-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Jiang Buku started a regular work and rest, and went to the ancient city of the imperial capital for half a month to contribute computing power support to Yanxia Longmai and accelerate its growth.

Then spend half a month on campus to recover, to recuperate physically and mentally, and not let the time of being a human being be lower than the time of being a non-human.

The influence of the information flow in the outer layer on the present world is becoming more and more obvious.

When they gather, they become wind, and when they disperse, they become invisible.

The black wind catastrophe can bring obvious disasters, but after Yan Xia made effective deployments, the consequences were not too serious, so the casualties that occurred could not even keep up with the daily casualties in a city due to accidents.

The real harm is that after they are "scattered and invisible", they will not bring about hasty and drastic changes, but they will subtly affect everything in the world.

The average person gets sick more often, and the average lifespan decreases.

Originally, because they were far stronger and nourished by aura than the human beings before the sky change, ordinary people could live to the age of 90 or [-] relatively easily, but now, it has become no longer so easy.

Occasionally, beasts with extremely high intelligence are found in the wild. It is suspected that real wisdom has been born, and the organization of a team to search has little effect. They know how to hide and avoid. There is nowhere in the vast wilderness.

The best way is to spread out the human beings who live together in the city as much as possible, and compress their overall living space.

Practitioners who practice qi visualization will sometimes have hidden worries of uneasy mood and unsteady thoughts.The originally smooth path of cultivation suddenly became rough and difficult.

Except for those who are determined and persevering, all other practitioners who are used to it smoothly are not affected by this.

Cultivation is no longer a matter of talent, and it also puts forward higher requirements for mind and will.

Regarding this change, Liuyi College has a somewhat different view from the outside world.

Both the teachers and the students of the college agreed that this was a good thing for the development of the entire practice system.It is like a whetstone, which can sharpen a really good knife even more. As for those who are unfortunately worn out, if they are really ambitious, they can also take the opportunity to refine their minds and make up for their own omissions in advance.

Those who only know how to complain that the path of practice is getting more and more difficult, choose other ways in advance, and don't die on the path of practice, it can't be regarded as a bad thing.

Of course, Liuyi College did not disseminate this view to the outside world, it just needs to be digested internally.

Now practitioners all over the world are lamenting that the world is becoming more and more difficult and dangerous. A group of guys born with a golden spoon in their mouths are talking sarcasticly, and there is nothing other than being hated by others. In the eyes of other practitioners, those who can enter Liuyi College , all of them are illegitimate children favored by God.

However, the other two changes are of great concern to all practitioners, and they are also very painful.

There are many awakened people, that is to say, practitioners above the Qi training level. When they die naturally or accidentally, their spiritual consciousness will continue to exist for a period of time, and they can even maintain a clear consciousness at first, but this is not true for them. Words, not a good thing.

The sun can burn them to death, the wind can blow them away, the night can make them fall into an ice cave, too loud sounds can disturb them, even if they are placed in an absolutely quiet place, they will still be slowly worn away.

Their existence itself seems to be a mistake, there is no law and reason for their existence in this world.

They will all disappear in the end, wiped out from this world, and tortured.

At first, this phenomenon was not obvious, only when it was hit by a special black wind calamity.

But as time passed, this phenomenon also appeared one after another among those who were not favored by the black wind.

This has become a nightmare in the hearts of all practitioners.

Because they are all clearly aware that everyone, including themselves, will inevitably die in the end. They don't want to have the most splendid scenery in life, but suffer such great punishment after death.

Another change is that all practitioners feel that the upper limit of life has become lower.

Originally, because of the birth of aura, the upper limit of life for practitioners in the Qi-Cultivating Realm increased to between 150 and 250 years old, and the upper limit of life for practitioners in the Foundation Establishment Realm reached between 300 and 600 years old. The upper limit is more than eight hundred years old, and it can reach up to about 1000 or two hundred years old.

The upper limit of life in Qi Training Realm was cut by about ten years, that in Foundation Establishment Realm was cut by about 20 years, and that in Zifu Realm was cut the hardest, losing 50 years of life span.

Although compared to before the birth of the aura, their lives can still be said to be long-lived. They celebrated this change and spent more than ten years getting familiar with the new rhythm of life. How happy they were then is at least ten times as painful now.

Moreover, this may not be the final decline. When the information flow in the outer layer erodes the world more and more, people will be affected more and more.

In just one year, the infiltration of information from the outer layer produced profound changes to Blue Star.

The situation in other civilization camps is only worse than Yanxia.

In the wilderness, the mountains and deep valleys, the polar ice fields, and even the great rivers and oceans, in all the corners that no one pays attention to, changes are going on silently and vigorously.

