They believe that with a successful example, they can quickly see through the mystery.

But... now trapped in the ancient site of Bazhentu, how to get out?

The eight-array map historic site itself is famous for its array, and many discoveries and inspirations of the array system now come from it.

Therefore, although the total number of practitioners sent to the ancient ruins of the Eight Arrays is smaller than that of the ancient city of the imperial capital, there are more practitioners who are proficient in arrays.

The practitioners of the formation system in the ancient city of the imperial capital had in-depth exchanges with them, sharing their previous discoveries and the reason why they were sent this time.

In order to enhance their persuasiveness, they also took each other to send back to the ancient city of the imperial capital.

Half a day later, the people who had originally been sent from the extreme south of the ancient city of the imperial capital to the Bazhentu monument returned through the dividing sky, followed by all the practitioners who were stranded in the Bazhentu monument.

A total of more than 300 practitioners who are proficient in formations started the deduction again.

After investigation, it was found that the nature of the sky curtain covering the ancient ruins of the Eight Arrays was exactly the same as that covering the ancient city of the imperial capital. More than two hundred practitioners of the formation system in the ancient sites of the Eight Arrays deduced for ten days, but found nothing.

So they decided to return to this place to deduce the method of entering and exiting. Since there was an anomaly here, it should...probably...perhaps a little special.

They speculate in this way.

A day later, seeing that they were getting familiar with each other, Jiang Buku didn't intend to continue to torture them, and shot out dozens of faint and unpredictable forces, hitting the inside of the disintegrating sky, showing them the way.

It was like a bright light appeared in the eyes of a group of people groping in the dark, and they quickly found a way out.

This time, everyone didn't go out together again, but let two practitioners who are skilled in formations lead a trial run with a dozen people.

A quarter of an hour later, the group of people came back excitedly, followed by a few strange practitioners.

The practitioner who was leading the team announced the good news to everyone and introduced the strangers: "Go out, we have successfully landed on the mainland of the planet, and the location is just south of the ancient city of the imperial capital... They are the imperial capital and Liuyi. The cadres sent by the academy have been here since the first day of the first lunar month, and they are also trying their best to crack the way of entering and exiting from the outside."

Jiang Buku, who was hidden in the dark, saw that the two parties had already connected, and getting in and out was no longer a problem, and even allowed them to "mistakenly hit" to see through the core legal principles of teleportation. Now they have begun to discuss how to arrange and dispatch personnel. He didn't stay any longer, and he blended into the sky without a sound and left quietly because the boundary was invisible.

Leaving Dongtian, the ancient city of the imperial capital, I felt the abundant and active spiritual energy around me, and at the same time, the uncomfortable, extremely thin outer layer of information flow scattered in the space. They instinctively wanted to move closer to him.

But before infiltrating into his body, the divine dragon entrenched in Jiang Bukuzi's mansion slightly swayed its body, and an invisible membrane formed around him, isolating the outer layer of information flow.

Looking at this change, Jiang Buku thought to himself, this is the first benefit this dragon shape gave him.

Other practitioners simply cannot perceive such a subtle flow of outer layer information until they have absorbed it into their body and have actual effects.

But he has a special layer of defense, these outer layers of information flow can't get close at all.

Behind him, the area that used to be the ancient city of the imperial capital turned into ordinary mountains and forests.

There are a large number of teachers and students from the Tianji Department, Array Department, Rune Department, and Machine Relations Department of Liuyi College busy around, laying out various sophisticated arrays and equipment, and there are also many practitioners directly under Yanxia's official team participating in it.

Some teams walked out through the boundary screen one after another, and everyone's mood changed from the haze of many days to very exciting.

Jiang Buku was in a happy mood, and in the next moment, his body became invisible and disappeared without a trace.

Not long after, he returned to Liuyi College and fell into his small courtyard.

Simple concealment and defensive formations were set up in the small courtyard, so you don't have to worry about going out once and coming back to clean up.

From the outside, these formations are all the results of the formation system launched a long time ago, and they don't seem very special. Everyone also understands that this kind and friendly "treasure of the town hall" in the Dianzang Pavilion is a very special person in life. With a lonely and quiet temperament, they are also willing to give him a quiet and undisturbed space.

Therefore, even with the area behind the Dianzang Pavilion, few people come, and it becomes everyone's default private space exclusively for him.

Jiang Buku returned to the bedroom, sat cross-legged on the bamboo bed, and made a complete review of what happened this time.

Feeling in my heart, the memory of the previous life in the dream is more and more different from the current life.

Not to mention that the number and scale of Yanxia's visions and historic sites in this life far exceed those of his previous life. Maybe it's because he is not high enough. Claiming to be the successor of the Yanxia civilization, it has been split into countless forces, large and small.

Sometimes, a densely populated city is an independent force, and even within a city there are multiple forces fighting each other. One can imagine what the entire Yanxia camp looks like.

