Bei Yuan smiled and said, "It seems that your concept is still stuck in a hundred years ago."

On this day, the representatives of the mission went back and forth several times. At this time, it was evening and the sun was setting.

The last quarter moon rises from the east, and the outline of the osmanthus tree can be seen faintly.

In the sky, stars began to appear, hanging in the sky in a way that most conformed to Yanxia people's cognition.

Beiyuan pointed to the sky and said:

"Do the moon and stars of your Daxizhou look like this?

This is the law that our Yanxia has established for nearly a hundred years... Not only that, our practice system, various career paths, and even your evolution path and career system that are completely different from ours. less? "

The Daxizhou man felt insane.

Both of them knew that although they were talking about "man-made legislation for nature", they were not the same thing at all. He wanted to refute and fight back, but found that the ground under his feet was collapsing.

He stood there without saying a word, completely devoid of any intention of continuing to communicate.

Bei Yuan didn't continue this topic any more. He looked at the others, as if he was asking, hurry up if you have anything to ask.

"May I ask what exactly is the heaven and earth inspiration?" Someone finally asked this question.

Beiyuan probably popularized the knowledge of heaven and earth to everyone, and finally said:

"The high-level invites you to come at the end of the year, and there are also considerations in this regard.

In ordinary times, the inspiration of heaven and earth is faint and hard to see. Even if we magnify it billions of times with the eye of heaven and earth, the information collected is not much.

Only on the first day of the first lunar month every year, when the planet is promoted and everything is renewed, the inspiration of the heaven and earth will also transform and grow together.

At that time, the fluctuations of the world's spiritual intelligence were the most violent, and the information we could collect was the most. It is now the end of December, and the next round of planetary promotion will be soon. If you are interested, you can take advantage of these few days to get familiar with some basic knowledge. It's time to feel something. "

Someone asked in surprise: "Can we study here permanently?"

Bei Yuan nodded and said: "This is an important purpose of Yan Xia's summoning you this time. Originally, I wanted to wait a few days for you to observe and then tell you the answer, but it's good to let you prepare mentally in advance.

Through two consecutive years of promotional observations by the Celestial Eye, we have captured some interlayer fluctuation information. "

Everyone looked bewildered.

What is the interlayer?

What does it mean to capture interlayer fluctuation information?

They have absolutely no idea.

Beiyuan sighed, and said: "You can understand it as a parallel world or an alien planet... As for the deeper meaning, you can understand it as a parallel world or an alien invasion is coming."

People are stupid.

I can't even draw air-conditioning anymore.

Just staring at Beiyuan in a daze.

Beiyuan sighed again, and said: "So, don't be on guard against us every day, and be ready to fight at all times, no matter the outcome, you must fight first... Hey, get ready to meet the aliens first Bar."


In the last few days of December 90 in the new calendar, Liuyi College was full of activity.

Jiang Buku would occasionally go to crowded places to see the literary battles between Yan Xia talents and other foreign talents, which was also very interesting.

Although the evolutionary path of other civilization camps is far from being as "luxuriant" as Yanxia, ​​occasionally there are things that make people's eyes shine.

This is why Jiang Buku agrees that the Yanxia executives left a "private land" for other civilization camps.

From the moment a person's thoughts are formed, so are their cognitive limitations.

In particular, different civilizations have different ways of thinking, and they have different ways of looking at people, everything and everything.

For the same problem, other civilizations are likely to give solutions that are very different from Yanxia.

They can even find some problems that Yan Xia subconsciously ignores or thinks are not problems.

In either case, it is worth learning from Yanxia, ​​which will also become the nourishment for Yanxia's continuous progress.

The 91st year of the new calendar, the first day of the first month.

Jiang Buku set up a concealment technique for himself, and he jumped lightly in the small courtyard, and in the next moment, he appeared in the sky ten thousand meters high.

The sky is cold and windy, and the world around him changes slightly with his appearance. People and space are in a strange state of superimposition and separation.

It seems to be in this world, but it also seems to be outside this world.

The cold wind was still blowing, without encountering any obstacles. From the trajectory of the wind, it was impossible to find that there was a person here.

He instructed Chen Zhongxia, Li Weixi and others to open up a new path. After years of development, the efforts of countless outstanding talents have become very mature and perfect, but Jiang Buku still has not revised the new method.

He is still on the same path.

And his current realm has gone beyond the inherent framework of the original system. If he insists on the realm, it should be in the upper realm of the first rank.

Up and down at will.

Within the line of sight, the thought will come.

When you think of it, you will kill it, it can be as light as a feather, or as heavy as Mount Tai.

