Peers talk about friendship, get along day and night, they ask themselves, reflect on themselves, and they will find that they don't expect such a future at all.

Even if these flesh and blood skeletons hide a mind that is equally intelligent, even more intelligent and genius than them.

There will always be an original rejection in my heart, and I can't tell the specific reason, but I just don't want to.

Regardless of pros and cons, the first reaction is this.

The representative of the blue party did not rush to answer, but let the students in the audience have sufficient time to think for themselves under the guidance of this question.

When presiding over the opening of the topic just now, I made it clear that the debate is just a form, and the essence is to straighten out some principles and concepts, figure it out, and understand it.

That's the purpose.

After a while, the representative of the blue team said: "Actually, we have designed another plan."

Having said that, his eyes swept across the field, but he brought up another topic:

"I want to say one more thing. The premise of all this is that we have changed our minds on the matter of dealing with non-human intelligent life. We can neither kill and suppress them blindly, nor treat them as pets.

We must admit that in the vast territory of the hot summer, there are a large number of places that are not suitable for ordinary humans to settle down, and even many places are not suitable for long-term residence even for practitioners. Therefore, the birth of non-human intelligent life cannot be truly stifled.

Based on these premises, we came up with a new strategy to actively release goodwill, let them become a part of the Yanxia civilization circle, and solve this problem with an open and inclusive attitude. "

Having said that, he glanced across the auditorium and asked, "Do you agree with this transformation?"

The auditorium was silent for a while, and then there were sporadic voices answering "agree", "approve", "I support", and finally, a unified voice gradually formed, almost all the audience shouted "approve" three times in unison.

The representative of the blue party nodded and said: "Well, this is the basic premise for us to discuss this topic. It seems that we have reached a consensus on this aspect."

"Well, let me tell you about another plan we devised.

This solution is not complicated, and its operability is even simpler than what we are discussing now, and there will be little disturbance to all aspects.

For example, in the plan we are discussing now, Liuyi College already has a sound and stable organizational system, which is a framework that has been built little by little over the past 100 years.

For other branch colleges and state-level colleges, the construction of a single college has taken a lot of effort, which is the result of the hard work of countless people, let alone the entire college system. Well gonna screw it up.

The other plan we envisaged is very simple. Everything remains the same now, promoted by the official force, imitating the existing school system, and re-copying a set of the past.

Moreover, because their number is very low, and there is still a stage of over-adaptation in the early stage, according to our estimation, five colleges will be built in the sky, and the cost is not even as good as building a black shark ship, that is, for It takes some energy to staff these five institutions with full faculty.

Compared with the solution we are discussing now, this saves trouble, effort, worry, and money, no matter from which point of view, it is better than the one we are discussing now. "

Having said that, he scanned the audience again and asked, "What do you think?"

Many people wanted to say "yes" right away, but due to the intuition of monstrous cultivators, they still held back and were not the first to stand up and agree.

In fact, as early as when this topic was announced to the whole school, someone had already proposed this method, and said in a slightly mocking tone: "I don't know what the food is for, such a simple method is useless, come here Why are you messing with our school?"

The representative of the blue party did not wait for everyone to give an answer, and continued:

"We tried to deduce it on this basis, and it didn't take too long, only 50 years, and we came to an obvious conclusion.

The hot summer practice world will form two cores, and the current practice world undoubtedly has only one core, which is Liuyi College. If we use the simple plan we just proposed, then in addition to the core Liuyi College, the newly built college must Will develop into a second core.

Gathering countless geniuses of different races and talents, no matter their wisdom or talent is no worse than yours, different backgrounds and different races will become their advantages. With this as the core, it is very likely that the entire practice system will undergo major changes and be rewritten .

Because our Liuyi College knows nothing about them, and the system we built is only suitable for human beings, not for them, at least not allowing them to give full play to their abilities. It is inevitable to build a suitable practice system. "

Speaking of this, the representative of the blue team looked at everyone and asked, "Do you think this possibility is high?"

Everyone was silent.

This trend is not only big, it is just as it should be, it must be so.

The representative of the blue party continued to ask: "So, do you accept this result?"

Of course it cannot be accepted.

With a century-old history, they have built a framework of Yanxia practice from scratch. Every teacher and student in Liuyi College feels honored by this, and they also have a kind of lofty pride of "who else but me, take this important responsibility". They will never It may allow the honor of Liuyi College to change from "unique" to "one".

For Liuyi College, this is a humiliation.

The representative of the blue party, however, refused to give up and continued to sprinkle salt:

"Actually, from the overall situation of Yanxia, ​​there is nothing wrong with this. One more core is one more insurance, one more road is one more bright.

The so-called contention of a hundred schools of thought, a hundred flowers bloom.

Our fundamental purpose is to let them integrate into the Yanxia civilization circle. As for whether they are integrated in Liuyi College and the existing school system, or in other places, does it matter?

As the old saying goes, if the meat is rotten, it is still in the pot. "

Rotten you paralyzed!

Pot you paralyzed!

Hearing that the other party was still making sarcastic remarks, some students began to curse in their hearts, and even began to greet the other party's eighth-generation ancestors.

