They are not only worried about the departure of their relatives, but also suffering from the inhuman torture he is about to encounter.

Because of this, the parents and elders in the past few years have had a negative attitude towards the practice of their children and juniors for the first time - it is good not to practice, so as not to suffer such torture in the future after death.

Although this kind of concept is not too common, it has actually weakened the foundation of Yan Xia's practice fundamentally, and if this problem is left unresolved for a long time, the consequences will only become worse and worse.

The soul of the old man stood by the bed, watching the mournful cries of his loved ones, and his own body on the bed that was gradually becoming stiff and cooling, he slightly pulled the corner of his mouth, made a smiling expression, raised his hand again, and turned to the people in the room. The family members waved lightly and said goodbye silently.

Then, he walked slowly outside the house, preparing to face the great punishment of the world calmly. He didn't plan to go to Wangxiangtai's "ghost place" to linger on his last breath. Since he was already dead, he should die simply. What's the matter with the mother-in-law.

But soon, he turned around suddenly, looked in the direction of the Town God's Temple, and ran wildly almost uncontrollably.

When he stepped into the dark place, he took a deep breath.

Ah, how delicious!


Countless similar images were deposited on the screen of the Zifu, and as long as Jiang was not willing, they would rush towards him violently.

Since the statues of the city gods and land gods were born, they have never had a moment of rest. The so-called people are restless, and they are operated by many teams in turn.

Almost all of them saw an extra piece of land created out of nothing in their own house, which was neither human nor heavenly, and had a very special nature.

Then they watched as moths of newly dead souls poured into it like flames, their souls no longer had to suffer pain in it, and the signs of soul dissipation almost stopped.

The appearance of the land of darkness has spread throughout the entire practice world at the speed of light, and even quickly spread throughout the Yanxia world.

This is without a doubt the biggest news of the year.

Everyone is bound to die after all, and no one wants to be tortured after death.

And the land of the underworld not only eliminates the practitioner's fear of death, although it is different from the world, it is really another way of longevity.

Countless people have poured their ingenuity into it.

Including the Tianji Department of Liuyi College, which has always been aloof and detached, has suspended research in other fields and focused on the land of darkness.

Soon, various research reports on the land of the underworld were published.

First of all, the land of the underworld does not provide eternal life.

Its main function is to give shelter to the dead, and it can slow down the volatilization speed of the soul, but the soul will still volatilize slowly.

Different souls exist for different periods of time.

Those with severely damaged consciousness are dying again at a visible speed. The way of death is that the consciousness slowly disappears until it is completely gone. The collapse itself will weakly increase the power of the land of darkness.

Although it is very weak, if things go on like this, the land of darkness will gradually grow stronger.

And the more complete the consciousness, the stronger the spiritual cultivation before death, and the longer it will exist.

This discovery made the originally sluggish practice atmosphere immediately recover in place, and even a little bit excited-with a high level of cultivation, not only live better than others, but even die better than other dead people.

In addition, it is also deeply influenced by the spirit of prayer and sacrifice in this world.

The more sacrifices received, the more pious the mind, the more nourishment the dead receive and the longer they can "live".

As a result, various changes appeared that subverted Jiang Buku's three views.

He seldom read books or newspapers this year. He sat at the gate of the main hall of the Dianzang Pavilion, folded his hands, half-closed his eyes, and tilted his head up, like an old man who fell asleep unknowingly due to lack of energy.

In fact, he was watching the images on the screen of the Zifu as a TV, knowing the world's affairs without leaving home. Moreover, all the images that could be recorded by his screen were typical and very interesting.

He was looking at such an image at this moment.


"Bang bang bang-"

A little brother wearing a yellow mandarin jacket specially designed for running errands, with the words "City God" clearly embroidered on the front and back behind his chest, rushed into a residential area with a few steps like the wind under his feet, and slammed on the door of a room, making a loud noise.

"Which brat—"

There was a sound of furious shouting and cursing in the house, and then the door opened instantly, and a burly man with a ferocious face poked his head out, as if looking for someone to make trouble at his door, with an unconcealable violence.

But when his eyes locked on the little brother in the yellow jacket, the furious application instantly became docile, even a little fearful.

The little brother in the yellow jacket asked, "Is it Li Wenli's family?"

The burly man hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, I am Li Wenli."

Speaking of which, he had opened the door, invited the little brother in the yellow jacket into the room, and asked: "What's the matter, does my father have anything else to say?"

The little brother in the yellow jacket looked at the tall and strong figure of the client in front of him, took a deep breath, and then said slowly: "Your father not only has something to explain, but also arranged some other tasks."

"Other tasks? What..." At this point, the burly man seemed to have thought of something, and his face froze for a moment.

Although the little brother in the yellow jacket was frightened, he didn't want to waste time. He still wanted to take more orders and achieve more performance, so he mustered up his courage and said, "I'm going to start the stand still and don't move. "

The burly man seemed to have a premonition of something, not only did not move, but also slightly bent down, trying to minimize the height difference between himself and the little brother in the yellow jacket.

