Chapter Sixty-ninth: Visualization of the Purple Mansion

This paper, which shocked the whole school as soon as it came out, was called "Purple House View Thoughts", published by Li Weixi.

At the very beginning of the thesis, it explained in more detail how spiritual awareness cultivation is different from physical body cultivation, and that the cultivation of spiritual consciousness cannot be simply compared with the cultivation of the physical body. Then, the concept of intermediaries was proposed, and the intermediary factors that must be present.

That is to say, as long as these factors are met, they can be used as intermediaries.

This can be regarded as the general outline of the entire thesis, introducing a new concept and paving the way for the practice of spiritual awareness.

Then there is the matter of exploring the practice of spiritual awareness itself.

Because of the special nature of spiritual consciousness, ordinary people can't capture perception at all, and they need to have the level of awakening in the initial stage.

Then, she subdivided the practice of meditation. The first step is to enter deep concentration, and the second step is to visualize the intermediary. Every time you advance a bit, your spiritual consciousness will grow substantially, and it will be truly reflected in the realm of cultivation and In terms of spiritual perception, when the visualization of the intermediary is mature and the cultivation level reaches a corresponding level, then the third step is to open up the Purple Mansion.

This is a very important step. Practitioners will use powerful spiritual awareness and visualization mediators to open up a space between the virtual and the real in the depths of the eyebrows.

As the space opens up, the visualization intermediaries that originally stayed at the level of consciousness and imagination will settle in it and last forever.

The "virtual" body will have more "real" properties.

Give practitioners more magical and inhuman abilities.

Everyone understands the importance of consciousness cultivation. There are countless smart people who continue to kill brain cells for it. They all feel as if they are going to get through, but they still miss the last step.

A little girl put forward the theory of intermediaries, which made people suddenly enlightened, and it really felt like an epiphany from the ground.

Therefore, as soon as her thesis was handed in, she received the highest standard of attention, not like Chen Zhongxia. He didn't get it until he fought head-to-head with the teachers and students of the whole school dozens of times by himself, and truly proved the superiority of the brand-new system. Everyone unanimously approved.

But Li Weixi's situation was different. She just submitted the thesis, and the school invited her to "preach" in the central square.

Facing all the teachers and students of the school, it expounds various kinds of intermediary theory.

Among the people who came to listen to the lecture, not only the teachers and students of the whole school, but also the principal and chief instructor were impressively present. Even the imperial capital had many obviously extraordinary people sitting quietly among them, obediently being students.

First, she has ten years of practice and perception of spiritual life, and then a piece of paper to clarify the direction. After five years of polishing, she is completely familiar with every sentence and every word in her pen, not only knowing it, but also knowing it. So yes.

When she really understands, she can use very simple language, or very popular but vivid analogies, so that people can accurately get the meaning she wants to convey, without the slightest ambiguity.

Two hours later, the newly released intermediary theory has become a kind of common sense, seared into everyone's mind.

Some people suddenly realized, some bowed their heads in contemplation, some smiled, and some stared at the emptiness, all of them got something.

After the sermon was over, Li Weixi felt unfinished.

As a girl, she was not as passionate and unrestrained as Chen Zhongxia. It was impossible for her to invite the whole school to prove her own strength, but she also felt a little unsatisfactory if it went on like this.

Standing on the high platform, she suddenly flew up lightly, and a bright moon suddenly appeared above her head, and in the depth of the moon, there seemed to be a fairy tower of Guanghan.

The baby fat on her cheeks has long since faded away. At this moment, her clothes are fluttering, and her wide sleeves are stretched out. She is floating in the air, as if she just stepped out of the Guanghan Immortal Tower.

As the moon shone brightly, it enveloped the entire central square, and tens of thousands of teachers and students who listened to the Tao were shrouded in the moonlight.

Everyone suddenly has a kind of wisdom that is clear and harmonious, and they think things clearly, and feel that they are in a boundless and quiet environment, surrounded by the world, and only themselves are alone. For their own minds, for their own state, there is an unprecedented feeling. "Self-knowledge" emerges from the bottom of my heart.

