The originally tense camp confrontation was interrupted by the birth of spiritual energy.

And the expansion of the territory every year has also become an expansion and digestion within each camp. The newly added territory that used to make people's scalp tingle can just be used to accommodate the newly increased population.

And because the population base is too large, the entire faction would have to be involved in a single migration, but now only a small number of people are required to be responsible for the matter, and the disturbance to ordinary people is less and less.

Therefore, in the feelings of ordinary people, there are fewer and fewer tossings from above, and life is becoming more and more stable.

But there are also many smart people who have seen a hidden worry.

Because of the emergence of aura, other camps are also undergoing changes similar to those of Yanxia. Personally, those with higher realms must adapt to the new rhythm of life. From the perspective of the entire evolution system, they will also make adjustments to adapt to the new world. Change, even if the change may not be as big, so thorough, and so rapid as Yanxia.

All camps have used the decade to adapt to the new world.

After the ten-year adjustment is completed, the contradictions between the camps will heat up again.

Foreseeing this, at the beginning of the 89th year of the new calendar, five large-scale voyage teams of airships lifted off from the Imperial Capital of Yanxia and sailed towards the distant sky.

The number of each voyage team is about 10 people, and they also carry a lot of gifts and goods.

They flew all the way in the sky, and they still didn't stop after leaving the Yanxia camp, and went straight to the heartland of other camps.

Even if they encounter interception teams from other camps, they will soon set sail again, but more and more exotic airship teams are gathered around, and there are even more teams riding all kinds of weird birds and beasts. The front, rear, left, right, up and down of the voyage team are strictly guarded, not to mention people, not even a fly can get out.

That is, the various supplies necessary for the airship team are arranged by others and sent to them directly on the airship.

These unprecedented voyage teams finally entered the core hinterland of the major camps safely, just like a few boulders smashed into the water, causing huge ripples.

Not to mention what kind of mission each of the carefully selected voyage personnel shouldered, and how frequent games of wisdom and mental effort they had with the upper-level people of each camp.

After staying for several months, these long-distance voyage teams in the name of trade emptied the goods they had arrived, and set sail again with the exotic materials they found in the search, and embarked on the return journey.

And behind these voyage teams, without exception, there is an equally large alien voyage team.

They followed the Yanxia Yuanhang team, sailed out of their own territory, entered the Yanxia camp, and still kept going straight to the imperial capital.

These camps are far and near from Emperor Yanxia, ​​but because Yanxia planned the time in advance, they arrived at the capital of Emperor Yanxia at the same time on the first day of December in the 90th year of the new calendar.

Yanxia executives organized a grand welcome ceremony. Except for some specially marked forbidden areas, the entire imperial capital is open to guests. Visitors from other races can play freely. Send someone to follow.

For the people of the imperial capital, this is also a very novel experience.

They only learned in the book that there are all kinds of strange races in the world. In terms of hair, there are red hair, white hair, golden hair, brown hair and curly hair. In terms of pupil color, there are blue, green, brown, golden, yellow, green, blue, green, amber, and light gray... The dye line has a meeting, with a wide range of designs and colors.

The scale is so large and the variety is so complete, even as a citizen of the imperial capital, this is the first time I have seen it in my lifetime.

Yanxia allowed them to play freely for five days, and from the sixth day onwards, formal meetings and consultations began.

Since the change of the sky, the only large-scale international exchange also took place in hot summer, and that was already 90 years ago.

Since then, although some necessary international cooperation has been carried out, the international atmosphere has become increasingly unfamiliar.

Since the global reorganization and the beast tide war, the international order has undergone tremendous changes compared to before the sky change.

As the planet began to be promoted every year, Yanxia first helped and then threw a slap to take advantage of it. Yanxia and other camps began to fight against each other, and then the planet's territory continued to expand. There was a decades-long isolation period between the camps. It has been more than 60 years since then.

