Jiang Buku took the initiative to push people away and said: "Okay, that's all I want to say, I don't have anything new for you, besides, it's just repeating the same old tune, go get busy with your business."

"Okay." Chen Zhongxia replied in a doggy manner, with a happy smile, which made people clearly feel the joy from his soul.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Five days later, Jiang Buku's humanity underwent a drastic change.

After [Dialing the Great Formation of the Sky] and [Developing the Land of Darkness], a new [Fifth Realm of Practice] was added, and the words "+1" flashed like raindrops, and they were all concentrated on one screen.


There is a quiet small square in the academy, and the square is full of people, all of them are at the peak of the Purple Mansion Realm, and they have all reached the end of their practice of Qi training and visualization.

They are all outstanding people, and they can be looked up to in any other place, and they are called monstrous existences. They could have indulged their talents wantonly, and based on the existing foundation, they could create a path that is most suitable for them and unique. practice road.

But they suppressed this life instinct, spent more than ten years at the peak of the Zifu Realm, and wanted to work together to open up a way for more people to pass.

Chen Zhongxia sat cross-legged on the high platform. Everyone knew that he was making his last effort, but he changed from the distress and anxiety that had been lingering for many years. He was very calm. Even sitting there cross-legged gave people a light and leisurely atmosphere. .

Everyone entered the arena one after another, and he was not in a hurry and continued to wait.

The small square was full of people, and later some cultivators from the middle and late stages of the Zifu Realm and even the Foundation Establishment Realm also gathered a lot after hearing the news. They stood in the forest outside the square, and the trees were also full of people. .

He finally spoke, with a sense of leisure.

He also talked about the way of heaven and humanity, but it was slightly different from what Jiang Buku told him. Jiang Buku showed him the vague outline of the whole way of heaven and humanity in a big way, focusing on inspiring his thinking. There is not even a word related to the practice system of Qi training and visualization.

However, Chen Zhongxia's talk about the way of heaven and the way of humanity is placed in the clear field of Qi training, visualization and practice.

Firstly, it outlines the meaning of the Dao of Heaven and the Dao of Humanity, and then, starting from the cultivation of the first Inner Zhuang Realm, it makes a new and comprehensive review of the Inner Zhuang Realm, Qi Training Realm, Foundation Establishment Realm, and Zifu Realm. Under the guidance, some fine-tuning was made to the four realms of practice.

Although his narration did not pull the listeners into a state of sudden enlightenment, every sentence has something to say, without any ambiguity. Some places that were difficult or impossible to figure out suddenly became clear.

After sorting out the first four realms of practice, the topic logically extends to the fifth realm of practice.

He said frankly to everyone: "In the past, some of my persistence was a little too obsessed, and I used too much force... When our vision is fixed on one place, we can't see the whole picture of things."

"We must not only insist on the commonality of building a road that allows everyone to pass, but also allow everyone to show their talents and do their best.

The rich can ride a car, ride a horse, the arrogant can even ride a bird and fly in the sky, and the poor can walk slowly on the road with their legs.

One of the inappropriate aspects of the previous Golden Elixir method was that it only considered the minimum entry threshold and the difficulty of passing, which hurt everyone's display of personality and talent, especially for talents that are excellent, but essence, energy, and The development of the gods is not balanced. For practitioners who are serious about disciplines, they have not done their best and tried their best.

We used to convince ourselves that this is the necessary sacrifice to open up the most universal path, but this is not fair to talented people, not only in our generation, but also in the future. If so, even if We forcibly implement the golden elixir law that was agreed in the past, and it will inevitably be overthrown and abandoned in the future. "

Not far from his podium, Li Weixi, who has really transformed into a fairy of the Moon Palace, has bright eyes compared to the fat baby girl many years ago.

Before this sermon, she had expected how Chen Zhongxia would break the situation - it wasn't that there was a conflict between the two, it was actually a normal state of their group gathering together to explore and confirm.

I propose a way, and then meet everyone's challenge, you feel free to criticize, you poke my way to pieces, it doesn't matter if you criticize it, everyone enjoys this process, as long as in this spear and It is a valuable harvest to leave some useful ideas and useful inspiration in the game of shield.

Then enter the next round of spear and shield contest.

Those who can survive to the end in their brainstorming and thought experiments have all endured thousands of finding faults.

After she proposed the direction of going out of her body to cultivate the gods, she has been expecting others to find fault with her. The more unexpected the direction of the thorns, the more thorns come from her elusive direction, the happier she is.

But even though she envisioned many possibilities, Chen Zhongxia's moves were still completely beyond the scope of her thinking.

That feeling is like, the two of us have been fighting on the ground, attacking and attacking constantly, you come and go, it's so fierce, but suddenly, a move from the sky flying fairy comes over your head, you look up, and suddenly there is something in your heart. The feeling of enlightenment.

"Ah, the attack can still come from the sky!"