The little brother in the yellow jacket took another breath, and then, his hands were like lightning.

A slap greets the cheeks of a burly man like no money.

"Clap clap clap..."

When he saw the big-eared scraper greet his face, the instinct of the burly man as a practitioner made him want to fight back, but he firmly suppressed the desire to strike, and even the true energy that went to the sides of his cheeks was suppressed. He controlled it, for fear of hurting the little brother in the yellow jacket.

Therefore, each slap was smacked on his face without any adulteration.

After the twenty slaps without the slightest mercy, he cursed again: "Little brat, it's about to turn the world upside down, isn't it? I've only been dead for three months, and my incense has lost more than half of it. You wish you could finish playing with me sooner, right?" no?"

The burly man who was bent over broke his defense instantly, as if enjoying the old father's beating and scolding again, crying like a child, he knelt down on the ground with a plop, grabbed his "father"'s trouser leg, and cried road:

"Father, my son burns incense three times a day, and I haven't broken it every day, but... But last month, my father-in-law also went, and your wife took all your grandchildren back to her mother's house, and she hasn't come back yet.

I wanted to bring them back a few days ago, but her brothers were all beasts, they were completely unreasonable, and drove me out. If I didn't miss you, I would have wanted to fight them desperately... You are not I don't know, their family is lucky, and most of them didn't move out. My son is alone and alone, so I can't handle it! "

He cried while talking, seemingly filled with endless complaints and grievances.

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and grabbed his "father" by the trouser leg and said, "Dad, my father-in-law is here too, look carefully, he was afraid of you when he was alive, see if you can get him out of here." Convinced, let him send a letter to his family, at least send your daughter-in-law and grandchildren back."

After a long time, the burly man who had finished crying slowly stood up, his eyes were still a little red and swollen, but this crying seemed to relieve most of the depression in his heart, and he was not so violent anymore, and he asked softly: "My father?" Is there anything else to say?"

The little brother in the yellow jacket shook his head and said, "Nope."

Then he took out a form, handed it to the burly man and said, "Please confirm it, and if it is correct, please sign it... Then I will give an evaluation of my service here."

The burly man took the form, which stated his service items for this errand, including [-] slaps, cursing, and what to say, with instructions.

The burly man looked around and found nothing missing. The little brother in the yellow jacket completed his work very well. He nodded and signed his name, and gave him a [-]% rating. Giving full marks is to give him room to continue to improve.

The little brother in the yellow jacket caught a glimpse of the score, his eyelids twitched, and he took the form with a smile and respect, and said, "Thank you for your evaluation."

The burly man waved his hand, indicating that this is a trivial matter, don't worry about it, and finally asked, "How much is it this time?"

Of course, the little brother in the yellow jacket is not a free service, they are all paid, and obviously, the old man in the dark place can't pay, so he can only give it.

Chapter Ninety-six

On the first day of the first lunar month in [-] of the new calendar, the land of darkness was opened.

It took less than a year for the folks in Yanxia to adjust their social ecology spontaneously.

All previous changes in the sky required decision-makers to promulgate clear laws before the people would respond and obey them.

But this time, before any official decree is issued, everyone is actively pushing for change.

People have never paid more attention to offering sacrifices to ancestors. Whether it is the elderly, middle-aged or even young people, it is rare for the whole society to reach a consensus among all age groups, and there is no conflict between generations.

Everyone understands that this is not fighting for others, but paying for their own future.

In addition, in addition to the statue of the City God, there are three other statues in the Temple of the City God, one is the judge, the other is the God of Day Tour, and the other is the God of Night Tour.

As more and more ghosts gather in the land of darkness——Yanxia has officially called this special life form a ghost, the world is entangled with grievances and resentments, and even a ghost of a two-parent family who appeared in "Yanxia Shizheng" is a ghost. Cases of fights in the land of the underworld to compete for incense for sacrifices in the present world, and so on, people gradually realized that the land of the underworld cannot be a place outside the law!

Therefore, the statue of the judge came into being, and its priesthood is equivalent to the assistant official of the city god, helping the city god to share the increasingly heavy chores, and at the same time governing the maintenance of the order of the dark place in the ground.

At the same time, it is also a bridge between the present world and the land of the underworld. No matter what words need to be conveyed by the children and descendants of the present world, or what the dead in the underworld have to explain, they are communicated between the two worlds through the judge.

The day tour god and the night tour god are specially used to guide the ghosts of the dead into the underworld.

Because if the ghost of the deceased is allowed to run to the Town God's Temple by itself, the way of death at night will also damage the consciousness, and it will be more troublesome to die during the day. Some will find a place to hide and wait until they set off at night. The temptation of the land of the underworld, if you can't control it, you run over, and the result often leads to tragedy.