And this time, no matter whether the envoys sent by Yanxia or the representatives sent by other camps to Yanxia, ​​they are mainly young and middle-aged people in their 30s, and the main team leader is at most 50 to [-] years old.

Since the official meeting began, the original harmonious atmosphere of playing has gradually disappeared, and the faces of representatives of other camps have gradually appeared dignified and gloomy.

And those who are younger, even show their cruelty on their faces without any scruples.

The meeting is not in one place, nor for one thing. It involves a wide range of fields and covers almost all aspects.

The division of boundaries between camps, communication, economics and trade, including sharing and exchanges based on evolution, materials and unique skills of each camp after the change of heaven.

Most of the time, Yanxia arranged hundreds of conference venues and nearly ten thousand sub-venues at the same time.

Yanxia seems to want to take this opportunity to make up for the various summit exchanges that have been stagnant in the past century.

There are more than 50 visitors from different races, and Yanxia's direct counterpart is no less than this number. Although Yanxia has been preparing for this meeting many years in advance, many new houses have been built, and many new staff have been transferred. I did a preview rehearsal, but when I actually did it, I was still confused.

But those representatives of other races will not understand these, nor will they care about them.

With the deepening of the meeting, and comprehensively considering the topics discussed in each meeting, they became more aware of Yan Xia's purpose.

Formulate a new global order, and be the speaker of this order.

Although in terms of specific matters, the atmosphere of Yanxia is as mild as ever, but the sum of all the mildness of the atmosphere is a clear and unmistakable meaning.

I said, you listen.

The dignified ones are getting more dignified, and the violent ones are getting more and more violent.

"Our strength is indeed inferior to Yanxia, ​​but if we unite, we are not invincible. Do you, Yanxia, ​​want to rely on such a meeting to make us bow our heads?!"

This is their common aspiration.

Twenty days later, when they were finally about to break out, Yan Xia did not continue to arrange a meeting, but took them to Liuyi College.

The representatives whose emotions were brewing to the point of explosion looked at each other in blank dismay.

Yan Xia, what kind of operation is this?

Soon, a Yanxia representative came forward to appease them and tell them the truth.

"Liuyi College has been established for more than 90 years, and has achieved fruitful results, some of which we have even selflessly shared with all mankind. It can be said that Liuyi College is not only the hero of our hot summer, but also for all mankind. A well-deserved hero.

It is rare for everyone to gather together today. Liuyi College takes this opportunity to show you some new achievements and discoveries, which is equivalent to the new product launch conference before Tianchang.

So there is nothing serious today, everyone just relax and play. "

The last sentence, whoever believes is stupid.

Soon, a thought emerged in the minds of all the representatives of the foreign races.

This is hot summer to brighten up the muscles.

Some were more serious, while others were smiling.

The contest between camps is the collision of tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of people. Any extraordinary skill is not even qualified as a bargaining chip at this level.

Unless Yanxia can come up with the mushroom bomb-like power of the highest deterrent level before Tianchang.

Some people couldn't help but smile in their hearts, but when they saw the anxious and suspicious faces of some companions around them, they couldn't help being suspicious even though they were optimistic.

Xin Dao, Yan Xia doesn't really have this level of terror and deterrence, right?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The foreign mission team marched out of the imperial capital, and within ten kilometers, they came to a huge open field.

The big ships, as far as the eye can see, are majestic and huge ships that tower like mountains.

According to visual inspection, the length of a single ship exceeds 400 meters, the width is 80 meters, and the height from the ground to the deck exceeds 60 meters.

The overall style is that of a very old summer-style flat-bottomed wooden sailboat, but the overall linearity is smoother, full of mechanical and design beauty, and even bigger.

They are white-bellied and blue-bodied, with their bows tilted slightly, lying quietly on the ground, like giant whales living in the deep sea, looking forward to it, and when the call comes, they will jump up and sail to the vast world.

They are so majestic and huge that one can easily imagine their heaviness, but in the eyes of people, they can feel a sense of agility and lightness.

