It took him a long time to react.

Isn't its essence the "boundary" method of the boundary invisibility technique that I have comprehended!

It's just that Yanxia Shenlong, the imitator, played countless times bigger than his own original.

Moreover, the method of demarcation that I comprehended itself also came from the ancient formation that was naturally generated by the Eight Formation Diagram, and now the aura in the Eight Formation Diagram and its own mysteries have all become the accumulation of the Yanxia Shenlong.

Starting from the boundary invisibility technique he had comprehended, he continued to open up a vast new world.

Now, it has in turn inspired him, the original creator, and he has seen the broad prospects of the art of division.

Achieve each other.

One hundred and eight caves in heaven and earth are inflated like balloons.

After a while, Jiang Buku suddenly felt a little strange.

He just made a simple visual inspection. Compared with the planet's territory of more than 600 billion square kilometers, the area of ​​expansion of the 20 caves and blessed lands definitely exceeds [-] billion square kilometers.

By convention, this year's growth should be over.

But the [-] caves and blessed places are still growing and growing!

As for Jiang Buku, he clearly felt a sense of joy descending from the nine heavens, and even the last trace of pressure on Yanxia Shenlong was removed.

Jiang Buku had a flash of inspiration and thought of a possibility.

In this universe, time itself has power. Over time, even stones may become refined.

Blue Star's 46 billion years of life is his greatest heritage and wealth.

On the other hand, the Blue Star Will has been growing hard since its birth a hundred years ago, but this hundred-year-old consciousness is still far behind the 46 billion-year-old body.

Every time the planet grows and promotes, it means that he has obtained the feed-back consciousness of all living beings in the world and has made great progress, and can digest more planetary heritage.

As the consciousness grows, the body grows with it.

In the first year, the surface area of ​​the planet increased by nearly 13 million square kilometers, in the second year by 16 billion, in the third year by 20 billion, and then stabilized at about [-] billion square kilometers per year.

Judging from the change in diameter, its annual growth rate is even more downward trend year by year.

Now it seems that the annual growth of the planet by 20 billion square kilometers is not the limit of the planet, but the limit of the will of the planet!

He is actually facing a similar predicament to human beings before—the planet grows too fast, beyond the limit of control.

His greatest advantage is that human beings can only passively accept this situation, but He can release the body's "growth desire" by sticking to the limit of his own control.

Obviously, the "growth desire" of the planet itself is far from being completely released, it has been accumulated in the body, but it is controlled by the will of the planet and cannot be released.

The Yanxia Shenlong originally stole the power of the planet's will and wanted to be the regent, but then stepped back a few steps, "You granted me a private land and let me play by myself."

The one hundred and eight visionary monuments were stripped from his jurisdiction and became the private property of Yanxia Shenlong.

From another point of view, it is equivalent to him having an extra helper. This time, Yanxia Shenlong has to resist the heavy pressure alone.

And every time Dongtian Fudi grows, the world's inspiration will flourish. This is the core benefit of the planet's will, which means that this time he didn't pay at all, but got more.

In the future, if these blessed places continue to prosper, they will also be reflected in the inspiration of heaven and earth, and he, the big landlord, will never lose money.

With tangible benefits in hand, the initial anger of being offended and provoked naturally dissipated.

The will of the planet is so straightforward and pure.

Gradually, those Dongtian blessed lands ranked after ninety rose more and more slowly, and finally stopped.

"This is the limit." Jiang Bu thought hard.

Borrowing the authority of the Yanxia Shenlong, I roughly perceived it. Its final shape is either round, square or elliptical, and it is basically very regular. Between 2000 square kilometers and [-] million square kilometers.

Compared with the size of the planet, of course it is only a little bit like sesame mung beans.But for any individual, this can be called a vast territory.

As time passed, more and more caves reached their saturation limit.

The longer you persist, the greater the final size of the cave, which is five or six thousand, or even eight or nine thousand, or tens of thousands of kilometers.

And Dongtian Paradise, which ranks before the [-]th place, has further widened the gap with the latter.

Especially those big rivers, famous mountains and great rivers, which themselves occupy a huge area, are stripped from the planet, and take advantage of this promotion opportunity to inflate like a blown balloon, easily tens of thousands of kilometers in length and width.

When all the 600 blessed lands stop expanding, their combined area will be nearly [-] billion square kilometers, more than one-third of the surface area of ​​the planet.