When it is silent, it is like an ordinary person. Once it breaks out, it is like the sky.

Body, spirit, and momentum are all perfect.

The domain is like an extension of the body and mind.

The walking saint, the living god.

Jiang Buku really had the feeling that "there is no enemy in the distance".

It was also at this moment that he really felt a barrier, a shackle.

The original practice system built on the basis of passing on martial arts, so far, has really come to an end.

Although the mountain is not high enough, it still has a special scenery when climbing the mountain.

For other practitioners, not to mention reaching the top of the first rank, not even the first rank, because when the best group of people are still struggling to reach the upper level of the second rank, a higher mountain appears , the climbers all diverted.

At this moment, Jiang Buku stood at an altitude of [-] meters, with a wide field of vision.

With the arrival of the new year, the inspiration of the world became more and more active, and he saw that the silk screen that runs through the world and all living beings is swaying and fluctuating.

His eyes only glanced at these things, and then looked deeper into the world.

Some faint fluctuations were captured by his eyes.

The fluctuations were like the aftermath of the confrontation between two beings.

After a long time, the world was promoted, and the spirit of heaven and earth gradually returned to stability, just like a curtain that had been lifted to cover the sky again, Jiang Buku could no longer catch the faint fluctuations.

After finishing this year's observation, Jiang Buku returned to the small courtyard without hesitation.

"It seems that the time for the information from the interlayer to infiltrate is still around the hundredth year of the new calendar... There are still ten years left."

In the past, Jiang Buku was very worried that the time for the information of this world to penetrate would be much earlier than that of the previous life.

Because the development of the planets in this life is much faster than that in the previous life, the planets in the previous life only started to promote in the 50th year of the new calendar, while the promotion of the planets in the current life began to show clues in the 20th year of the new calendar, a full 30 years in advance.

If the time when the information from the interlayer seeps in is also advanced 30 years, this is by no means a happy thing.

Fortunately, what he was worried about didn't happen.

As his realm breaks through to the first rank, his mental aura enters a state of perfection, and he can see things at a deeper level. In addition to the inspiration of heaven and earth, he can also see deeper fluctuations when the planet is promoted every year.

Combined with the memory of his previous life, he probably had a judgment in his mind.

The growth of Blue Star itself is deeply influenced by its internal environment. Because of the hot summer in this life, it has developed far beyond its previous life.

However, the time node when the information from the middle layer penetrated has little to do with the growth status of Blue Star itself, or even has nothing to do with it.

Indeed, the continuous growth of the planet itself and its civilization will gradually become a high-light "lighthouse", allowing other interlayers to accurately lock on to the blue star.

But being locked and sending something over are two different things.

It's like someone yelling in a room, which can easily be confirmed by the person in the next room, but before he can break through the wall, if he wants to come over, he can only wait for the wall to collapse naturally, or weaken to a certain extent.

When Blue Star first crossed over, it was in an absolutely closed state of half wormhole and half mesosphere.

As time goes by, the characteristic of the half wormhole from the original universe is gradually disappearing, and the blue star has gradually changed from being absolutely closed to being semi-closed.

The time for information penetration should also be at this time, and its only purpose is to further weaken the semi-intermediate barrier, paving the way for incorporeal bodies to cross, and even physical exchanges.

It has never been related to the creatures on the blue star, even if it is affected, hurt or destroyed.

Chapter Seventy-Five The Last Ten Years

New calendar hundred years.


Jiang Buku sat in the main hall of the Dianzang Pavilion and casually flipped through the school publications.

With more and more faculties, who is the first and who is the last, who is the boss and who is the second and who is the youngest, this is something that everyone does not know clearly but is very concerned about.

The school publications became the battlefield for them to fight, and each department would try to put a bomb on it every once in a while. Jiang Buku almost regarded it as a series, which was different from the splendor of swords and swords.

At this moment, a few men with the appearance of Daxizhou appeared in the hall. Unlike other Yanxia students, they took the initiative to come to Jiang Buku and handed over something in the form of a ticket before entering the hall.

In the end, they each chose a visualization practice method and left.

Ten years ago, most of the representatives of the large-scale foreign missions left in 91 of the new calendar. Some of them stayed for two or three years because of some unresolved issues and the need to wait for the internal decision-making of their respective camps. leave one after another.

The results of that meeting were also very obvious. Although they did not explicitly respect Yanxia as the global leader, they also dispelled their hostility towards Yanxia. The strength of each camp that practices internal skills has a huge improvement.

More importantly, the cognition of the new world has been substantially improved.