There are cloud patterns and two regular big characters painted on both sides of each big ship, and a foreigner who is familiar with Yanxia culture translated the meaning of these two words to his companions.

long whale.

Some of the foreign missions had the ability to fly, so they couldn't help but fly off the ground and climb higher in the sky.

In front of a huge ship that is more than 400 meters long, 80 meters wide, and 60 meters high, a person is as insignificant as an ant.

What's more, there is not only one such ship, there are fifty ships neatly arranged horizontally, with a total of four rows, a total of two hundred ships.

They flew in the sky, taking over the overall situation, and did not gain a psychological advantage. Instead, they felt more and more trembling and paralyzed as the electric current passed through their bodies.

The two hundred giant ships are like giant beasts, and like soldiers waiting for inspection, ten kilometers horizontally and five kilometers vertically, and all they can see are their figures crouching and perching.

With so many big ships moored on the ground, as long as Yan Xia is not insane, it is impossible to build so many "toys", and Yan Xia is obviously not crazy.

Therefore, when foreign missions came here, the atmosphere became oppressive and silent.

Until the slanted long hanging ladder stretched down from each giant ship, the Yanxia representative greeted everyone to board the ship. Let me introduce the basic situation of the long whale ship.

"The Long Whale is 432 meters long, 78 meters wide, and 64 meters high. Of course, after it is lifted into the air, all the main masts and auxiliary masts will be raised, and the sails will be fully spread, and the height will exceed 200 meters."

Some representatives of Yanxia would deliberately pause for a while when they said this, as if they were waiting for the reaction of the foreign mission group, but except for a few who couldn't help exclaiming and were glared at by their companions, everyone else remained silent. relatively.

As if to say:

"Oh, the spaceship, it's no big deal."

Their response really made a lot of trouble, and Yan Xia felt uncomfortable, thinking: "Okay, let's continue, today is still a long time, I want to see how long you can last!"

Yan Xia has sent so many missions, although they cannot get access to the core secrets of each faction, but Yan Xia is already familiar with their overall development level.

Representative Yanxia continued to introduce:

"The long whale ship has a maximum load of 1.2 tons. If it is used as a passenger ship, it can carry 10 to 5000 people. However, in order to let everyone have the best flying experience, we have arranged more than [-] people on each ship.

Compared with the airship, the long whale ship is definitely a revolutionary product.

Now the largest type of airship can only carry 7000 people, and the flying experience is extremely poor, and 7000 people are crowded inside, which is similar to piglets.

The long whale ship not only increased its transport capacity by more than ten times, but also far surpassed the airship experience. People can not only eat, walk, sit and sleep on it, but also have a special cabin for each person.

Secondly, the bigger the airship, the bigger the airbag, and the greater the wind resistance, so the slower the speed of the airship with the heavier load, the more difficult it is to control.

The Long Whale giant ship is different. When the sails are full, the violent wind in the sky will not only become a resistance, but will become a boost. In order to balance handling and safety, we even have to actively weaken the power of the wind.

The cruising speed of the long whale ship depends on the wind speed and other weather conditions, and it is about 800 to 1000 kilometers per hour, which is barely comparable to the passenger plane before the sky change, but its carrying capacity far exceeds that of the passenger plane! "

On each long whale ship, the trained representatives of Yanxia will always say with emotion when they introduce here: "Even if you fly around the world, the time can be controlled within one month. This can be regarded as a solution to the increasingly difficult problem of long-distance travel. .Moreover, it will be many times easier to transport people or supplies during each major migration, and it will cause less disturbance to other people. Therefore, even though it is a small improvement in transportation, it can comprehensively improve the strength of the Yanxia camp. background!"

Hearing this, some of the representatives of the foreign missions twitched, some eyelids twitched wildly, and some clenched their fists, but they all faced each other in silence.

