That being the case, let Yanxia Humanity love and protect them.

This is not a burden, but will deepen the foundation of humanity.

Therefore, the significance of Jiang Buku’s edict is that, in addition to the [Talent Bar], another [Luck Bar] was added to Yan Xia’s sentient beings in the name of Yan Xia Humanity. The cold and mechanical [Talent Bar], for those with poor or no talent, the [Luck Bar] will be another opportunity for them.

If you can't mess with the way of heaven, then mess with the way of humanity.

From the perspective of Yan Xia's humanity, luck is not only a shield, which strengthens the foundation and increases the ability to resist risks, but it can also be a sharp blade. It's just a "evil comes with evil", and they will never stop until they are chased to death.

In the future, if they don't want to be chased away by karma, there are only two endings for the demons born in the Yanxia territory.

At the same time, it is an ultimate insurance.

For example, in order to develop the 40.00% territory and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of practitioners, Yanxia divided those territories into sects, and set up a supervisory agency considering potential hidden dangers. A group of students from Liuyi College dragged themselves into the water, wanting to use their unearthly "secondary spirit" as insurance for the future.

To say it is absolutely safe, it is not necessarily true. Liuyi College itself cannot guarantee that it will always be pure like a white lotus flower. As long as it is a human being, it will have tendencies, and there will be deviations in execution.

And luck can be used as the ultimate backstop.

Even if you are really supernatural, have countless secrets, bad luck is approaching, and karma is entangled, you will eventually reveal your original shape.

And if you have good luck, or even merits, everything will be clear.

While Jiang Buku was waiting, these thoughts were also turning in his mind.

But when the Humanity value decreased by [-], he couldn't help but feel his heart tighten.

After carefully paying attention to the consumption frequency of Humanity Points for a while, his mood eased again. Although it was still falling sharply, it was no longer as violent as before. This is barely good news.

In the end, when the rules of luck were fully integrated into Yanxia's humane system, the humane value consumed 14741 points.

Remaining humanitarian value: 12820 points.

Jiang Buku looked at the hot summer human world again, and there seemed to be no difference. However, as he held the authority, he could clearly and unmistakably feel a new rule blending into this world, as if it existed in the first place.

"This is too much consumption, more than twice as much as opening up the land of darkness." Jiang Bu thought to himself.

However, after thinking about it carefully, I figured it out.

The land of Yin and Ming is based on the Earth Temple of the Town God's Temple, and this has a foundation in the present world, which means that the present world has already done more than half of the work for him, and the way of luck is that he has forced it into the rules of Yan Xia's humanity new rules.

Jiang Buku didn't give up, and his thoughts never left this world.

Feeling that the activity of the world's spiritual intelligence has decreased, he did not dare to delay, and began to explain the second edict.

"All towns, villages and villages have land, counties, prefectures and prefectures all have city gods, and there are judges and wandering gods.

In addition, a mountain should have a mountain god, a river should have a river god, and a lake should have a lake god.

Every hot summer territory has an owner.

The source of gods: they can be ghosts, mortals, practitioners, or non-human beings, as long as they are part of the Yanxia civilization circle, they are qualified and have the opportunity to become gods;

Conditions for the birth of a god:

Those who have [Fu Yun], [Hong Luck], and [Mertiful Virtue], if they are voluntary, can be used as a talent to condense the seal of luck and become a candidate for a god, and then they can be elected to the corresponding god with blessings from all peoples;

For example, there is an old man in the village who has done good deeds and accumulated virtue all his life, and has good fortune. If he wants to, he can condense the seal of good fortune. If the villagers say "yes" in their hearts, they can work as a village land;

In addition, the blessings of the people that can be carried by the Seal of Fortune, the Seal of Fortune, and the Seal of Merit and Virtue are very different, and the personality of the gods they serve will also be different accordingly. "

"In addition, the Yanxia Center can use Wanmin Blessing to bless the seal of luck on its behalf, which is mainly used in mountains and rivers outside of populated settlements.

