
Practitioners of the formation system who learned the two methods of "opening the door" and "transmitting" divided into two groups, and all the way took the spaceship to the places where other ancient monuments and caves were located at high speed.

Another group of people entered the Tianmu Great Formation again. Some of them entered and exited repeatedly to try out more information about the Tianmu Great Formation. The essential law, I hope to be able to directly transmit to other ancient caves through the big screen array, and rescue all the trapped companions as soon as possible.

The entire organizational system was in operation, and half a month later, the formation masters mastered the method of going to other ancient caves through the large formation of the sky.

However, at the beginning, they couldn't locate it accurately, so they could only be randomly teleported to a certain historic site cave.

At this moment, those historic caves that are relatively close to the imperial capital have been opened by people. They came here non-stop in spaceships, just to rescue the trapped people as soon as possible. Insiders meet.

And it took more than a month for those who study sky teleportation to conquer the method of accurate teleportation among the [-] ancient caves.

However, even if they couldn't pinpoint the teleportation caves accurately, they still used their numerical advantage to teleport people to various historic caves, contacted the trapped people, and taught them how to get in and out.


Almost all formation masters of Liuyi College, as well as many practitioners from other departments, flocked to Dongtian, the ancient city of the imperial capital, and sent to other ancient caves through this large sky formation to collect information, and hoped that they would have a flash of inspiration at a certain moment to solve the problem. Open up some more essential answers.


The teachers and students of the Department of Formation and the Department of Heavenly Secrets cooperate sincerely. Based on the existing theory of formation and various technologies that have been mastered, the former constantly tries to "provoke" the sky formation of [-] ancient monuments. There is a process of cognition of formations, and a large amount of data has also been collected. The latter repeatedly "refines" these data, hoping to find the most core and fundamental "thread".

"I found it, I found it!" A group of teachers and students who were gathering together to check and discuss suddenly cheered happily and gave each other high fives.


"I have completed the last piece of the puzzle of the teleportation array. The theoretical verification has been passed and it is completely feasible. Now, we just need to make it!"


"No, no, it still failed... What's the problem? No problem, the theory has been verified repeatedly, and everyone says it works!"

"Materials, I think the materials are not enough, please ask the Lingzhi Department for help, I understand that everyone wants to keep this achievement in the formation department to digest, but we still have to cooperate, and we can't delay the overall progress because of a little selfishness!"


"I also thought of a good idea. What you have verified before is point-to-point fixed-point transmission, but mine is different. There is only one fixed point, and it can even be said that there is no fixed point."

"How is it possible? The foundation of all our formations is a fixed point, even the big sky formation is a fixed point. If you cancel the fixed point, your foundation will no longer exist!"

"Why should we be limited to the formation system? The rune system has always wanted to develop a communication talisman, but the talisman has been made, but the speed is not as fast as others. The only bright spot is that it can mentally lock the target within a certain range. Deliver the messenger symbol to the target accurately.

My idea is to cooperate with them, not based on formations, but on runes, so that the communication talisman can be directly transformed into teleportation. The consumption of mental power. "


One picture after another appeared in Jiang Buku's mind, some were joyful because of success, some were scratching their heads because of temporary difficulties and hesitation, some were celebrating, and some were meditating.

These images flashed through his mind like a revolving lantern.

In the end, the picture freezes in one frame.


Zhao Shinian, the director of the formation department, has already withdrawn from the first-line research sequence. In terms of formation attainments, many latecomers have surpassed him, not to mention that his cultivation base is only at the peak of Qi cultivation, which is limited to his own talent and age. Too big, no further potential.

He proposed to resign many times and abdicate to the virtuous, but as the founder and guide of the current formation system, those who surpassed him in the formation are all his students, or the students of his students, who would dare to let him abdicate to the virtuous? , He dared to let no one dare to sit.

He showed this attitude several times, but was forced to stay.

On this day, he was dragged to the square by a group of disciples and grandchildren. Around the square, more people looked at him with smiles and expectations.

A young man said: "Teacher, according to our newly constructed formation theory and transmission framework, we have produced two products. We only need to pass the final verification before they can be promoted on a large scale. Everyone thinks that the verifier is none other than you." !"

As he spoke, he placed a wooden box and a paper talisman in front of Zhao Shinian.

Chapter Ninety-two Ready to Chop Hands

"Although we have perfected the theory of teleportation, the difficulty of teleporting living objects is far more than that of teleporting dead objects, and the larger the volume, the more difficult it is to teleport. The faculties and departments that provide us with spiritual materials also need further development."

The young man first introduced the wooden box and said:

"This is the teleportation box we made. Another teleportation box is currently in the Western Metropolitan Branch, where a verification is also being carried out at the same time. This box is [-] centimeters long, [-] centimeters wide and [-] centimeters high. Don't look at it as an ordinary The box is actually carefully crafted by the organization, and the formations are hidden inside the box, as long as the volume does not exceed the space of the box, it can be successfully transmitted."

