These messages are transmitted to a wider range through various teleportation boxes.

By the second day of the first lunar month, all practitioners will know.

Before they had time to seriously digest the impact of this great change on themselves and even on the entire cultivation world, their attention was attracted by another matter.

Those demons that people knew existed but didn't know where they were hiding were like flies hiding in the corner of the gutter, and they all flew out suddenly, without any thought of hiding.

Their exposure this time was not to concentrate on rioting and give Yanxia a hard time, but to flee outside, fleeing to the outside of Yanxia at their own extreme escape speed.

Because they suddenly appeared on a large scale and were very scattered among each other, the size and number of black shark ships were still very limited, so they could only cooperate with other ships to protect the settlements of people in various places, and carry out some siege if there was spare capacity.

People can clearly see that among those fleeing devils, those old devils who are stronger and more experienced will have accidents more frequently. Howled into a pile of ashes, some suddenly fell from the air, smashed to pieces, blood spurted out, because their spirits had already died before their physical bodies, their bodies suddenly became dead things, some wanted to fight with the interceptors. , the pursuers fought, and the result was that the zhenqi in his body rioted first, and exploded with a bang, leaving no bones left.

Disasters are frequent and deaths are strange.

This is because they have done too much evil, and their karma has completely overwhelmed them. With their meager cultivation, they simply cannot withstand the punishment of such a large amount of karma, and they immediately lose their souls and become dead.

Those newly born devils have not done much evil. Although their strength is much worse than that of the old devils, there are far fewer people who died for no reason. Boy, middle and low-level practitioners all over the hot summer territory are the favorite. They are not very threatening, but some people have discovered that killing demons is very lucky. Killing a little devil is better than insisting on doing a hundred good things. Still high.

As a result, the little demon cubs who risked their lives to run away would be chased and intercepted by ten times or even a hundred times more than them, and they would be oppressed by despair and violence. But as they killed more, their luck decreased even more, bad luck turned into bad luck, bad luck turned into karma, and the journey of escape became more difficult, even like those old devils, even if their evil was still far lower than those The old devil, however, is weaker in strength, as long as bad luck turns into karma, even if there is only a trace, it will make them die without life, and their souls will be scattered.

Therefore, the other demon cubs have learned to be good, and they dare not kill rashly in the Yanxia territory anymore, but play hide-and-seek and hide-and-seek with dozens or even hundreds of times the pursuers and interceptors.

One party has unique methods and masters all kinds of unexpected methods. Even if bad luck continues, it can often turn danger into safety.

There are a huge number of people on one side, and their eyes are reddened by the fact that the extermination of demons has increased their luck. In their eyes, demons are not demons, but experience monsters, or the ones who give a lot of experience, how can they give up!

One side is not without the possibility of successful escape, although there are many difficulties and dangers; the other side is not without chance of successful capture and killing, although there are too many monks;

This matter has turned into a grand hunting game covering the entire territory of Yanxia, ​​with the lives of both parties as the bet.

The closer one gets to the Yanxia border, the more frequently this kind of chase-and-flight hunting scene takes place.

Such a hunting spree, which shocked the entire practice world, and almost all middle and low-level practitioners participated, lasted for a full month, until the last demon who was active in people's sights died or left the country.


A female devil escaped from the Yanxia border after narrowly escaped death, and even took advantage of several other devils to back her up.

And those pursuers stopped in the hot summer border with a tacit understanding, looked at the distant sky in the foreign land, rushed out of the border with the last remaining strength, and then couldn't hold on anymore, staggered and fell to the ground, About three or four meters away from the ground, he lost even the last bit of control, and fell to the ground abruptly, splashing dust all over the place.

Seeing this situation, some people's eyes lit up. They are not more than one kilometer away from each other. If they are fast enough, they can complete the experience harvest in a few breaths and then return. They did not act rashly, but turned their heads and looked at the building. The leader of the team with the peak cultivation base.

This person didn't seem to be moved at all, and finally took a look at the female witch who was lying on the ground, motionless, who seemed to have no strength, turned around and left.

After walking a few steps, he said, "Why are you still standing there, come back!"