For example, there are inhumans and aliens who admire Yanxia's beauty, work hard, fulfill their duties, actively promote the popularization and dissemination of Yanxia's humanity in alien life, get good luck, and condense the seal of good fortune. If they want to become a mountain god in their hometown, it is impossible for all people to wish them Nian, in this way, the Yanxia Center can bless it on its behalf, and directly confer the post of mountain god, river god, and lake god in the same way.

However, in order to prevent the Yanxia Center from abusing this power, once it is in power, it will bear its responsibility.If it is not human, it will damage Yanxia's humanity, and Yanxia's center will suffer a backlash. "

With the formation of this edict, Yan Xia's human world once again boiled with vigor, and the value of humanity plummeted again.

When this decree completely became a new rule of humanity and integrated into this world, the value of humanity dropped by 8549 points again.

Although the consumption is still more terrifying than opening up the land of darkness, it is more than 6000 points less than opening up the way of luck.

In terms of impact on the present world, this decree is no worse than the fate decree.

But the consumption is so much smaller, and it is the same reason that the land of the underworld was developed with the land of the city god. The essence of this edict is the in-depth excavation and application of the first edict of luck.

This edict is completely based on the rules of luck.

It gives a broad application scenario to those who have good luck, good luck, and meritorious deeds.

This is another system completely different from the existing practice system.

He does not absorb the refining spirit, does not contemplate and refine the spirit, but only devotes himself to working hard on the Yanxia Humanity, and turns himself into a torch for the growth of the Yanxia Humanity.

No matter what occupation, no matter what status.

To be in government is to be an upright and capable official who cares about the common people regardless of personal reputation;

To learn is to be a teacher with awe-inspiring spirit and peaches and plums all over the world;

For agriculture, for business, for industry...all kinds of industries.

Don't let those who do good be reduced to dust.

Do not let the perpetrators go unpunished.

The judging criteria of this system do not look at talent, but good and bad.

"Maybe it's a bit biased, but... a good person should be rewarded!"

Jiang Buku was not sure whether there were any omissions in the two new rules he added to Yan Xia Human Way, although he had conceived for these two edicts for several years, and even traveled to the field to observe them.

But with such a great impact on the present world, he is not sure whether there are any disadvantages in these two rules.

But in the deepest part of my heart, there is still an obsession.

This obsession has been gathered in his heart since before the change of heaven.

The price of being a good person is ruining your family, breaking up your wife and children, and being imprisoned. There are fewer and fewer pure good people in the world. Be a good person once, but think about the shriveled wallet in your pocket, your wife and children at home, after all, you still dare not.

Good guy has even become a derogatory term, a curse word.

In different contexts, it means the same thing as "you're a piece of shit" or "you're an idiot".

Now, the world has changed.

He holds humanitarian authority.

Yanxia Humanity can dress up and paint as he likes.

The obsession buried deep in his heart surged out uncontrollably.

Thus, these two edicts were finally formed.

The origin of its thinking comes from the truth that a three-year-old child believes in - protect the good and beat the bad.


Returning his mind to the Purple Mansion, Jiang Buku looked at the Humanity value on the permission screen, the other three Humanity values ​​had all returned to zero, and only [Talking the Way of Transformation] had 4721 points left.

After so many years of hard work and hard work, more than half of the two edicts were wiped out, leaving only a small fraction.

He looked at [Teaching the Way of Transformation] and there is no new item formed. According to the experience of opening up the land of darkness, whether it is to develop the rules of luck or build the system of the divine way, he will get a lot of humanity value .

There is no movement now, maybe its value has not been reflected, or it has not been found out.

No matter, my mission has been completed, and it's okay to let it ferment naturally for the follow-up.

Let the bullet fly first for a while.

Jiang Buku put aside all distracting thoughts and lay down.

The [-]th chapter of the general power

At this moment, it is the first day of the first month of the [-]th year of the new calendar.

The time is still late at night.

It didn't take long for Jiang Buku to insert two edicts in the hot summer human world.

The night is still long.

The far-reaching impact these two edicts will surely bring to the present world is quietly brewing and rapidly spreading.

