The circle turns infinitely.

Just like the two yin and yang fish that are always chasing each other.

Tai Chi.

At the level of the planet, this is the way of heaven and the way of humanity—this way of humanity is the way of all life.

At the level of life on the planet, it is humanity and evil, order and wildness.

From the perspective of humanity, this is the righteous way and the evil way.

The way of magic is a pole in the way of humanity, where there is righteousness, there are demons.

It can be suppressed, it can be exterminated, but it cannot be eradicated.

Just like leeks, when one crop is cut, another crop will emerge.

The only way to eradicate it is to plan the ground and lift the chessboard, which is of course impossible.

To put it more down-to-earth, no matter how good the place is, there will still be criminals. If these people don’t exist, then don’t rush to be happy. Let’s see if the world you live in is real or illusory, because Such places could exist on the Internet before, but now they only exist in dreams or spiritual illusions.

It is also based on this reasoning that Jiang Buku restrained his desire to wipe out Yougui, a demon who had escaped a catastrophe.

From a more selfish point of view, he even felt that if he could seduce all the demons in Yanxia's territory, it would be a great thing for Yanxia.

Anyway, it is a scourge. Instead of harming the people of Yanxia, ​​it is better to let them out and mix with people from other camps. Whether they are intriguing or working together to build a pan-global demon camp, as long as they don’t cause trouble in Yanxia’s territory, it will be fine.

At this moment, he even gradually tasted the wonder of another thing.

At that time, Yanxia's high-level officials decided to only occupy [-]% of the territory, and leave the remaining [-]% ​​to other civilization camps. In addition to preserving the diversity of planetary civilizations, have you ever thought that one day there will be a function similar to a chamber pot?

If Yanxia chose another path back then, apart from the internal fission, the battle between good and evil would inevitably turn into an unavoidable periodic catastrophe.

Thinking about these things in his heart, Jiang Buku had already returned to Yanxia territory before he knew it.

On the way to the big sky formation on the roof of the world, I met a caravan of spaceships. This is a caravan formed by more than a dozen large-scale private practice organizations in a border state. There are three giant kun ships and two long whale ships. The ship was packed to the brim with cargo and people.

Jiang Buku sneaked in and took a ride with the wind for a while, and did not leave until he reached the roof of the world where the sky curtain formation was located, because the other party's destination was the Yanxia Northern Territory, and he would be teleported to Yumenguan Cave Heaven through this place.

And Jiang Buku naturally teleported back to the ancient city of the imperial capital, and in an instant, he crossed half of Yanxia's core territory.

Seeing the familiar scenery around and the rich aura, this is considered to be back to the old nest.

Jiang Buku's energy and spirit became much lighter. This trip, from the departure to the return, took a total of two months, but the harvest was no worse than any other trip.

Every time he returns from his travels, Jiang Buku will spend more time digesting what he has learned, adjusting his concepts, and reshaping his understanding of the world.

After returning to school, he insisted on going to work every day without reading or reading newspapers, so he moved a chair and sat in front of the main hall of Dianzang Pavilion, leaning back on the reclining chair, clasping his hands in his arms, half-closed his eyes.

The whole person is so motionless, and it may take half a day to lie down.

In the eyes of other teachers and students, they all laughed secretly, thinking, Mr. Jiang must be addicted to sleepiness, and he had to sit in Dianzang Pavilion to sleep soundly.

After disappearing for a period of time, he reappeared, still acting in the same manner, but in the eyes of those teachers and students, he only felt pleasing to the eye and at ease, as if he should exist in the Dianzang Pavilion, if he suddenly couldn't see others, it felt like the entire Dianzang Pavilion A big piece is missing.


Someday in a month.

A young man suddenly put down a Taoist classic, put it back on the shelf, and touched another companion beside him who was fascinated and had forgotten the time.

"Hey, are you still going?"

"What?" The companion, who was obviously still immersed in the book world, raised his head in confusion.

"The debate that was advertised ten days ago, I managed to grab two tickets for the front row. If you don't go, I will find someone else." He took out the two tickets in his hand.

"Ah!" His companion came back to his senses at this moment, stood up immediately, put the book back on the shelf, and said, "Go, go, of course! It's been agreed that this ticket is mine... now what?" time, how long?"

"It's about to start, and we're just about the same time in the past."

The two walked out together.

"Stop!" Before they stepped out the door, an old man's aura-filled voice stopped their footsteps.

The two stopped and turned around in one breath. The person in front of him still had a flattered look on his face and asked with a smile, "Master Jiang, what do you want me to do?"

Jiang Buku said: "Are you two going to Hall A to listen to the debate?"


