The order of signatures is very particular. Of course, all the results of projects completed with the participation of only one department belong to one body.

For multi-department cooperation, the higher the signature, the greater the credit and the higher the participation. The core leader of the project is at the forefront.

Almost every department has produced blockbuster results at the end of this year.

"It seems that everyone knows that a big change is coming."

These achievements are not only a competition between departments, but also an improvement of Yan Xia's overall spirit.

At this critical moment, the intention is self-evident.

Compared with other departments, the Department of Beast Control has the lowest appearance rate, and when it appears occasionally, it is to help other projects and provide raw materials.

The Beast Control Department, which was once famous, made great contributions to relieving the traffic pressure in the hot summer before the birth of the spaceship, gradually changed from the boss to the youngest.

And the other Department of Secrets, which did not appear in the school magazine, has long since surpassed the competition between departments. It can even be said that the success of all departments is due to the Department of Secrets.

After Jiang Buku finished reading this issue of the school magazine, his originally gloomy mood was greatly relieved.

What he saw from it was that the entire hot summer was preparing for the upcoming big change.

The New Year's Eve of the new century is almost here.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve.

Jiang Buku didn't have any interest in celebrating the festival. He ate some casually and came to the sky at an altitude of [-] meters without stopping. He was blowing the cold wind alone, waiting for the coming of the new year.

He looked in the distance where the Eye of Mystery is now. Although the distance is extremely far away, he can see countless bright lights of life gathering there.

"Tonight, there are many people who are not in the mood to celebrate the festival."

Jiang Buku naturally thought of the secretive eyes of other branches, as well as the imperial capital and all the senior decision-makers of the deputy capitals must be waiting for a news.

Although he didn't point out the exact time node in the spoiler post, the ten-year observation by Tianjiyan is not a joke.

Although they can't see it directly like themselves, they only know it indirectly through calculation, but sometimes, the result obtained by calculation can better reflect the essence of certain things than what they can see with naked eyes.

Therefore, their cognition level is no worse than their own in terms of the understanding of the heaven and earth inspiration and the deeper inter-layer fluctuations thereafter.

And through years of observation, he already has a judgment in his heart, and the change is [-]% likely to start from the coming New Year.

And from various indications, the judgment of the Tianji Department is similar to his own.

As the night got deeper and deeper, the lights of the imperial capital faintly visible in the distance went out one after another, and more and more people fell asleep.

After midnight, the new year arrives.

As always, the planet started its annual promotion and growth.

The spirit of heaven and earth suddenly became active, and it swung like a curtain, exposing a deeper part of the world.

The ripples and ripples that were once caused by the wrestling between half wormhole and half interlayer have completely disappeared.

The invisible wind blows, and black fine sand-like matter appears for no reason, like the shape of the wind, constantly penetrating and spreading.

Every grain of black sand seems to carry a babble or a vicious curse.

In his field of vision, these things seem to suddenly appear on the living life of mildew cancer bacteria, just looking at it, there is an instinctive discomfort.

Among them, there are some sands that are not so black, even glowing white, but to the world, they are all foreign objects, outsiders, and invasions.

Compared with the entire vast world, these penetrations are like a drop in the ocean.

Through the "curtain" swayed by the inspiration of heaven and earth, the penetration of these wind and sand can be seen everywhere.

And thinking of how wide the world is covered by the inspiration of heaven and earth, and the scope of penetration at this moment, Jiang Buku's arms instinctively had goosebumps, and his scalp was numb like an electric shock.

"When these infiltration messages flood the world, or reach a certain critical point, the barrier of the semi-interlayer can be further weakened, paving the way for further invasion."

He already understood that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop this matter. He didn't have the ability to cover the whole world and block their penetration.

I don't know how long it took, the spiritual power of heaven and earth was no longer so active, and gradually returned to calm, and the depths of the world that could be glimpsed from the raised corner disappeared from his eyes.

The world seemed to be at peace, as if nothing had happened.

Jiang Buku didn't move, he stood in the sky and waited for a long time, only to see a little dense mist seeping out from the sieve of the heaven and earth all over the world, and then it was blown away by the wind, and it was taken to nowhere in the world.

There's nothing you can do about it other than know that it's already happening and will continue to happen.

Jiang Buku, who discovered this, was a little frustrated.

After performing the concealment technique, he did not return to his small courtyard, but flew towards the distant sky eye.

Before getting too close, the mirror surface of the Tianji Eye was seen from a distance like a water surface hit by a boulder, and the ripples aroused were far more obvious than usual.

