He also fell into a deep sleep like a hot summer dragon, digesting what he had gained.

He also seems to have gained new inspiration because of this, and changed his growth strategy. Last year, the planet did not grow bigger, which surprised humans who were ready to migrate.

They speculated whether the planet had changed again.

However, looking at the century-old history of the planet, this is not a big deal, and everyone easily accepts it, while adjusting internally, while waiting for its next change to come.

However, although the planet does not grow and promote, the arrival of the new year still has special significance, and the activity of the heaven and earth is far more active than before.

Exercising authority at this time not only saves the most effort, but also saves the most "money".

Through the dragon-shaped icon on the humane operation screen of Yanxia in Zifu, his consciousness has completely sunk into a special world.

The world in his eyes has become a boundless world composed entirely of energy.

Some places have dense charm, and some places have sparse charm.

Some exist independently, and some are linked together.

It is as ethereal and uncertain as the clouds and smoke, and as majestic and vast as the stars of the river system.

This world is vast and boundless, but at this moment, he is the veritable master of this world, and he can appear anywhere with a thought.

Moreover, the world in his eyes can be adjusted and changed according to his mind.

Jiang Buku looked at the whole picture of this scorching summer human world for a while, and ordered in his heart: "Hide the rest, and only show the image of the city god's land charm."

In an instant, the boundless world began to change and shrink rapidly, and all other auras disappeared, leaving only town god's temples and earth temples made of auras standing in the void.

On every Town God's Temple and Earth Temple, there is a virtual image of the gods. They have different images and various poses.

City God: 370 forty-eight thousand and 650 nine statues;

Land: 890 three statues.

Jiang Buku just had a thought, and a set of data appeared in his mind.

Moreover, just as he was paying attention, two more earth temples and earth statues were formed.

It has only been four years since Yanxia implemented population diversion and dispersed the urban population to market towns and villages. Up to now, from the perspective of Yanxia's overall situation, this work can only be regarded as just beginning. Therefore, for a long time, within Yanxia territory The Temple of Earth will inevitably have an explosive growth, and its scale is at least dozens of times that of the Temple of the City God.

"Edict of Humanity: Every Earth Temple and Town God's Temple has a place of darkness, which is dedicated to accepting the souls of Yanxia who are newly born in the area."

When Jiang Buku issued a formal humane order, the aura of humanity began to boil.

He further added in his mind:

"The land of the underworld is similar to the method of dividing the cave and the sky. It is not only connected to the present world, but also outside the present world, between the virtual and the real.

The land of darkness is full of yin and yin, the yin and yin, that is, the air of countless human beings praying and thinking about the ancestors and the dead in the human aura. Tormented by pain, it can live forever in the dark place. "

Chapter Ninety-Fourth Opens up the Netherworld

As his edict came down, the already boiling humanity began to fluctuate regularly.

A new rule of humanity was embedded into Yan Xia's humanity.

With the embedding of this new rule, the 1379 points of humanity dropped rapidly.

"-1", "-1"...

Numerous "-1" characters rained down on the screen of the Purple Mansion.

Soon, the four digits dropped to three digits.

Nine hundred, eight hundred, seven hundred...

It wasn't until there were about [-] points left in the Humanity value that the decline began to slow down, but the Humanity value was still falling.

In the end, the humanity value stabilized at 361 points, and it stopped completely after consuming 1017 points.

Then, Jiang Buku saw that under each Town God's Temple and Earth Temple, a structure that looked like a shadow and a reflection in water began to grow slowly. Both.

Since then, every newly born Town God's Temple or Earth Temple will be born at the same time as the image of the gods and spirits, and the land of the underworld will also be born simultaneously. The trinity is unbreakable.

Jiang Buku looked at the earth temples that now number close to tens of millions, and there will inevitably be more in the future, and there will be more and more city god temples. This system is still too loose, and the space of a single place of darkness is not large. Especially in places like villages, the size of the dark place is about the same as that of a confinement room. In addition to keeping the souls of the dead from being tortured by heaven and earth, giving them a safe haven is really like detention.

Jiang Buku thought about this question carefully for a while, and Yan Xia's human nature pattern in this world gave him inspiration.

Under the imperial capital there is a sub-capital, under the sub-capital there is a prefecture, under the prefecture there are mansions, under the prefecture there are counties, and under the counties are market towns and villages.

