Jiang Buku clearly "sees", and as the order and rules are integrated into the human nature of Yanxia, ​​the aura of human nature boils violently like never before.

Not only is the half of the underworld under each deputy capital fused with the underworld under the imperial capital to form a huge and boundless world of underworld, their final fusion is like opening up the two veins of Ren and Du. The lands of the earth temple, county, prefecture, prefecture, deputy capital, and imperial capital are all connected with one Qi, and they are connected step by step by the tough and pure Yin Qi to form a whole.

Just like a vast spider web, it is based on the Earth Temple, the Yin and Ming places of the Town God's Temple at all levels are the nodes, and the Yin and Ming world is the core.

Compared with the original time when the Yin and Ming lands were not connected, the Yin and Ming lands in the vice capital not only did not decrease, but also increased a lot. At the first level of the county town god, especially the land of the underworld of the Earth Temple, basically all are handed over.

But as far as they are concerned, there is no loss at all. What they lose is their burden and what they get is their backing.

Because Jiang Buku saw some familiar things from the dark qi that penetrated all levels. When his consciousness poured into it, he, who is omniscient and omnipotent in this world, instantly understood the true meaning of this penetrating qi.

Yanxia Humanity will abide by his orders, and at the same time will absorb nutrients from the existing humane rules, constantly scanning and optimizing his orders.

For example, the method of teleportation and boundary division is something that Yanxia Humanity has eaten into his stomach. When the Yin and Ming lands are all connected into one, Yanxia Humanity is dealing with this kind of "scattered in the whole Yanxia territory, but also connected into one" When optimizing and adjusting the status of , the rules of transmission and demarcation are automatically absorbed.

On the one hand, the ghosts received by the Earth Temple can be directly transmitted to the underworld in the County Town God through the Earth Temple, and the ghosts under the County Town God can also be directly transmitted to the Fu City God's rule, until the world of the underworld is unimpeded.

On the other hand, county town gods, even magistrates, day tour gods, and night tour gods can all rule the earth temple as coordinates and directly teleport there, both psychologically and practically, which will greatly improve the safety factor of remote villages.

Jiang Buku touched it carefully, and found it interesting. It was obviously a teleportation method created by living people, but it was used with great proficiency in the newly opened dark land, and it would even become a basic "common sense" existence. People are still working hard to explore, and now they can't even transmit living life.

"The stage has been set up, it's up to you how to perform in the future."

Jiang Buku thought so, his consciousness left this world, and when he returned to the Purple Mansion, he looked at the consumption of Humanity Points. Before entering, there were 7381 points, and now there are 2524 points left. It took almost [-] points for such a short time. .

According to previous experience, the remaining Humanity value should be able to issue some Humanity orders, but Jiang Buku decided to take it easy and wait for Yanxia to digest the birth of the Yinworld first.

He can also take the opportunity to return a wave of blood. Whether it is the call of the big screen or the opening of the world of darkness, the profit period is far from over.

If there is something, it will be long, and if there is nothing, it will be short.

Yan Xia tried her best to digest and explore all kinds of mysteries in the world of the underworld, plus there are [-] caves and heavens standing there, their understanding is still at the level of a drop in the bucket, there are too many unknowns and discoveries waiting for them in the world, Jiang Bu Kuzhai didn't go out for a trip in Dianzang Pavilion, but silently watched the changes in the general situation driven by him.

At the same time, he is also thinking about where the next wave of authority is most appropriate.

In a flash, it was three years.

On this day, it was rare for Jiang Buku to sleep with his eyes squinted in Dianzang Pavilion—actually he was "watching TV" in Zifu. forward.

After a while, a young man came out of the hall. When he passed by Jiang Buku, he bowed slightly as usual, and then he was about to walk out of the hall.

"Stop, stop, boy, come here." Jiang Buku suddenly said.

The young man paused, turned around and walked a few steps closer to him, and asked with a flattered look on his face, "Master Jiang, you haven't talked to me for a year."