The two-dimensional world suddenly becomes a three-dimensional world, high-dimensional vs low-dimensional, it is not a one-to-one accuracy.

First of all, she understands better than anyone else that out-of-body practice cannot be compared with Jindan method in terms of universality.

If it is said that the golden elixir method can allow geniuses to pass, and even mediocrity can walk, and even mediocrity can reluctantly go, then at least one needs to be above the mediocrity to go out of the body to practice the gods—the genius and mediocrity here is herself If the standard of the public is used, those who can cultivate to the foundation establishment level are rare geniuses.

However, the superiority in other aspects of Leaving the body to refine the gods makes up for this shortcoming.

However, if the golden elixir method is modified with Chen Zhongxia's theory of the unity of man and nature, then most of the superiority of the out-of-body refining god compared with the golden elixir method will be eliminated.

As she thought so, unknowingly, the spiritual power that had been suppressed for nearly 20 years at the peak of the Purple Mansion Realm suddenly escaped uncontrollably.

A slightly icy but refreshing breath spread around her centered on her.

Chen Zhongxia, who was preaching on the stage, suddenly shut up and looked at Li Weixi who was not far away.

And the listeners around Li Weixi also felt something strange.

Chen Zhongxia had the experience of epiphany, and knew how rare it was for a practitioner, so she quickly signaled the people around her to back away and keep quiet.

In the end, everyone retreated outside the square, leaving the entire square to her.

Li Weixi sat cross-legged, her figure slowly floated up, and a crystal-clear, jade-like moon wheel appeared behind her, engulfing her whole body in the moon wheel.

Then, the majestic and vast Guanghan Qi in her body was injected into the moon wheel.

Looking at this scene, Chen Zhongxia pursed his lips tightly.

Li Weixi has already made a choice with actions, he doesn't need to say anything, the path to practice the fifth realm has been decided.

【Golden Core Realm】.

And this is far from the alchemy in the body they originally agreed on, she formed the alchemy directly outside the body.

Mentally visualize the moon, and then integrate all the Qi and essence in the body into it.

This moon wheel will eventually become the "Golden Elixir" of the combination of spirit, energy and spirit.

what is this?Moon Wheel Golden Elixir or Guanghan Golden Elixir?

This is exactly what he has realized recently and what he said in his sermon just now, not only must adhere to the commonality of universal practice, this commonality is the golden elixir method, but also fully allow individual talents.

Li Weixi not only fully listened to his sermon, but also supported it with practical actions.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Seeing Li Weixi's massive breakthrough in the arena, everyone looked very strange.

Because they all know that they are witnessing the birth of Yan Xia's first golden pill.

This is a solid step forward from practicing the four realms to the five realms.

If this step is successful, they will be greeted with a bigger world and a broader future.

And everyone believes that after more than ten years of polishing and pouring out countless wisdom, there is no possibility of failure in this step!

The process of Li Weixi's breakthrough, the fluctuations in his spirit, the changes in the aura around him, and the changes in his body caused by the fusion of energy and spirit at one point, all of them watched intently, not letting go of any details.

The aura around the square has already swirled around her.

The moon disc that was originally conceived mentally gradually gained a bit of spirituality, and even a bit of charm.

Gradually, there is a feeling of turning the virtual into the real.

When all her energy and energy were integrated into the moon wheel, the moon wheel, which was bigger than her, suddenly dropped her and rose straight into the sky.

Soon, the moon rose to more than a thousand meters, and it still didn't stop, and continued to rise until it was ten thousand meters above the ground, before it stopped slightly.

It is completely exposed to the strong winds and extreme cold, and even takes the initiative to contact them, so as to sharpen itself by receiving the mighty power of nature.

The cultivators on the ground are all extremely advanced and have good eyesight. They can clearly see that the moon wheel is getting smaller and smaller under the pressure of the mighty force of nature, and it also seems to be turning from emptiness to reality.

It wasn't until the moon disc shrunk to one-third of its original size that the moon disc withstood the pressure of the extreme cold and wind, and stopped shrinking any longer.

The moon disc continues to rise, 1000 meters, 1 meters... As it rises higher, its size becomes smaller and more solid.

Until, a cloud blocked it.

Everyone's heart tightened, anticipating a certain possibility.

Looking at Li Weixi, who was sitting cross-legged in the void at the closing ceremony above the square, she thought of the way of getting out of the body and cultivating the gods that she had been thinking about all the time.

She chose the golden pill method, but she had to go her own way.

Although she sat cross-legged with her eyes closed and didn't say a word, they seemed to see her look around with pride: "Golden pills can also get out of the body! Golden pills can also cultivate gods! I want them all!"

It is no exaggeration to describe the eyes of many female cultivators looking at Li Weixi as worship.

The sky was only the size of a fist, and the moon, which had almost completely materialized, paused for a moment, seeming to be accumulating strength, seeming to be thinking, and then, suddenly shot into the clouds like a bullet fired from a chamber.