So, he sent out an edict again in his heart: "Humanitarian Edict: All the places of darkness in the temples of the earth can be connected with the places of the city gods of the county to which they belong, and the places of the underworld in counties, prefectures, prefectures and above can all be connected with each other."

As soon as the humane decree came out, the aura of humanity boiled again, and the new rules of humanity wanted to be integrated into Yan Xia's humanity.

At this moment, his remaining 361 humanity points dropped rapidly, and soon, the remaining humanity value became zero.

This humanitarian edict, which was intended to become the new rule, collapsed in an instant.

At the same time that this order collapsed, the humanity value that had been reduced to zero instantly recovered to 361 points.

"Is this humanity worth not enough to support me to issue a new order?"

Jiang didn't take pains to make such a judgment.

At the same time, there is still a little rejoicing in my heart.

The first thing Jiang Buku thought of when he grasped this authority was to change the situation of the dead, at least to provide them with a place of refuge.

When this idea gradually became clear and formed, his initial idea was to use this power to create a huge special realm like the Paradise of Heaven, and then let the souls of the dead in Yanxia enter this place by teleportation under the guidance of a special person.

This realm is the place where the lives of the dead are preserved, and its huge scale and complex operation are not much different from the legendary underworld.

But in the end, he abandoned the plan.

He didn't know how much Humanity Points would be consumed to do this at one time, and he didn't have an accurate idea about it, but he knew that by analogy, this matter would never be easier than opening up [-] holes of heaven at the same time!

Not to mention opening up [-] caves and blessed places at the same time, even if he was asked to open up one alone, he felt powerless.

Safety first, there will always be dead people who will lose their souls under the torture of heaven and earth at any time, first solve this demand and then talk about other things.

Therefore, he finally adopted the current method, adding "compartments" to the existing Town God's Temple and Earth Temple, which is obviously faster and more economical than rebuilding the foundation and building a new house.

The plan to connect all the dark lands into one piece went bankrupt, Jiang Buku did not give up, but made a slight change.

"Decree: All the places of darkness in the temples of the earth can be connected with the places of darkness in the town gods of the county to which they belong."

He deleted everything else except a little.

This time, only 103 human points were consumed to complete the content of the order.

Yanxia Humanity has added new rules.

I saw that all the shadows representing the land of darkness in the earth temples under the same county converged with the county town god's temple and merged into a larger land of darkness. Faint phantoms are connected.

Jiang Buku carefully felt the changes.

"In the future, the earth temple itself will no longer have the power to house the dead, and the dead from all over the world will only enter the ghostly place of the county town god through the earth temples."

Jiang Buku looked at the remaining 258 points of humanity, and continued: "Decree: The land of darkness under the county town god is connected to the land of darkness under the town god of the prefecture."

After subtracting 211 points from the Humanity value, all the ghost lands at the county level moved closer to the city god's ghost land, and finally merged into a larger ghost land.

However, the land of darkness under the county town god has not completely disappeared, leaving about one-fifth of it as "private land".

Jiang Buku soon thought of the wonderful use of this "private land", which can be used as a "post station", where the souls brought from various earth temples have a temporary residence, and it can also be used as a special "office place" for the Town God's Temple. ".

He could imagine that when the land of the underworld is opened, the spirits of the dead will no longer be eager to dissipate, and there will inevitably be more and more official affairs related to the dead that need to be dealt with.

However, the content of his two edicts was to connect the adjacent lands of darkness, but the actual effect was very different. He carefully realized the difference, and then suddenly realized.

"Yanxia Humanity will not make dogmatic mistakes. He will strictly accept and implement the content of my edict, but at the same time, when he executes it, he will cross-reference this new content with the existing rules, without changing the content of the edict. Make optimization adjustments under the circumstances... Even, if there are more systems that can be used for reference in the future, He will continue to optimize these two edicts."

"These two edicts will continue to run, and they are better than I expected."

Jiang Buku thought so, ever since he saw the soul of the dead being tortured, Jiang Buku had been thinking about this matter all the time, and if he didn't solve it, he would feel uneasy every day.

Today, he finally solved this problem from the root, which was better than he expected at first, and the uneasiness that had been lingering in his heart finally completely dissipated.