Zhao Shinian smiled and said, "What can you do at such a young age?"

The youth said:

"We first used it to verify that the teleportation theory itself can run through, and in addition, we also thought of an excellent application scenario.

Because Yanxia's territory is too vast and the information transmission is slow, there is a serious fault between Yanxia's decision-making layer and local governance. Even if more than a dozen sub-capitals are separated to form a spaceship tour center, there are still many problems.

This teleportation box can help them solve major problems. The official documents of the decision-makers, the local information and intelligence, and the communication with each other will basically return to the state before the change.

There is also communication between the spaceship and the ground. There will be no more accidents with the spaceship, the ground will not know, and the search team will not even be able to confirm the location. "

With that said, he opened the transfer box and signaled Mr. Zhao to take random samples and put them in.

Zhao Shinian touched his body and found a few toffees, which were given to him by his great-granddaughter before going out this morning, because he has a certain addiction to cigarettes. Under the guidance of the doctor and warnings, the whole family is under compulsory supervision. The great-granddaughter is considerate , Said that if you are addicted to smoking, you can eat a candy.

He put two toffees in as a prank, took out a sticky note, wrote "please eat candy", and pressed the sticky note under the toffee.

The young man smiled and closed the lid of the box, saying:

"The activation of the teleportation box requires a lot of mental power, and it must be activated with a cultivation level above the foundation stage. This is also a drawback of it. It cannot be as cheap as the transmission of information before the sky changes.

Its ultimate teleportation distance can be easily conveyed within 20 kilometers in the foundation-building environment, and [-] kilometers to [-] kilometers is a hurdle, depending on the level of personal spiritual cultivation.

Theoretically, it can be easily transmitted within a million kilometers of the Purple Mansion, that is to say, at this stage, we can instantly transmit information to any place on the surface. "

When he closed the lid, he had already activated the teleportation box with his spiritual power. After waiting for a while, the teleportation box made three soft "ding ding ding" sounds in succession.

While opening the cover, he said to the teacher: "This is also a small design made by the Tianji Department. When something is transferred, the transfer box will emit a notification sound."

The young man had a smile on his face before opening the lid, but when he saw the items inside, he immediately became nervous, while Zhao Shinian had a smile on his mouth, and instinctively reached into the box.

The two toffees were gone, the sticky note was turned over, and some words were written on it, and a pack of cigarettes was pressed on the sticky note.

The note also read: "Toffee is very sweet, I will return you a pack of cigarettes."

As soon as he took the pack of cigarettes in his hand, the young man quickly grabbed it and said, "Teacher, you can't take this, and you can't hurt me!"

Zhao Shinian had no choice but to put down the pack of cigarettes that could be recorded in the history of the formation system with regret.

The young man quickly picked up the paper talisman and said:

"This is a communication talisman that incorporates the concept of our teleportation formation. It only needs to have the spiritual imprint of the other party. No matter where the other party is, this talisman can be teleported to the other party in an instant. Compared with the transmission box, this talisman is undoubtedly more powerful. It is convenient, flexible, and very cheap, and practitioners in the Qi training environment can prepare a few sheets every day.

However, compared with the teleportation box, it also has many limitations. One is that it can only transmit information, but cannot transmit items. Second, it consumes more mental power, and the transmission distance is much lower than the teleportation box.

The information transmission range of the Qi training environment will not exceed [-] kilometers, the foundation building environment will be within [-] kilometers, and the purple mansion environment can control the range within [-] kilometers. "

Then, the young man asked Zhao Shinian to experience it in practice, and shared some application scenarios with him.


One picture after another appeared and disappeared in Jiang Buku's mind.

In the end, the Qiyun value stopped at the data of 347.

The further improvement of the formation theory has broadened the height and breadth of the formation system.

The emergence of the teleportation box will greatly improve the overall ecology of Yanxia. The transmission and exchange through the [-] large canopy arrays, coupled with the teleportation box and communication symbols, will comprehensively enhance the overall vitality of the practice world. Too vast a territory is a limit. An important factor for a high-level practitioner, now there is a sense of a natural barrier.

The progress of the Array Department has improved, and all other departments have also improved to varying degrees.

All of this is reflected in the Qiyun value. After experiencing a blowout explosion, the Qiyun value will change slightly every once in a while, but the frequency is very slow, and it can't rise by two or three points a day, sometimes not at all. However, sometimes it will obviously rise by dozens of points.

As time went by, Jiang Buku also understood more and more the logic of giving points to Qi Yun.

The formation department took this opportunity to sort out the entire formation system, and broke through the key barrier of the transmission formation. These are the increments directly affected by themselves, so they give high marks.

Other colleges and departments have improved due to the progress of the formation department. Those improvements made in the theory of the perfected formation, and the second and even third optimization improvements on the teleportation formation are all indirect increments. Even with indirect indirect increments, the Qiyun value you get will become lower and lower.

