This is the backlash after the spiritual consciousness has been strengthened to the limit.

"Boss, what's the matter?" The six companions hurriedly asked with concern.

Zhang Yutong gritted his teeth and shook his head, "It's okay... I found out."

As she spoke, she took out a small flag from her bosom, with a picture of a god painted on it, and beside it were words: Big Dipper First Yangming Tanlang Xingjun.

She threw out the small flag and planted it in the open space far away.

The other partners had already cooperated well with her. Seeing her throwing the small flag, they immediately adjusted their positions. The seven of them quickly set up the Big Dipper array, and the small flag of the statue was guarded by them at the position of the North Star.

After they felt dizzy for a moment, most of their consciousness was thrown into an empty shell of the god statue, and there were other companions beside them. In order to avoid the confusion caused by the conflict of thinking and even the direct disintegration of the god statue, once they entered this state, they tried their best to withdraw Taking the mind, handed over the control to Zhang Yutong.

After Zhang Yutong took over the control of the statue, his divine eyes glanced left and right, and then he strode straight in one direction, even if he was blocked by the walls of the house, he walked straight through.

Chapter Seventy-Eight

The main player is at the peak of Qi training, and the other six companions are basically at the middle stage of Qi training.With the help of the flags of the statues, they worked together to form the statue of the Greedy Wolf Star Monarch, which probably had the strength in the middle stage of foundation establishment.

But at the moment, this is not the most important thing. The reason why Zhang Yutong summoned the Greedy Wolf Star Lord at the first time is because of some particularities of the incorporeal god statue, which can not only hide his whereabouts, pass through walls without being hindered by entities, and at the same time , the statue itself has a special layer of vision and perception.

Can see things that ordinary people can't see.

After condensing the statue just now, she caught some anomalies and quickly approached.

The first thing I saw was a phantom in the form of a human figure, which was burnt out under the sun, leaving nothing left.

Then, in a nearby house, she found two other human-shaped existences that gradually faded and disappeared until they disappeared completely.

Watching them turn from pain to numbness little by little, the last trace of spirituality was withdrawn from their bodies.

Apart from watching the whole process and collecting information as much as possible, she couldn't do anything, and she didn't know how to do it.

Of course she didn't know that all of this was seen by Jiang Buku who had applied the boundary invisibility technique to herself.

Together with her leaders, she sat in on her investigation report on the incident at noon.


"After investigation, there were 16 elderly people who died this time, and 83 of them were ordinary people. The youngest one was 93 years old, and the oldest one was [-] years old. Before that, they were all healthy, at least There are three to five years of life.

The other three people are all over a hundred years old. They also have a common feature that their cultivation base has reached the level of awakened people. Because they are too old, when the new law was fully implemented, two old people did not reform, and one did. It took nearly ten years for the new method to completely synchronize the cultivation level of the new method with the realm of the old method, and it has remained at the initial stage of Qi training since then, with no further progress.

What we saw through the eyes of Lord Greedy Wolf was exactly the form of the three of them.Our team will write another report detailing the specific process.

What I'm going to say is another survey finding.

Afterwards, we carefully investigated the situation of other people in that residential area, and the situation was very bad.

The most obvious change is the other old people. Since the birth of spiritual energy, not only the life span of people has been extended to varying degrees, but the diseases that tortured ordinary people in the past have almost disappeared. Therefore, the condition of the old people is basically very healthy. Before the end of the year, there will be no obvious signs of aging.

And the rest of the old people over 70 years old in that residential area are obviously old, especially those over [-] years old, giving people a clear sense that they are about to go out.

Secondly, those middle-aged and elderly people who are over 40 years old do not see any changes in appearance, but I purposely inspected them with keen perception, and found that they have obvious signs of emptiness in their bodies, and they may die due to some unexpected small things. serious illness.

Therefore, my conclusion is that the three old men whose cultivation bases exceeded the awakened state existed in a special state after death, and they were tortured to death, which is of course worthy of our attention.

But another point must also be taken seriously, this phenomenon is not only for the elderly, but for everyone in the area. "


After that, Jiang Buku chased several small black winds and witnessed several large-scale tragedies.

The nature of each black wind is somewhat different, it is not simply harvesting old people and stuffing things like "sickness" into human bodies again.

Once, the black wind merged into the bodies of dozens of people on the street. These people were stunned for a while, and then completely changed their appearance.

Everyone's eyes became ferocious and distorted, as if they were fighting against some evil thoughts in their hearts, primitive desires that were becoming more and more difficult to suppress.

Two of them took the lead in attacking the people around them, while others rushed directly at a woman next to them, and the others either fought back or ran around. A chaos that seemed to spread far and wide was about to erupt and really spread. , Dozens of people can be killed or injured casually.

Fortunately, the hot summer has long been prepared, especially in this crowded downtown.

As soon as the riots started here, before they could even cause substantial damage, several teams appeared and subdued all the anomalies.

But there are very few such cases that can be prevented and stopped in advance.

In many cases, personnel from relevant departments arrived after the tragedy happened.