"I call this 'Moon Wheel Clear Light'. With its blessing, people's wisdom, inspiration, and understanding will be improved to a certain extent."

This is simply magic!

Everyone's eyes showed eagerness and burning.

At this time, behind her, the huge moon disc, which seemed to be virtual but not real, no longer emitted clear light, as if it had turned into a clear crystal.

Everyone looked at it, feeling inexplicably chilly, as if a mysterious chill had struck, and everything from the body to the consciousness of the mind became sluggish and stiff.

"I call this 'Guanghan Ice Soul'. It can make people's body and mind stiff and slow. If the power is increased, or if the cultivation level is too different from mine, it can directly freeze the opponent to death. The symptoms are the same as being quickly frozen by extreme cold almost."

Another magical skill!

Everyone sighed in their hearts. It is now the 85th year of the new calendar. Yan Xia has collected countless awakening abilities on the soul side of consciousness, but there are not many with such powerful effects. What's more, she is directly facing tens of thousands of listening teachers and students. Let everyone feel the same way, just in this way, it will widen the essential gap with those supernatural abilities.

Li Weixi's voice reached their ears again.

"These two skills are both biased towards the level of thinking and consciousness. Look at this again."

After all, the huge crystal-like moon disc once again radiated clear light, but this time, the bright moonlight melted in the air, turning into light and white snowflakes that fell.

Someone spread out his hand to catch the snowflake, feeling the cold touch in the palm, and the snowflake melted into water in the palm.

Some dared to even taste it with their tongues.

It is indeed water.

This is real!

The snow has no intention of stopping, it is getting bigger and bigger, from light snow to heavy snow, and it is getting thicker and thicker on the ground. The central square soon turned into a snowy country, and the listeners sitting cross-legged turned into snowmen one by one.

With their cultivation base, this bit of coldness is nothing at all.

They were all in shock.

Shocked by the snow itself.

At the beginning, many people rationally analyzed the moisture content in the air, and if some means were used to turn it into snow falling on the ground, how much snow could fall.

But as the snow kept falling and never stopped, the analysis in their hearts was shattered.

This snow does not come from the water in the air, it is really conjured out of thin air!

Another idea brought from the old world was shattered.

Li Weixi's words spread to everyone's ears again.

"I call this 'ice and snow', as long as I can maintain my spirit, this snow can keep falling, this bit of cold seems nothing to you, but the real power of this style is to use it together with 'Guanghan Ice Soul' Yes, in this icy world, the power of Guanghan Ice Soul can be increased by ten times."

Everyone was terrified.

They have all experienced the power of Guanghan Ice Soul that can freeze even the soul just now, if it is increased by ten times, even practitioners in the third-rank realm will be frozen into ice slag in an instant.

"In addition to in-depth research on the theory of intermediaries, I chose to use the bright moon as the intermediary for visualization. The several methods I demonstrated just now were all naturally comprehended after opening the Purple Mansion.

In the sky, in addition to the bright moon, there are also the sun, countless stars, Tanlang, Wenqu, Wuqu, Pojun, Ziwei, North Pole... Countless stars have been endowed with different responsibilities and divinities by our hot summer. There is one that fits you perfectly.

Now I have created an idea of ​​Mingyue concept using the theory of intermediaries, and I hope that more people will use it to create more new methods in the future! "

After all, she has quietly closed the moon wheel, no snowflakes continue to fall from the sky, and she has already lightly landed on the ground.

Only on the square, the thick snow silently testified to the scenes that happened just now.

The figures sitting cross-legged were covered with snow, but there was a raging fire hidden in their hearts.

Li Weixi was about to step down, and seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said: "I don't know if anyone still remembers my appearance when I first entered school, has it changed a lot compared to now? This has a lot to do with my idea of ​​practicing Mingyue Temple , although I can't reach the level of the fairy in the legend, but compared with the original me, the change is still very obvious."

After all, she floated off the stage.

It didn't sound like much to the boy's ears, but she didn't say this to men.