Therefore, even if the entire cultivation system and even Yanxia will benefit continuously or even permanently due to my guidance, my income will gradually decrease. If this knowledge is thoroughly understood and enters a period of slow growth or even a plateau period, then I will not If there is more income, it basically means that the profits of this "patent" have been squeezed dry.

Jiang Buku thought about it carefully, and felt that Yanxia Shenlong made the most money in this process, because his promotion was permanent.

Compared with him, his own benefits are not only very limited, but also have a limitation period.

However, apart from lamenting that wage earners will never earn more than their bosses, he has nothing to complain about.

The end of [-] in the new calendar.

After a whole year of continuous accumulation, Jiang Buku looked at the total income on the screen of the Zifu.

[Humanity value: 1379]

He thought to himself: "This should be able to support what I need for one operation."

The new year is coming soon, and Vientiane is renewed, which is the best time for him to display it. This is the inspiration that Yanxia Shenlong personally demonstrated to him.

He is very much looking forward to the coming New Year.

He has been silent for this year, not just accumulating humanity value, nor simply changing the charm value to another word.

The change of this word is actually a thorough, clear and perfect cognition of him. He has a clear direction for the authority bestowed by Yanxia Shenlong and the use of this authority.

Looking at the approaching New Year day by day, Jiang Buku couldn't wait any longer.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After returning from Dongtian, the ancient city of the imperial capital, Jiang Buku didn't go anywhere in the past two years.

He spent a lot of time searching for what constitutes the aura of the Yanxia Shenlong. The more he searched, the more complicated and profound it became, and it was difficult to fully understand.

Many times I thought I had seen its essence and whole picture clearly, but I was quickly slapped in the face by the fact that it covered a wider range than I knew.

Gradually, he realized that the essence of this aura is like flowing water, it has no definite shape, it is changing at any time, and it will change with time and events.

Any form of it is forcibly endowed by people for their own cognition, so he gradually realized that if he went to the bottom of it, he would be on a wrong path and never turn back.

I should withdraw from the details and stand far enough away to see Him with a more global perspective.


Jumping out of the narrow field of vision of minutiae, we need to look at it from a more macroscopic and high-dimensional level.

In the end, he further realized that there are countless paths in the world, and different civilization camps have their own differences. Even within the same civilization camp, there are countless tributaries, and even the paths of non-intelligent creatures and spiritual plants in the wilderness... It can be called endless.

But all in all, there are only two paths.

One is the way of heaven; the other is the way of humanity.

The way of heaven is based on the outside world. At this stage, the will of the planet is the core, and the network of heaven and earth inspiration is the guide to open up the way forward and pave the way for the system.

The way of humanity is based on oneself, and it is the way of beasts when it comes to animals; it is the way of mountains, rocks and vegetation;

Seemingly different, but the essence is the same, so it can be called "human" way, this "human" is not limited to human.

Yanxia Shenlong is Yanxia's human will. He is the product of "crowdfunding" by every Yanxia person with their wisdom, creation, and belief. Every Yanxia person includes both the living and the dead.

The way of heaven and the way of humanity are distinct from each other, but they are not incompatible. On the contrary, the highest state is the mutual achievement of the two, and the unity of heaven and man.

The most typical examples are the bright moon and the stars.

They are not only the condensation of the will of heaven, but also the deep participation of Yan Xia's humanity.

Including the Tianji system based on the eight trigrams, unifying number, shape, and image, breaking the boundaries of reality and reality; the atmosphere before the change of the sky is transformed into a layer of evil spirits and stellar qi.

Both are win-win cooperation between heaven and humanity.

Human beings legislate for nature, the essence is the unity of man and nature.

The Dao of Heaven and the Dao of Humanity in Yanxia are like two big stars that are in the process of revolution and are deeply entangled with each other.

The development and growth of the Dao of Heaven will directly affect the Dao of Humanity. The most notable example is the profound changes in the practice system and society in Yanxia caused by previous changes in the sky;

On the other hand, the development of humanity will also prompt the way of heaven to make corresponding adjustments, making the way of heaven and humanity in Yanxia more compatible.

After 90 years in the new calendar, Yanxia took the initiative to break the deadlock, and exchanges with other civilization camps started again.

Either official or non-governmental, there are a large number of foreign missions and practitioners who go abroad all the year round. Their biggest feeling is that it is difficult to practice after leaving the hot summer.

People who practice the concept of star conception, in a foreign land, without the care of the hot summer stars, their practice efficiency plummets, and the aura of heaven and earth is also incompatible with them, just like someone who is used to eating hot summer delicacies suddenly gives them a bowl of Wrangell to look up at the starry sky To eat or not to eat, that is the question.

After understanding all this, Jiang Buku suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment about how he should act when he controlled Yan Xia's human rights.

In a blink of an eye, the time came to New Year's Eve in the [-]th year of the new calendar.

After midnight, the year [-] of the new calendar came quietly.

The year before last, Yanxia Shenlong took the initiative to ask for a job, overtaking the pressure of growth that the planet's savings were about to explode, and the planet's will sat on the ground to collect rent and made a fortune.

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