This year, the population growth rates of all civilization camps have increased significantly.

In the 23rd year of the new calendar, on the first day of the first month, the planet became much bigger like a balloon.

This time, the other civilized camps did not stay in a daze anymore, and quickly launched their actions, especially those bordering the Yanxia camp.

As for the organizational chaos caused by the hasty actions, the fighting strength is uneven, and many so-called new cities look like refugee concentration camps...there are too many problems to count, so let's ignore them for the time being, throw people there and occupy the territory first Let's talk.

While moving to snatch food, be alert to Yan Xia's movements.

Yan Xia didn't move.

Even the newly added blank areas in the interior have not been filled by people. I just watch your performances as if you are recuperating.

When encountering those who are too lazy in management, Yan Xia will enthusiastically guide and correct them, and teach them how to do it.

At first no one listened, suspecting that Yan Xia wanted to take the opportunity to prescribe bad medicine.

But after all, there are some new cities that will collapse completely if they don't change, the dead horses are treated as living horse doctors, and they follow Yan Xia's suggestion.

Significant effect.


More and more cities are following suit.

This year, the greatest achievement of all mankind is that with the help of Yan Xia, the in-depth practice of the various civilization camps has jointly participated in formulating a complete set of coping plans.

Using just the right words, diagrams, data, tables and other means, it is condensed into a set of tomes.

Including how to use the existing technical means to quickly survey the newly added territory, to formulate the population migration plan, prepare materials and transport capacity, select the site of the new city, and mobilize the power of the entire camp to cooperate. Everything is detailed and involves all aspects.

Every big migration is an in-depth mobilization of the power of the entire camp. It is necessary to tap the potential of the entire camp as much as possible, but not to dig too much. There are too many considerations.

It can be said that this is Yanxia's goodwill towards all mankind. Other civilization camps can only raise questions and difficulties, and all solutions are contributed by Yanxia.

From the country-wide mobilization ability that was already unrivaled in the world before the sky change, billions of personnel transportation and scheduling experience every year, the preparation and coordination of massive supplies, to the seemingly smooth and excessive terror behind the sky change to the operation planning that makes ordinary people's scalps tingle Yan Xia imparted all the details without reservation.

No matter from which angle you look at it, this is a set of sacred books, whose value surpasses any miraculous skills and forbidden books of secret methods.

Even the three camps of the Guangming God, who have the strongest mentality of confronting Yanxia, ​​regard this set of books as their standard.

In the 24th year of the new calendar, the planet has grown again.

Last year, the civilized camps exerted too much force, and the situation was spread too wide. They barely maintained the situation under Yan Xia's hands-on support. This year, they couldn't take immediate action at all.

This year, Yanxia did not continue to settle overseas, but deployed 20 million people from the entire camp to the vast territory north of Yanxia, ​​and built [-] new cities with a population of [-] people to eliminate hidden dangers in the north.

For 25 years, the planet continued to grow.

The other civilization camps that finally got over their strength began to take action again. Some people took the initiative to bear the pressure. The hot summer couldn't wait for it, to recuperate, and to accumulate strength for the next action.

In 26 years, the planet continued to grow bigger, and Yanxia started to act immediately.

According to the tacit understanding cultivated in the previous two rounds, the other civilization camps should slow down, because in terms of population size, all other civilization camps add up to slightly exceed the Yanxia camp. If the Yuan Continent is included in the Yanxia camp, the Yanxia family It can crush the world.

It's just that Yanxia didn't mobilize the local humans in the source continent when carrying out the global layout. The only requirement for them is to protect their own territory.

Coupled with Yanxia's ultra-large-scale mobilization ability, which is unrivaled in the world, this cannot be easily reversed by other civilization camps with a set of plan encyclopedias.

Yan Xia will feel exhausted after taking full action once, and it will take a year to continue. Other civilization camps will not recover faster than Yan Xia.

Moreover, this also involves the restocking of massive amounts of materials. Even though nature is an inexhaustible treasure house and granary, even if you bend down to pick it up, it will take time for people to pick it up.

The best mode is the same as the previous two rounds, one year of work and one year of rest, one year of rest, both to recover and recharge, the hot summer camp and other civilization camps alternate to maximize efficiency.

But the development of the situation shows that Yan Xia is wishful thinking.

The Vatican Ancient Kingdom camp, the God of Hope camp, and the God of Light camps respectively made joint efforts from the southwest of Yanxia, ​​the west, and the northwest of the Shaluo Kingdom camp, and acquired the newly added territory in one step before Yanxia.

