"What kind of drudgery, this trick is called 'not playing with you'!"


At the end of the 27th year of the new calendar, several major camps that had completed internal order rectification sent elites immediately to receive those refugees who had been abandoned by them for half a year.

They didn't think it was a big deal. Now that people have strong physiques, the wild products are abundant, and fishing, hunting and gathering are enough to make a living. It's like a flock of sheep that temporarily let go to the wild to forage. When the shepherd arrives, just take the rein back.

Then, the shepherds only saw empty cities, let alone human figures, not a single ghost.Nothing but the city, clean as if it had been licked by a dog.

"Where are my sheep?"

Chapter Fifty-eight Traveling to the East

"Success overwhelms the three parts of the country, and it is famous as the Eight Formation Map."

The so-called eight formations transform the universe and Xungen into the formation of wind and cloud in the sky, the formation of righteous soldiers, the formation of covering the sky, the formation of carrying the earth, the formation of wind rising, and the formation of clouds falling.

Water, fire, gold and wood are used to play the formation of dragons, tigers, birds and snakes, forming strange soldiers, formations of flying dragons, formations of tiger wings, formations of flying birds, and formations of coiled snakes.

Each has a magical effect.

This is the legend in the book.

Jiang Buku was originally from the Western Capital. Before Tianbian, he visited the Bazhentu ruins in person, but he didn't find any mysterious, ordinary and ordinary monuments.

But now, in Jiang Buku's eyes, the Eight Formation Diagram, one of the miraculous monuments, does have some magic.

In other regions, the division of heaven, earth and spirit is relatively homogeneous, and at most varies due to the prosperity of all living beings in different regions.

But here, the distribution and flow of heaven and earth inspirations are affected by the historic sites of the Eight Formation Maps.

In order to study its mysteries carefully, Jiang Buku lingered in the historical sites of Bazhentu for a full month. Every day, inspectors would pass by his body.

Everyone understands the great value of the anomalous monuments, and each of the anomalous monuments has special personnel assigned by the Cultural Security Bureau to protect and guard them.

In addition to regular inspections every day, there are random inspections by the Bureau of Cultural Security with their own special skills. If there is any abnormality in the anomalous monuments, even if a brick is missing somewhere, they will be found by them within 10 minutes at the latest. come out.

Not to mention that a living person stayed inside for a full month.

But the amazing thing is that even if they were within a few meters of Jiang Buku, and there was nothing blocking their view, they just couldn't see him!

This is not Jiang Buku's own ability, it's just that he saw the anomaly of the heaven and earth within the scope of the ancient monuments of the Bazhentu, and then borrowed this anomaly.

Although he and them are in the same space, they seem to be in parallel areas that do not interfere with each other.

"This is already a real formation."

Originally, it was just an eight-array diagram of an ordinary ancient site, but because of various fabricated legends of later generations, it was specially marked and blessed by the will of the planet. As the world was promoted time after time, it really began to evolve into a legend.

A month later, Jiang Buku left the Bazhentu monument.

In the distance, there is a barracks stationed.

And he had clearly left the range of the eight formations, and they still turned a blind eye to him.

This is the result of his lingering here for a month, through which Jiang Buku comprehended a method, through the mobilization of the spiritual intelligence around the body, to achieve the same effect as a person in the Eight Formation Diagram.

Can't see me, can't see me.

"Let's call it invisibility."

Jiang Buku thought about it for a long time, and finally decided on an unpretentious name.

"With this ability, it will be much more convenient to travel around the world in the future."

Jiang Buku was very happy in his heart, he didn't expect this trip to have such an unexpected joy.

When he first came here, he was not so daring. He just peeped secretly by virtue of his strength, which was one level higher than them. , Only then did he use the special swagger of the eight formations to search and deliberate around.

"The anomalous monuments are becoming more and more miraculous. After mastering the invisibility technique, I will be able to visit more anomalous ancient monuments in the future."

It has been more than half a year since Jiang Buku left school this time. He left the imperial capital and went deep into the north, reaching the forefront of civilization newly built in hot summer, and then sticking to the border between wilderness and civilization, all the way west and then south. After reaching the westernmost point, he did not Continue south, but east instead.

His main purpose of this trip was to see the conditions of those new cities with his own eyes, and to find out if there were any hidden dangers brewing in the ever-expanding wilderness.

He already had the answers to these things in his mind, so he naturally didn't need to continue this trip.

Every two or three years, he will go on a long-distance travel. Through personal travel, he can refresh his understanding of the world at any time.

And before each trip, he will determine a general goal and direction, instead of wandering aimlessly.

At this moment, walking alone in the vast wilderness far away from the historical site of Bazhentu, a sense of vastness and boundlessness rushed into his chest.

Heaven and earth are far away.