Jiang Buku looked at him for a while, and said: "You are 60 years old, why do you feel that you are even younger than 40 years ago, don't you hate the sissy girl the most?"

The young man was embarrassed, he hesitated and didn't know what to say.

This young man is Chen Zhongxia.

Poisoned by Li Weixi, when women choose exercises, their power is secondary, and their own beautification is the most important. Under the exploration of countless women, they have pushed this field to the peak and explored different directions for beautification. Ice skin and fine bones, snowy skin and flowers, graceful and majestic, intellectual and cold, beautiful woman in the valley, fairy type, royal sister type, gentle and cute next door type, watery and seductive type, stupid and cute type, and there are also deranged and multi-style switching types.

It can be said that as long as they can cultivate all the way to the Purple Mansion Realm, ugly monsters can become fairies.

And I don't know when, they are no longer satisfied with "dressing up" themselves, but also aim at another target, their man.

So all kinds of weird exercises were released, the core is just one point, my husband must be super handsome.

Of course, because of their different aesthetic tastes and different perceptions of handsomeness, after their careful "carving", each husband has his own handsomeness.

Chen Zhongxia hated this trend, and it was even more impossible to practice it.

A man must be like a man.

He has had this view since he was a child.

Therefore, even if his cultivation base has improved, he can easily control his physical condition and stabilize his appearance at the youngest age, but he is letting his own way, 20 years old, 30 years old, 40 years old, 50 years old.

But Jin Yuner has always looked like a girl, she is already beautiful, she is more and more beautiful, but she is sweet and cute.

Then, a few months ago, when the 60-year-old him was having a serious relationship with his little wife, she suddenly leaned into his ear and yelled "Grandpa, grandpa" a few times, his mentality was so distorted at that time——

In order not to fall into obsession and firmly pursue the Dao, he decided to adjust his physical condition to a state commensurate with her.

Therefore, although he did not practice those beauty exercises, he is indeed younger now than when he was 20 years old.

But how can this kind of mental journey be shared with outsiders.

Jiang Buku just made a joke, and said: "You often run here these days, you are frowning, why?"

Chen Zhongxia sighed: "It's not because of the trouble in the fifth realm of cultivation. We have already reached a consensus and we are about to enter the demonstration stage, but because of the appearance of the dark world and ghosts, Li Weixi and others who have always focused on spiritual visualization have New ideas emerged, and differences arose.”

Chapter Ninety-Eight: One Right Way Is Enough

Jiang Buku pointed with his chin to a small maza next to him, motioning for Chen Zhongxia to sit down.

Then he said with great interest: "If there are any differences, let me hear."

Chen Zhongxia said: "Although we are all cultivating qi and contemplation now, up to the purple mansion, different people have their own emphasis, some focus on spiritual visualization, and some focus on spiritual energy refinement, which brings The biggest influence is that the former's ability is mostly reflected in the strength of spiritual consciousness.

The most typical representative is Li Weixi, and influenced by her, most of the female practitioners also choose this way, because the more they focus on spiritual visualization, the more comfortable they can be to adjust the body.

And those who focus on spiritual energy refinement are reflected in the majestic atmosphere of mana, and they have overwhelming power when they make a move. Moreover, if they focus on spiritual visualization, there are fewer and weaker methods in the Qi training and foundation building realms. , and if the focus is on spiritual energy refining, then there will be no shortage of means starting from the Qi training environment. Because of these advantages, many male practitioners choose this direction.

And because of the different inclinations, there is a disagreement about where to go in the fifth realm. "

Jiang Bukurao asked with interest: "What about you?"

Chen Zhongxia said: "My idea is that individuals can be inclined according to their own preferences and talents, but as a system for all Yanxia practitioners, it must be reconciled, impartial, and take the most upright path."

Jiang Buku couldn't help laughing when he heard him say "compromise". Chen Zhongxia looked over curiously, and he took advantage of the opportunity and said, "Aren't you a sidekick with Mui? If you do this, you will only displease both sides."