Therefore, until the 360th year of the new calendar, the entire hot summer has never bred a hot summer dragon.

Naturally, the anomalous monuments did not become the foundation of the construction of the cave like this world. The anomalous monuments at that time did have their own magic. Some could speed up the growth of crops in the area, and some could accelerate human practice, or increase Defensive attack power, or a super fortress itself, is called the wonder of civilization, the contest between civilization camps, the competition of the quantity and quality of civilization wonders of each camp is a very important factor.

Such a situation can no longer be reproduced in this world.

Because, Yan Xia has already detached from this level.

Inside the planet, there is no faction that can compete with Yan Xia!

After reviewing the review, he also understood the last message that Yanxia Shenlong gave him, as well as the role of the shape of the dragon in the Purple Mansion.

He chuckled and said to himself: "You are afraid that I will be too idle, and you actually sent me the main task."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Yanxia Shenlong fell into a deep sleep for two reasons.

One is that I ate too much this time, and it must be thoroughly digested to become real merit, otherwise it will only be a burden.

The second reason is related to the fundamental purpose of the Yanxia Shenlong.

This time, he took Jiang Buku to fly for nine days and snatched food from the will of the planet. His core purpose was not to upgrade the [-] miraculous monuments into a paradise.

It's just a means to his end.

His purpose has never changed, which is to completely unite the vigor and hearts of the entire Yanxia camp.

The reason why he didn't do it directly was because he was beyond his power.

In hot summer, the population of hundreds of billions is about to break through trillions, scattered in tens of billions of square kilometers.

Initially, with the help of Jiang Buku, He only managed to rectify the spirit and heart in the ancient city of the imperial capital, but there is still a long way to go before its ultimate goal.

And because of their particularity, the Yanxia camp’s efforts to promote them over the years are equivalent to a storage device. For a hundred years, most of the thoughts and offerings of Yanxia’s people have been donated here. For the hot summer people, nature is the core of their hearts.

Therefore, the first step of his action was to organize and incorporate the charms in the other [-] visionary monuments, which not only quickly strengthened himself, but also served as an excellent springboard.

The one hundred and eight blessed lands of caves and heavens are not only scattered throughout the hot summer territory, like roots that penetrate deep into the soil, but can be connected with the heaven and earth through the dividing sky screen, and they are also a complete and unified whole.

Through them, he can condense the charm and heart of the entire hot summer at a speed of a hundred times and a thousand times.

These two things are the most important in his consciousness, and other things can be postponed. However, since there is Jiang Buku as a tool, he has been connected with him for a long time, and even he himself was "urged" by Jiang Buku in advance. He understands Jiang Buku even more thoroughly than Jiang Buku himself, and his trust level has already been full. Inspired by the little world authority left on Jiang Buku, He also gave Jiang Buku a permission.

As for the extent of this authority, after careful research, Jiang Buku found that he could act almost all of His authority while He was sleeping and ignoring, and you can do whatever you want without submitting proposals and other approvals!

And the shape of the dragon in his purple mansion is equivalent to the jade seal bestowed on him by Yan Xia Shenlong. If he wants to act on his behalf, he can only pass through it.

The only limitation is that every time he exercises his power, he needs to consume Qiyun, which is not enough for Yan Xia Shenlong himself, so it is impossible to share it with him.

He can only find a way to get it by himself!

And the best way to obtain Qiyun is to increase Yan Xia's overall Qiyun through his own influence.

Yanxia Shenlong was very generous and didn't take a cut here, and gave it all to Jiang Buku to "spend away", so that he could truly experience the joy of acting as an authority.

After thoroughly straightening out the logic inside, Jiang Buku wished he could put the word "obedience" on his forehead.

"You want the horse to run, and you want the horse to earn money to buy grass by itself!"

However, although Jiang Buku made complaints in his heart, he really couldn't refuse this authority.

Don't say anything else, let the world change with your own will, isn't it delicious?

Moreover, the way to obtain Qiyun, that is, to "increase Yanxia as a whole", is nothing new to him. The two spoiler posts brought changes to Yanxia and the entire planet, and he felt that he would immediately benefit Sanctification is more than enough.

In addition, through secret guidance, Yanxia's practice system was transformed from an era without aura to an era with aura, truly opened up the practice at the level of spiritual awareness, truly grasped the "tail" of heaven and earth's inspiration, directly promoted the transformation of the formation system, and gave birth to the heavenly system, The rune department, and other departments have also benefited a lot from this.

These contributions add up to one more sanctification.

It's a pity that if you don't go back to the past, the shape of the dragon in the Zifu will only execute orders rigidly. Since it is set from now on, it will strictly execute it.

Jiang Bu took pains to think, and called out the shape of this dragon, floating in the void in front of him.