Seeing the leader like this, the others had no choice but to turn around and walk back with him, and before leaving, some looked at the female witch in the distance with some unwillingness, spat lightly, and muttered: "You are lucky. "

The team left, and the female witch was still lying on the ground without moving. It wasn't until an hour later that she slowly stood up and looked at the invisible but clearly visible boundary of Yanxia in her eyes.

The corners of her mouth twitched, as if she wanted to laugh, but she didn't.

Only after escaping from the scorching summer and breathing in the completely free and fresh air, the damned luck of wanting to kill her with food and drink suddenly disappeared, and the true energy of riot and rebellion in her body returned to her grasp almost instantly , she was convinced for the first time that she was not wrong to escape with other demons this time.

Before, when she was close to death several times, she wondered if she had made a stupid decision.

She completed her enlightenment and transformation in a practice a few years ago, but she has been quietly lurking all this time, and she has not tried to find others of the same kind. promote.

As her cultivation improved, it became more and more difficult for her to suppress the desire in her heart.

For killing, for the human soul, just like a foodie's desire for food, it is becoming more and more difficult to suppress.

If she doesn't release her true self, she suspects that she will be burned to death by the fire that grows in her heart.

She was about to take a crucial step, and the Yanxia Human Dao Qiyun was born.

The demon organization fled one after another, and there were only two choices in front of her, either follow the torrent and escape from many pursuits, or take the initiative to waste their efforts and prolong their lives.

The pride of being an enlightened person, even if she died, she would not want to live in the world.

So she chose to flee.

Because she hasn't started to act yet, the standard of Yan Xia's human luck is to judge deeds regardless of her heart, and her luck is quite normal. She was supposed to be the hunted one, so she got mixed into the team of hunters, but the more she went Going to the border, there are fewer and fewer demons, and there are many smart practitioners among the pursued and killed, and she is not the only one who acts like her. Such hiding methods will soon be exposed.The hunting game turned into a werewolf killing game. She avoided several rounds of investigations by relying on her agility and the devil's special means, but in the process, she inevitably lost a few more lives, and her luck immediately gave feedback. Another round of werewolves killing her would definitely kill her, so she resolutely chose to flee again. Since then, her identity has been fully exposed.

Fortunately, the previous persistence was not meaningless, so she finally persisted to the border and successfully crossed the border.

After half a day.

A border village composed of Sudras and a small number of Vaisyas. The village with nearly a thousand people has become quiet. There is no scar on the body, but the body has become cold and stiff.

On the second floor of a stone building in the center of the village.

It was the same witch who had successfully escaped. She wrapped a few pieces of gray burlap she had found around her body to replace the original costume that was covered with her own and others' blood and burned it on fire.

She just took a bath with her wet hair casually loose, sitting cross-legged by the window, the sun came in from the window sill and shone on her face, and she could even clearly see the fine hairs on her cheeks swaying slightly under the breeze, outside the window There are two butterflies chasing lightly, such an atmosphere gives people a kind of quiet beauty.

If you look carefully, you can see a faint smoke seeping in from the window. The source of the smoke comes from every body in this village that has fallen to the ground and turned cold. When the smoke seeps out from them, it looks a little mottled. Just like the smoke from burning inferior firewood, it is not only colorful, but also choking, but as they converge towards the second floor of the stone building like strands of water, under the sunlight, the mottled colors become more and more vivid. The lighter it became, the more pure it became, and finally, when it was breathed into the body by her, it was already transparent.

At a certain moment, a slight vibration of breath suddenly flashed in her body, which was a sign that she had completed a major leap in cultivation.

After several years of depression, and having survived the siege of a narrow escape, all the sufferings he endured before have become a gift of fate at this moment.

She couldn't help but think of the siege team that gave her almost fatal blows several times. She believed that the identity of the prey and the hunter would change when she encountered the prey again.

A trace of regret flashed in her heart, and suddenly, she suddenly opened her eyes and looked out the window.

I saw a hot young man standing on the roof not far away, like a frail scholar.

He didn't hide his aura, so she could tell he was the same kind at a glance.

Therefore, the body and mind that had already mobilized the tension were slightly relaxed, but they were not completely relaxed.