Together block the expansion of the Yanxia camp on the ever-expanding World Island.

After several rounds of surges, the territory of the New World has exceeded [-] million square kilometers. The Alpha camp is not dominated by the population. It is already stretched to maintain such a large territory alone, but it still supports tens of millions of immigrants like water, to show the unity of the three camps of the God of Light. The heart of advance and retreat.

It's just so inexplicable, he has always shown gentleness and kindness to others, and he shared his unique and precious experience without any secrets just a moment ago, but because of the terrifying power that was unmatched by all the civilized camps suddenly revealed after years of dormant summer, he was met with To the common resistance of all civilization camps.

This kind of deliberate isolation made Yan Xia suddenly feel like the world is the enemy.

The domestic public opinion is so fierce that it is almost about to explode.

They all scolded other civilization camps for being wolf-hearted.

However, Yan Xia did not take drastic actions because of this, and just took advantage of this opportunity to continue to exert force on Yuan Continent and Ancient Ocean Continent.

In 27 years, Yanxia followed her own rhythm, ignored the planet that was bigger, and began to recuperate with peace of mind, accumulating energy for the next action.

The other camps still did not stop, and continued to expand the area of ​​​​the camp's territory.

In the middle of the year, the tragedy finally broke out on a large scale.

The new cities that these camps have expanded in the past three years are all superficial, and many of them don't even have "superficials".

Each new city is a monster with a terrifying appetite. Before it can gain a foothold and be self-sufficient, the entire camp must continue to receive blood transfusions. During this period, each new city is the common burden of the entire civilization camp.

If you don't stand firm for a day, this burden will always exist and will not disappear automatically.

Yan Xia works for a year and stops for a year. In addition to recovering energy and accumulating energy, he also needs to use this precious year to use the power of the entire camp to completely take root in the new city. Give some help.

In the Southwest, West, and Northwest regions of Yanxia, ​​the new cities built by the major civilization camps in the past three years, even the earliest ones, have not gained a firm foothold so far, and they must rely on continuous blood transfusions from the entire camp to survive.

After three years of continuous blood transfusion, these new towns have become malignant tumors of several major camps, which cannot be cut or kept.

In the middle of the 27th year of the new calendar, the third major migration had just been completed, requiring a greater supply of blood transfusions, and chaos broke out within the several major camps almost simultaneously.

Originally, those high-caste, big oligarchs, and big chaebols, out of long-term interest considerations, vowed, and even actively encouraged the entire camp to make big strides. When they realized that it was a mess, blood transfusions for three years did not return, but it was a longer-term blood transfusion. Their original intention is not to be selfless and only to benefit others. If they find a mistake, of course they will stop the loss immediately.

cut off.

And as long as one person runs first, the other groups that are still struggling to support will also rush away at the opportunity.

Tens of thousands of new cities have been built in the past three years, and nearly 20 billion migrants from various camps have fallen into a desperate famine.

When the news spread to Yan Xia, everyone felt incredible.

Are the high-level people in these civilized camps all pigs? After several years of extreme pressure, didn't they expect that this would lead to terrible consequences?

After careful understanding, Yan Xia was speechless.

"It's not a big deal." This is the common evaluation of Yanxia people.

First of all, they have a visible role model, which is also the goal they try to catch up with and even surpass, Yan Xia.

Secondly, although they have already recognized Yan Xia's all-round strength, they also feel from the bottom of their hearts that their potential background is no worse than Yan Xia's.

What you can do in Yanxia, ​​we will copy according to the correct answer, not to mention learning [-]%, [-]% is no problem, right?

Moreover, there was another successful practical experience, and Yan Xia shared the correct answer openly.

They are not so arrogant that they carry out a big relocation every year. According to their plan, they will work for three consecutive years to interrupt the increasingly vigorous arrogance of the hot summer, and then they can lie dormant for a few years to digest with peace of mind.

And there is another biggest difference between these camps and Yan Xia. The real high-level people in these camps are born with noble identities, or are loose alliances formed by big consortiums and oligarchs.

Their demands are inconsistent, and even their political views are completely opposite. They have been hostile for a long time, and the only thing they have in common is greed.

When fighting against the wind, they are more bloodthirsty and ferocious than hyenas in order to compete for the trophies of their prey. But if the wind is against them, as long as the situation is slightly wrong, they will retreat and escape without hesitation.

In the end, they left a huge mess, and almost 20 billion immigrants became refugees in an instant.