Chen Zhongxia smiled confidently and said:

"I have done a lot of work to get both parties to agree with my point of view. They can make some use of themselves, but when building a practice system, they should try their best to abandon their personal likes and dislikes and take the most neutral and harmonious path.

After repeated demonstrations and discussions, we have clearly determined the direction of practicing the fifth realm.

Qi and spirit are united, heart and mind are united, the true qi of Dantian, the spirit of Zifu, the power of blood and marrow of the body, essence, qi, and spirit are combined into one perfect Dao Jindan, opening up a new realm of practice. "

Having said that, Chen Zhongxia smiled bitterly and said:

"But because of the dark world and the appearance of ghosts, Li Weixi proposed a new direction, that is, to go out of the body, take the initiative to bear the great punishment of heaven and earth, and become stronger through continuous tempering. When it reaches a high level, it can even let the spiritual consciousness go deep into the evil spirit. The level of energy and the level of qi, and finally the spirit is practiced to perfection, and with the blessing of meditation, it is really like a legendary god.

Her suggestion made those who focus on spiritual meditation and practice very excited, because if they condense the golden core, their lack of physical body and true energy will become a real shortcoming, and their spiritual strength will not be fully reflected. , but the direction she proposed can allow them to maximize their strengths and avoid their weaknesses. "

Jiang Buku nodded and said: "Her idea is also very clever. The spirit is free from the shackles of the body, and it really feels a little bit arbitrary."

Chen Zhongxia sighed:

"But this is the road of division again. Those who are more spiritual will go in one direction, those who are more spiritual will go in one direction, and those who are more physical will go in another direction?"

Jiang Bu smiled wryly and said, "If you split, you will split. Wouldn't it be good to have more paths to give people more choices? I think you seem a little too persistent in this matter."

Chen Zhongxia let out a sigh, as if to relieve the pressure in his heart, he leaned forward slightly, and said, "Master Jiang, to be honest, I myself am a little wavering now.

But, let me give up like this, I am not reconciled.

As early as 15 years ago, Li Weixi and I and a group of other practitioners reached the peak of Zifu Realm successively, and others broke through one after another, which was comparable to our realm.

Regarding the thinking of the fifth realm, in fact, everyone has a relatively clear blueprint in their hearts. If we practice according to our own intentions, I believe that with the talents of our group, there is basically no possibility of failure.

But after discussion, everyone gave up the temptation to break through immediately, and instead began to concentrate everyone's intelligence to find the most universal path. "

He seemed to be asking himself:

"What does our Liuyi College do?

Construct and develop a macro system that can cover all practitioners in Yanxia. When constructing this system, the first thing we need to do is not to wantonly indulge our talents, but to suppress this desire as much as possible.

If we all break through according to our own ideas, not to mention that there will be countless paths in the fifth realm, its universality will definitely be very low. It is even difficult for us to find a second practitioner except us. If we really want to find The successor who can perfectly carry on our path may have to travel around the world for decades-this may not be found yet!

This is directly contrary to the purpose of our Liuyi College. Now the highest cultivation is at the peak of the fourth level, but we believe that more people will reach this level in the future. We can't increase the difficulty for them to enter the next threshold. The difficulty of their entry should be reduced as much as possible!

This involves another problem. Even if we find eight or nine paths that are equally universal and difficult to enter, the best choice is to choose only one and discard the others. We cannot tell future generations with the attitude of showing off skills Say 'look, our generation is so smart, we have opened up so many avenues of practice for you'.

Because of a very simple reason, people still need to walk on the road. The more people walk, the smoother the road will be. If these people are divided into eight or nine roads, it can be flattened by the footsteps of countless people. The main avenue has turned into eighty-nine crooked, potholed roads... Is this a good thing? "

To practice the right way, only one is enough.

Although Chen Zhongxia didn't say the answer clearly, he shook his head resolutely, and he had already written down the standard answer.