Yanxia's efforts have been rewarded and won a precious ten-year period of peaceful development for the world. Yanxia, ​​which has a profound heritage, is even more unpredictable.

Among them, there are still a very small number of aliens who have never left. Among them, they belong to the three camps of the God of Light, especially the Daxizhou camp. People who come here admiringly from all over the world.

Because the long whale ship opened an international route, although it took months to go back and forth, it also broke through the barriers to exchanges between the camps. In addition, Yanxia worked hard to bridge the gap, exchanges between camps, and business trade became more frequent.

These outsiders are all people with profound attainments in mathematics and machinery. The three camps of the Guangming God have a long-standing academic foundation. In addition, after the change of the sky, they have gone far more firmly and deeply on the road of steampunk than Yanxia. Reached the pinnacle level.

Although Yan Xia's original practice system has touched the upper limit ceiling, the vast amount of knowledge they have accumulated from it is exactly what Yan Xia covets.

They entered Liuyi College, and most of them served as foreign teachers in the Department of Tianji and the Department of Machine Relations. When teaching students, they devoted all their energy to the eye of Tianji.

After ten years of development, watered by the wisdom of countless Yanxia people, and absorbed a large number of beneficial ideas and solutions from outside, Tianjiyan has been revised and upgraded many times. Now it is the fourth generation of Tianjiyan. The chaotic algorithm as the soul is more powerful. From the Tianji unit to the entire Tianji eye, they have been adjusted and optimized many times, so that they can observe, collect and process more large and effective information.

At the same time, the other vice-capital branches have also established their own secret eyes one after another, so as not to make Liuyi College more beautiful than before.

And the entire hot summer territory is full of "eyeliners" who peep at the secrets, which further deepens the understanding of the secrets, and in turn accelerates the development of the secrets.

Enter a virtuous positive cycle.

In the process, these expatriates contributed their wisdom and knowledge accumulated over the years by the entire camp, to great effect.

For their contributions, Yanxia will not only guarantee their food, clothing, housing and transportation during school, but also reward them with corresponding points according to their contributions.

They can use these points to exchange for many precious achievements, such as the knowledge of animal control and spiritual plant organs. The gap between these knowledge camps is the smallest, and they can be easily reproduced within their own camps. Although it is difficult to get started directly, you can learn from it to exercise spiritual awareness.

Of course, their most important achievement is their long-term participation in the research of the secret eye.

Although it is difficult for them to truly understand the core knowledge of formation runes, which are very hot summer winds, after understanding the core and overall picture of Tianjiyan, they will naturally try to solve problems with their own civilization camp.

Now Daxizhou has started to build the "Bright God's Eye" with its own style. Yanxia not only did not obstruct it, but also offered to help. Yanxia experts participated in the whole scene to provide necessary guidance and help.

What Yan Xia got in return was that she could reproduce this "Light God's Eye" at any time, and with a little improvement, it could become "Erlang God's Eye" or "Haotian Eye". This has been included in the long-term plan of the Tianji Department .


The latest issue of the school magazine has a lot of Ray.

"After several optimizations, the Rune Department has come up with a brand new version of the cloud pattern. From then on, the spaceship can completely get rid of the air cushion and become a spaceship worthy of the name."

"The machine relationship cooperates with the rune system, beast control system, and spiritual plant system. The structure of the long whale ship is more concise and reasonable, the materials are further optimized, and the hull becomes larger. Cooperating with the new generation of moiré patterns, the long whale ship's load It has been upgraded to 15 tons, and 18 to [-] people can be transported by air at a time. In addition, the giant kun ship dedicated to freight and with a load of [-] tons has returned from trial voyages with excellent performance. It has been awarded to ten large factories for mass production. It can be introduced to the market in large quantities.”

"The spiritual planting system has thoroughly absorbed the life catalysis technology of the Vatican's ancient camp, and has optimized and improved it. After thorough promotion, the growth cycle of food crops is expected to be shortened by one-fifth. In addition, this technology will accelerate the development of new spiritual plants and panacea. Research."

"The alchemy department cooperates with the animal control department and the spiritual plant department. The first mass-produced elixir that is helpful for the cultivation of the foundation is released. This is a milestone progress."

"The Artifact Refining Department and the Rune Department were jointly developed, successfully imprinting the 'Dharma Talisman' on the utensils, and the first real magic utensil was born!"

"The array system cooperates with the rune system and the refining system to successfully arrange the basic array on the array board. It is small and mobile, and can provide concealment and defense for the user. It is a must-have product for home travel!"

Ginger is not hard to ponder carefully, the more you taste, the more interesting it becomes.

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