What impressed Jiang Buku the most was a black wind disaster he witnessed at the end of February.

After staying in Liuyi College for a long time, all he has come into contact with is the arrogance of the era. Sometimes he subconsciously thinks that it is more and more common to build a foundation before the age of 20, and to break through the Purple Mansion before graduation.

But of course this is not the case.

Although Yanxia promotes the cultivation of the whole people, as long as you have the qualifications, understanding and persistence, you can keep walking on this path.

More than ninety-nine percent of the practitioners who can break through the inner strength and truly start the road of cultivation are in the ups and downs of Qi training.

The peak of Qi training is the best among them. If they can break through the foundation, transform their lives, and increase their lifespan, that is almost their ultimate pursuit.

Practice for the whole people has become one of the largest industries.

In the past, there may have been a saying that women’s money is the best, or children’s money is the best. Now the consensus is that practitioners’ money is the best.

One is that practitioners are more capable of making money than ordinary people, and the other is that they have a stronger ability to spend money. As long as something is beneficial to practice, even if the effect is minimal or almost non-existent, they will drain their wallets and experience it.

The meditation room is such a place, there is no such thing as the spirit-gathering array, the silent array, and the pure heart array that Jiang Buku imagined, which can quickly enter the state of practice and speed up the practice, and the mass-market style in his impression The venues for singing are almost the same. Separate rooms are separated by soundproof materials. They are dark and without any lights. Burning incense in the corner is enough.

Many practitioners will book a long-term private room in such a retreat room, instead of practicing at home, they come here to find peace.

At first, Jiang Buku felt that the rise of this industry was a bit inexplicable, but after spending some time understanding it, he realized that it hit a pain point of middle-aged men.

When people reach middle age, there are basically groups of children in the family. From rebellious teenagers to little cubs crawling around, there is nothing missing. The beautiful wife turns into a shrew. You doubt life, so this retreat room is called practice, but it is actually a good place to hide.

At the end of February, Jiang Buku saw a ray of black wind blowing into a retreat room.

The people who were meditating and cultivating inside suddenly felt that the demons in their hearts were reborn, and all kinds of evil thoughts emerged from the bottom of their hearts like a burst of embankments.

There were nearly a hundred people practicing in that retreat room at the time. Except for more than 40 people who hid in there and slept peacefully, the other 50 people were severely injured.

There are more than [-] people whose visualization is shattered, or their mood is so bad that there is no possibility of further progress in this life.

The condition of the other eight people was even more serious. When their visualizations were shattered, they caused a real qi riot, their meridian dantian was destroyed, their cultivation level fell from the qi training stage, and they became crippled.

Five people died at the scene.

There were two people who were in the best condition, and there seemed to be no serious problems.

But Jiang Buku, who was observing in the dark, knew that they were the biggest hidden danger in this catastrophe.

Seeing the evil charm in their eyes inadvertently, and the nature of the zhenqi in the body undergoing an unknown change, Jiang Buku, who was standing aside with the technique of boundary invisibility, couldn't help but have the idea of ​​directly ending these two scourges.

However, before he could make a move, people from relevant departments had already appeared, surrounded the retreat room, and everyone inside was under control.

The two immediately showed hostility, and they rushed out while making decisive moves.

Their eruption did not stir up any waves, a huge palm print appeared out of thin air, knocking the two of them to the ground.

"Take control, watch out for them to kill themselves."

A young man in his early thirties withdrew his palm and looked at the messy retreat room with a calm face.

Chapter Seventy-ninth: Destroyed in the bud

The retreat rooms are all built next to the residential areas, and the people who practice in them are also nearby. The accidents in the retreat rooms spread quickly, and nearly a hundred women, with hundreds of nearly a thousand children behind them, hurried away. Come over, some live with their parents, and their elderly parents also follow.

Jiang Buku couldn't bear to watch more of that kind of scene.

After this time, he didn't continue chasing Hei Feng. First, he knew enough. Second, he couldn't do anything except follow and watch, because he didn't know where Hei Feng would go next. , Many of them dissipated in no one's place or even in the wild. When it was discovered that the black wind entering the city would bring bad effects, the consequences had already happened, and there was no way to warn.

In addition to the black wind, Jiang Buku also met several gray winds.

They didn't have catastrophic consequences for people. From the beginning to the end, they were silent, and people didn't show any abnormalities.

There is no abnormality, and naturally no one will notice.

But Jiang Buku knew that in the future life practice, they would have occasional "light flashes" and become better.

He saw a little white sand with a faint light sink into the body of a middle-aged man who was practicing. His aptitude was very average, and he had only reached the middle stage of Qi training after forty years. But after the white sand entered his body, he suddenly realized that all kinds of Fantastic ideas emerged from his mind, and his cultivation directly broke through from the mid-stage of Qi training to the peak of the late Qi training. If he didn't have the follow-up foundation-building exercises, he might have reached the sky in one step and was promoted successfully.

Jiang Buku could clearly see that his aura of life was much stronger.

Seeing these gray or even white winds, Jiang Buku's mood was more complicated than seeing the black wind.