And the aura exuding from him was far stronger than that of himself who had just broken through the Zifu Realm.

She felt that she couldn't last a breath in his hands.

"Come with me." The frail young man said directly.

"Okay." She replied directly without hesitation, and did not get entangled in childish questions such as "who are you" and "why should I go with you".

The two quickly left the village that was no longer popular, and rushed towards a farther place far away from the hot summer territory.

Seemingly satisfied with her decisiveness, the frail young man said: "Don't worry, you have survived the most dangerous trial in the world, and each one is an unparalleled treasure. Your growth!"

"Us?" She was a little puzzled.

"Ever since I learned about the great changes in the hot summer, I have put all my energy into welcoming you. Now, many people who escaped a few steps before you have accepted my invitation, and are recuperating in my castle now. .”

"Oh." After understanding what was going on, she simply responded and stopped asking.

On the contrary, frail youth talk more about sex.

"My name is Ghost, what about you?"

"Me?" She thought of those years of depression and aggrieved in Yanxia Territory, and the energy of surviving countless times in this battle royale.

Yan Xia imposed nightmares on her one after another, but she had no power to resist except to run away.

From now on, no one can give me nightmares anymore, I will become someone else's nightmare!

With this thought in her heart, she said, "Mengma, my name is Mengmai."

As for the identity, name, and experience of being a human being, they are all meaningless to her who has completed her new life.


There are no demons to kill, and the practitioners who have tasted the sweetness set their sights on the deep mountains and big swamps. These places not only hide demons, but also a large number of awakened and intelligent non-human beings. There are those who avoid, but there are also those who do harm to one side. The subjective initiative and enthusiasm of practitioners are at least ten times higher than before to eliminate such scourges.

In the past, the government had to issue announcements and promise actual benefits before they would act. If those non-human races hid too far away and hidden, they would even give up after weighing it up. But now, they don’t need any promises of benefits from the government. Calling for friends and companions, forming a team to go deep into the wilderness, and start a dragnet-style investigation.

As for the incidental capture of some innocent non-humans who did not harm one party, how to deal with it depends on the moral level of the practitioner team itself.

And this often cannot stand the test, especially when they are faced with non-human races rather than human beings, and they are often full of treasures, and they have not integrated into the Yanxia civilization circle, and there is no Yanxia law that will protect them. They, even if they are skinned and cramped, and their bones are sucked out, there will be no hidden dangers, and they will even make a lot of money.

How to choose, all the practice teams have given their own answers.

This indirectly accelerated the completion of another matter, which is the plan that Yanxia officials are actively promoting to absorb non-human races into the Yanxia civilization circle.

The Yanxia people themselves find this plan very attractive. From their own point of view, they believe that the "illiterate" non-races will definitely welcome this change.

But the actual situation is that although Yanxia officials have been actively promoting and promoting it, the effect is not particularly obvious, and the more remote and remote the place, the more so.

Just like those law-enlightening workers who go to the mountainous area where legal illiteracy is everywhere, they are not very interested. Instead, I think it is good for me to be a happy little turtle rolling freely in the mud. Why should I listen to you.

I am very happy, I am very content, so no need.

Now, they finally feel that they need it, not only need it, but also very, must, immediately, immediately!

The law-enlightening workers left, but they quietly picked up the legal documents that had been thrown into a corner like trash, and fought the night, even if they memorized them by rote, they had to be firmly engraved into their bones.

Try to learn Yanxia dialect through various methods, even if you can speak a few simple sentences, it would be even better if you can give yourself a name.

Therefore, when the army of practitioners who have tasted the sweetness continues to sweep the wasteland with the determination to search the mountains and seas, such a scene often happens.

A strange thing that doesn't know what species it is, and hasn't even been counted in the species illustrated book either walks out step by step with its forelimbs raised high, or crawls on all fours to show it's harmless, and then shouts: "Don't kill me/ Don't kill me/Don't kill me, my name is Wang Ergou/Zhang Tiedan/Hu Jiaojiao."

Repeating this sentence over and over, speaking all kinds of crooked Yanxia dialects, he almost put a label of a good citizen on his forehead.