"The reason why I was able to convince them before was based on this belief, and on this point, their views are very consistent with mine.

The path proposed by Li Weixi not only has broad prospects and extremely high upper limit, but also has far more and more mysterious means than the fifth realm that has just formed a golden core. Traveling with a special magic weapon, you can go into water and fire, go up to the sea, and it can be virtual or real, and golden pills are far from comparable to it.

This is where out-of-body practice is better than Daojindan, and its disadvantages are also obvious, that is, it is too friendly to practitioners who focus on spiritual concepts, and too unfriendly to practitioners who focus on other directions. In this respect, it can be regarded as a mixed bag. Although unless the three are balanced, there will be some disadvantages. However, everyone suffers, and it is not too much, so it is fair. "

Speaking of this, Chen Zhongxia suddenly turned into a bitter face: "But Li Weixi put forward a point of view, we should not only consider the current practitioners in building the system, but also consider the longer-term future. Superior, then it is narrow for me to stick to the golden elixir method now, because if we set the direction of the fifth realm, the new generation, and even the current practitioners, will naturally make adjustments on their own initiative."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Speaking of this, Chen Zhongxia scratched his head and said distressedly:

"My intuition tells that the path of Jindan method is the most harmonious path. It always feels a bit biased to practice the spirit out of the body, but I can't use my intuition to convince others. See if you can find inspiration in those collections.

Otherwise, if I can't find a reason that can be accepted by everyone, then the fifth level of practice will soon be finalized. I have been delayed for more than ten years at this level. Even if everyone lives a long time, everyone's patience will become more and more At least, they all want to finish this matter early. "

And by looking at his expression, it was clear that he hadn't found any inspiration.

Jiang Buku, who was leaning back on the recliner, straightened his upper body, took a sip of tea, and said with a smile, "Do you want to listen to my old man's opinion?"

Chen Zhongxia looked at him in surprise.

Jiang Buku pretended to be annoyed and said, "What kind of expression do you have, do you think my old man is not qualified to give me some advice?"

Chen Zhongxia hurriedly waved his hands and said, "No, it's just...that's..." He tried hard to think of some mild and non-irritating words to express.

Jiang Buku put the teacup on the table for a meal, and hummed:

"In your hearts, besides being a mascot, have I become a completely useless old antique?... Don't rush to deny it, I won't say anything else, from the collection room to the collection pavilion, practice The kung fu has changed from passing on martial arts to the original nine-rank practice system, and now it has become a Qi training and visualization system. These changes are all in my eyes. If you express some opinions, even if it doesn’t make you enlightened, it will be more or less possible. Give you some inspiration."

Chen Zhongxia froze for a moment, remained silent for a few breaths, and faintly sweated. For a practitioner of his level, this is definitely a rare thing. This kind of behavior shows that his mental activity is very intense at the moment, and his spirit has been fully recovered. Let go of the restraint on the body.

He stood up, bowed to Jiang Buku in a very serious manner, and said, "Master Jiang, it's because I didn't get it right. I thought I was the standard-bearer of the new practice system, and I would subconsciously have a sense of superiority towards you seniors. That's my problem."

Jiang Buku glanced at him in surprise, and said: "It's rare, you still have such a heart... Don't stand or sit down, you have this understanding, it is your own gain and progress, so you don't need to apologize to me."

Chen Zhongxia sat down again, sitting upright, respectfully like a student listening to a lecture: "Master Jiang, please tell me, I will listen with all my ears."

Jiang Buku said: "Which path do you choose specifically? I don't comment on the pros and cons of the golden elixir method and the out-of-body refining method. Let me simply talk about my understanding of the way of heaven and the way of humanity. This is also some of my experience from more than 100 years of practice. .”

Chen Zhongxia, who had already adjusted his mentality and listened attentively, couldn't help being startled when he heard what Jiang Buku said.

