thinking, nodded slightly from time to time.

Jin Yun'er echoed: "I think your road, old man, is wider than the current road of cultivation. After all, there are only a small number of people with cultivation talents, and most of them are poor or even untalented. They are suitable for walking. This road... oh, is this road only suitable for scholars?"

The old master shook his head and said:

"It's not what you think. After these days of groping, although I am still vague about how to go forward, I also have some basic insights.

First of all, in order to arouse this human energy, one's luck must be very strong. Now I also understand that the stronger the luck, the more worthy of attention from the point of view of Yan Xia's humanity, and it can even mobilize the human energy to a certain extent For my use, this is equivalent to giving a special permission and preferential treatment to those who are lucky. "

This is really "treating each other differently" in a sense.

"Lucky people can't do it, at least they have to be lucky people to really mobilize the human energy, and it will be very difficult, only meritorious people can easily mobilize the human energy.

This is just the foundation, because the aura of humanity itself is like flowing water, it does not have any shape, nor does it have any ability, and it must be empowered by the caller.

And this empowerment does not mean that I want to endow it with whatever ability it will have. In the words of our scholars, it is necessary to mobilize the person's own spiritual cultivation to reach the corresponding level. Not only must you understand a truth, but you must also truly integrate this truth into your every word and deed, so that every action, from heart to action, is in perfect harmony.

Any principle must not only enter the heart, but also be perfectly expressed through the body, so that it can successfully empower the aura of humanity. "

Jin Yun'er murmured: "That's it... That's really difficult. From what you've said, although there is no talent limit on this road, there are probably fewer people who can really get in than talented people. If you are a scholar, it is really difficult. He is the kind of true scholar who reads the truth into his bones."

Thinking of this, Jin Yun'er secretly stuck out her tongue in her heart, thinking that she probably will not reach this level in her life, and even couldn't help but sneak a glance at Ouba next to her, thinking, if this guy can really say what he says, he will know what he does Unity, if you say that you are pursuing the Dao, you will be firm and unshakable, if you say once a month, you will be able to sit still, even if you have mastered the art of change, and you can't even control it. That is the unity of knowledge and action , But obviously, he didn't really do it, the wood is just a fake wood instead of real wood, but when I think of this guy really going to practice this kind of unity of knowledge and action, I'm afraid I'll do everything possible to make it Let's interrupt this Lao Shizi's practice... Well, thinking about it this way, I am very much like a foreign demon on his way of cultivation, ah, foreign demon, demon... Jin Yun'er's thoughts were floating, and she thought of something very novel in her originally serious conversation How to play, the eyes looking at Ouba suddenly became watery.

The intuition of Chen Zhongxia's cultivator was not hidden, he had an inexplicable feeling, he glanced at her, and then saw those eyes, his heart suddenly twitched, but he knew the occasion was not right, so he quickly restrained his mind.

The old master didn't know that there was an undercurrent in the tea room at that moment just now, and continued:

"In addition, according to my speculation, the width of this road is still sufficient, and it is not limited to scholars, or in other words, it is not limited to scholars in the general sense. As long as you have read a certain book thoroughly, your mind has reached that subtle level. , and has enough spirit to mobilize the spirit of humanity, then all of them can be empowered.

Piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, wine, scented tea, all kinds of industries, even if you are in business or an official, it will not affect you. "

Jin Yun'er always had all kinds of unconstrained thoughts in her mind, she was still thinking about some messy things a moment ago, but now she suddenly drifted to another place, and suddenly said: "So, in the future, famous opera actors in Liyuan may also reach this level. "

The old master suddenly laughed. Although he didn't know why her thoughts suddenly turned here, he still gave an affirmative answer: "This possibility is not ruled out."

Well, Jin Yun'er actually had another thought in her heart, she thought, if it is said that there is a unity of knowledge and action in the human relationship between husband and wife, she is not modest, she is definitely the best among the best, doesn't it mean...

The old master said again: "However, if you only talk about the ability to kill the enemy in battle, it is far from being comparable to the cultivation system. If I really want to say, it is more than fancy, but not absolutely powerful."

Chen Zhongxia thought carefully for a while, then shook his head and said: "The old master is humble, this is not fancy at all."