"Take me there with you."


He almost said that you can go there by yourself, but Master Jiang had already got up and dusted off his clothes, as if preparing to go with them, he immediately chose to shut up.

Although Master Jiang in this school must be more familiar than himself, being able to lead him in the front is a treatment that few people can enjoy.

Not long after, the three of them came to Hall A.

If viewed from the sky, it looks like a standard gossip figure, with a podium in the center and auditoriums around it. According to the distance and visual effect, tickets are divided into several levels.

In fact, for the teachers and students of Liuyi College, even sitting in the farthest corner is almost the same as sitting next to the speaker.

However, when you get closer, you can feel more things, even some kind of rhyme that can only be understood and cannot be expressed in words. It is different from feeling close to the speaker, and feeling it through individual heads.

Also, speakers often interact with the audience, and the closer you sit, the more opportunities you have to interact with them.

Therefore, although Hall A itself has a huge internal space, which can accommodate up to 20 to [-] spectators, with the birth of Tuo Kongzhen, the internal space has tripled, and it is easy to seat more than [-] people, but the first-class seating area Still hard to get a vote.

Jiang Buku followed the two students to the seat slightly behind the first-class seating area. Under the insistence of the two students, Jiang Buku reluctantly sat down.

The two of them squeezed together and sat down.

At this moment, the surrounding people are already seated in sevens and eighties, and there are also sporadic people entering the venue.

At first, the students who were in the same row next to him saw him, and they felt very novel, because in their impression, except in Dianzang Pavilion, they had almost never seen Jiang Ye anywhere else, so they quietly motioned to the front row Or the companions in the back row, all regard this as a rare thing.

After passing each other, everyone in a large area around knew that Jiang Ye, the old man of ten thousand years, was here today, and those who were far away even stood up and looked around, as if to confirm the authenticity.

Such an obvious movement quickly alarmed the people on the podium.

Although the appearance is basically very young, most of the actual ages are from the fathers or even grandparents of the students present, and most of them have one thing in common, they are all graduates of Liuyi College, and they are all seniors. The identity of the senior sister.

When they were students here, most of them happened 30, 100 years ago or even longer. Jiang Buku has met too many students in the past [-] years, and they are not particularly outstanding. It was a certain session."

But on the other hand, their impression of Mr. Jiang was too deep. They didn't expect to see him here, and they were a little surprised. They all got off the podium and came to greet them. They also said that the location here is relatively remote and asked him to sit on the stage. , when discussing the issue later, it is also convenient for him to give some opinions to the younger generations.

Jiang Buku waved his hands, still sitting in Dama Jindao without moving his body, and said: "I'm here to listen, I don't speak, I don't express opinions, you do what you want, it's fine for me to sit here, go Go ahead and ignore me."

Everyone had to give up and returned to the podium again.

There were a few who did not graduate from Liuyi College and grew up through other channels. Seeing that everyone had regrets and reluctance on their faces, they couldn't help but said: "Since you have some thoughts about Mr. Jiang, you can find him in private after this is over. It’s okay for him to get together, we still have some time for this.”

One shook his head and said:

"Do not marry a wife, do not make friends, Mr. Jiang dedicated his life to the academy, he regards the academy as his home, and the academy is his home, he is the only one in the academy.

There are many people who want to have a personal relationship with him, but since many years ago, even the headmaster can't disturb his quietness for no reason.There are quite a few of us who have graduated and returned to our alma mater for many years, but no one will rush to Dianzang Pavilion to disturb him.

It's fate to meet here, don't even think about gathering in private. "

The surroundings became quiet again, and Jiang Buku said to the two students who came next to him: "This is why I seldom participate in such activities. If I disturb others, I can't be quiet. If I hadn't mixed in with you , They really put me on stage."


The more than 20 seats in Hall A were full, and even the aisles were crowded with people.

A middle-aged male teacher who often presided over the opening of lectures in Hall A said:

"Some time ago, the Yanxia Center proposed two new resolutions, because the content of the resolutions is closely related to our Liuyi College, and even the school practice system built by our Liuyi College.

Therefore, the above did not make a decision hastily, but handed over these two issues to Liuyi College to organize public discussions, solicit opinions extensively, and make a final decision based on this.

We announced the content of the topic five days ago. Today, there are no seats left here, even the aisles are full of people. This is enough to show that everyone is concerned about these two topics.

Because there are too many people, let me talk about on-site discipline.

Since opinions are solicited extensively, of course everyone here is allowed to speak freely, but the speech must have rules, do not interrupt others, do not ask repeated questions, and do not get entangled in some trivial issues. "

Then, he began to introduce the situation on the podium.