At this time, the team of practitioners will be very helpless. What should I do? With so many eyes staring at me, if I really make some principled mistakes, the companions around me will be the first to jump out and treat him as a monster with experience. To brush.


The birth of the luck rules and the Shinto system also accelerated Yanxia's pace of promoting the practice of sects, because these two rules covered the bottom line, and all the hidden dangers that originally worried the decision-makers became insignificant.

Regardless of whether it is an individual practitioner or an organization of practitioners, they are more actively involved than before. The starting point of everything in the past was more benefits, but now, even if they are losing money, they are willing to contribute to the growth of Yanxia Humanity. .

This is equivalent to using money or other resources to exchange luck, such a good thing doesn't happen all the time.

They are even willing to take a little bit of credit, even if they owe a whole lot of debts by allocating all their belongings, but unfortunately, the Yanxia Center plugged this loophole long before they did.

You must earn what you deserve, and you can’t do without it!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Three months, just three short months.

Intangible and intangible, the invisible and intangible rules of luck have brought profound changes to Yan Xia's present world.

There is no need to search for the hidden dangers of demons that can be suppressed but difficult to eradicate that plague the Yanxia Center and the practice world, and they can solve them by themselves.

Either died, or escaped from the hot summer and went to another civilization camp.

The non-human races in the Yanxia territory also took the initiative to accelerate the pace of moving closer to the Yanxia civilization circle.

The progress of practicing Zongmen suddenly accelerated, and the forces of practitioners began to actively go deep into the barren mountains and rivers to contribute their own light and heat to the further prosperity of Yan Xia's humanity.

In the past, the Yanxia Center had to play the role of giving them a push from the back, but now it has to put the brakes on this momentum, lest too many practitioners flood into the barren mountains and swamps and neglect the care of the real base camp. It is the foundation of hot summer, and it must not be missed.

These piles, one by one, are reflected in Jiang Buku's humanity value gains, that is, the new item [Development of Luck Rules] has obtained up to 21473 points of Humanity Points at one time, which not only consumes the consumption of the Development of Luck Rules at one time Earned back, there are still a lot of balance.

Afterwards, the increase of luck to Yanxia's human nature is more than that, and there will inevitably be a lot of money every year.

Hunting down demons and mopping up non-human races has great momentum and far-reaching influence, but the so-called vastness is also circulating within the practitioners, and it has nothing to do with trillions of ordinary people.

The sectization of practice is only a grand event for the practice world and practitioners.

For the more than one trillion Yanxia human race, another thing that is happening is what they care most about.

In fact, more than half of the Yanxia Center's energy is devoted to it.

A familiar yet absurd event is happening in every populated settlement, in every market town, village, and county capital. For several months, it has been the most eye-catching event, not one of them.

When the rules of luck are condensed, the demon suffers greatly, and countless ordinary people are also affected by him. Of course, there are many scumbags who have done all kinds of immoral things, but acted in a hidden or ungraspable way. There are even people who have done extremely bad things and are entangled in karma and burned directly to slag.

But there are also many ordinary people who have obtained good luck, good luck and even merit.

While being favored by such humane luck, they directly realized the method of embossing luck, and using it to absorb and gather all the people to pray and condense the golden body of the god.

Such a big movement, of course, alarmed the Yanxia Center immediately, and the Yanxia Center attached more importance to this matter than other matters.

Even the last chance of the demons running away and destroying the demons was not taken too seriously. It was just handed over to the practice community to deal with it. In addition to protecting the populated settlements from the intrusion of the demons, they almost adopted an attitude of watching the whole process.

Even though many escaped from the net in the end, they still did not make any targeted deployments.

If not, under the leadership of the Black Shark fleet with rich experience in exterminating demons and other forces in the establishment, not to mention sweeping away all the fish that slipped through the net, at least they can cut them down by several orders of magnitude.

Even if it's not really killing everything, it's not much different from killing everything.

But none of them moved.

They are all doing their best to escort another big event.

It took Yanxia Center a day to thoroughly understand the gameplay of the Shinto system.

Therefore, early in the morning on the third day of the first lunar month, a red-headed document of the highest level was sent directly to the desks of the rulers of each county through delivery boxes one by one. More copies of the document instructions.

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