He roughly glanced around, and he was sure that all the land territories in his field of vision belonged to the Yanxia camp.

Even the other half who were blocked by the planet belonged to the Yanxia camp.

He began to wonder why Long Shou brought him here.

It can't be to thank me for my dedication, and take me to the sky for sightseeing.

Soon, his eyes changed.

On the earth, some places began to become brighter and brighter, like candles lit in the dark night, it was difficult not to attract attention.

"That's... a visionary monument!"

Jiang Buku saw that one of those shiny objects was in the north, undulating and winding along the earth, extending for thousands of miles, but there were obvious traces of human construction.

There are two rivers that run through the land. They run from west to east, one south and one north. Every turning point has a familiar arc.

There are also many famous mountains and rivers, cultural relics.

Every time he captures a place, he will have an innate sense of intimacy in his heart.

The sky has changed for a hundred years, and the sea has changed.

I can still see you, nothing has changed.

very nice.

Chapter Eighty-Four Reconciliation and Compromise

On the earth, one hundred and eight miraculous monuments of Yanxia were lit up one by one.

Like a series of flaming torches that suddenly rose.

Such a big momentum shocked the whole Yanxia.

Jiang Buku, who was at least tens of thousands of kilometers away from the ground, had no time to take care of these things. He already understood the purpose of Longshou bringing him here.

Although only half of Yanxia's territory can be seen here, the core area that includes [-] visionary monuments is all below.

Jiang Buku is like a sober bystander, watching the dragon head borrow his special world authority. At this moment, he can not only see the heaven and earth inspiration covering the whole hot summer, but he even forced himself into this system.

Originally, the will of the planet was connected to all living beings with the inspiration of heaven and earth, forming a vast network covering the entire world. Now, all the inspirations of heaven and earth in the Yanxia territory must first be concentrated in the dragon head, and then connected with the will of the planet.

The relationship between the monarch and his ministers was simple and clear, and a regent appeared in an instant.

This is a usurper!

This is overhead!

You are rebelling!

Jiang Buku clearly felt that the planet's will, which had been in a state of semi-slumber for a long time, was showing signs of awakening.

He could even imagine how angry he would be when he woke up and saw that his fundamental authority had been taken away.

Jiang Buku felt his calf cramp like crazy, he really wanted to persuade the dragon head under his feet, don't want to make troubles in the Heavenly Palace just after he was born. How miserable.

"Boss, be careful. Let's recharge our energy first, build high walls, accumulate food, and then slowly look at opportunities later, okay!"

It's a pity that Longshou didn't listen to his persuasion at all, and the only function of bringing him up was to use him as a key to take the opportunity to open the curtain of heaven and earth.

The will of the planet is waking up "quickly", but his speed is different from ordinary people's understanding.

Therefore, the dragon head suddenly has great power.

Control power and manipulate the world.

Jiang didn't bother to see that he connected all living beings through the heaven and earth, and was connected with one hundred and eight visionary monuments.

They seemed to be scattered, but they were kneaded together by Him.

The charm of these visionary monuments is very similar to the original state of the ancient city of the imperial capital, very large and vast, and at the same time very chaotic and disorderly.

This is the case internally, not to mention all gathered together, it is a mess.

If they are all added up, the level of chaos is so great that the dragon capital dare not face it directly.

But he is no longer a fool with chaotic thinking, and temporarily hijacked the supreme authority, so he will not let them attack him together.

The timing of the arrival of the charms of the various visionary monuments is first and then later.

The first to arrive are those monuments from which visions appeared last.Such as the ancient fishing city, Suzhou and Hangzhou gardens, ancient villages and ancient towns.

Then there are Kuaiji Mountain, Yumen Pass, and Yangguan, which are visionary monuments.

Then there are the Eight Arrays, Hangu Pass, and Beimang Mountain, which have both history and legends.

The last part is a certain totem symbol of hot summer, and it is also the most important part. Five mountains, Kunlun, the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, great rivers, a line of the Great Wall...they are not smaller than the ancient city of the imperial capital at all, and the degree of chaos is even greater.

But when they arrived, Longshou had already finished tidying up the spirits of other ancient monuments that had arrived first, and he had collected them all into little brothers who obeyed his orders.

When they arrived, with an order, the little brothers rushed forward, and the dragon head appeared last, and the final word was finalized.

Soon, the chaotic aura of all the visions and monuments became appropriate and submissive under His wrist, and they were all soft and smooth, and they could be put into any shape they wanted.

Jiang Buku, who was on the sidelines the whole time, didn't bother to persuade the boss to be cautious, he was completely immersed in it.

This is the process of the reorganization and growth of the dragon head, and it is also the live performance of the Yanxia Dragon Vein from chaos to order. It is full of profound mysteries, and any Yanxia person, anyone who grows up in the Yanxia practice system, will get precious insights.

Not to mention that Jiang Buku is standing at the end of a practice system, has practiced for a hundred years, and has the special authority to see through the essence of the world. For him, this is a vivid and unusual "anatomy" teaching.

With his current perfect and powerful mental state, and his consciousness being in full contact with the dragon head, he did not reject him in the slightest, every change, every detail, did not fall behind.

Even if you can't fully understand it immediately, it has already been deeply imprinted in your heart and has become the nourishment for the future.

He was completely absorbed in this strange epiphany.

Before you know it, time passes.

One day, Jiang Buku suddenly felt that the world of heaven and earth suddenly became active and agile.

He immediately realized that the new year had arrived and the planet had grown and promoted again.

At the same time, Jiang Buku obviously felt a huge and unparalleled will completely awakened by this force, and finally got up from the bed.

An invincible will descended on Jiang Buku and Longshou.