Fortunately, after a year of implementation, the city gods created by all the cities inhabited by the hot summer camp can be condensed into statues, and the leaders with firm minds in the city are elected as the leaders, and they take turns to settle there every day, manipulating the statues of the city gods to sit in the city god's temple, but the eyes of the gods Can explore the entire territory of the city.

All-weather monitoring and observation can predict and warn the wind disaster that will invade the city in advance. Although it cannot prevent the invasion of the wind disaster, it can notify a certain area in advance that all people directly affected by the wind disaster will be evacuated.

Although after the black wind calamity dissipates and disappears, it will bring more lasting and serious harm to the whole city, but the birth of the statue of the city god has minimized the direct harm caused by the black wind calamity in the scorching summer.

With this experience, Yanxia has accelerated the diversion of the population in the city, and this visible change to ordinary people is the appearance of the city god. The land temples in each newly built market town and village have become the most prosperous places, and they can be seen at any time. You can see devout men and women praying, and the Earth Temple has become a must-go place for people to check in after dinner.

With the Earth Temple as the center, the cultural center, economic center, and political center of market towns and villages were spontaneously formed.

In the 102nd year of the new calendar, autumn.

On this day, Jiang Buku once again took back his gradually becoming inhuman spiritual thoughts into his body.

He didn't get up and leave directly this time, because of the long-term contact with Yanxia Dragon Vein and the rapid growth of Yanxia Dragon Vein, he wanted to observe the whole picture of the dragon head, so that he could directly perceive its state mentally without entering the realm of emptiness.

After a year and a half of guidance, its internal order has grown from scratch, from small to large, and until now, the scale of order has completely overwhelmed chaos.

It's like watching a seed sprout and take root to break out of the ground, grow vigorously, and grow into a towering tree step by step. The insights he gained from it are no worse than the big tree itself that has worked hard to grow.

At this moment, order overwhelms chaos, as if breaking through a certain fragile critical point, or pushing a big iron ball all the way to finally climb to the top of the mountain.

The growth and expansion of order was originally slow, and every step required continuous tug-of-war, but at this moment, it was like a fierce tiger, and the volumes were scattered like mercury pouring down the ground, dividing the chaos into two, two into four, and four into four. It is eight, infinitely divided, and then outflanked and strangled, and incorporated into the order.

"It's really spectacular." Jiang Buku sighed in his heart.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the beginning, Jiang Buku lent his brain to Yanxia Longmai, serving as both his legs and his eyes, both for walking and seeing the way.

When the dragon's head was straightened out and chaos returned to order, his "legs" were useless.

Compared with the terrifying size of Yanxia Longmai, the foot strength he contributed is not even a drop in the bucket.

The only thing that is useful is the special world authority of his body.

After returning from chaos to order, the dragon head can actively control its interior, and Jiang Buku no longer has to worry about being corroded by the power he inadvertently radiates.

At this moment, in the main hall of the Temple of Heaven.

Just in front of the row where Jiang Buku sat cross-legged, a huge dragon's head appeared from scratch, hanging in the void before Jiang Buku's eyes, staring at him firmly.

The horns are like a deer, the head is like a camel, and the eyes are like a rabbit. It seems to be fixed in the void, motionless, but his long beard is floating freely in the air, showing vitality and vitality.

Thick and flexible.

His head, horns, long beard, and any part of the dragon's head have no specific image, but a certain flowing aura, which is always in a rhythmic flow, full of mystery.

His eyes are yellow, like the vast and vast land that has been washed and polished by a long time.

Majestic and indifferent.

Occasionally, the brilliance of spiritual wisdom flashed, and the aura of the whole body also swirled along with it, which was because he was thinking.

His eyes were looking straight at Jiang Buku, with undisguised kindness and trust.

His long beard suddenly stretched forward, and he hugged Jiang Buku Xuxu for a while, his eyes moved slightly, as if expressing something.

Although there was no verbal or conscious communication, Jiang Buku immediately understood what he meant.

He is inviting himself.

"it is good."

Although Jiang Buku was puzzled, he still responded softly.

Then, he felt his body lighten, and was supported by an invisible force, and he floated up.

Soon, he came to the top of the dragon's head, and stood in the middle of two huge dragon horns shaped like antlers.

Then, the dragon's head suddenly soared into the sky.

A ray of rainbow light shot up from the Temple of Heaven in the ancient city of the imperial capital, directly smashing a hole in the clouds in the sky, and it still didn't stop. Soon, it disappeared out of the sight of people on the ground.

At this moment, the soldiers patrolling the ancient city of the imperial capital were all dumbfounded.

If it weren't for the obvious hole in the white clouds in the sky that hasn't dissipated, they almost suspected that it was just an illusion.

"Hurry up, go to the Temple of Heaven!"