The sky became higher and deeper, and the earth became wider and thicker.

In it, people become even smaller.

In the distance, there are high mountains of thousands of meters at every turn, or deep valleys, roaring rivers, and vibrant jungle fields.

Jiang Buku seemed to be walking, but in fact, he took a step of nearly [-] meters, and his figure seemed to teleport.

Finally, he stopped on the edge of a cliff.

The wall stands thousands of feet high, and below is the rushing river, rolling up raging and turbid waves, and the opposite bank is at least a thousand meters away.

When other people saw this situation, the only way to do it was to make a detour.

With the planet rising every year, the landform of Blue Star has long been beyond recognition.

What was originally a small ditch may become a raging river, and a small mound may become a mountain thousands of meters high.

Land transportation has long been cut off, and the only means of transportation between cities and countries is the airship.

Fortunately, there is an airship.

Fortunately, people can fly.

Jiang Buku's feet slowly left the ground, and slowly floated towards the opposite bank.

Jiang Buku knew that his flying posture was not elegant, and his speed was not as fast as walking on the ground, but every time his feet left the ground and drifted slowly in the air, he couldn't help feeling excited.

In the past, he was very restrained when using this ability, especially in crowded cities. He didn't want to fly in the air by himself, and countless pairs of eyes stared at him from the ground. He even doubted whether the color of his underpants had been exposed.

Well now, with the invisibility technique, he can fly more casually.

His current strength is a solid S rank, of course, this is his previous title.

Since the three camps of the God of Light took the first step on the road of "purification", other civilization camps have also carried out internal purification one after another. Yanxia is no exception, but the methods are mild and brutal.

For the evolutionists of all camps around the world, the most personal feeling is that the evolutionists of the non-Bright God camp have all abandoned the international standard of using the ABCD Atlantis alphabet to divide the evolution level, and instead implemented the unique standard of this civilization.

Yan Xia replaced the letter grades with the nine-rank system.

The lowest rank is ninth grade, equivalent to F grade, healthy adult ordinary people.

The eighth grade is equivalent to the E grade, the capable generation among ordinary people.

Seventh-rank awakener, the strength is advancing by leaps and bounds, and the awakening ability.

Those who are deeply awakened at the sixth rank have stronger strength and supernatural powers, can look inside, control the blood vessels and meridians to a certain extent, and make the practice more active and perfect.

The fifth rank is equivalent to B rank, and Jiang Buku is at B+ rank, that is, when the fifth rank is at the upper level, a single punch can cause a boulder to implode a hundred steps away.

The fourth-rank upper realm, that is, when the strength is A+, he can make any place within a hundred steps, no more than ten places at most, implode at the same time.

At this time, he has mastered the embryonic form of the "domain", not only controlling himself to a finely detailed level, but also has a certain degree of dominance over the world around him.

He is now in the middle stage of the third rank, and the "domain" is no longer a prototype, not to mention how much the combat power has been improved. In Jiang Buku's view, the biggest change is that through this "domain", the body can finally get rid of the fear of the earth. Reliance, can fly to the sky.

Although there are many restrictions on this kind of flying, it is far from the realm of flying against the wind, traveling to the North Sea and staying in Cangwu at night, and it doesn't even count as "climbing clouds".

But to fly is to fly.

Except for him, no one has reached this level through practice for the time being, and even the most outstanding ones are only at the fourth rank.However, those who have the potential to hit the third rank are still too young, have not enough time to practice, and are still working hard to gain experience.

Of course, some special cases where flying or speed abilities are awakened do not count.

It took 3 minutes, Jiang Buku slowly floated across the kilometer-wide river, landed on the ground, and continued to stride eastward.

After traveling nearly a hundred kilometers, Jiang Buku once again saw a city from a distance.

He didn't continue to approach, and climbed to a mountain with a height of more than 2000 meters, overlooking it as far as the eye could see.

After looking at it for a long time, his expression became more and more dignified, and his feet lifted off the ground again, rising vertically to the sky.

Until he was at an altitude of [-] meters, the gust of wind around him was getting stronger and stronger, and it became more and more powerless for him to control the "domain" to fight against it. It seemed that as long as he vented his strength, his whole body would be blown around like a thin piece of paper.

He barely stabilized his figure and looked down again.

At such a height, the details of the city are all blurred, and the only objects in his eyes are the city itself, and the abnormality of the heaven and earth shrouding the city.

Before this trip, or more precisely, before he went to observe and study the Bazhentu historical site, he couldn't see anything unusual about it.

But after observing the Eight Arrays for a month, he already had many unspeakable but undeniable insights in his mind. He used this to create the "Invisibility Technique", and he also saw the abnormality of the heaven and earth at this moment.

The inspiration of heaven and earth is not in a static state, but in a state of flux and change at any time.