Not only within the territory of Yanxia, ​​but also the world covering the whole world is boiling and active, and has undergone a qualitative transformation.

Jiang Buku could clearly feel the joy and regret of the will of the planet that was almost overflowing - if the Yanxia Shenlong could last longer, he would be happier!

Yanxia Shenlong ignored him, and after doing all this, he directly returned the authority to control the world without a trace of nostalgia.

Then, after saying hello to the will of the planet, he took Jiang Buku to sink at a high speed and returned to the land.

When leaving the stellar qi layer and about to enter the baleful qi layer, Jiang Buku felt that the will of the planet was gradually fading, and he was about to return to his life state of "Heaven's movements are permanent, neither exist for Yao nor perish for Jie".

Before completely fading away, He clearly showed a slight reluctance.

Perhaps, at his level of life, loneliness is the norm, and it is extremely rare to meet someone who can barely communicate at the same level.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

As the dragon descended at an extremely fast speed, its long body stretching tens of thousands of kilometers quickly faded and disappeared.

Jiang Buku saw that the mysterious aura collected from other visionary monuments—now upgraded to a paradise of heaven—had been returned to their original places one by one by him.

They returned to each paradise with their valuable experience, and suppressed and digested their bodies.

In the end, the Yanxia Shenlong turned into a dragon head again and landed in the blessed land transformed into the ancient city of the imperial capital.

As soon as the dragon head brought him in, Jiang Buku had no time to look carefully at this blessed place, when He appeared in the inner hall of the Temple of Heaven as if teleporting.

This place is completely His home field, and of course he can do whatever he wants.

Jiang Buku, who was standing between his horns, felt his body lighten, floated up, and finally landed on the position where he was standing before.

Jiang Buku looked into Longshou's eyes, and he could feel his hidden fatigue.

Not to mention, He must be holding on until he is about to explode now.

It must be thoroughly digested through a long period of deep sleep and retreat.

Because he had no defense against him, Jiang Buku could accurately grasp his state.

After the tempering in the sky, His eyes seemed to be more energetic. His indifferent and deep eyes fell on Jiang Buku, and Jiang Buku could clearly feel His scrutiny and thinking.

Then, a dragon in the form of a dragon suddenly flew out of His eyes. Its shape and charm were exactly the same as that divine dragon that stretched tens of thousands of kilometers across the sky and competed with the will of the planet, except that its size had shrunk countless times.

He flew around Jiang Buku once, and then plunged into Jiang Buku's eyebrows.

Jiang Buku, who has not yet practiced the new method and opened up the Zifu, clearly sensed that as the shape of the dragon entered his body, the Zifu naturally opened up, and the dragon rushed in as soon as it swung its body.

Along with the shape of the dragon, there is a lot of information.

The most superficial information is a statement.

"As for human affairs, you do it yourself."

He is going to retreat and sleep deeply to digest what he has gained.

The dragon head that had delivered the message disappeared directly in Jiang Buku's eyes, just like when he appeared, without any trace left.

He also looked at the dragon in the Zifu and the obscure information that required careful comprehension to understand, Jiang Buku decided to go back and figure it out slowly.

"Now, the outside world must have completely fried the pot."

He thought so in his heart, and found it interesting.

From the moment when the dragon head took him to the sky, one hundred and eight monuments of vision revealed magnificent visions, and the shocking Changhong stood on the earth like one hundred and eight beams of light, piercing straight into the sky.

It has been more than 100 days and there is no sign of abating.

With the arrival of the New Year, a divine dragon that spanned tens of thousands of kilometers appeared in the sky, and the sound of the dragon's chant spread all over the world.

Afterwards, all the [-] anomalous monuments in the Yanxia territory disappeared, and were picked away from the earth by the dragon.

No matter which one, it is a major event enough to be engraved in the annals of history, but this time, it is presented in such a dense manner that it is a test of the tolerance limit of everyone's three views.

Standing above the tablet of "God of Haotian", Jiang Buku could clearly feel that the whole hall had expanded a lot, but it didn't really grow with the whole cave.

If this is the case, the length, width, and height of this hall are at least thousands of kilometers. Although the hall is extremely huge and can easily accommodate a large city, it is not so exaggerated.

He flew out of the hall and came to the top of the ancient city.

After looking at the style and appearance of the ancient city, I thought, it is becoming more and more like a fairy house.

Before that, many historic buildings were half under and half above the white clouds.

