Of course, in order to pass the contracting application, you must also have the corresponding qualifications. Different areas have different entry thresholds according to the degree of hidden danger, the size of the area, and the difficulty of development;

Secondly, and most importantly, if Shentong is approved, the applicant must immediately carry out in-depth development of the contracted area. If the development level does not meet the specified standards, it will be deemed that the other party has given up the contract, and this area will once again enter the ranks of applicants.

These measurements are carefully designed, and it is basically impossible for an individual to complete that level of development. Only many practitioners can work together, work together, and work together to complete this matter.

If those business groups want to participate, they must make a complete transformation and work hard with the mentality of running an industry in order to succeed. "

The representative of the blue party first fully spread out this background in front of the students. Before that, the college only threw out issues related to Liuyi College, and did not mention these deep backgrounds. So, listening to him now, how Peeling an onion generally peels away layers of appearance, allowing them to see the deep meaning behind those decisions, and they were a little addicted to it for a while.

"After conducting pilot experiments in some places, we can be sure that once this policy is fully rolled out, the shock it will cause will be tsunami-level, and we don't need to worry about whether anyone will participate.

Instead, we started worrying about another problem! "

Having said that, he scanned the audience again, and all the students in the auditorium straightened up, knowing that the topic related to them was finally about to be mentioned.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Regarding how to mobilize the enthusiasm of the practice community, while ensuring that they benefit and get rich returns, and at the same time maximize the development of the area they contracted, how to choose and how to balance, the relevant think tanks have made very precise designs.

For different regions, not only have different entry thresholds been set, but if you want to contract a small beautiful peak in a large mountain range, you need the qualifications for building a foundation; a spiritual island in a lake with an area of ​​thousands of square kilometers requires at least one A Purple Mansion Realm and several Foundation Establishment and Qi Training Realms; a large mountain range with a radius of thousands of kilometers requires at least one Golden Core Realm, several Purple Mansion Realms and Foundation Establishment Realms.

Each area to be marketed will be fully researched and reasonable entry thresholds will be designed.

At the same time, in order to prevent them from slacking off after contracting the contract, they would slap their butts and leave in the name of sweeping up all the resources in the area, or leave the area idle and abandoned. The center not only designed a reasonable phased development strategy, but also had a The part of inspection and acceptance.

For example, in the first year, find out the surrounding situation, do a good job of selecting the site of the sect, and start building houses and palaces. In the fifth year, attract and recruit a certain number of ordinary Yanxia people to take root. According to the size of the place suitable for ordinary people to settle, As small as a few villages, as large as a town, a county or even a prefecture, the human spirit of Yanxia has penetrated deeper into the vast territory of Yanxia.

Do a good job of corresponding security and logistical support, so that they cannot be exposed to various threats in the wilderness, and they cannot be made to worry about hunger and cold.

At the same time, Yanxia will also set up corresponding regulatory agencies to conduct regular or irregular inspections, unannounced visits, and acceptance checks to avoid distortions in the actual implementation process.

"All of this is well-designed, even exquisite, but students of computer relations should understand that the more exquisite the design, the less room for error, otherwise, a small mistake in a certain link may cause ripples. A catastrophe for the entire system.

Countless people and interests are involved, and regulatory agencies are also made up of people, and they may be corrupted.If a large and stable community of interests is formed because of this, it will become a bigger trouble than the devil organization.

For example, when the Zongmen closed the country and bordered it, the people of Yanxia under its jurisdiction experienced a sharp decline in their thinking, cognition and cultural level. They only knew that there was a Zongmen but did not know that there was Yanxia. From a humanitarian point of view, it is equivalent to self-harm and suicide;

If there are people with distorted mentality and cruel means, it will even bring disaster to the Yanxia people within the jurisdiction.

This is something we don't want to see, although every settlement will have an earth temple and a city god's temple, because of its characteristic that the land of the underworld will be connected with the whole world of the underworld, which can indirectly connect these scattered territories into one , but it is far from enough, far from enough to completely offset possible hidden worries;

Another example is that after the cultivation of sects becomes sect, it is very likely that the practice will become family, closed, and secret.

However, there is a school system to cover the bottom line, so there is no need to worry that they can really monopolize the path of practice. As for the secret techniques developed by the sect, they can keep them for their own use or make them public, they can do whatever they want, and it doesn't matter.

However, with the birth of the sect's second and third generations of Xiu, they who grew up in the sect's system are likely to be separated from Yan Xia's main body in terms of emotion and identity.

This is also a situation we do not want to see.

Therefore, our idea is to introduce a third party outside the sect system and the supervision system.

This third party has no interest or affiliation relationship with the first two, just like the emperor's imperial envoy holding a Shang Fang sword in ancient times, he can punish the non-officials first and then play.Whether it's the people of the sect or the corruption inside the regulatory agency, it can be controlled! "

Having said that, the representative of the blue team glanced at the auditorium again, and said:

"It has multiple rights and responsibilities. You should understand that it can be said that it is the last insurance. It is no exaggeration or exaggeration to say that it bears the heavy responsibility of guarding the roots of Yanxia's humanity.