Oh, it can no longer be called the dragon head at this moment. When the will of the planet came, the aura from other orderly orders had been automatically continued under his head.

A complete Yanxia Shenlong composed of Qiyun stretches freely in the sky.

On the earth, everyone in the hot summer territory will be able to see a dragon stretching across the sky when they look up on this New Year's Eve.

Standing on the dragon's head, Jiang Buku looked dazzled.

"I'll make up the head." He thought of this sentence for no reason.

The will of the planet is condescending, and he is born with an absolute deterrent to any will on the planet, and he feels angry when he is offended!

Facing this kind of natural oppression, Yan Xia Shenlong was not at all afraid, and confronted it tit for tat.

One descends from a more distant sky, the growth of the planet is his growth, the progress of all beings on the planet is his progress, and he is the manifestation of the overall will of the planet.

One rises from the boundless land, was born thousands of years ago, and is enshrined with the hard work of countless people. At this moment, it is jointly prayed by hundreds of billions of people.

Although the will of the planet has the upper hand, it is difficult to subdue the Yanxia Shenlong in an instant.

The confrontation between the two sides is more and more like a real fire.

Jiang Buku, who was in the middle, clearly felt that there were huge trends of thought opposing each other.

One is pressed down from the nine heavens.

As if to say: "Presumptuous!"

It is the anger of being robbed of authority and offended in dignity.

One stands on the ground tenaciously to the top.

As if to say: "Idiot!"

This is a disdain for this view, what else can you do except lie down with salted fish and make a mess of your house, since you want to be salted fish, then continue to lie down, I will do it for you, you just need to continue to eat Just sleep and eat.

There is no language and no spiritual consciousness in their communication, but it is clearly reflected in every wrestling, every confrontation between the needle point and the wheat awn.

Standing between the two horns of the dragon's head, Jiang Buku witnessed it up close and felt like he was sweating profusely.

The space of the stellar atmosphere has been torn apart by their wrestling, like electric sparks piercing the sky, or like the ground suddenly cracking.

Jiang Bu painstakingly said that even if he got a little bit of it, he would definitely be finished.

Complaining to the Shenlong under his feet, although he also felt that compared with the more complete and flexible mind of the Yanxia Shenlong, the will of the planet is indeed too pure, like a blank sheet of paper, but this is not something you spit on someone's face face to face Reason.

But soon, Jiang Buku realized that he was still too young.

The will of the planet is like an enraged violent mother, throwing all her strength at Yanxia Shenlong.

He smashed it a dozen times, and Yanxia Shenlong could only defend passively, but judging from his posture, it would be no problem to resist a hundred times.

But at this moment, the promotion opportunity that the planet only has once a year is about to be missed in the confrontation between the two sides.

After another confrontation, Yanxia Shenlong conveyed another meaning.

The huge blow from the Nine Heavens suddenly fell into some kind of hesitation, as if trying to understand and digest the process that was too complicated for him.


The Yanxia Shenlong roared impatiently and urged, the voice cut through the sky, like a Hongzhong Dalu, and spread to all corners of the world.

The will of the planet seems to have made up its mind under this urging, and it has withdrawn its strength, but it will not leave again. It seems that it wants to personally supervise the entire certification process, which is also a kind of emphasis-I am the boss of this world. want to make things happen.

Inspired by the genuine version, Yanxia Shenlong roared again, with indescribable joy.

On the earth, the one hundred and eight miraculous monuments that had been continuously shooting sky-shattering rainbows into the sky suddenly disappeared from the earth.

But Jiang Buku saw another wonderful scene through the mind of Yanxia Shenlong.

In the heaven and earth net formed by the heaven and earth spiritual mechanism, one hundred and eight holes suddenly appeared.

One hundred and eight visionary monuments that disappeared from the earth appeared in it.

If the original planet is a big bubble, at this moment, in Jiang Buku's feeling, there are one hundred and eight small bubbles beside the big bubble.

Jiang Bu painstakingly thought of a word for no reason.

"Cave heaven and earth."

However, the promotion and growth of the planet that should have arrived as scheduled has stopped, and the one hundred and eight small bubbles have grown bigger like balloons.

If possible, Jiang Buku would definitely give a thumbs up to Shenlong under his feet at this moment.

"High! It's really high!"

"If you talk about harmony and compromise, you are the well-deserved patriarch!"

If you directly tell the will of the planet to share your promotion resources with me, and I want to open up a cave of heaven and earth, it will be strange for him to ignore you, and maybe even roll your eyes at you.

But after Yanxia Shenlong's operation, hey, one hundred and eight small bubbles really grew out like blowing up balloons!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Yanxia Shenlong told the will of the planet a very simple truth.

It is not a loss if the meat rots in the pot.

Whether it is hot summer or other civilization camps or even polar seas, no matter where the planet is promoted, isn't it a promotion for the planet?

It's all about the growth of the planet's volume!

And Yanxia Civilization has proved with a hundred years of facts that he is indeed the most qualified to take the lead. If you don't give us more resources, are you short-hearted?

On the one hand, the potential is huge, but there is not enough to eat, waiting to be fed.

Seeing that your level is limited and you can't eat too much, you are equivalent to idle resources.

Anyone with a little brain knows how to choose!

The will of the planet said that my brain, which is 23 kilometers in diameter, cannot be slandered or underestimated.

So he generously delegated power to let the Yanxia Shenlong do things, and he stood by and supervised.

One hundred and eight anomalous monuments were stripped and disappeared from the present world, and the heaven and earth gave way to their positions, giving them a world that was both attached to the present world and existed independently to take root.

Ginger is not bitter aftertaste its technique, there is always a sense of familiarity.

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