At this moment, the people in charge of all aspects of Tianjiyan, the elites of various industries and fields, including many foreigners, all gathered on the huge platform that had been shaved off the top of the mountain. Every time a result was released, everyone would scramble to pass it on. Huddle together to read the contents of the report.

During this process, the mood of the crowd also changed several times.

First, there was an instinctive discoloration change, then the countless psychological constructions that had been done long ago finally took effect, the excitement quickly subsided, and finally there was a dignified silence.

When the ripple and turbulence on the surface of the aircraft glasses gradually returned to the normal range, some key information has also been fully released.

Beiyuan nodded to the current headmaster next to him. The headmaster jumped up with a few black-clothed cold-faced men sent by the imperial capital, each with a rainbow light under their feet, and flew towards the imperial capital at a high speed.

Beiyuan looked at the dignified people, and said with a smile: "We have done what we should do, and we can even say that we performed super-level and did a good job. Take it easy, everyone... Someone has to worry about the overall situation of the world, don't put everything in your hands. The responsibility is all on your shoulders, so you should give others a chance to shine."

Beiyuan has served as the head of the Tianji Department for nearly 20 years, and has presided over super-large projects such as the Tianji Eye for more than ten years. He has already changed from a stunned young man who only focused on academic research to a leader with rich experience.

A few seemingly random words of ridicule pulled everyone out of their depressed and worried mood.

Then, he started talking about business.

"I don't know if you have noticed. According to the experience of previous years, the heaven and earth should have calmed down again now. Even if the Tianji Eye has been upgraded many times, we will not get much information in normal times, but this year is different. It is only a few years away from now." After a while, Tianjiyan has captured a lot of useful information.

I suspect that the information seeping from the outer layer triggers some stress response of the Heaven and Earth Spirit Machine, just like the human body convulses and convulses when it feels unwell.

Although the method is a bit unacceptable, it is also beneficial to our research, so let's take action, let's first verify whether this is my illusion or it is true. "

After all, he clapped his palms and signaled everyone to take action, stop standing there and worry about the future of all human beings and even the planet.

After watching this scene, Jiang Buku, who was hidden in the sky, felt a little depressed and relaxed a lot.

Throw away those overly heavy thoughts in my heart, return to the small courtyard in a flash, and fall asleep with peace of mind.

And on this night, Yan Xia, who had been dormant for many years, started to move again.

When it opened its eyes and turned over, the night was dark and the surrounding fields were silent.

Jiang Buku observes the changes in the outer layer of information every day. Before the tenth day of the first lunar month, it is so thin that it cannot be tracked, and it will never be seen again when it is blown by the wind.

Until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, he finally caught a faint "black wind", which did not dissipate due to various chances and coincidences.

He followed the fading black wind all the way into a city with a population of 20 more than a hundred kilometers southwest of the imperial capital, and the black wind dissipated in a residential area.

After a while, several cries sounded from the residential area.

Without exception, these families all have elderly people. Because of the birth of spiritual energy, the upper limit of life has been increased, but because of the low cultivation level, the improvement is limited, and there is no obvious sign of aging, and all aspects of body functions are still old. In terms of status, 20 years have passed so far, and they are all people over a hundred years old.

On this day, they passed away almost at the same time.

This movement quickly alarmed the relevant departments in the city, and it took almost a quarter of an hour for someone to come outside this residential area.

Jiang Buku, who was completely invisible with the method of dividing, didn't care about this. He walked in the residential area, and finally, he stopped at a corner.

An old man who only existed in his special field of vision stood blankly at the gate of the courtyard, as if he didn't know where to go.

When he changed his vision to that of an ordinary person, there was nothing there.

Chapter Seventy-Seven

Perhaps attracted by the old man himself, two other old men in a special state passed through the wall like phantoms and appeared beside the old man.

The three of them just stood blankly at a corner outside the residential area. Sometimes they looked in the direction of their home, and there were mournful cries coming from there, which was also the direction they came from just now.

Sometimes they look at each other and the distance, feeling dazed and dull.

The thinking ability that an adult should have has degenerated from them, and they no longer know how to think, how to communicate, and do not know where to go.

The three of them could only stand blankly, not knowing what to do next.

At this time, the sun poked its head out from the clouds, and the sun was shining.

For anyone, the sunshine of the first month is warm and comfortable, and there is a kind of lazy comfort when it shines on people.

But for these three people, it seemed that they were put on the stake in an instant.