Therefore, people voluntarily added two wandering gods to the Temple of the City God to escort the dead back to their places, so that they would be protected by the wandering gods from the moment their bodies died and the ghosts emerged from their bodies until they were safely escorted to the dark place.

And in every land temple, beside the land father-in-law, there is also a land mother-in-law, giving him a wife and assistant.

The father-in-law of the land is mainly responsible for guarding the town, from black wind disasters to other disasters such as earthquakes, mountain torrents, and animal chaos. What people can't do, the old couple can do anything.

It can be said that the emergence of the land of darkness has changed the entire pattern of human nature in Yanxia far more profoundly and intuitively than the perfection of the formation system and the appearance of the teleportation formation.

Even the diversion of the population from the big city to the outside of the city has accelerated.

By the end of the [-]th year of the new calendar, after a little inventory, Jiang Buku knew that compared to last year, this year was a veritable bumper year.

[Tianmu large formation call]: 906 points (47+859)

[Development of the Underworld]: 6475 points

Total humanity value: 7381 points.

Although this year's formation system did not have as big a breakthrough as last year, both the teleportation box and the communication talisman have been popularized. Coupled with other improvements and improvements, the human value has increased by 859 points.

And the development of the land of the underworld, the harvested humanity value is as high as 6475 points.

And this happened when the development of the land of darkness was not fully completed.

Seeing such a rich human value, Jiang Buku smiled from the bottom of his heart.

Soon, the time came to the New Year's Eve of the [-]th of the new calendar. When it was past midnight and the time entered the [-]th of the new calendar, when the heaven and earth were active, Jiang Buku's thoughts once again entered the special world composed of the human spirit of the hot summer.

Looking at the majestic scene of humanity's aura like a galaxy, Jiang Buku said calmly in his heart: "The rest is hidden, only the aura of the city god's land is displayed."

Soon, the aura of humanity like the Milky Way disappeared, replaced by countless images of earth temples and city god temples composed of aura of humanity.

In each land temple, there are two statues of the land father-in-law and the land mother-in-law.

In each Town God's Temple, in addition to the statues of the City God, there are also statues of judges, day tour gods, and night tour gods.

Apart from other things, compared to last year, the scene now looks much more lively and festive.

Either there are more wives, or more old irons.

As for the Fu Chenghuang and the county Chenghuang and all the earth temples under the county, the obvious subordinate order can be seen through the connection of the land of the underworld.

"Decree: The land of darkness under the City God of Fu is connected with the land of darkness under the City God of the State."

The decree was transformed into a new rule of humanity and integrated into Yan Xia's humanity. At the same time, Jiang Buku's saved humanity immediately lost 522 points.

Jiang Buku paid attention to the changes in human nature, and his heart skipped a beat.

Judging from last year's experience, the connection between the Fucheng God and the State City God's Netherworld would cost no more than 420 Humanity Points at most, but this time 520 and [-] points were deducted, which was [-] points more than he estimated.

In this world, he who holds absolute authority is an all-knowing and omnipotent god, and he does not believe that it is his own mistake in judgment.

In connection with the two edicts a year later, the biggest change is that "ghosts" have settled in the land of darkness.

"Because of their existence, the connection and merging of the Netherworld needs to be more careful. It could have been a hard landing, but now it has to be a soft landing. The extra [-] points are spent on protecting their safety, right?"

Jiang Bu took pains to make a judgment, and at the same time realized that this dark place really should be merged as soon as possible. When there are more and more ghosts in it, won't the extra human points be spent more and more.

Compared with the previous connection with the county town god, which only left one-fifth of the private land, the other four-fifths have been integrated into the dark land under the Fu town god.

This time, a quarter of the land of darkness under the Fu Chenghuang was left as private land, and the other three quarters were integrated into the land of darkness under the City God.

And those ghosts are well protected by the aura of humanity. The changes in the land of darkness have not affected them. They will be where they were before, but when everything is over, they will find that the land of darkness has changed. Much smaller, the living space becomes cramped.

It will inevitably involve which ones move far away and which ones stay. You can’t escape the fate of relocation when you are alive, and you can’t escape the fate of death, let alone being far away from relatives. Will the incense of sacrifice be affected?

Jiang Buku just thought about it for a while, and felt that this job would be very difficult, but he didn't intend to worry about it himself. Isn't there a city god judge? Behind every city god judge, there is a huge team, they are It can't be solved, isn't there Yanxia official above, the problem that makes me feel headache may be a trivial matter in front of them.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Then, Jiang Buku issued two more orders.

The first decree made one-third of the land of darkness under the City God of the state reserved for personal use, and the other two-thirds were connected to the land of darkness under the City God of the Vice-Capital.

Consumes Humanity 1235 points.

The second edict made half of the underworld under the City God of the vice-capital reserved for their own use, and the other half was connected to the underworld under the City God of the Imperial Capital.

This Humanity Edict consumed an astonishing 3100 Humanity Points!

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