Except for some necessary positions to leave manpower, all the patrol personnel in the ancient city of the imperial capital approached the Temple of Heaven from all directions.

At the same time, several figures with flying skills flew out of the ancient city, heading towards the imperial capital and Liuyi College.

From extremely quiet to extremely fast, it's just an instant.

Jiang Buku, who was standing on the dragon head, followed the dragon head out of the Temple of Heaven before he could react.

At that moment, a thought flashed through his mind. The dragon head was in the form of virtual reality, but his body was real. He just followed him up without touching the dome of the hall. The reason for this why?

However, soon, he stopped thinking about it.

Under the extreme speed of the dragon's head, the entire ancient city of the imperial capital and the ground under its feet are rapidly shrinking and pulling away.

Jiang Buku, who thought he was used to flying in the sky and was not afraid of heights at all, instinctively felt his legs soften, and instinctively reached out to grab the dragon horns on both sides, as if this was the only way to prevent him from being thrown away.

In this situation, Jiang Buku thought for no reason that in his childhood more than 100 years ago, there was a cartoon where a hot-blooded boy would shout "Dragon Fighter" before transforming, and after some fancy forward shaking, he would stand on a majestic On top of the majestic dragon's head, both hands hold a dragon's horn, like a joystick, fighting with people. This was once the most exciting scene in his heart.

If the little friends who followed the drama back then would surely drop their jaws in shock.

"What dragon dares to be more 'god' than the one under my feet!"


Soon, Jiang Buku realized in surprise that he had not suffered any impact and was well protected.

At this moment, the dragon head has taken him up to an altitude of tens of thousands of meters.

Even if Jiang Buku claims to be the god of walking in the world, when he flies alone, his limit has never exceeded [-] meters.

The higher you go, the greater the horror.

Strong wind, extreme cold, violent thunder...anything can turn him, the "holy in the world", into an ant.

But at this moment, he was standing steadily on the dragon's head, and he was leading him all the way up, clearly seeing the layers of space that he passed through.

The more and more fierce and raging winds, the extreme cold breath that can freeze even the spiritual consciousness, the thicker and thicker clouds, in which the more and more terrifying and violent thunder is brewing, they rumble, one after another, and the electric snakes strike Break the sky.

Jiang Buku had a feeling that as long as he left the protection of the dragon head and was in such an environment, if he couldn't hold on for a second, he would be crushed by lightning.

Practitioners are growing, and the world is also constantly growing and improving.

Even though he has stood at the pinnacle of human evolution on the planet, in front of him, he still can only look up.

Then, it seemed to pass through a certain barrier.

Jiang Buku saw a more spectacular scene, the atmosphere was like boundless waves, slapping and colliding with each other, as if there were countless big mills rubbing and rolling back and forth.

It looked much calmer than Thunder Ocean, but it made Jiang Buku's hair stand on end.

"Those before, according to the statement before Tianchang, can only be regarded as the troposphere, and this is the stratosphere, but now it should be called the stellar layer."

Ever since he tasted the sweetness of "man-made natural legislation", with the template of the sun, the moon and the stars, Yanxia has long locked his eyes on the atmosphere, and named the layer below the troposphere where all kinds of weather such as wind, rain, thunder and lightning are born as the "bad air layer". Thunder and lightning, clouds, snow and sleet, all kinds of natural weather are conceived in this layer, and above it are all called "Gangqi layer".

The evil qi layer is "turbid", while the gang qi layer is "clear".

The evil qi layer is the "acquired" layer, and the gang qi layer is the "innate" layer.

It seems to be calm, but the atmosphere covering the entire planet is endless like a big mill in this layer, and the space is like a millstone.

If a living being is in it, it will be ground to death in an instant.

Jiang Buku looked at the scene in front of him, although it was far from what Yan Xia "defined", but the power was already extremely frightening.

With the continuous development of Blue Star and Yanxia civilization, the Gangqi layer will become more and more worthy of its name.

The reason why Yanxia is so "defined" is that in the future, when the outer layer and the blue star can physically communicate, the stellar gas layer can be turned into a strong shield to prevent them from coming from outside the sky.

The dragon head still did not stop and continued to rise.

Suddenly, for a moment.

The blue sky is thousands of miles away, and the jade universe is clear.

The dragon head still does not stop and continues upward.

Until, Jiang Buku saw the outline of the arc of the big star under his feet.

A kind of vastness that hits the soul directly hits the face.

Everything else disappeared in his eyes, and the only thing he could see was the dividing line between the blue sea and the vast land.

Jiang Bu painstakingly made a rough calculation. The current diameter of the planet is nearly 23 kilometers. To see its complete spherical outline, his current height must be at least [-] kilometers above the ground.

Compared with a hundred years ago, the outline of the ground under his feet has already changed.

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