Its head looked at itself motionless, its body slowly swimming in the air.

Jiang Buku looked at it carefully for a while, and said softly: "This is not in line with my operating habits."

The shape of the dragon was instantly distorted and transformed into a light curtain one meter long and sixty centimeters high. The background of the desktop was a dragon swimming freely back and forth, as if the three-dimensional dragon was locked into a two-dimensional screen.

After looking carefully for a while, Jiang Buku made some adjustments.

The Shenlong running around the screen also disappeared, and was fixed as an application icon hanging in the upper left corner of the screen.

With a thought in his mind, this icon was opened by him.

The screen is blank, nothing.

It stands to reason that in the future, if he acts on his behalf, he can do it on this interface, but unfortunately, he has no money now, so he can't play.

He returned to the main interface and created a new application under the dragon-shaped application.

Qiyun statistics.

This operation made him regain the feeling of playing computer a hundred years ago, and as soon as this feeling came back, he was not satisfied with the vague and general description of Qi Yun, so what if he didn't digitize it!

However, when he wanted to quantify this "qiyun", he suddenly didn't know where to start.

First of all, Qiyun itself is somewhat difficult to accurately define with human concepts and cognition. It not only contains the precipitation of thousands of years of history of Yanxia civilization, countless creations and inventions, but also countless creations and inventions. His thought wisdom, and the contribution of countless people's thoughts since the planet crossing.

What's more, there are nearly a million people in the hot summer who are constantly irrigating and nourishing, the vastness and majesty endowed by the boundless frontier itself, and the continuous development of the path of practice.

This "qiyun" itself is a mixture.

There are virtual and real.

There are four directions, up and down, and past and present.

And the Yanxia Shenlong is the embodiment of this mixture.

After thinking about it carefully, Jiang Buku found that it was difficult for him to quantify it with an accurate data.

"Well, let's anchor the Qiyun volume provided by Liuyi College to '1' last year."

Last year, Liuyi College had no new departments, nor did it open up new paths, nor did it make major breakthroughs in the Qi training and meditation system, which can be regarded as an "ordinary" year.

It is to teach and educate people honestly, to send away a group of arrogance, and welcome a group of evildoers. By the way, various departments have made some inventions and creations, completely spreading the Haotian Eye in the whole of Yanxia, ​​and roughly building a cover for Yanxia. The black wind disaster detection and early warning system throughout the camp looks like this.

After adjusting the authority bestowed by Yanxia Shenlong to suit his own aesthetics, Jiang Buku brought it back into the Purple Mansion.

He slowly closed his eyes, and all his spiritual consciousness sank into it.

Through the link of this authority itself, he saw one hundred and eight blessed places, and a giant dragon was entrenched above them, sleeping with his eyes closed.

Following his breathing, the one hundred and eight blessed places seemed to be slowly sinking and floating.

There is a mysterious energy mechanism that interacts with the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth. Every time it breathes up and down, the body of the Yanxia Shenlong will grow imperceptibly, and the aura vitality of the [-] caves and blessed places will become more active.

Jiang Buku didn't disturb him, but just calmed down his consciousness, rising and falling with every breath he took.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Time does not stop for any event.

Jiang Buku once again resumed his leisurely and regular life.

This year's Liuyi College, both teachers and students, are in a hurry, and they come to Dianzangge to borrow books in a hurry, as if they have a lot of things to do.

In this regard, Jiang Buku is not surprised.

In every year of great change, the teachers and students of Liuyi College are always very busy, and from their respective hearts, they are not bored with this kind of busyness, but enjoy this kind of rhythm.

Liuyi College has been established for more than 100 years, and it has experienced countless major changes. As the teachers and students of the college, they know that those who are famous for future generations and take the opportunity to make major breakthroughs and discoveries are often here. Periods emerge intensively.

This is the best time to realize the "jump". If it is an ordinary year, they can only be students who study and practice seriously, and teachers who teach and educate people seriously.

The end of [-] in the new calendar.

One day, Jiang Buku's heart suddenly moved, and his spirit sank into the screen in Zifu, which represented the authority of Yanxia Shenlong.

At this moment, the words "+1" and "+1" suddenly appeared densely in the Qiyun value that had always been zero.

And every time "+1" appears, the value of the charm value will increase a little.


"+1" flashed like raindrops, and the Qi Yun value rose from 0 to over 100 points, and the frequency of occurrences slowed down a little, but it was still increasing slowly.

The total value of Qiyun continues to increase.

He sank his consciousness into every "+1" value, and then he saw the pictures one by one.


The cave outside the ancient city of the imperial capital has become a place for exchange of formations.

Those array practitioners who came out of the cave in the ancient city of the imperial capital became teachers one by one, telling more array practitioners the methods of entering and leaving the Tianmu array and the tricks of teleporting to another ancient site through the Tianmu array.

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