"That's the key. This is the research result of the Rune Department of Liuyi College. In the past, it was the result they extracted from those flying and light-weight abilities.

Some can reduce the weight of the hull, while others can provide it with buoyancy. The reason why a layer of air cushion is added now is because there are too many research projects in the rune system, and the time for the rune system to be established is too short... But we have found the right direction , it is only a matter of time before this matter is resolved. "

At this moment, no one thought that Yan Xia would use such a down-to-earth method to solve the problem, because the spaceship had already started to lift off slowly.

What is the scene of a hundred huge ships with a length of more than 80 meters and a width of nearly [-] meters launching into the sky?

The alien missions had never thought about such a magical question before, but now, they don't need to think about it, they just need to prepare their eyes.


Unparalleled grandeur.

As the spaceship lifted off, a huge retractable mast began to rise on the deck. When the main mast reached its end, its top was already more than [-] meters away from the splint!

Each mast itself is a complex mechanical device. As each mast rises, there are continuous crossbars protruding from the main body of the mast. Everyone on the deck seems to have witnessed the birth of an artificial forest.

Hearing the continuous clicking sound of the docking locks from the mechanical structure, listening to the muffled humming of the roller skating gear chain.

The alien missions all felt a sense of confusion.

The appearance of the spacecraft is ancient and ancient, and it is also mixed with mysterious elements, but it is equipped with an air cushion device, and now the mechanical roar makes people feel the masculinity and magnificence of the era of big industry.

This mix and match style is also mixed.

Puff puff!

When all the masts and crossbars are fully stretched, the sails, huge sails spit out from the masts and crossbars in an instant, connecting them into pieces.

At this moment, the spaceship array had already lifted off to a height of 500 meters above the ground, and the sky was violently windy, and the opened sails caught the force in an instant, making a puffing sound.

Under the control of the commander, the spaceship regrouped in the air while driving with the help of the wind, and finally formed a geese array with a distance of thousands of meters from each other, with a sharp front and a wide rear.

The spaceship that had eaten up the force of the gust of wind began to accelerate, and soon surpassed the speed of the airship.

If an ordinary person stood on the deck, he would be blown away by the strong wind in an instant.

But there is no ordinary person on the long whale ship. Since the foreign missions have no idea of ​​going into the cabin to hide from the wind, the Yanxia representative will not force them.

Finally, someone couldn't help but opened his mouth. He looked at the faintly visible textures on each sail, and asked the Yanxia representative beside him: "Is that also a rune?"

Representative Yan Xia nodded.

"What's the use?" Since the first sentence was opened, there was no hindrance to the second sentence.

The people around also listened with pricked ears.

"These runes are not just one kind. Some are used to protect the sail, to prevent sharp objects from penetrating, to protect against lightning, to prevent fire and some extreme abnormal weather phenomena, and some are for us to control the sail... For example, sometimes when the wind is strong, they will properly Miss some of it."

Another person looked at the hull itself and asked, "This spaceship is all made of wood? You are so lucky to find such a material."

Representative Yan Xia chuckled and proudly said: "It's not because of our luck. Let's put it this way, everything on the Long Whale Ship is the reward of Yan Xia's hard work for nearly a hundred years."

He pointed to the hull of the boat under his feet and said, "This is Yunlingwood, the result of the Lingzhi Department of Liuyi College. Its hardness, toughness, and plasticity all exceed those of refined steel, and its density is very light."

He pointed to the masts again and said: "What you see is only the masts on the deck, but the machinery of the entire Long Whale ship is ten times more complex and exquisite than these masts. Together with the shape of the Long Whale ship itself, it is six A handwriting of academic machine relations."

Then he pointed to those sails and said: "It's a mixture of spider silk and silk from the Beast Control Department of Liuyi College, light and tough.

There are also keel bones and ribs hidden deep in the hull, all of which are the bones of giant beasts specially bred by the beast control system.

Even the air cushions that you think are ordinary have top-notch materials and performance. Flying in the air can even serve as a shield, which can well defend against threats from the ground. "

The more he said, the more silent the foreign missions became.

After a while, someone suddenly asked, "Isn't Liuyi College very close?"

Representative Yan Xia laughed and said: "Considering that everyone is riding for the first time, I will take everyone for a ride, and by the way, experience the difference between riding a long whale ship and an airship."

At this moment, the flying geese of the spaceship are already at an altitude of more than [-] meters, soaring through the air at a speed of more than [-] kilometers per hour.

Regardless of the missions of foreign races or the representatives of Yanxia, ​​they were like nails nailed to the deck in the fierce cold wind, motionless.

