Especially for those with outstanding talents and outstanding performance, we will help them to go to state-level advanced practice colleges, sub-du branch colleges, and even Liuyi College for further study.

This kind of advanced study away from the sect will not affect them returning to serve as elders or suzerains after graduation, and it will not be difficult to implement.

The only impact is that the state-level institutions of higher learning, the sub-du branch, and Liuyi College will have a number of more affiliated students after the non-human intelligent life.

Uh, their qualifications and talents should be lower than those of the students admitted by their own abilities at the same time. For example, those who come to Liuyi College, of course there will be real geniuses from ordinary small sects.

But that grade is slightly inferior, but the sect is powerful, and as the young suzerain itself, and those whose parents have made great contributions, even if their talents and aptitudes are slightly inferior, we feel that as long as their character is not bad, they can It is possible to allow him to enter the school. "

The achievements of the parents can directly affect the future of the children.

For Yan Xia's parents, there is no greater motivation than this.

The importance of Liuyi Academy is known to all human beings all over the world. In the hearts of people in the Yanxia practice world, it has long been sanctified. If you do a good job, your children can go there... This is definitely an irresistible dream. The luscious sweet dates.

As for those young sect masters who are not weak in the sect, if they want to deepen their understanding of Yanxia and understand its weight, there is no better way than letting them come to Liuyi College to spend an unforgettable time.

Even if he went back to become the suzerain in the future, claiming to be the king and hegemony, if he wanted to do something that was not good for Yan Xia's overall situation, he would toss and turn and think twice.

The only obstacle is the proud and arrogant students of Liuyi College. They take the honor of the college very seriously, but now they have to send some batches of students who were not qualified to come in because of some political considerations. , and even meet the existence that gave them a crushing blow.

It is necessary to say hello and comfort in advance, and it is not a bad blow, after all, it can leave a deep memory on people.

But you can't attack too much, you really doubt yourself, doubt your life, and then you will just collapse and quit. This situation is definitely not what Yan Xia likes to see.

The representative of the red party seemed to have thought of some possibilities, and asked with a frown:

"Isn't this very unfair to other students? Everyone originally entered the academy by virtue of their ability, but in the end they had to join a group of special recruits who went through the back door. Anyone would have an opinion in their hearts!

Moreover, this also tarnishes the signboard of Liuyi College, when do we need to bend down to accommodate other people's attitudes! "

The representative of the blue party smiled slightly and said, "I didn't think it was as exaggerated as you said..."

He was about to use his convincing eloquence of being able to speak crookedly straightly, when suddenly, he heard a shout from the audience: "Brother, stop talking, we have no objection!"

"Yes, teacher, you should stop acting, it's hard work, we have no objection!"

"No problem, we all agree!"

"All agree, we have no objection!"

At first, there were one or two sporadic shouts, and then more and more people joined in, and finally formed a uniform, loud and loud slogan.

It seems that he wants to take this opportunity to vent all the suppression he has received since he stepped into Hall A today.

The teacher plays me!

Senior brother tricked me!

The partnership set up a trap for me!

Don't act, don't cheat, let's just admit it, okay?

Everyone on the stage looked at each other and smiled, the senior laughed the loudest, surrounded by colleagues who were not from Liuyi College, and in his impression, ever since he met this guy, he was eloquent and sharp-minded, It made people want to beat him up but couldn't find a reason to do it. He had never seen him laugh so wantonly.



There is nothing to say about Liuyi Academy's ability to act.

In other words, under the strong promotion of the Yanxia Center and the close cooperation of all links, all actions were carried out at a speed so fast that it almost rubbed against the air to cause sparks.

Two months later, a group of inhuman intelligent beings and "young suzerains" had already entered the small courtyard of Liuyi College.

These "young suzerains" are still not worthy of the name, because the arrangement of their sects is still in urgent consultation with relevant parties in Yanxia, ​​just because their parents have expressed their determination to follow the current central decision-making, pointing to where to go Attitude, coupled with the fact that the business group behind them is very powerful, and the strength of their parents themselves is also strong, maybe before they graduate, their parents will break through the Golden Core Realm.

And the origins of those inhuman intelligent beings are even more interesting. Most of them are the gentle and kind-hearted inhuman intelligent beings caught in various places in Yanxia in the past few years. In fact, most of them were in Liuyi College before. , but not as a student, but as a researched pet, and the activity area is also in a designated area far from the site of Liuyi College.

As for those who are really hiding in remote places, Yanxia is trying every means to get in touch with them and publicize the new policy.

Therefore, the batch that came in now is essentially a "model project", and it is more convincing when the facts are clearly laid out.