It felt like he was standing at a fork in the road, hesitating and hesitating which one to choose, and then Jiang Buku pulled him to the sky in the next second, pointed to the world under his feet and said, "Let's not talk about which one you should choose." Which way, let me show you the world."

Suddenly, Jiang Buku didn't even start his speech formally, and various thoughts flooded into Chen Zhongxia's mind. He suddenly realized that when he pulled his mind away from the issues he had been struggling with, there was a wider world outside, and he The issue that I have been arguing with my companions for more than ten years suddenly feels a little insignificant.

He also saw the excessive obsession of himself and his companions, too much force, some things, not the harder you grasp, the more stable you are, and too much force will lead to the opposite of things.

He felt that his consciousness was more confused than ever before. Jiang Buku had already begun to talk about his understanding of the way of heaven and the way of humanity, but when he listened to it, it seemed that when it was transmitted to his ears through dozens of thick curtains, there was always something A hazy, vague feeling.

But on the other hand, he felt extremely sober, unprecedented sober. For the first time, he could "see" the picture depicted by another person so clearly and accurately from the simple description of his words, without any deviation.

Before this, he had never had such an experience. Even if he had been with his wife for decades and had a very thorough understanding of each other's temperament, he was still far from reaching this level.

He felt that his senses were stripped from the present world at this moment, and he couldn't see specific things and objects, vaguely, vaguely, as if he saw two big stars that were constantly rotating and entangled with each other. Human nature is clearly distinct, but they are always intertwined and influencing each other. The ripples and ripples agitated by their operation constitute the laws and principles of all phenomena in the world.

"...The unity of man and nature is not static, but dynamic. Whether it is the way of heaven or the way of humanity, it is in motion and changing anytime and anywhere. Don't use mechanical and static cognition to define the world."

After saying this, Jiang Buku shut his mouth and didn't say another word, allowing Chen Zhongxia to sit beside him like a wooden sculpture, casually flipping through the newspaper next to him, drinking a sip of tea from time to time.

Occasionally, someone would look at the two of them curiously, and some even wanted to come over to say hello, but he stopped them with his eyes.

It wasn't until several hours later that Chen Zhongxia's eyes, who were as dumb as a wood carving, gradually became alive. He looked at Jiang Ye who was quietly reading the newspaper next to him, thinking about the gains brought about by this epiphany, although Yan Xia never allowed anyone other than his parents and ancestors to lie down. Kneeling, but at this moment, he knelt on the ground with a plop without hesitation, and knocked his head firmly on the ground.

"Thank you Jiang Ye for giving me the opportunity to realize my epiphany!"

Jiang Buku, who was reading the newspaper, looked up at him with a confused expression on his face, and said doubtfully, "Give you an epiphany? How can I have this ability... You really gained something just now? I think it's probably because of your own hard work, if you don't have it all the time It is impossible to have such a flash of inspiration after all the hard thinking.

Get up, don't kneel to me, my old man still wants to live a few more years, so no one should kneel and kowtow to me, isn't this a curse for me to die early? "

After Jiang Buku said this, Chen Zhongxia, who was lying on his stomach, straightened up, feeling a little confused, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed to make sense, and he thought: "Could it be that I have been thinking hard for many years and taking this opportunity to accumulate a lot of money?"

However, even so, the opportunity given by Master Jiang is too critical and just right!

This realization does not diminish his gratitude to Lord Jiang.

Jiang Buku was originally sitting at the gate of the main hall of the Dianzang Pavilion. Today, there was a rare person next to him who sat quietly with him for a few hours. This person was Chen Zhongxia, who started practicing qi meditation and meditation, which attracted the attention of others in the pavilion. Frequent attention, at this moment, Chen Zhongxia knelt straight in front of Jiang Buku without saying a word, it was even more eye-catching, all eyes were focused on him.

Jiang Buku hurriedly said: "Get up quickly, do you want my old man to help you?"

After repeated urging and reminders from him, Chen Zhongxia, who was mostly concentrating on accumulating what he had gained from this epiphany, slowly got up.

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