Jiang Buku looked at it and saw that there were only 47 points of humanity left, which could no longer support him to issue new orders.

With a thought in his mind, only the world of Town God's Temple and Earth Temple disappeared instantly in his eyes, and became what he saw at first, but if he looked closely, the changes in the aura of humanity were much different from when he first came in.

Gives a more orderly and peaceful feeling.

He took one last look, and his thoughts disappeared from this world, returning to the Purple Mansion.

He is planning to leave the Purple Mansion with his mind and return to the present world.

Suddenly, his mind was concentrated, and he looked at the statistics of Humanity.

At this moment, the humanity value has been automatically divided into two lines.

The first line is:

[Tianmu large formation call]: 47 o'clock.

The second line is:

[Development of the Underworld], and the subsequent data, "+1" hits like raindrops, and soon changed from single digits to tens and hundreds...

Its increase is even more exaggerated than the big screen call.

This means that, in the judgment of Yanxia Humanity, the increase brought by the development of the land of darkness to Yanxia Humanity is far more than the theoretical breakthrough of formations and the emergence of teleportation formations!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

With the rapid increase of humanity value, scenes appeared one after another.


Practitioners above the Qi training state already know that if they die, their souls will not dissipate immediately like ordinary people, and their souls will still exist for a period of time, tortured and have nowhere to hide.

Natural death, accidental death, love and vendetta...It is not uncommon for practitioners of Qi training and higher realms to die due to various reasons. Looking at the entire hot summer, it happens anytime, anywhere.

When death is unavoidable, they have more fear of death than before.

When the body dies, the soul faces the world alone, and the consciousness is still intact, they have to do a cruel multiple-choice question.

Some take the initiative to stand under the sun, or throw themselves into the oven, or other methods that can quickly destroy their souls. They want to die quickly, and it will be over once and for all;

Some want to immediately hide in a dark and quiet corner as much as possible. Although their souls are always in a state of slow evaporation and dissipation, a feeling of blunt knife cutting flesh and piercing souls has been tormenting them, and their self-consciousness is slowly disappearing. There is an empty shell left, until finally, it disappears completely.

It cannot be said that the former is braver and the latter is more cowardly. In terms of suffering, the latter far exceeds the former.

In any case, this is a difficult multiple choice question.

And this objective phenomenon gives each city a new location.


Legend has it that the newly deceased lingers here because of their attachment to the world and their loved ones, looking back at their hometown in the yang world, and finally, they will set off for the yin world.

But in reality, this name is just a beautiful expectation. In fact, it is a quiet and empty place where the dead wait for death slowly.

Wangxiang Terrace is usually built on the backside of the Town God's Temple, and it is considered a forbidden place for the living by default. Even if the staff occasionally sweeps past, they will quietly silence, because they know that their random words, falling on the dead, are Ling Chi's blade.

And at the moment when Jiang Buku issued the edict of the Netherland and was born with the Earth Temple of the Town God's Temple, these souls who were waiting to die at Wangxiang Terrace received an instinctive call, and all looked towards the Netherland.

All of them rushed out of Wangxiang Terrace, and plunged into the land of darkness like moths to a flame.

Even if those consciousnesses have completely dissipated, leaving only an empty shell, they still instinctively run towards the land of darkness.

It is early morning and late at night, which is the most suitable time for their activities. However, compared to the environment inside Wangxiang Terrace, the external environment is still brutal. Those existences whose consciousness has dissipated continue to dissipate like flying ash and smoke during their running. , But until they completely dissipated, they still did not stop running.

The last imprint they leave in the world is a phantom running at high speed.

Other souls will also suffer some damage during this run, but they will eventually enter the land of darkness.

Once you enter it, you will be intoxicated.

All the pain disappeared without a trace like a hallucination, and even the damaged consciousness recovered slightly, and those who were newly dead and whose consciousness had not been damaged were even more refreshed and intoxicated.

This run happened in every city in the world. If you only look at the scene of a city, this run is just a sporadic three or five souls, and some of them don't even have a single runner.

But in Jiang Buku's eyes, it was a huge tide like a flood.


Beside the bed, the family looked at the old man sadly.

The old man tried to give them a last smile.

When he completely closed his eyes, the family members could no longer bear the grief and wept.

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