"Look, Liuyi College has already started to implement it. If you don't hurry up and get on the bus, don't come when you can't miss this opportunity. Don't blame me for missing this opportunity!"

Because of the arrival of these "heterogeneous", the atmosphere of the college has also become a bit strange.

One has not changed from the status of a pet to the status of a student at all, and now his head is in a daze, and he dare not say anything, dare not ask anything, anyway, he can do whatever he is asked to do.

One can be regarded as a hero in their own three-acre land, but they are very self-aware, and they are still far from the height of Liuyi College.

Now suddenly a great blessing came from heaven, and when they came here, besides the ecstasy in their hearts, they were filled with endless apprehension.

And the students who had been greeted in advance did not bully them, but just released their talents more recklessly and undisguisedly.

Today, when I was exchanging lessons with others, I suddenly felt that I had completed an improvement of a kung fu;

Tomorrow, suddenly inspired, designed a mechanism bird with exclusive intellectual property rights;

Or show off the power of magical calculations, and calculate from a bunch of seemingly illogical and irrelevant data information that there will be new products launched in the cafeteria tomorrow;

Never bully them, nor discriminate against them, very polite.

But this kind of kindness is enough for the "young suzerains" to feel the heavy pressure like a mountain. It seems that it was only at this time that they were convinced that they had indeed entered the legendary place, and they who thought they were not bad in all aspects suddenly became Dregs.

It wasn't until half a month later, under the hint of the teacher, that this kind of behavior stopped, and the "young masters" had already completed their psychological reshaping, and started their journey of poor students in Liuyi College in a serious and orderly manner.

When they returned after graduation, they took over the family business established by their parents. With their excellent skills, they not only easily conquered their peers, but even their parents were amazed and convinced.

Those who love to flatter and sycophant will publicize it in front of others in a showy tone.

"That's right, don't look at who our suzerain is, he came from Liuyi College, understand?"

At such times, their suzerain would always have deep eyes, like a deep pool, and would never respond positively.


On this day, Chen Zhongxia went to the library area of ​​the main hall of Dianzang Pavilion to find inspiration again.

This has become his habit, and whenever he encounters a bottleneck, he will come here to find inspiration.

Although with his strength, he has already familiarized himself with the collection of books here.

But holding a book to read carefully and reviewing related memories in your mind are two completely different experiences.

Learn from the past.

The content is still the same, but after a hundred readings, inspiration often pops up by itself inadvertently.

In the debate that day, the brother who represented the blue team said something that touched him a lot.

He said that the existing practice system is for people, and there is no room for other kinds of life. If the existing practice system cannot solve this problem by itself, then other people will naturally come out to solve this problem.

As the founder of the existing practice system, Chen Zhongxia believes that he should take the initiative to take on this responsibility.

So, he just decided to practice the fifth level and began to meet new challenges.

After reading a few books, he didn't gain much. He felt that he was not in a good state of reading today, so he returned the books to the shelf and prepared to leave.

When passing the door, he still bowed as usual.

Only then was he ready to leave.

Jin Yuner, who came with him, also followed suit and bowed to Jiang Buku. Although the movements were the same, even the bending was the same, but it showed a sense of playfulness.

In her bow, there is not much reverence to the elders, but there is a kind of "fun" in it.

Although after getting married, she no longer wanted to stick to her lover 24 hours a day as before, but occasionally she would come with him, so after so many years, she became very familiar with Master Jiang.

Her attitude towards Jiang Buku was also different from Chen Zhongxia's sincere reverence, mainly because she thought "this old man is quite funny".

After bowing, the two were ready to leave.


A familiar shout suddenly sounded.

Chen Zhongxia stopped suddenly, turned around, and his movements were like flowing clouds and flowing water, all in one go.

He smiled all over his face and said, "Master Jiang, what instructions do you have today?"

Jiang Buku curled his lips and said, "Don't rush to be happy, don't worry, if there is nothing good for you today, how could there be good things waiting for you every day."

As he spoke, he still leaned back on the recliner and did not get up. He raised his chin and said, "I didn't tell you. I was talking to your wife."


Not only Chen Zhongxia was surprised, but even Jin Yuner looked at him in astonishment.

Pointing to his nose, as if to say, you actually have something to say to me?The sun is out in the west!

30 years, 30 years, 30 years have passed since I entered Liuyi College, you have always treated me like nothing, and now you actually favor me, what a fairy day today!

Jiang Buku saw that Chen Zhongxia's pestle was not moving, so he opened his mouth to chase people away: "What are you doing with the pestle, you can go back wherever you come, I want to talk to your wife about something intimate, so you don't want to listen in."

If any other man dared to talk to Chen Zhongxia like that—well, if this assumption is not true, there would be no man in the world who would dare to talk to him like that.

