No one questioned it.

The last one who stepped forward was Li Weixi. She didn't go to Chen Zhongxia's side, but went straight to Jin Yun'er with a cute face, hugged her, and said: "Yun'er, you really impress me, I want I apologize to you, my previous understanding of you was still too biased and one-sided. Just do what you think, believe in yourself, and do it boldly!"

In the end, he patted her on the back before Shi Shiran left.

Before leaving, he turned his head and looked at Mr. Jiang, who was dozing off, and said softly, "Master Jiang, I'm leaving."

"Hmm." Jiang Buku, who was feigning sleep, replied vaguely.

Until everyone was gone, Jin Yun'er still looked at Chen Zhongxia with some disbelief, and asked stupidly: "Are they... Is it okay for me to do it?"

If it wasn't because of the wrong occasion, Chen Zhongxia couldn't help but want to let out a long and loud cry. At this moment, desperately suppressing his inner emotions, he nodded and said: "It's not just that there is no problem, you have done really well, beyond our expectations!"

After saying this, he didn't continue chatting with Jin Yuner, he stepped forward and took her hand, came to the side of Jiang Buku who was always leaning on the reclining chair, and said: "Master Jiang, it's really thanks to Yuner's performance. Your advice, I..."

"Stop, stop..." Jiang Buku chased people away, "You guys have been making a fuss for a long time, disturbing my old man's lunch break, if you don't have fun, I will really drive people away."

"That's good." The dignified Mr. Chen always looks like a second grandson in front of Master Jiang, but he is never ashamed, but proud of it. At this moment, when Jiang Buku expelled him, he also responded with a smile, and then Pulling his little wife away.

Before leaving, it was still the old custom to bow as before.

Jin Yuner followed suit and bowed, no longer in a playful way, but also from the bottom of her heart.


Earlier, Chen Zhongxia, Li Weixi and others were having a discussion.

"It's okay to open up a new path for all non-human life.

However, it would be a false proposition to say that this path allows them to do their best, exert their strengths, and maximize the original talents of their ethnic groups.

There is simply no such way in the world, let alone one, ten or a hundred are not enough.

Rabbits, snakes, spiders, tortoises, turtles, falcons... There are thousands of races in the world, and their body structures, habits, and ways of perceiving the world are all different.

Those who can fit one category cannot fit other categories. There are as many species as there are species in the world, and there are as many species that are born with awakened wisdom. However, when it comes to a certain species, truly intelligent individuals are very rare, and there may be only a few. How can it be possible to open up a path of growth and promotion suitable for its race?

Therefore, we must first bring them together on a common platform, even if it inhibits their respective potentials, this is also necessary.

And our existing practice system is already very mature and complete, naturally there is no need to create a new platform for them, just find a way to make their growth path closer to this system. "

Through repeated back and forth debates, this concept has become a consensus recognized by everyone.

Therefore, after listening to Jin Yuner's detailed description of her idea, everyone felt that there was no need to work hard on this aspect, because she did better than they expected.

Although before the Golden Core Realm, the practice of other races will still restrain their original talents, but after reaching the Golden Core Realm, not only are they completely integrated with the existing system, their race talents are not only not suppressed, but also can be suppressed. has been further enhanced.

Chen Zhongxia himself may not feel it, only Jin Yuner who is led away by him feels very strange.

Not to mention that in so many years, this wood rarely took the initiative to lead him like this, and it was the first time that he behaved like this.

There was a faint gleam in her eyes, and she thought to herself, so your best is this one. From this point of view, this old lady will go through this road even if she is risking her life.

After returning home, Chen Zhongxia fully revealed his emotions, and praised without hesitation: "Yun'er, your performance today is really... ah, what are you doing?"

Jin Yun'er's ears suddenly turned into a pair of cats. The fluffy hair is soft and cute at first glance, and people can't help but want to reach out to touch it. She has already taken the opportunity to get close and said softly: "Ouba, do you want to touch it? It's so soft. of."

Chen Zhongxia stretched out his hand out of nowhere.

"Ah, so soft."

The next moment, a pair of cats suddenly turned into a pair of rabbit ears, their pupils turned into rubies, and the temperament of the whole person also changed drastically in an instant.

"Oba, try again."


Chen Zhongxia swallowed, his hands trembled, as if he wanted to struggle, but in the end he touched the pair of rabbit ears uncontrollably.


Chen Zhongxia felt like taking pills today.


Jiang Buku's spirit sank into the Zifu.

It was found that on the screen formed by the authority of human nature, after [Dialing the Sky Screen], [Opening the Land of Darkness], and [Cultivating the Fifth Realm], there was a new item [Teaching the Way of Transformation], which alone The humane value of this item was given to myself 7847 points at one time, while [Fifth Realm of Practice] only gave 6131 points for the first time, and [Development of the Underworld] gave 6475 points for the first time.