Now, all of them have become several times larger collectively, and the white clouds are basically at the lower quarter of them. If you want to see the whole picture clearly, you must rise above the sea of ​​clouds.

At this moment, in Jiang Buku's eyes, these buildings seemed to be rooted on white clouds.

It made him even smaller.

It took more than half an hour to fly around the area of ​​the Temple of Heaven, and he complained in his heart that flying in this city at his level is probably equivalent to taking a walk.

At this moment, he saw a figure flying towards the south from a distance.

He didn't think too much, and followed after making sure that his Boundary Invisibility Technique was not hindered.

Now, it is the first day of the first month in the 103rd year of the new calendar.

The sun was high in the sky, it was almost noon.

Although the ancient city of the imperial capital is now in a different realm from the planet, it is undoubtedly still shrouded by the will of the planet, but he has voluntarily transferred the authority of Dongtian Paradise to Yanxia Shenlong.

Although he is very pure, he will still hold on to his core interests. As the manifestation of his will, it is also the core of the inspiration of heaven and earth. The celestial phenomena of the sun, moon and stars will not be different because they are located in different realms.

The figure in front of him looked like a middle-aged man in his 40s, with a late stage cultivation in the Foundation Establishment Realm.

He used the sun in the sky as a mark, and flew all the way to the south. After flying for about an hour, he met another figure flying north. This was also a practitioner in the late stage of Foundation Establishment.

The two communicated in the air for nearly half an hour, and then continued to fly along their respective routes.

From their words, Jiang Buku already knew that since the torch visions appeared in all the visionary monuments, the power of the cultivation world at the top of Yanxia had been mobilized.

After finding out that there is no danger except the vision of the torch, a large number of practitioners and researchers have settled in various vision monuments, because they have discovered that the black wind disaster that can bring disastrous consequences every time cannot invade these visions Monuments, all have to detour.

And the practitioners in it have the feeling that the fish that have landed on the shore have re-entered the water.

Their lifespans, which had been severly slashed, did not continue to decline, and there was even a faint tendency to rebound.

This alone is enough for Yan Xia to use all his strength to research and explore.

Based on the information collected from all aspects, it can be clearly seen that the vision first started from the ancient city of the imperial capital, where the Temple of Heaven is located, suddenly a rainbow burst into the sky.

Therefore, there are a lot of practitioners and researchers stationed in the ancient city of the imperial capital.

Today is the first day of the first month of the 103rd year of the new calendar. According to the convention, it is the day when the planet is promoted and Vientiane is renewed.

Not only did they not evacuate, but they scattered all over the ancient site, hoping to discover more mysteries on this extremely special day.

After many attempts and verifications, they all know that a small number of on-duty personnel will not hinder the changes of the anomalous monuments, and there is no need to evacuate all the personnel inside once every year on the day when the planet is promoted.

Therefore, they are fortunate to have felt today's great changes more clearly than people in other places.

The dragon stretches across the sky, and the dragon's chant spreads all over the world.

The terrifying coercion and fierce confrontation came from the nine heavens. They who were in the human world saw many more details than Jiang Buku who was in the middle, and there were background renderings such as thunder clouds, violent wind and lightning.

This picture has become the deepest imprint in the hearts of every practitioner.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Afterwards, they even experienced the whole process of the anomalous monument being stripped from the earth, being in an independent realm, and then inflated like a balloon.

Most of them were scattered and lost contact with the land that continued to expand.

Fortunately, what Yan Xia is best at is making plans. Before each major action, he will make no less than ten backup plans in advance. Taking into account the occurrence of various accidents and even catastrophic consequences and the corresponding steps, each participant will Must be memorized.

This kind of thinking has been subtly instilled into their minds as early as the day they entered school, and has been subtly instilled in their minds under the instructions of teachers and parents. If they are accidentally lost, how to act and the steps, a primary school student can blurt out.

What's more, the participants of this operation had the lowest level of cultivation and were in the early stage of Foundation Establishment. They not only received a complete nine-year compulsory education, but also went to higher education institutions and even Liuyi College for advanced studies. They were all excellent.

In addition, all members can fly, so the loss of contact did not cause much trouble to everyone. Once the land stopped expanding, they started their own operations. It took less than half a day to restore the basic situation. order.

Having obtained enough information from the exchange between the two, Jiang Buku gave up and followed that person secretly, pulled his flying speed to the limit, and flew south at top speed.

He already knew that at the end of the due south direction was where they would finally gather.

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