This is true whether it is a city inhabited by humans or an uninhabited wilderness. Jiang Buku has never noticed any difference in the flow of the two, and feels that the flow of the two is irregular and random.

But now, as soon as he came out of the eight formations, he saw a strange rhythm when he saw the flow and changes of the heaven and earth around the city.

It seems that this city is also a large formation, which can have a direct impact on the inspiration of heaven and earth, and interact with it at any time.

But he couldn't see what impact this kind of interaction could have.

Jiang Buku continued eastward.

Whenever he encounters a densely populated city, he will temporarily stop and look at it.

From this, he has a new experience.

The more populous and prosperous the city is, the more intuitive and intense the impact of this interaction will be.

Stop and go, half a month later, Jiang Buku returned to the new imperial capital.

Eight years ago, that is, the 22nd year of the new calendar, the first month of the first month changed dramatically.

Yanxia devoted most of her energy to relocating 5000 million immigrants.

And specifically, a major event happened in the imperial capital, and everyone moved out of the imperial capital.

Because there is an obvious phenomenon in this great change of heaven and earth. All the ancient monuments that have shown visions in the sky in the 21st year of the new calendar have not only been unaffected by this wave of heaven and earth promotion, but have been torn apart by the expanding earth and become unrecognizable. Many have benefited from the "growth" after losing their original appearance.

Many of them did not benefit and did not change significantly.

The reason is simple, those who benefit are outside the city, and those who do not benefit are inside the city.

In Jiang Buku's view, the will of the planet is like a big child. While working hard to grow his body, he must also take into account the safety of human beings who have been recognized by him. Every time he grows and promotes easily, it is like blowing up a balloon. It became bigger at once, but because of the densely packed human beings on the ground, he had to devote more energy, like walking on tiptoe in an ant nest.

As a rare and large-scale group of historical sites, the ancient city of the imperial capital did not benefit from this wave, and it was obviously dragged down by the city full of humans.

In order not to continue to drag it down, everyone moved out of the imperial capital, and a new imperial capital was built a hundred kilometers north of the original imperial capital.

And the imperial capital also took this opportunity to reduce the population of the imperial capital, which has been thriving for nearly 30 years, and the population exploded again.

With the relocation of the imperial capital, Liuyi College naturally moved with it.

With this move, Liuyi College has undergone a major change by taking the opportunity of reconstruction.

As early as in the eighth year of the new calendar, after Principal Ou passed away, with Yan Hong as the second principal, the Research Department, which was originally in the interior of the Academy's practice department, was spun off and merged with other research institutions. Incubate a brand new top-level academy.

This Academy of Beasts is not well-known in the eyes of ordinary people and even most practitioners, because this academy has been focusing on academic research in the early stage, collecting, analyzing, and researching all animals, plants, and even fungal plankton in the wild, and conducting research on them. Long-term observational records track and even predict their future evolutionary trends.

Later, as humans won the war against the beast horde, the wisdom of the world tilted towards humans. Wild animals that were originally violent and ferocious gradually became spiritual, and more and more beneficial creatures were domesticated by humans.

In addition to the research department, Ten Thousand Beasts Academy has set up a new application department. Whether it is humans or beasts, the higher the evolutionary level, the stronger the ability of consciousness to interfere with reality, and the more foundation for communication between each other. Gradually develop The original means of controlling beasts.

After that, human beings' understanding of new materials has reached a higher level, and they have also discovered that consciousness plays a significant role in the process of refining and casting; they started to explore from the art of combined strikes, and finally came up with the prototype of the formation...

In every field, there is a top school like Liuyi College and Wanshou College. They have created a new direction and a new career from scratch.

With the deepening of research, there are more and more cooperations among the top schools. For example, Wanshou College must second the most talented students of Liuyi College to conduct research on beast control. With the emergence of more top schools, this situation is becoming more and more serious. The more frequently, because no matter what kind of research, the talented students of Liuyi College are always the best tool people.

Of course, Liuyi College does not want its students to be borrowed and borrowed, so it has reported to the superiors many times, suggesting that these departments should be merged into Liuyi College, referring to the departments of the comprehensive university before the change.

This is indeed a good solution, but there are many practical issues to wrestle with.

This time, taking advantage of the overall relocation of the imperial capital, Mo Ze, the third principal of Liuyi College, insisted on putting this matter into practice.

The current Liuyi College is not in the imperial capital, but outside the city twenty kilometers away from the new imperial capital.

It covers a very large area, even surpassing those new cities with 20 immigrants. Anyway, the most valuable thing now is the land. At the beginning of the design, Liuyi College was rushing to the scale of a million people, and all other top universities have already settled in Inside, although its internal administrative structure has not changed, in the eyes of outsiders, it is one, and these institutions are branches of Liuyi College.

The collection room also has a new look.

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