Jiang Buku thought about it carefully before he figured out the logic inside. Even without his intervention, with the efforts of Chen Zhongxia, Li Weixi and countless others, the fifth stage of cultivation has reached the final juncture. After a while, the practice system will soon enter the fifth realm of practice.

Although the opening of the land of darkness has greatly deepened the "depth" of Yanxia's humanity, it is still at the human level, which is equivalent to developing new uses on an already fertile and mature land.

And the significance of [Teaching the Way of Transformation] is to directly spread Yanxia's humanity from "people" to "ten thousand races", which is equivalent to forcibly reclaiming a piece of fertile soil from a piece of Gobi. quantity.

As for the path that Jin Yuner explored, he looked at the human value of several other items.




[Fifth Realm of Practice]: +6131 points for the first time, +875 points for the follow-up to the present, and the current total value is 7006 points.

[Teaching the Way of Transformation]: +7847 points for the first time.

Total humanitarian value: 25740 points.


After the land of the underworld was completely opened up and connected into one, Jiang Buku didn't use his human value anymore. Since the 740th year of the new calendar, the total amount of human value has reached [-] points.

Because the essence of this screen is human authority, it can adjust the posture according to his will, so every data mode can be adjusted according to his wish, and finally presented in the way that satisfies him most.

And every time he makes an incremental contribution to humanity, the first harvest of humanity value is the most abundant, and then, although there are still a lot of profits every year, but in the absence of special changes, and the first time Compared with the humanitarian value gain, it will be at least an order of magnitude lower.

As long as there are some new situations and new achievements related to him, then the humanitarian value income of the year will have a significant increase, and even the humanitarian value income in the following years will increase.

The most notable example is that because of the emergence of [Tuokong Formation], the Humanity Value gain of [Tianmu Grand Formation] once again exceeded [-], and this year because the Cangyi Mountains themselves protected the magic tree, when the Black Shark returned. It was sent to the spiritual planting department immediately, and the research on the special spiritual plant Yin Liu Yinhuai has made a key breakthrough, and now it has begun to be planted in some wild places.

Because the income from this area is also included in the development of the land of darkness, the income of this year's humanity value has more than doubled compared to last year.

And now there is still some time before the end of the year, and the income of the four Humanity Points will increase to varying degrees. By the end of the year, the Humanity Points will definitely exceed [-] points.

"This time, we can make a big deal."

Thinking that he could finally chop his hands and squander them again, Jiang Buku had already started rubbing his hands.

After the land of the underworld was opened, he had been thinking about where to use the power of humanity for the second time.

With his height and vision, he no longer bothers to make small troubles. If he wants to do it, he must fundamentally reverse some things.

Every shot must be targeted, and even completely change the entire pattern of Yanxia.

He already had some rudimentary plans in his mind. During his previous travels, he witnessed the hidden dangers of demons and the rise of inhuman intelligent life. This was also to further clarify the plan in his mind and make detailed adjustments according to the actual situation.

Now, this plan has been completely finalized in his mind, just waiting for the new year to come.


Because of the popularization of illusion, the "cat classmate" and "dog classmate" who were once disliked by people have now become the sweet pastry in the eyes of all teachers and students—yes, not only the students like it, but the teachers also like it very much. In class, I always like to pick them up and ask questions. If they are embarrassed and shy, they will boldly encourage them and give them kind and gentle guidance. Male teachers also care about their image, but female teachers do not have these image burdens. They will be bolder in this regard, and occasionally He will play tricks on Mrs. Xiao Zheng generously.

Because of the innate ability of Jin Yuner and others, the appearance of various non-human intelligent beings after using phantom, regardless of gender, is very beautiful, which absolutely conforms to the general aesthetics of people.

The Dianzang Pavilion was as quiet as ever, unless Master Jiang took the initiative to speak out, no one disturbed his old man's care.

Time passed day by day, and it was the end of the year.

On New Year's Eve in the [-]th year of the new calendar, late at night, Jiang Buku lay cross-legged on the couch, getting ready to enter the special hot summer human world ahead of time.

The endless human spirit is like a vast river system, boundless.

When the outside world came to the turn of [-] and [-], the spiritual power of heaven and earth became active again, and even this hot summer human world was affected and became more active.

Jiang Buku's consciousness hung over the vast river system, motionless, and he didn't use his consciousness to make specific adjustments, watching the whole.

Suddenly, his thought loudly said: "Humanity Edict: Good will be rewarded with good, evil will be rewarded with evil, good and evil are clearly visible, like a shadow!"

As he shouted with his thoughts, the boundless and boundless human world of Yanxia sounded like a thunder, and the whole world was echoing the content of the imperial order.

The vast and majestic human spirit like a river system began to boil and become active.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

As this decree spread throughout Yanxia's human world, the infinite charm began to boil.

However, there were no further actions, and no new humanitarian rules were integrated into Yanxia's humane system.

The humanity value of his body has not decreased at all.