They are indeed helpful to people, but their existence itself is the greatest malice to the world.

And they cannot be wiped out, even if the person "infected" by them is killed, they will not disappear.

Moreover, it is difficult for Jiang Buku to have killing thoughts towards them.

In this world, such things are happening in countless places. As time goes by, more and more people will be "infected", and killing cannot solve the problem.

"Find the real way." Jiang Buku frowned, lost in thought.


"In the past six months, if there is definite evidence, all cities in Yanxia have experienced black winds from at least two or three times to more than ten times. Those that have not been confirmed, and we do not know must be more.

It looks like the wind, but its essence is the flow of information from the invasion of different layers.

The darker the color, the deeper the malice, and the deeper the misfortune it brings to people. When the color is gray, not only is there no disaster, but it is also beneficial to human beings. Especially if it shows a pure white appearance, it can improve talent. Increase inspiration, help people realize their epiphanies, and improve their cultivation by leaps and bounds.

But in the long run, these gray winds or even white winds are more harmful to human beings.

Human beings live together in a city, and the population of a city ranges from 30 to [-] to as many as one million. The land outside the city is mostly wilderness except for farmland, medicine fields, and livestock land.

Coupled with the promotion of the planet every year, there are hundreds of thousands of kilometers of mountains, cliffs, canyons, rivers, wetlands and swamps... there are many uninhabitable places.These places are the paradise of wild spirit beasts.

With the improvement of their strength, their spirituality is getting higher and higher, and the gray wind has the effect of increasing wisdom and enhancing inspiration. Among them, there must be beasts that give birth to real wisdom and transform into demons. "

After reading this school magazine, Jiang Buku felt a little heavy.

"Human beings cannot directly see the black wind, only two methods can see it.

If it appears within the observation range of the secret eye, its information can be known by the secret eye.

The second is to use the eyes of the gods, not only to see its shape, but also to distinguish its color.

The Tianji Department has established a new "Haotian Eye Project Team" and plans to build a brand new "Haotian Eye" to monitor wind disaster anomalies. If it is rolled out throughout the hot summer, it is expected to establish a wind disaster early warning system to detect large-scale and large-scale wind disasters in advance. early warning.

In addition, the array department will cooperate with the secret department, rune department, and weapon refining department to overcome the wind disaster warning array with all its strength, miniaturize it, and reproduce it on the mobile array disk to provide safe travel guarantee. "

The seemingly random words of safe travel are full of blood and tears.

What Jiang Buku knew was that many teams who went out to patrol the streets or even paraded in the wild encountered black winds.

The most frightening one happened on a long whale ship. At that time, there were nearly 16 passengers in the spaceship.

Heifeng entered the operation cabin, and all the operators went into a state of frenzy, attacking each other, the violent power leaked out wantonly, and all the rudder levers were destroyed, which caused the sails to lose control, and the Long Whale began to spin and scurry in the sky.

Fortunately, the guards on the ship responded in a timely manner and quickly suppressed the situation. On the other hand, they pulled down the emergency recovery gate and quickly retracted all the masts and sails, preventing the tragedy from happening.

The long whale ship was drifting with the wind in the sky tens of thousands of meters away. Some Foundation Establishment Realm flew off the ship to ask for help, but when they arrived with the rescue team, the spaceship did not know where it was drifting.

In the end, Zhucheng cooperated to conduct a dragnet search of the airspace within thousands of kilometers, and only then did the crashed spacecraft be found.

Rescued nearly 16 people who had been in fear in the sky for seven or eight days.

After this incident, all the spaceships were refitted, and two sub-operating cabins were added in different areas, equipped with a complete operating team. Once the main cabin crashes, it will take over immediately. At the same time, the number of guards is also expanded.

It can be said that this air crash, which was not publicized, made all those who knew it break out in a cold sweat.

"The cities began to prepare for the construction of the City God's Temple, and made every effort to promote the idea of ​​the City God protecting the city and blessing the people. They worshiped and prayed in the morning and evening, and strived to create a statue of the City God in the shortest possible time."

"The current human settlement model will be deeply adjusted, and the urban population will gradually disperse to the surrounding wilderness. Under the premise of ensuring safety, measures should be taken according to local conditions, and new market towns and villages with different population sizes will be built to minimize the living space of wild spirit beasts and eliminate hidden dangers." Yu Weimeng.

In all newly moved places, first build earth temples, worship and pray in the morning and evening. "

Now, Jiang Buku learned about the high-level decisions from the school magazine. In order to avoid causing large-scale panic among the people at the bottom, the high-level officials did not publicize all kinds of black wind disasters to ordinary people.

Apart from knowing that something strange happened somewhere in the city, they didn't know anything else.

In their cognition, the world is still that world and has never changed.

After half a year of passive defense, Yan Xia finally had a clear solution.

What made Jiang Buku happy was that although the plan proposed by Yanxia's senior management was different from his own, it was quite complementary.

This is of course the best!

He put down the school magazine, cast a boundary invisibility on himself, left his small courtyard, and flew towards the ancient city of the imperial capital.

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