You also said that they are all seniors of the academy, I don't think you expect the academy to be good!

The representative of the blue party waited for a while and continued: "Having said so much, let's go back to the original question. Some teachers from Liuyi College are worried that the way of forcing such a group of inhuman creatures in is too blunt and rough, which may disturb the current situation. Normal teaching order, as the parties involved, what do you think?"

Look at you Ma X!

There is no water in the belly of this dog day!

The hall was silent, no one answered.

The host male teacher returned to the arena again, holding a stopwatch in his hand.

After a while, he raised his head and said:

"The time is up. It seems that the college teachers' worries are a bit unnecessary, and no students think that this will disturb the current teaching order."

Then he asked again: "Now let's start asking questions. If students have any questions, they can speak up directly. If they have other ideas, they can also boldly raise them."

The hall was still silent, no one answered.

He was still staring at the stopwatch in his hand, and when the time was up, he raised his head again, and said in a brisk voice: "Okay, time is up, it seems that the students have reached a consensus on the first topic, and there is no objection to this, then, this Let's get over the issue."

So angry!

Seeing that the male teacher on the stage was still going through the process in a fake way, many people were already blown up.

I can't wait to grab everyone on the stage, not only the representative from the blue team, but also the representative from the so-called "self" red team, and the annoying male teacher who is chattering and beating their feet left and right.

So angry!

If they didn't realize it, they would be the pride of Liuyi College.

Although their arrogance is basically reflected in their cultivation talent, their IQ cannot be compared with those real IQ monsters, can you understand how high IQ is needed in the current situation, ha ha!

What kind of debate is this? It is clearly a group of teachers and seniors who made a game for them. The purpose is to convince them and not to have any resistance to the implementation of this decision.

After all, those non-human beings come to the campus and get along with them day and night. The students who are most likely to establish a bond with them are the students. In this regard, the teacher has to lean back.

Together through the window.

The depth and prison of this kind of fetters have been proved by countless facts and do not need any description.

Now, they were put in a dilemma. They could either pinch their noses to be classmates with those non-human creatures, or work together to resolutely oppose and reject this matter.

They believe that if they really do this, neither the academy leaders nor Yanxia's high-level officials will be able to force those inhuman creatures over. In addition to deepening their hatred of Yanxia, ​​it will be impossible to develop them into members of Yanxia's civilization circle. members.

But the consequence of this is that Yanxia executives will choose another place to create a new school for those non-human beings. Since they are not welcome, they will not play together, and save a game alone, and they can also play well, not because you can't.

And Liuyi College has changed from unique status to "one of the two".

As students of Liuyi College, they are proud of the college, how can they do this, dare to do it?

Obviously, both the red teacher and the blue senior on the stage are very aware of this.

We just know that you won't do it, so we play like this.

Just to let you-

Heart, take, mouth, take, no, take, no, go!

So angry!

There is even a feeling that I was put in a sack by the teacher and the seniors in a joint game.

The male teacher who hosted on the stage seemed to know that he had overplayed his show just now. After a simple opening question on the second topic, he quickly disappeared, leaving the stage for the representatives of the red and blue parties.

Everyone raised their spirits and thought, what kind of hole did you dig?

Everyone listened attentively, so as not to be caught in a sack again and not realize it.

It was the blue representative who blatantly put sacks on them in front of them just now to speak.

“Let me give the big background first.

Because since our one hundred and eight anomalous monuments became caves, the planet has not continued to grow, and the topography has not changed, which has created favorable conditions for our survey work.

After a rough survey, about 40.00% of the places suitable for ordinary people to live and live in the territory of Yanxia are about [-]%. Cut down the mountains and turn some places that are not suitable for ordinary people to settle into fertile plains.

Without the participation of a large number of practitioners, only about 20.00% of the territory is suitable for ordinary people to settle.

Let's analyze the remaining 60.00% of the territory, which can be subdivided into two situations. Among them, nearly 20.00% of the territory is really not suitable for human beings, such as large lakes with millions of square kilometers, large rivers, and snow-covered areas all year round. Mountains, volcanic areas, earthquake zones, Gobi Desert, tundra and ice sheets.

Although the planet is full of vitality and wiped out most of the Gobi wilderness before the sky change, perhaps in order to preserve some diversity for the natural ecology, there are still various special terrains and landforms. "

"Then let's carefully analyze the situation of the 40.00% territory that is not suitable for ordinary people to settle.

They are basically large mountains and forests, coupled with various steep terrains, it is difficult for ordinary people to survive in them.

But these areas, for practitioners with matching strengths, are not only dangerous places, but treasure places, full of aura, rich products, and often very rare and special species, filled with various spirit beasts, plants, and medicines. The development of this area is very limited!

On the other hand, since the second half of last year, Yanxia officials have intensified their efforts to hunt down demon organizations. We found that more than half of those demon organizations have built their core lairs in these places.

Strong concealment, rich resources around, and from time to time can ambush the team of practitioners traveling together.

We used to worry that the wild land was occupied by spirit beasts, and now the devil organization has replaced this role, and it has done a better job.