Because the edict he issued was too general, and although the Yanxia humanitarian system would automatically optimize the newly integrated humanitarian rules, there was an important prerequisite, that is, the rules must be clear.

"Good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. Good and evil are clearly visible, like a shadow!"

This is not so much a decree, more like an idea.

This is not superfluous, but Jiang Buku deliberately did so. He now has a more thorough grasp of Yanxia's human world than when he opened up the land of darkness.

This sentence, which oscillates back and forth in Yanxia's human world, is the general outline of all his subsequent orders. It is like the opening chapter of a martial art that must be outlined and outlined. It is impossible for a practitioner to practice it based on this, but it is absolutely impossible without it. No, practitioners must always verify their practice and the general outline of the exercises to check whether they have made mistakes.

This is the general outline he set for Yan Xia's Human Dao System.

He is no longer satisfied with the self-optimization of the humanitarian system, and still wants to clearly specify the direction of its optimization.

Then, he began to elaborate on the first humanitarian decree of the day.

"The way of heaven is far away, but the way of humanity is near.

The way of heaven is constant, there is no praise or blame for good and evil, good people cannot be praised by heaven and earth, and evil people will not be punished by heaven and earth.

Humanity makes up for what is lacking in heaven.

Good people should be rewarded with good rewards. They work hard all their lives and silently contribute their own strength to the scorching summer. Whether they are teachers, doctors, farmers, scholars, kind businessmen, or upright matter who you are or what your status is, as long as you have Good deeds will be rewarded accordingly;

On the contrary, no matter how secretive the evildoers are, even if no one knows about them and cannot be sanctioned by the laws of the world, they have indeed done actions that harm Yan Xia's humanity.

You don't know what I don't know, but human nature can know; if the sky doesn't care about the earth, human nature can control it.

Yanxia Humanity can be used as a weighing instrument for accurately judging good and evil. As a direct "beneficiary" or "victim", he can clearly and unmistakably identify the essence without misjudgment.

Whoever helped him, he will remember; whoever harmed him, he will also remember. "

"The rewards and punishments of humanity should be timely, concise, and universal, and their value should not be lowered because of the different status of different people.

Open up humanitarian luck!

Luck is not only the ruler of a person's good and evil, but also the means of human rewards and punishments.

If a person contributes more to Yanxia Humanity, he will be given more luck, if he contributes less, he will be given less or not, and if he contributes in the opposite direction, his luck will be reduced.

People with good luck can be called "Fu Yun", with good health and less disease, they can often turn bad luck into good luck, and make disaster auspicious. And even if they have never practiced, their souls will not disperse when they die, and they can enter the dark world place;

Those with little luck can be called "bad luck", the body is weak, and many die young, blessings are unparalleled, and misfortunes never come singly;

Those who are particularly lucky can be called "Hongyun", and everything they do will go well, the so-called good luck is in the lead, and the prosperity is equal to the sky;

Those with very little luck can be called "bad luck". If you are a businessman, you will go bankrupt;

Those who are particularly lucky can be called [merits and virtues]. If they have merits, even as ordinary people, under the blessing of merits and virtues, they can also rebuke wind and thunder and kill dragons and snakes with pens; , until it reaches the upper limit of heaven;

Those with especially bad luck can be called [karma], not only destroying the body, but also eliminating the soul, like maggots on the tarsus bone, the soul will not fly away, and will never give up. The so-called karma is entangled, and there is no escape! "

As these words merged into the human world of Yanxia, ​​the aura of boundless humanity began to churn, like the raging waves of the sea.

With its continuous integration and infiltration into the existing humanitarian rules, the humanitarian value began to decrease rapidly.

Jiang Buku was calm and waited quietly.

If a certain talent possessed by the human body is transformed into thin strips, life is the blood strip, and wisdom is the intelligence strip, then as the world travels, the new heaven will give all living beings a "talent strip".

The upper limit of a person's growth is only related to his talent, and has nothing to do with everything else. No matter how talented you are, no matter how great your contribution is, whether you can't practice or not, you can only stop when it's time to stop.

The talent bar determines everything.

In the eyes of Heaven, it is fair and impartial.

But from the perspective of human nature in Yanxia, ​​this is too cold and heartless. For example, Shennong, who has countless living people and is known as the reincarnation of Yanxia, ​​faced with the failure of most crops and reduced production after the weather changes, and once again built the agricultural system of Yanxia by himself. , now that the population of Yanxia has exceeded trillions, whoever is the leader has the answer in the hearts of the people. When he passed away, the whole country mourned and wished they could share their lives with him;

There are countless such examples.

Their departure is not only emotionally unacceptable to the Yanxia people, but also a great loss to the entire Yanxia civilization.

It can be said that each of them is a treasure, a great fruit, and the most beautiful flower that bloomed on the fertile soil with a long history of hot summer civilization.

The way of heaven is permanent, treat them equally, and will not love them more because of this.

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