But these words came out of Jiang Buku's mouth, but Chen Zhongxia didn't feel that there was anything wrong with it, and said to Jin Yun'er: "Then you talk to Master Jiang carefully, I'll go first."

"Master Jiang, then I'll go first." Finally he smiled again.


When Chen Zhongxia left, Jin Yuner was left alone.

Originally by Chen Zhongxia's side, watching the interaction between him and Jiang Buku, he thought it was quite amusing, but now when she was alone facing Jiang Buku, she became a little nervous for no reason, her hands and index fingers were lightly twisted Together.

Jiang Buku was still leaning on the reclining chair that had been with him for decades, pointed his chin to a small ponytail next to him and said, "Sit down, don't be restrained, your husband was the last one to sit here."

His little Mazar is rarely opened, at most two or three times a year, the most recent one was when Chen Zhongxia made an epiphany.

Hearing what Jiang Buku said, Jin Yuner, who was still a little nervous, suddenly recovered, and sat down very politely, leaning her legs together, and asked with a smile: "Master Jiang, you left me alone, what do you have to say to me?" I say?"

Jiang Buku said: "My eyes are very accurate in judging people, especially in judging people's talents. You and Chen Zhongxia and Li Weixi are enrolled in the same class. You know that in my judgment, your class Who has the highest talent?"

Jin Yun'er was a little puzzled, she didn't know why Master Jiang's topic was so biased, but she deliberately pondered for a while, and then said: "Li Weixi, everyone said that, everyone else is practicing hard, but she is like sleepwalking every day."

Jiang Buku shook his head and said:

"She's not sleepwalking, it's an original method of spiritual cultivation, because she found another way, and she found the right way, which keeps her cultivation level at the forefront of the same class.

If you really want to talk about slack, there are really some of you in this class. Once you enter Liuyi College, you let yourself go, pretending to practice, but your mind is either on those drama garden parties, or on outings and fun. The sins suffered are paid back with vengeance. "

Jin Yun'er was dumbfounded when she heard that, pointed to her nose, and said in disbelief: "You said my talent was the best in our class?"

"En." Jiang Buku nodded lightly, but his expression was indescribably firm.

He was never humble when it came to judging talent.

Every time a freshman enters the school, he will make adjustments to the object of "excuse the light". Of course, Chen Zhongxia, Li Weixi, and Jin Yun'er, the enchanting Tianjiao 30 years ago, are all on the list.

But as 30 years have passed, Chen Zhongxia and Li Weixi have already fallen out of his list of [-] people, and only Jin Yuner is still in the [-]s.

That is to say, even if she is placed 30 years later, among the evildoer-level new generation selected from among the billions of people in Yanxia, ​​she still can barely squeeze into the ranks of thousands!

When you think about it, you can see how terrifying this is.

His talent is so high that it simply surpassed the shackles of the times!

It has become a norm for the older generation of talented geniuses, as the upper limit of the world increases, the talent of the new generation is getting better and better.

In Liuyi College, Jiang Buku has witnessed countless similar reincarnations.

It's just that as the breadth and depth of practice continue to increase, the higher the cultivation level, the longer it takes to complete the leap between realms, and the new generation needs to spend more time learning and accumulating, and finally, complete that crucial leap— — Surpass the predecessors and become the new peak!

If the situation does not change, Chen Zhongxia, Li Weixi and others will be able to keep themselves in the first rank for a longer period of time by creating a system with profound comprehension beyond their advantages. However, after 30 or [-] years, there will inevitably be a new generation walking ahead of them. ahead.

But Jin Yuner, if she has the heart, can drag this situation to five or sixty years later.

Of course, Jiang Buku told her these things at this time, not to tell her how to persevere longer under the catching up of her juniors.

Jin Yuner was stunned at this moment, falling into deep doubt and self-doubt.

"Am I so awesome?"

"I'm really so good? How come I don't know?"

"But if I'm really that powerful, then why am I far inferior to them?"

However, I also thought that one created the way of practicing Qi training, and the other created the method of visualization in the Zifu, even if he really risked his life, he might not be able to create such a situation.

Jiang Buku said: "Your husband is the standard-bearer and founder of the current practice system. Your best girlfriend's contribution is no worse than your husband's. In front of them, you may have a little inferiority complex, right? From the bottom of your heart, you feel that you are better than them. Much worse."

Jin Yun'er was like a cat with its hair blown, shouting: "Who says I have low self-esteem, I don't have low self-esteem at all!"

Just by looking at her expression, you can instantly understand the meaning of an idiom, bluffing.

Jiang Buku didn't refute, he just said: "Now there is a very good opportunity for you to justify yourself, do you want to do it?"

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