Although the planet has not expanded for many years, New Year's Eve, the turn of the new year, is still the most important day of the year.

in various senses.

Ordinary people reunite with their families and celebrate the festive season.

Practitioners, no matter how high or low they are, will sit cross-legged quietly, looking forward to gaining insights and gaining at this moment when all phenomena are renewed and the world is in peace.

And countless people use all kinds of methods, use all imaginations, and use any method they can think of to carefully detect whether new changes have taken place in the world.

Global traversal, leaving the solar system, the Milky Way, and even the original universe;

planet born will;

Everything grows and life evolves;

Modern technology is abolished one by one;

The global animal tide, human civilization is in danger of being replaced by wild nature;

The body of the planet grows, and it looks different every year;

The sun, moon and stars are not only turned into stickers, but also personalized adjustments are given according to different civilization camps;

Aura is born;

ghosts appear;

The dark world appears;

All kinds of demons appeared, and all major civilization camps around the world were deeply disturbed;

The birth of non-human intelligent species;

In the scorching summer, the divine dragon appeared, and the miracles and historic sites turned into caves;



Blue Star has proved its ability with one example after another. Only you can't think of it, and I can't do it without me.

In front of me, all the experiences and concepts you have have the greatest effect of becoming obstacles and hindering your cognition.

The sun rises from the east ten thousand times, but tomorrow it can rise in any direction, north, south, west, or middle, as long as I want to.

Be ready to be shown by me at any time, smash the existing three views with my own hands, and be prepared to remake and reshape little by little.

This is the deepest understanding that people have gained after the great historical changes in the past [-] years since the in-depth study of planetary travel.

Maybe in the next moment, the planet will undergo a change beyond your imagination.

The only thing human beings can do is to keep their eyes open, look for these changes carefully, and then accept it, don’t make meaningless questioning "this is unreasonable" or "this is unreasonable", just accept it calmly, and then put it in the first place This kind of change is put into the rules of the world, and its various influences on the existing humanitarian structure are deduced from all aspects, including social ethics and morality, humanistic economic governance structure, and all levels of social relations, all-encompassing.

and propose adjustments accordingly.

From the mobilization of the whole country at the beginning of the sky change, the large population migration of the whole country, to the encouragement of population birth, encircling the land to catch up with the sea, the establishment of the land temple and city god temple system, and the diversion of the continuously multiplying urban population to the market towns and villages, the birth of the dark world has regulated a new society. Ethics and morality, and the recent plan to integrate non-human intelligent life into the Yanxia civilization circle, and the practice of sects for the in-depth development of deep mountains and lakes, these are all major aspects, and the changes in those details are countless.

Starting from global traversal, Yanxia has been going this way for a hundred years. The experience accumulated in this area is also unique in the world, and a complete set of strict and complicated systems has been built.

Therefore, unless the change of the planet is completely beyond human cognition, human beings cannot perceive it in any way-in fact, even if such a change occurs, as far as human beings are concerned, it can be regarded as no change, and Yan Xia has the ability to catch it come out.

What's more, whether it is the birth of Qiyun rules or the emergence of the Shinto system, it is not really silent.

On this night, countless practitioners meditate on enlightenment at this time when heaven and earth reconcile and all phenomena are renewed, and many who have the opportunity have glimpsed a scaly claw.

In addition, many ordinary people, and relevant agencies in various cities throughout Yanxia have also captured more or less sporadic clips.

Not to mention that those with good luck, great luck, and even meritorious virtues will directly gain a deep understanding, allowing them to suddenly understand the truth of condensing the seal of corresponding luck and using it to become a god.

Before dawn, all the intelligence and news from various sources have been compiled, and those who should know already know that the world has undergone another huge transformation without notice. Through the comprehensive verification of these news, they have even grasped the truth. To the core of this great change.

What goes around comes around.

This is the core of this change.

The influence of the rules of luck and the value of the Shinto system on the entire social structure, including the influence on the practice world and the practice system, has been formed little by little under the deduction of countless relevant personnel.


The morning of the first day of the first month of the [-]th year of the new calendar.

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