At this moment, there were more than [-] people sitting on the podium, sitting on both sides. The chairs they sat on and the table in front of them were divided into red and blue. It was very simple to divide everyone into red and blue.

The male teacher said:

"The red square represents that everyone should be familiar with it. Most of them are teachers from our Liuyi College. The other few you are relatively unfamiliar with are also teachers from the branch school. You can regard them as the square;

The blue party represents that you are relatively unfamiliar, and you are working in many important institutions in Yanxia, ​​so you can regard them as the opposite party. "

While introducing, the male teacher suddenly said:

"Speaking of which, I would like to remind everyone that the reason why we set the topic discussion as a debate mode between pros and cons is just to let everyone have a clearer understanding through this method of mutual criticism and cross-examination.

It is not a real debate, their speeches only represent some general or sharp views, not their own.The process will not completely follow the rules of the debate, so that it is easy for everyone to understand.

Don't be hostile to the representatives of the blue team. Although they are not your teachers, they are your seniors, and you will probably follow them after graduation.

So, when you are allowed to ask questions publicly, don't use too strong words, after all, we are all family. "

"Okay, let's get to the point. The first topic, the Yanxia Center suggested that starting from this year, Liuyi College will reserve some special places when recruiting new students, for those inhuman intelligent beings who have awakened wisdom and have outstanding talents;

In the same way, other six-one branches and state-level advanced practice colleges must also make corresponding adjustments.

In the future, the Liuyi College, the Liuyi Branch, and the state-level higher practice colleges will not only be responsible for cultivating spiritual talents, but will also take on the responsibility of educating non-human intelligent beings. "

After finishing the question, the male teacher stepped aside and left the podium to both parties.

A representative of the red party asked: "Is a non-human intelligent life just what everyone calls a demon?"

A representative of the blue party said: "It is what you understand as a demon, but our suggestion to the relevant agencies is to try not to use such words in formal occasions and documents."

"Why?" asked the red representative.

"First, the birth of the concept of demon itself carries the emotions of opposition and confrontation.

We are humans, and the other is a demon.

When such a concept is formed and becomes a consensus, it will become a continuous guiding reinforcement, limiting both of us to a clear and opposing situation.

We should not take the initiative to promote the formation of this trend, if possible, we should work in reverse;

Second, will an antelope that has awakened its wisdom regard a lion that has awakened its wisdom as its own kind?

Will there be any intersection or empathy between an awakened aquatic turtle and an awakened Gobi sand lizard?

will not!

Antelopes and lions are no closer than they are to us, and aquatic turtles and Gobi sand lizards are completely irrelevant. Even if they awaken their wisdom, they will not feel that the other party has any relationship with themselves.

But we collectively call them demons, which is to actively help them establish a bond of empathy, and this influence may be weak in a short period of time.

But what about ten years later, twenty years later, or even a hundred years later?

I dare not say how far this bond will connect them, but no matter what the result is, it will not be better than it is now. "

At this moment, the auditorium was very silent. Although it was full of people, no one made a sound, and they all held their breath. Many people were a little messy in their hearts. As practitioners, they were all monsters.

But they never thought that it was just a simple appellation, and someone could break it into pieces and say a reason, and after listening to the other party, they still faintly agreed in their hearts.

"If you don't call it a demon, then what would you call it?" said the representative of Hongfang.

The blue representative said:

"Our opinion is to dilute this concept and give them a name of Yan Xia, Zhang San Li Si Ma Xiaojuan, Zhou Wu Zheng Wang Hu Yanyan, whatever name you want, whatever you want.

They can come by themselves, or ask the teacher for help. In the future, whether they are practicing in the academy or in the practice circle, their names will be their identities.

As for what they were, it didn't matter if they were dogs or cats or foxes. "

"Ah, can it still be like this?"

The representative of the red party did not respond for a while, but the students listening to the lecture in the auditorium were startled first, but after thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After the people in the auditorium digested it for a while, the representative of the red party spoke again, with a look of worry on his face at the same time:

"Isn't it too blunt to integrate them directly into our existing school system? Don't do a good job of educating them, but the normal teaching order will be affected."

Many students were shocked, and even their sitting posture became more upright.

When this issue was announced, it has become the hottest topic among the students these days. Among them, there are those who find this interesting and think that it is okay for the school to try this way, but there are very few such people, even more so. Most of them couldn't help feeling worried.

If a dog, a rabbit, or even a snake, a spider, or a frog, a tortoise, or other strange things that cannot even be named live, study, and practice together with them.

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