After an hour, the experience card ended, and the spaceship slowly slowed down.

The sails and masts were put away one by one, and finally, the spaceship team hovered in the air about 1000 meters above the ground.

At this moment, the representatives of the foreign race stood on the side of the ship again, and below them was another huge and open school field.

All the representatives of the foreign race looked down with a sullen face.

A dense and neat army formation stands below, and even if they are a thousand meters above the sky, they can feel the iron-blooded evil spirit rushing straight to their chests.

At this height, they blurred the individual, and what they saw was a whole, but the entire army formation became more and more terrifying.

Representative Yanxia introduced with a smile: "Everyone, don't be nervous, this is the second achievement we want to show you."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The battle array on the ground stood silently, I don't know how long it has been.

When hundreds of spaceships were in the air, the battle formation suddenly moved.

The central land was suddenly emptied, revealing a large open space.

There was only one person performing an unusual drill on the field.

Looking down from the side of the long whale ship at an altitude of one thousand meters, only a black spot can be seen moving slowly on the ground.

No one from the foreign missions made a sound. After being shocked by the long whale ship, they already knew that every "press conference" in Yanxia had a deep meaning, and it was impossible for them to really watch the scene. That is, presumably will soon show clues.

After a while, a black shadow suddenly appeared next to the soldier performing the usual drill in the central open space, and the two shadows performed the drill together.

Their movements are inconsistent, one jumps up and the other crouches or dodges, one advances and the other retreats or moves left, one attacks and the other defends, one jumps and strikes while the other walks close to the ground...

But standing on the long whale ship, looking at the two from a distance, they can find a strange rhythm between them.

Cooperate seamlessly, mind entanglement.

If you put yourself in the position of their opponent, facing one person and facing two people, the pressure is not as simple as simply multiplying by two.

More impenetrable, more suffocating.

Of course, because the strength of the two drilled soldiers on the ground was not comparable to that of the elite alien missions on the Long Whale Ship, they still had the confidence to win the battle easily, but their faces could not help but look a little dignified.

And some people in their 30s who have personally experienced border conflicts between the camps have serious expressions that are about to ooze water.

They thought of the experience of encountering the Yanxia team in the border skirmish, and also thought of the sacrificed companions.

After a while, two drilled black dots turned into three.

After a while, three became four, four became five, five became six, six became seven...

As the number of people increases, the multiplayer battle formation becomes more profound and complicated, and the pressure on people also rises linearly.

Some people don't want to lie down and let Yanxia manipulate them, they still have to struggle and resist a little, and sarcastically said: "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven... I think the number of people below is at least over one hundred thousand, don't you Yanxia want to start from one to one?" [-] yuan to play for us one by one?"

Representative Yanxia said hehe: "No hurry, no hurry, changes will come soon."

Not long after his words fell, the seven-man battle formation suddenly changed, resembling a fight.

There are aliens who specialize in the study of Yanxia culture, their eyes are all fixed, the Big Dipper.

Then, another Big Dipper array appeared on the ground, with the Big Dipper array as the base inside and the Liangyi array as the frame outside, fourteen black dots were flying up and down on the ground, leaping and moving.

Then, the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh Big Dipper arrays appeared one after another.

The 49 people use the Big Dipper array as the base inside and the Big Dipper array as the frame outside to form a big Big Dipper array.

Someone's heart moved, and they had already predicted the next development.

Sure enough, as the first Big Dipper array showed a little bit of glory, the second, third, fourth, and even the seventh Big Dipper array appeared.

Soon, a Super Big Dipper Star Array composed of 343 people appeared. At a height of one thousand meters, everyone could see it at a glance, but because of this, they could more intuitively feel a more clear and powerful momentum brewing in the town.

Those of the foreign missions who have been to the front line and felt the smoke of iron and blood have been completely taken away by this battle.

They clearly saw that the strength levels of the soldiers below were all at the Awakened level, and the strongest was only at the senior Awakened level. Because of the huge disparity in strength, even if they had a numerical advantage, they were no longer a threat to them. The unique fighting tactics can make them fall apart, and they can come and go whenever they want.

But they imagined that they were surrounded by these 343 people, and they felt like there was no way to go to heaven and nowhere to go.

The best way is to fight for your life and pull dozens of soldiers into the water.

And those who thought they had seen through the truth still had a sneer on their lips.

And the changes in the battle formation on the ground below did not surprise them.

Soon, the second, third, fourth... until the seventh Super Big Dipper array appeared.

On the earth, a super-large Big Dipper array with 2401 soldiers participating in the construction was born.