Many people have made up their minds, if there is a conflict between the camps, the Yanxia camp is five times larger than all of them combined, and there is a long whale ship that needs speed, speed, and load capacity. With the help of the magic weapon, it can quickly gather and transport the elite combat forces in the rear to any engagement point, and activate the potential of the entire camp at a speed far exceeding other camps, and maximize it.

Thinking of this situation, those hawk youths were burning in their hearts, but they couldn't think about it.

At this moment, Representative Yanxia suddenly looked at them: "The Long Whale Ship is not a forbidden item. If any party reaches an agreement with us on economic and trade issues, the Long Whale Ship will appear on the sale list, and we even accept special customization. According to your needs, draw your family or consortium emblem on it."

There are about [-] alien missions on each long whale ship, and they belong to five camps.

Among them, the Alpha Empire camp, Daxizhou camp, and Shaluo Kingdom camp are natural alliances because of their common beliefs. Especially in the confrontation with the Yanxia camp, they will stand in the same trench tacitly, but they have not completely merged into one.

Not to mention the confluence of the three camps, even within the respective camps, when there is no common goal, they are full of open and secret struggles.

The treacherous secrets hidden in it, and the bloody killings have not stopped for a day.

Since the beginning of the planet's growth, the other camps have lost 20 billion people. Except for the Yanxia camp, there have been great disturbances within each camp. Many ancient families and consortium forces that have been passed down for hundreds of years have become second-rate goods or even completely disappeared. , was swallowed until there was no bones left.

They were so painful that they summed up two profound lessons.

One is that Yanxia is an evil dragon, if you don’t move, it will kill you, so you must always be vigilant;

The second is that the companions around you are all hyenas. Once they see your weakness, they will immediately pounce on you and eat you up.

Hostility and vigilance against Yanxia is necessary, even a kind of political correctness.

But Yanxia is too strong and too far away, but her companion is close by.

Even if the border expands and has to be filled with immigrants, it is no longer the overall will of the camp that exerts its strength, but it is accomplished through the cooperation and confrontation of countless large and small group alliances.

Therefore, at the moment when Yan Xia threw out the bait of the long whale ship for sale, the internal atmosphere of the missions of the five camps suddenly became subtle.

The elites from various families and consortiums and oligarchs, those who started from the bottom, were promoted and favored for their outstanding talents and talents, and had the highest loyalty to the faction, they silently looked at others, thinking that the other party would carry everyone behind their backs. Go secretly to negotiate some deals with Yan Xia.

Since Yanxia said that the long whale ship can be sold, even if the economic and trade agreement between the camps cannot be concluded hastily, it can be obtained with other benefits... right?

It doesn't need many, even two or three ships will be a huge help to the forces behind them, and they can even gain the lead in the competition with other camps.

As everyone boarded the ship, the hanging ladder was retracted, and the hundreds of long whale ships stopped together, and then slowly rose.

Everyone was watching from the deck, and saw that the moiré patterns on the hull that looked like decorations shone with light, and the huge hull seemed to suddenly become lighter. At the same time, the belly of the flat-bottomed boat suddenly rose.

The envoys of the alien races were astonished to find that a white air cushion suddenly appeared under the belly of the giant beast lying on the ground.

When the air cushion stopped inflating, everyone found that the big ship had been lifted by the air cushion by more than ten meters. Thinking of the length and width of the big ship, the envoys of the different races looked at each other in blank dismay.

Could it be that there is an airbag under the spacecraft that is more than 400 meters long, 80 meters wide, and more than ten meters high?

Is the difference between this spaceship and an airship only in that one airbag is on top and one airbag is on the bottom?

Isn't this funny!

The Yan Xia representative was not embarrassed at all, and some of them spoke more straightforwardly: "Think about it with your brains, even if the weight of the hull itself is removed, such a big airbag alone can carry 1.2 tons of cargo?"

Representative Yanxia pointed to the shimmering cloud patterns on both sides of the ship's side, and said:

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