In this square, there are more than [-]% of the female practitioners. Although they are in good shape because of their cultivation, in terms of appearance, there are some beautiful ones and some relatively average ones.

Without exception, they all had scorching and even fanatical flames in their eyes at this moment!

In their hearts, even if there is no additional benefit to practicing meditation, this alone is enough for them to devote all their energy to it!

The more you practice, the more beautiful you become, just like the fairies in mythology, your face is not old, and you will stay young forever...

The sound of swallowing violently, the sound of scorching breathing, the sound of pounding heartbeat... At this moment, none of them could hold back their elegant and dignified coats, the snowdrifts exploded one after another, and female figures sprang out like female leopards , and soon, Li Weixi was completely surrounded.

Even Kim Yoon-ah ditched her Ouba and fought her way to the front of the crowd.

Chen Zhongxia didn't move, he fell into a kind of epiphany after being slapped in the face, and his inspiration exploded wantonly.

"The qi training practice system has begun to move closer to the Taoism practice system in the foundation building stage, but the means are far less than I expected, and my thinking has been stuck at this level, and I don't know how to take the next step... I am I made the mistake of overcorrecting, and I only focused on the further development and utilization of spiritual energy, while ignoring the human body itself.

Spiritual awareness, spiritual awareness, that's right, as long as the meditation and qi training system are integrated, from the qi training period, the practitioner can have more magical means, and at the foundation building stage, there will also be a qualitative transformation.

I also thought of the next realm after the Foundation Establishment Realm, which is [Purple Mansion Realm], opening up the Purple Mansion, and perfectly integrating the cultivation of spiritual consciousness into the qi training system! "

Originally, the Qi training system only had one leg, Reiki, but now, he saw the second leg.

And in order to achieve the goal perfectly, one person is indispensable.

He looked at Li Weixi, who was already submerged in the crowd of women, and thought, maybe this is God's will.

From the current height, let's examine the four realms of inner strength, Qi training, foundation building, and Zifu.

Inner strength is to lay the foundation for the body, and Qi training is the explosion after the body foundation is laid.

Open up the dantian, absorb the refined spiritual energy, and the physical body undergoes a qualitative change!

The foundation building is to lay the foundation of the road, and the purple mansion is the outbreak after this foundation.

Opening up the Zifu, the spiritual consciousness has a "home", and a qualitative change has taken place!

Originally, when he was still groping in the mist, he was at a loss, but looking at it now, it was so clear, it was like seeing the most beautiful and concise mathematical formula.

In my heart, I even decided that this is the most perfect.

He looked at Li Weixi who was stalked by a group of women in the distance, and wanted her to teach everyone the art of beauty.

Chen Zhongxia suddenly pushed aside the snowdrift, thinking, how can your ability be wasted on a trivial matter like a woman's face, the future of all mankind can better reflect your value!

He strode forward, thinking that it was his duty to rescue her from the crowd of women.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the 88th year of the new calendar, after three years of preparation, Liuyi College, all branches in the world, and all other higher, middle, and elementary practice colleges have undergone a major reform, and the practice system of Qi training and visualization has become the authentic mainstream of practice in Yanxia.

Elementary colleges are responsible for the enlightenment and the cultivation and education of inner strength.

Secondary and higher colleges focus on Qi-environment education.

The students of Liuyi College are mainly in the foundation building state, and outstanding students can even break through to the purple mansion state when they graduate.

The Zifu state is also the highest level that has been clearly defined in the practice system of Qi training and visualization, and its upper limit has surpassed the first-grade level of the original practice system.

Before changing the system, Principal Yan Xia, who is currently the peak representative of Yan Xia's practice, was only at the upper level of the second rank, and had never broken through the first rank.

At the same time, Liuyi College, all branches, all middle and higher education institutions, military forces and other important official institutions will arrange special personnel to provide free services for all those who want to transfer.

As long as you have the idea of ​​changing majors, you don't need to do your homework in advance, and you don't need to spend three to five years to understand what the new system is.