Therefore, in order to truly weaken the harmfulness of the demon organization, it is one thing to increase the intensity of suppression and suppression. On the other hand, they cannot be allowed to continue to take root in these places.

Furthermore, if you look closely at these areas, not all of them are unsuitable for ordinary people to settle. Basins and valleys in deep mountains, island chains in great rivers and lakes, and many dangerous places often have caves inside, with birds singing and flowers fragrant, and beautiful mountains and clear waters, which are very suitable for ordinary people to settle.

The biggest problem is that the location is scattered, each individual area is too small, the largest area is no more than a state, and the small one is only a county, and even the population of the next market town or even a cottage is resettled. "

He didn't say some things, but he just thought in his heart, but for those suitable for a large number of people to settle down, Yan Xia has already arranged a relocation plan to occupy the place first, and the rest of them are either too difficult to develop, the gain outweighs the gain, or they are scattered. Considering that a small county is surrounded by mountains, one can imagine how dangerous it is, and it is impossible to send unconventional practitioners to protect the safety of a county, so it has to be abandoned.

Therefore, the delicious and fat food have been eaten by Yan Xia, and they are still in the digestion stage, and the rest are leftovers, although the addition of leftovers is very impressive, but for Yanxia, ​​so The efficiency is too low.

"Based on the above facts, the Yanxia Center has decided to encourage people in the cultivation world to get out of the city and settle down in the barren mountains and rivers.

If there is no benefit, practitioners who live well in the city and have all kinds of conveniences will certainly not go to the barren mountains to suffer.

In order to make this plan truly feasible and put into practice, the center has launched a supporting plan, which is to cultivate sects.

For a long time, the Yanxia practice world has been in the free-range stage, focusing on free development.

This is also an inevitable stage, because at the beginning there was no such thing as a practice world. As more and more practitioners spontaneously formed their own circles and their own rules, then gradually there was a term called a practice world.

Establish a complete college training system, the higher the talent, the further you will go in this system, and various resources will be thrown at you for free, but even if you are a student of Liuyi College, you will still graduate One day, after graduation, the school will naturally not care about you anymore, you have to be responsible for yourself.

It doesn’t matter whether you are looking for a job or applying for a job, or you can be a practitioner within the establishment, or you can be a free man, or you can partner with others to do business, or you can go on a treasure hunt in the wild mountains and wild forests. Of course, if you have the ability to refine tools and alchemy, then It's even more popular, and you don't have to worry about having nothing to eat.

My personal feeling is that when I was young, I was immature and imperfect in all aspects. Everyone was wandering around, with many opportunities and pitfalls. I don't know what to do.

Of course, the proud sons of Liuyi College and its branches don’t have to worry about this problem. There are a lot of people blocking the door in the middle of the night to help you think about it, but those who come from other colleges, it’s really true. While feeling that there are thousands of roads in the world, why not I can't go anywhere; on the other side, I feel confused whether to step left foot or right foot when going out.

But now, there are more and more practitioners, and more and more practitioners who have broken through to the Foundation Establishment Realm and the Purple Mansion Realm. As countless people are dazed, some systems, rules, and gameplays in the practice world are becoming more and more complicated. It is becoming more and more standardized. Today's practice graduates don't have to worry about leaving school and have no place to go. Anyway, there are only a few choices, and they can choose whether they like it or not.

At the same time as the norms are formed, that vitality will gradually disappear. If there are no major changes, the model of the practice world will basically be like this.

Either enter the establishment, or enter the business group.

Among the ten folk practitioners now, there are fifteen or six business group backgrounds, because many people have more than one business group behind them, and solo travelers can no longer get along, whether it is traveling in the mountains, gathering medicine and hunting animals, or by themselves Some professional talents, alchemy, talisman, geomantic omen, there will always be a large or small business group operating behind it, otherwise, even if you can make alchemy, it will be useless if you can't even get together the elixir.

If the special filter of practitioners is removed, the business group is actually a company, and the logic inside is the same.Relevant institutions have also noticed a trend, perhaps because there are a lot of information about company operations, which is easy to obtain, absorbing some of the essence, and many business groups are transforming into financial institutions.

This kind of transformation is not a good thing in the practice world. Practice is more like a kind of industry, where you pay honestly and get real gains.

A sweat, a harvest.

Practice honestly and honestly, don't play too fancy.

Since you are a practitioner, you must put your practice first, instead of just thinking about how much you have earned today and how much you will lose tomorrow.

Therefore, the center's promotion of cultivating sects is not only to encourage practitioners to go deep into the mountains, but also to rectify the trend of the practice world that is gradually going awry. "

"The Yanxia Center divides the deep mountains and big swamps that are urgently needed to be developed. With a period of 99 years, any practitioner can submit a contract application to the Yanxia Center. As long as the application is approved, within the contract period, everything on the surface of this area, Including the above spiritual beasts, spiritual plants and elixir are all yours.

In addition, within the contract period of 99 years, it can be fully developed, and all output is owned by the individual practitioner, and no organization or individual will come out to take a cut.

In order to encourage practitioners to actively participate in contracting, the first phase of contracting is free.

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