He thought for a while, and commented: "This is a brand new road, which has nothing to do with the way of heaven, but only related to Yanxia's human way. Although the threshold is a bit high, the most indispensable thing in Yanxia is people. There are all walks of life, and even practitioners. Possibly, if it really develops, the absolute number will not be small. More importantly, this brings more possibilities to Yanxia. If you only see its shortcomings in fighting and killing, you will be blinded gone."

He didn't give specific instructions to the old master on how to do this, but it didn't prevent him from discussing with him in some general directions, exchanging and confirming each other, and they all felt greatly inspired and benefited a lot.

When it was time to leave, Chen Zhongxia suddenly pointed to the calligraphy on the table and said, "I wonder if the old master can give me this calligraphy as a gift?"

The old master Nian Xu laughed loudly and said: "What do you want to give up? If you don't mind it, just take it. The left and right are just writing."

Jin Yun'er rolled her eyes, and suddenly said: "Old man, then I would like a few more, as a gift for those sisters, hanging at home can not only be pleasing to the eye, but also clear your mind and help you practice, they must all like it .”

The old master laughed again and said, "Okay."

As he spoke, he turned around and came to a bookcase, opened the bookcase, and took out a bundle of scrolls, the number of which was no less than thirty, he said: "These are the finished products after I have explored and tested these days, and they are all relatively successful. The successful ones will be destroyed by themselves, leaving me with a pile of ashes, so from the appearance, as long as the product is complete, even if the utility is different, there is not much difference."

As he said that, he handed all these scrolls to Jin Yuner, Jin Yuner was overjoyed as if she had found a treasure, and quickly hugged them all.

Chen Zhongxia felt a little embarrassed, and felt a little embarrassed by the behavior of the person next to his pillow who was eating and taking. He knew that it was not as easy for the old master to make this thing as he said, because every calligraphy and painting was the result of his whole mind and will. A successful work must consume a lot of mind and will, and he himself is not good at it.

I can only write one piece a day at most, and now there are more than 30 pieces, except for those who failed and self-destructed, I am afraid that all successful works are here.

He directly drew two, and said: "It is enough for us to get two more, and we will help you promote it in the academy. If they need it, let them come to you to ask for it."

After all, he asked Jin Yun'er to return all the other scrolls to the old master's bookcase. No matter how much the old master persisted, he didn't want to take advantage of it.Jin Yun'er originally mentioned it casually as a joke, but now Chen Zhongxia didn't feel any loss if she asked her to return it, so she pretended it for him again with a smile.

At this moment, there was a sudden movement outside the door, and someone reported from the outside: "Dean, Director Sheng is here again."

The old master frowned and said, "Let him in."

Chen Zhongxia felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere, and gave Jin Yun'er a wink, telling her not to make any noise later, Jin Yun'er's cheeks bulged in dissatisfaction, as if to refute, am I such a person who doesn't know the rules?

Soon, a middle-aged man walked in.

He saw that there were Chen Zhongxia and Jin Yun'er in the room, and he asked with a different expression: "Why are you here?"

Chen Zhongxia said: "Discuss some things with the old master, but why did Director Sheng come here, isn't the Shinto Division now the busiest time?"

Director Sheng was a little hesitant, as if he didn't know how to say this, the old master spoke first, with a tone of obvious dissatisfaction, and said: "This guy is looking forward to my old man's early death."

Chen Zhongxia and Chen Zhongxia looked at him differently in an instant.

Director Sheng looked embarrassed, but insisted on defending: "Don't listen to the old master's angry words, listen to my explanation, listen to my explanation."

He quickly explained what happened.

After hearing this, Chen Zhongxia and the two felt that it was absurd.

But thinking about it carefully, I really can't say that Director Sheng did anything wrong.

His feeling at the moment is probably similar to that of those city residents who publicly promoted gods. This is caused by the mutual impact of existing concepts and real reality.

As mentioned earlier, the Shinto Division shouldered an important responsibility at the beginning of its establishment, which was to find lucky people, lucky people, and even meritorious people from the crowd.

The second step is to talk to them to confirm whether they have the will to become a god.

The third step is to put those who are willing to be included in the candidate list, and then hand it over to the citizens for referral.

Now, all the densely populated places in the Yanxia territory have finished this work, leaving the only seedling in the imperial capital.

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