Such a great power and such a responsibility must naturally be handed over to the most reliable and steadfast people. "

As he spoke, he stretched out his right palm and retracted his thumb into his palm.

"First of all, there must be a strong, absolute strength that can deter all ghosts and monsters. This is the guarantee of everything. Otherwise, even if you hold Shangfang's sword, it will be nothing more than sending someone's head away from thousands of miles away."

Then, he retracted his index finger, middle finger, retracted one finger, and said something.

"Secondly, you must have a strong sense of honor!

But also have absolute firm belief!

They will not be seduced by any worldly things, because they all have a bigger mind, have higher pursuits, and more ambitious goals. Even if gold and silver are tricks, they will not work well in front of them, and they will even scold them. they are fools;

In addition, you must have a sharp mind, and you will not be played around by them with some tricks, like coaxing silly children;

Have the correct three views, a simple sense of justice, be able to distinguish right from wrong, and not be confused by some fancy 'painting'. "

He flexed his fingers while talking, and in the end, his right hand became a fist.

After speaking, he looked at the students in the auditorium and asked, "Do you think such a third party really exists?"

At this moment, many students had folded their arms and leaned back, an indescribable confidence pervading from their bodies.

That's right, the person you're talking about is me!

Except for Liuyi College, there is no such place in the world!

The representative of the red party also said: "You want students from Liuyi College to be the third party?"

The blue side nodded, and took out a token from his bosom. On one side was engraved a dragon with teeth and claws.

He introduced:

"This token of walking in the world is not only a kind of qualification certification, but also a powerful magic weapon. It has a mysterious aura connection with Yanxia humanity. As long as you do justice, you will be protected by it. When your life is threatened, you will automatically Unleashes a strong defense force, which can resist the attack of a strong person that does not exceed the user's level.

For example, if you are in the middle stage of Zifu Realm, then it can defend against attacks below the middle stage of Jindan Realm! "

The students of Liuyi College did not show much enthusiasm for its cross-boundary defense ability. On the contrary, they liked the four characters "walking in the world". Also very good.

Raising the token, shouting justice.

"I walk in the world and do justice for the sky. Today, I will destroy you on behalf of justice, and cut off your dog's head!"

Thinking about it this way, this part-time job is not impossible!

Many students already tended to agree in their hearts, but the representative of the Red Party questioned: "If they spend too much energy on these areas, will it delay their study and practice?"

The blue representative shook his head and said, "No."

He said:

"Liuyi College has been established for exactly 110 years, and its internal system has been changing in response to changes in the world.

At the beginning, half a year was one session, because the foundation of practice was still very shallow at that time, there was nothing more to teach, and the cultivation base of the students had also reached the bottleneck period, and they needed to work hard to improve slowly, and it was no longer possible to stay in the school. too much meaning

Later, with the increase of the world cap, the practice system became more and more complex, and the study time of each session continued to lengthen, once a year, every two years, and now it has become a five-year session.

It hasn't changed in many years.

In the past, due to the expansion of the territory, we failed to solve the problem of long-distance transportation. For convenience, we built a branch in each deputy capital.

Now, the fastest spaceship that can travel [-] to [-] kilometers a day has appeared, and there are [-] canopy arrays that can communicate with each other. The problems that plagued us back then no longer exist. Is the separation mode still maintained? If necessary, I think the college can discuss and study it carefully.

Furthermore, since the birth of aura, the upper limit of the world has been greatly improved, especially now that there are successive emergence of Jindan practitioners, the spread of the cultivation system, the birth of more geniuses, and those who have received inexplicable enlightenment , the total population in hot summer continues to increase, and has already exceeded the trillion mark. If Liuyi College does not raise the enrollment threshold quickly, the number of students will soon explode on an exponential scale.

Therefore, I think it is time for Liuyi College to make major adjustments.

In my opinion, this adjustment will be mainly reflected in two aspects. One is to further increase the admission threshold, and the other is to make the study time of each class longer.

Since the emergence of the Golden Core Realm, it has become unreasonable to graduate from the Purple Mansion Realm.

The school obviously has the largest and most complete experience of breaking through the Golden Core in the Purple Mansion, and even the practice experience after the Golden Core Realm is rapidly accumulating, but it allows students to graduate at the Purple Mansion Realm, making it more difficult for them to break through the Golden Core Realm. This is obviously unreasonable.

Therefore, I sincerely suggest that Liuyi College adjust the study time of the students so that most of them can break through the Golden Core Realm. "

The representative of the red party heard the words and nodded seriously: "We will seriously consider this suggestion."

Many academies in the auditorium suddenly had their eyes flooded, and they were able to delay their graduation and leave after they were in the Jindan state. For them, this was a great thing with no harm.

You must know that Liuyi College does not charge any fees, and all the expenses of the students during the school period are fully covered, including food and drink expenses, and cultivation resources, all of which are top-notch.