The so-called job transfer is also very simple. As long as your realm exceeds the level of the seventh-rank awakener, with the help of a practitioner above the Qi training realm, you can open up the Qi Sea Dantian for you, and your body has the ability to absorb, refine, and store spiritual energy. Ability, and then I will give you a copy of Wu Qin Dao Yin Shu, and the job transfer will be considered complete.

Afterwards, it is necessary to readjust and adapt. According to practice, practitioners who are above the fifth rank can easily reach the peak of Qi training in only half a year.

At this time, you need to go to the Liuyi branch to "return the stove and rebuild", take courses such as evening school correspondence for adults, systematically learn the knowledge of the Qi training and visualization system, choose a suitable one for yourself, and break through the realm of foundation building .

Because their own realm is already enough, as long as they comprehend it, it will not be difficult, and it will not take too long.

Even a cultivator in the third-rank realm can completely change jobs and reach the peak foundation-building realm in only one year.

As for Yanxia's current top second-rank practitioners, they have already successfully changed jobs and become purple mansion practitioners. It is also because of their participation that Liuyi College was able to complete this matter in only three years.

At the same time, Liuyi College added another department, the Rune Department, which is also the eighth department of the college.

Since the birth of the first awakened person with the first ability, Yanxia has recorded countless information about abilities, and a huge organization is responsible for classifying and rating the abilities themselves. They are also responsible for the essence of the abilities. Research and exploration, but there has been little progress.

Numerous conjectures and hypotheses have been put forward, and new conjectures and hypotheses are constantly being born, but they still feel that they are outside the door and have never entered the door.

It was not until the emergence of the Reiki visualization system that people saw the dawn.

When the inner strength breaks through the Qi training realm, on the one hand, the dantian of the sea of ​​Qi opens up, and the aura pours into the sutras and marrow; on the other hand, the potential accumulated in the body itself bursts out and awakens, giving birth to supernatural powers, and the practitioner undergoes a qualitative transformation in terms of strength and life level .

In the past, the awakening of supernatural powers was just awakening, except that when the realm was improved, it would become stronger, and it would become more proficient in frequent thinking and use. The practitioner himself would not have more knowledge of it, as if it was an extra tool out of thin air.

All you can learn is how to use this tool better. As for how and why this tool came about, I don’t know.

But now, when the ability is awakened, a corresponding "talisman" will be born in the dantian, with strange and mysterious textures, like the principles of the imprint of heaven and earth.

Not only the supernatural powers have "dharma talismans", but if a certain kung fu secret skill is cultivated to the peak and perfected, and the essence of this method is understood, a dharma talisman will also appear, which is more smooth and smooth when used, and can be sent and received freely.

From then on, people's cognition of supernatural powers had an essential breakthrough.

For each talisman, there is a dedicated person to collect, sort out, and study it. After accumulating nearly a hundred years of foundation, there is finally a channel for venting. Once it erupts, it will be like a mountain torrent, and the results will flow out continuously.

Liuyi College took advantage of this opportunity to add a rune department to further broaden the road.

From the birth of Reiki, from the 80th year of the new calendar to the 90th year of the new calendar, Liuyi College made big moves frequently, and there were big moves almost every one or two years. In addition to the matter of Reiki itself, all the practitioners in Yanxia were rejected by Liuyi College one after another. His moves are dazzling.

Looking at it ten years later, hey, the practice system, practice concept, practice method... as long as it involves practice, almost everything has changed.

Looking back at the previous cultivation system, one can feel that it is crude and simple, and a new world that is wider and more lush, more differentiated, and more dynamic and vital is laid out in front of everyone.

Of course, there are those who suffer from seasickness, motion sickness, and bloodsickness, as well as those who suffer from "big dizziness". Facing this new, bigger and more open world, and comparing it with their meager cultivation, they feel more and more like a speck of dust, weak and powerless. Feeling, I lost my aggressiveness earlier and lost the motivation to go further.

On the other hand, these ten years have been the most "inactive" state of Yanxia's top decision-makers.

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