Those who immersed all their minds in the changes of the battle formation, hoping to see some flaws or gain some insight from it, at this moment, they suddenly felt that the aura was nearly ten times more ferocious, and it rushed straight to their minds.

They all took a few steps back subconsciously. In the last remaining illusion of their consciousness, their illusioned self didn't even fight off a single soldier, and was torn to pieces by the battle formation!

Their movement was quite loud, which naturally attracted the attention of many people. In order to help their companions out, someone said to Yan Xia with a smile: "The next thing is that seven 2401 people will form a formation?"

It looks like your rules have already been figured out by us.

Representative Yanxia showed shame and said:

"The larger the scale of the formation, the more difficult it is to control, and the more demanding the participants. The fourth-order seven-star formation is the limit of what we can do at the moment.

The fifth level requires [-] people to participate. Although we have built a complete array, we are still unable to do so for the time being, and we still have to wait for a few years.

The sixth-order seven-star formation requires 11 nine participants, and the seventh-order seven-star formation is also the ultimate state of the seven-star formation. Participants need 640 three people, and I don't know how long it will take to do it. "

Speaking of this, the representative of Yanxia also said with fascination: "At that time, nearly a million people will be like one person, destroying mountains and landslides, stepping on the sea and leveling the sea. It will really change the color of the world, and the sun and the moon will be dark."

Speaking of this, representative Yanxia also revealed an additional piece of information:

"Before the military also discussed whether to use the seven-star formation as the base or the eight-diagram formation or the nine-gong formation, and temporarily decided to use the seven-star formation as the base only because it is relatively simpler, and it is between the power of the formation and the difficulty of getting started. It was determined after repeated weighing.

If we really want to talk about power, the ultimate state of the Bagua formation is the eighth-order Bagua formation, and more than 670 million people are required to participate in the formation.

And the ninth-order nine palace formation is even more exaggerated. More than 700 million people are needed to form an formation. That is too exaggerated... Not to mention that it is difficult for so many people to form an formation. A formation is not a good choice either. "

When Representative Yan Xia finished speaking, everyone in the foreign mission group was like a defeated rooster, dejected and listless.

Yes, you have seen through our laws, you are smart, then... can you solve it?

If you can't solve it, then you say a dick!

"Ah, let's not talk, it's not over yet, let's read on."

On the ground below, 49 super-large Big Dipper arrays appeared.

A total of 11 nine people formed 640 fourth-order seven-star formations on the earth, and did not continue to form fifth-order or sixth-order large formations.

The 49 fourth-order seven-star formations form a circle and jointly guard a point. This point is also the point where all the fourth-order seven-star formations point to the Polaris.

At this moment, the Polaris point is in the center of the 49 fourth-order seven-star formations, and there is a person standing there holding on to a banner.

There seemed to be an image painted on the flag, but the people on the Long Whale couldn't see it clearly because of the distance.

But soon, they saw it clearly.

The image on the banner suddenly became larger, and finally, it turned into a majestic virtual god.

As if he had spiritual intelligence, he noticed the hundreds of spaceships at an altitude of one thousand meters, and turned his head to sweep them directly.

The height of this virtual god is more than a thousand meters, and he sweeps over everyone with a level-looking and slightly overlooking gaze.

And when His eyes swept over, a mountain-like pressure suppressed everyone's hearts, and their bodies and minds were imprisoned at the same time, becoming lambs to be slaughtered.

After a long time, the eyes of the gods have disappeared, and even the virtual image of the gods has disappeared.

On the ground, the large formation has disappeared, and the soldiers have formed a square formation to disperse and evacuate under the command of their respective generals.

The people on the spaceship came out of that state of mental confinement, and looked at each other, all sweating, looking like the rest of their lives after a catastrophe.

Seeing the presence of gods in person, the attitude of the alien missions who believe in the true god has undergone drastic changes.

A very old Daxizhou old man nodded a few times between his brows on his chest and drew a sign of the cross, as if to pray for the blessing of the God of Light.

He managed to calm down, and asked the Yan Xia representative beside him: "Who was that existence just now?"

Whether it's demeanor or words, there is a kind of caution, as if afraid of offending the noble existence.

Representative Yanxia didn't have this kind of mentality, he was generous and straightforward.

"That's Beidou Tianguan Pojun Xingjun. You can treat him as a god, but we will not use this to fool the people. Those soldiers all know that this Xingjun is a person shaped by countless people's thoughts. 'Idol'.

This is related to our practice system of Qi training and visualization. Through the visualization of countless people, we have created a lot of "idols".

We are temporarily unable to practice a higher-level seven-star formation, so we thought of a tricky way.

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