Liuyi College has never worried about being poor. The research results produced by each department every year, if any one is taken out, the economic value generated is enough to cost the teachers and students of the school for 100 years. This is not counting those revolutionary achievements In some cases, such as spacecraft, such as formations, such as magic tools, such as elixirs, none of them are simple benefits that can be measured.

If they could stay until the Golden Core Realm before graduating, they believed that the Purple Mansion Realm would save at least ten years of hard work!

The eyes they looked at the representative of the blue party began to become kinder, or else, they really were seniors, because they were able to consider for the juniors.

They seem to have forgotten who the person who greeted their eighth-generation ancestors just now was.

There are also more sober ones, Xin Dao, I have seen everything clearly.

How could such a big change be brought up temporarily? I'm afraid it was planned long ago, and now it's being blown out, maybe with a certain degree of "buying" in mind.

Buy them these students, it may be a bit noisy recently, come on, this is a lollipop, keep it in your mouth, don't make a fuss, be honest!

However, anyway, it really smells good.

According to this trend, the Foundation Establishment Realm may not be able to touch the threshold of the academy in the future. If you want to become their junior and junior sisters, you have to start at the Purple Mansion Realm, right?

Therefore, only this group of them will enter the school at the Foundation Establishment Realm and graduate from the Golden Core Realm.

Mmm, so sweet.

This purchase is okay.

Sure enough, the representative of the blue side said:

"We all know that the higher the level of cultivation, the effect of penance will gradually decrease. Practitioners have to dabble in more fields, understand by analogy, in order to gain more inspiration, and also travel around the world to broaden their knowledge and broaden their minds. , adjust their own state at all levels. Therefore, part-time jobs become world walks, which will not delay their practice, and the experience gained in them will instead become a source of wealth for their progress."

Speaking of this, he paused, and said: "For them, this can even be regarded as a special course. The academy can give evaluations and scores to the students according to their performance. For those who have done well, or who have done well Those who are not good, or those who have been tricked or even fell into a beauty trap, can be compiled into typical cases, so that all students can participate in the study and discussion, so as to improve everyone's overall professional level."

The faces of the students in the auditorium froze again. A moment ago, they were still feeling "really fragrant and sweet", and subconsciously showed pleasant smiles on their faces. At this moment, they all froze.

There are only countless XXX in my heart who don't know whether to speak or not.


You are paralyzed!

What about being a chivalrous hero, an envoy of justice, what about being a showman and being invincible, why did he suddenly become like this?

Some people have even begun to imagine that the future juniors and juniors will study a large book before "taking up the post".

"Come on, students, let's turn to page XXX, this is a typical mistake made by a brother named XXX before you.

First, he was XXX, then he was XXX, and finally XXX. As a result, he bought a pair of crutches and shouted thank you a few times.

You must, must learn the lessons from it, don't repeat the same mistakes, study hard, and prevent pitfalls and fraud. "

"Immortal Dance, students, do you know what Immortal Dance is?

The dignified student of Liuyi College was actually jumped by a fairy!


Come, let's see who gave us such a long face, and how he got into it step by step! ... This is a lesson of blood and tears! "

The younger brothers and younger sisters were nervous, and some were studying hard with disdain, and carefully avoided the big pits that had been verified by the seniors.


Whip corpse!

Do you want to live!

Looking at the representative of Lan Fang who was talking so eloquently on the stage, that so-called senior brother, that shameful face—I really wanted to go up and sew that mouth shut.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Regarding the suggestion of the representative of the blue party, the so-called senior brother, among the students in the auditorium, 1 out of [-] people disagreed, but the reasons for their disagreement could not be stated in public. I'm afraid I'll be included in the book as a model in the future." That's no different from voluntarily giving up the right to choose a mate, so this must never be said.

But none of the other reasons are tenable. You can't play around and make trouble for no reason, and this method is not easy to use in Liuyi College.

Obviously everyone is against it, but they can't give a reason for their opposition.

I can only hold back, even if I get internal injuries!

This is the most annoying.

The representative of the red party on the stage thought about it after hearing the words, nodded seriously after a while and said: "Well, this suggestion is very good, and I personally think it is of great value. After this debate, I will choose an opportunity to respond to the above. "

Seeing that they were still pretending to go through the process of interaction on the stage, the students were almost stared out by their shameless faces.

Don't pretend, we all know it, you are all in the same group, one is a bad face, the other is a red face, one is a joke, and the other is a joke, don't bully us for our lack of knowledge!

Almost got it.

The representative of the blue party, like an honest person who does good deeds without leaving a name, turned around and walked away with a smile, no longer talking about this topic, but continued:

"As for the side effects that may be brought about by the sectization of practice, the second generation of Xiu and the third generation of Xiu are separated from the main body of Yanxia civilization in terms of emotion and identity. We are going to use a similar method to deal with non-human intelligent life to solve it.

They were born in the Zongmen, grew up in the Zongmen, and what they think, see, and feel is not detached from the framework of the Zongmen system. This is an important reason why they feel separated and alienated.

That is to say, the root cause is that their own knowledge is shallow, they have not seen the wider world, and they do not know the real world.

The solution is to take the initiative to help them broaden their horizons.

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