After a while, the light of lightning came out from the clouds, and then, the sound of rumbling and thunder came to everyone's ears.

The line of sight was blocked by the clouds, and those with strong mental strength were unable to sense deeply because of the sudden thunder, but they could imagine the scene inside.

Those who came from the alchemy department suddenly felt an uncontrollable excitement.

Using the heaven and the earth as an oven, human flesh and blood, and energy and spirit as materials, a golden elixir of the Dao is refined.

Such a grand picture that actually happened in front of them directly broadened their imagination.

For the refining system, thunder is like a giant hammer, and the void is like a chopping board. Jindan is the real gold that needs to be forged!

The practitioners present, regardless of their affiliation, witnessed this scene, and they all had a huge harvest.

It directly raised the upper limit of their imagination of personal power. Even the practitioners at the peak of the Purple Mansion Realm would never dare to go deep into the clouds and take the initiative to find Lei Chi.

These thoughts of theirs all happened in a flash. In fact, after only a few breaths, a glazed golden elixir the size of a thumb shot out from the clouds, fleeing away from the clouds as if fleeing for their lives.

On its surface, there are still lingering electric arcs.

The glazed golden elixir that escaped from the clouds did not return immediately, but like a bird just out of the cage, it circled freely in the air for a few laps.

Its speed is extremely fast, and people can't see its continuous trajectory across the sky at all, but appears in a jump like a flash.

The moment before was still there, and the next moment appeared here.

After playing for a while, Sa Huan seemed to realize that the place was wrong, and returned to the top of her head.

After a pause, it disappeared and merged into her purple mansion.

Because the distance is very close, it paused so that people can see more details. The color of the golden elixir is glazed, crystal clear, but it seems to have colorful brilliance flowing, and on the surface of the glazed elixir, there seems to be some flaws at first glance. But after a careful aftertaste, I found that those "flaws" just formed the phantom of the laurel tree in the Moon Palace.

"Your so-called golden pill is really a replica of a little moon in your body!"

Even if everyone is strong-minded, they can't help drooling secretly.

Everyone doesn't know how powerful it is, but this style alone is enough to envy others.

After Jin Dan entered her body, Li Weixi slowly opened her eyes, seeing countless pairs of eyes staring at her around the square, she smiled slightly: "It feels pretty good."

At the time of her epiphany breakthrough, more and more teachers and students from Liuyi College gathered here, some of them came late, only saw half of it, or even just reached the end, and it was over when they saw it, and missed the live observation of Zifu They all sighed with regret at the golden opportunity to break through the Golden Core Realm.

It seems to be saying, this is the end, can't you hold on for a little longer?

Regarding this, Li Weixi was also very helpless, thinking, I can't put myself in danger or even die just to satisfy you all.

Only by experiencing it for yourself can you know how terrifying the power of thunder is. She can't even be regarded as having really endured the power of thunder. Swimming between the cracks of thunder at the speed of life and death, using the aftermath to temper the golden pill.

Chen Zhongxia, who hid outside the square with others, stepped into the arena and said, "Since I haven't seen enough, let me demonstrate it to everyone again."

Hearing his words, many people felt agitated in their hearts, with a strong desire to complain stuck in their throats.

And the fact is not surprising, "Let me demonstrate it to everyone" has become the catchphrase of many low-key and connotative but unpretentious monsters for a long time.

Of course Chen Zhongxia didn't know this, walked into the arena, and quietly let go of the suppressed thoughts in his heart.

After the epiphany a few days ago, he had a feeling that he could break through with just a thought. Now that the path to the fifth realm has been determined, his last knot of heart has disappeared, and he can break through at any time.

Li Weixi had already retreated outside the square, leaving the stage to him.

Everyone stared at Chen Zhongxia intently, but his breakthrough was far less gorgeous and intuitive than Li Weixi's. All he could see was that the aura swirled around him, and the scope gradually expanded, covering the entire square without stopping. It continued to extend around with his body as the center of the circle. .

One kilometer, two kilometers, three kilometers...

It didn't stop until the range of influence spread beyond six kilometers.

The aura within twelve kilometers in diameter is all affected by him, including all bystanders.

A steady stream of spiritual energy converged towards the center, and finally poured into Chen Zhongxia's dantian, disappearing for 1 minute, 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes... There seemed to be a bottomless pit there.

Everyone was terrified when they saw it. Could it be that his dantian was really cultivated to the state of being as deep as the sea?

Half an hour later, the swirling spiritual energy that spread over more than ten kilometers finally stopped.

Chen Zhongxia slowly opened his eyes, and an extremely pure golden pill appeared in front of him.

Li Weixi formed the alchemy outside the body, borrowing the heaven and the earth to form the alchemy naturally;

But he directly formed the pill in the body, squeezed and refined it with the majestic spiritual energy, integrated the essence, energy and spirit, and formed the pill in the dantian.

Two people demonstrated two methods of forming alchemy for everyone.

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