Burn marks quickly appeared on their bodies, and every part of the head, body, and body was rapidly disappearing.

Their facial expressions quickly became distorted, as if they opened their mouths and screamed, but in reality, no sound came out.

But in Jiang Buku's consciousness, he could hear a mournful cry, full of pain and despair.

Two of them reacted relatively quickly, and fled to the nearest house immediately, ignoring the barrier of the wall, and directly entered the room.

And one of them reacted a few beats later, and when he came to his senses, he wanted to escape into the house with his kind to avoid the sun, but his body couldn't hold it anymore.

Like a piece of extremely dry paper money, when it is burned by a raging fire, it instantly turns into fly ash.

And when he disappeared, not even a speck of fly ash was left behind, and he walked away without a trace.

The other two "people" who hid in the house were not necessarily all right.

As they escaped from the sun and hid in the shadows, the sun-burned marks on their bodies slowly disappeared, and the missing parts were quickly filled, and they once again had a complete body.

But the price is that the originally substantial body becomes very transparent.

Moreover, it seems that because their current state has fallen below a certain critical point, their somewhat transparent bodies are still volatilizing something outward. With the volatilization, they become more transparent and their state is getting worse.

At first, they could still howl in pain, but after a while, they couldn't even feel the pain, and even the last bit of consciousness as living beings had disappeared from the two skeletons, standing there like two phantoms.

Two hours later, after suffering so much, the two "people" whose bodies were as transparent as bubbles shattered instantly like bubbles and disappeared completely.

Again, nothing is left.

Jiang Buku used the technique of boundary invisibility, followed and watched the whole process, but couldn't do anything.

He turned his head and looked to the other side, where stood a phantom of a two-meter-tall god statue.

In the scene just now, not only he was watching, but also a bystander, more precisely, a group of bystanders.


Zhang Yutong is a cultivator in Changxuan City. He is in his early thirties and has reached the peak of Qi training. It only takes a year or two to break through and build a foundation. He is considered a young talent in Changxuan City.

However, she never cared about this so-called young talent. For her at the peak of Qi training, a walk of one or two hundred kilometers would take her there.Whether it is going to the imperial capital or Liuyi College, it will not take half a day.

When she was young, she didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, and she didn't feel that she was any worse than those so-called peerless geniuses. She ran over for a walk, and came back in a few days. She was autistic for three years before embracing life again.

My mentality has completely changed. I honestly report to the government, honestly clock in and go to work, train when I let training, learn when I let study, patrol the streets when I let me patrol the streets, and no longer take my cultivation of Qi cultivation as a What a big deal.

From the first day of the first lunar month, the higher-ups have arranged tasks. Twelve groups of patrol teams must be arranged in the city to patrol the whole city, and report any abnormalities immediately.

Among the monks in Changxuan City, there are more than [-] people who are at the peak of Qi training, but there are not many who are willing to put down their faces and lead a team to patrol the streets.

Zhang Yutong volunteered and selected six familiar team members. From the first day on duty, he strictly followed the instructions above.

The route of patrolling the street is the longest and the frequency of patrolling the street is the most. The team members complain that she is so old-fashioned when she is young, and she is still the same.

On this day, she led a team to patrol the streets as usual, and suddenly received a tip from the nearby neighborhood committee that a total of [-] elderly people in a residential area died almost at the same time.

In good health, without any disease or disaster, some of them were even talking and laughing with their family members a moment ago, and then they suddenly stopped. There were no signs, and no symptoms could be seen afterwards. It was like the end of life, a natural death .

But this "naturally" happened to nineteen people at the same time, that is the most unusual thing.

After receiving this information, she quickly rushed to the place where the incident happened with her companions, and at the same time notified the senior management of the news.

He quickly arrived at the residential area where the incident occurred, searched carefully twice, and found nothing abnormal.

Then, she suddenly felt a palpitation.

She immediately aroused the powerful spell in her dantian, which is a special supernatural spell that she awakened when she broke through the Qi training realm from the inner strong realm. It can strengthen one of her senses to the limit according to her wishes. Among the energy talismans, it is a relatively rare and practical talisman.

Because of her rich experience, she immediately strengthened her spiritual awareness to the limit.

Then, she clearly heard several mournful wailings exploding in her mind, almost bursting her consciousness.

At the same time, her spiritual awareness seemed to sense some burning human silhouettes.

But just for a moment, her perception was interrupted, and her head felt a tearing pain.

Subconsciously, she cupped her head in her hands and let out a cry of pain.

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