A moment ago, it was a sweet potato, but now it has become a hot potato.

Starving to death is not enough, after all, the world is now extremely rich in natural resources, and it is possible to survive by fishing, hunting and gathering.

Nearly 20 billion people have returned to the primitive era, starting from scratch, relying on more abundant and advanced concepts, transforming nature, conquering nature, and creating human civilization again?

This may also be an interesting story, but neither the insider nor the outsider would want to see this happen.

In today's world, who can solve this dilemma?

Those men with animal skin skirts wrapped around their waists, holding wooden spears, and screaming strangely hunting in the boundless wilderness turned their eyes to the east;

Those women and children carrying rattan baskets, jumping up and down in the jungle, looking for wild fruits and vegetables, digging out bird nests and digging holes in the ground, also cast their expectant eyes in the direction of the rising sun from time to time;

Some people are exploring ore veins, cheering for the first furnace of low-quality molten iron smelted;

Some people use wooden and stone farm tools to open up wasteland...

They were abandoned, they struggled to survive, their languages ​​were different, and their skin colors were different, but they had a common habit at this time—when they were taking a nap, they would always subconsciously look towards the east.


Hot summer, the new imperial capital.

Zheng Xun sat in the conference hall with an increasingly retro style.

Together with a group of old buddies, first quietly listen to the summarized information.

"The total number of refugees is 19.8 billion, which should have been around 21 billion.

Those high-level leaders of the new cities that were originally designated, as well as people with quick insights, wide information channels, or high-level evolution, all returned to the rear through various means, because these camps without exception fell into a whirlpool of chaos, and went further. The political vortex was triggered. All forces are trying to find useful help. There are too many opportunities hidden in it. Naturally, those capable people are unwilling to stand on the sidelines in the refugee city, and they all rush to the flames.

Now these 19.8 billion people are basically ordinary people and low-level evolutionists, and some people who are disappointed with the authorities. They are basically in a state of leaderless.

However, the situation cannot always be like this. Now that the various civilization camps are arguing endlessly, taking the opportunity to fight against differences, when they complete the internal rectification and reshuffle, they will definitely send someone to take over as soon as possible.

This time window will not be too long, and it will not be delayed until the end of this year at the latest.

We have had internal analysis and discussions, and they are likely to recall half of them to the mature and stable rear, abandon half of the new cities, and use the most complete half of the new cities built in the first two years as a breakthrough, so that at least half of the results can be preserved. , the loss of personnel is very small, and with this experience, it will not take long for the half of the new city that they abandoned to be rebuilt. "

The report was made by a young man with a gentle face, and he opened another report.

"As of yesterday, 91% of the refugee cities have sent representatives to the nearest Yanxia New City to ask for help. The situation in these refugee cities is worse than we imagined. Living in a pit, lacking everything else, and now basically returning to the original state of life of fishing, hunting and gathering.”

An old man suddenly asked, "How are they feeling?"

The gentle youth said:

"Very angry, very disappointed, I can be sure that this is the truest state of mind of the nearly 20 billion people. More than half of the representatives who asked us for help made it clear that as long as we help, they can immediately change their flags and leave their original camp .

And even those who did not make a clear statement, there are similar implicit hints that if we help, we can completely take over those new cities, and no one will resist. "

Even though they knew roughly what was going to be discussed this time before the meeting started, they couldn't help but be moved when they heard it with their own ears.

An old man murmured: "20 billion, this is a new force that can be used with 20 billion! With them, we really have more than 20 billion manpower at our disposal. Our family accounts for two-thirds of the global population resources!"

Another person said solemnly: "I checked, and the total population of those camps is only about 85 billion, many of whom are underage children. If we take these 20 billion people, it is equivalent to taking them so hard for so many years. If all the demographic dividends that come down are swallowed up, then everyone in the world will be enemies."

"What's the matter with the world's enemies? Our family is stronger than all of them. What's there to worry about? Our previous attitude was good enough. What did we get?

Whether it is a group of harmony or the world is an enemy, our ultimate goal is to improve the overall strength of human beings as much as possible. If there is no opportunity for them, mud will not support the wall, so what kind of harmony should we continue to talk to them?

Be fearful but not virtuous!Since you don't want to listen to your good voice, then come hard.It is the right way to be both kingly and domineering! "

Everyone discussed for a while, and it can be confirmed that everyone wants to eat these 20 billion people. This opportunity is really rare. Once the window period is over, the internal situation of those camps will be clear, and they will definitely take over as soon as possible. Therefore, I want to If you want to eat this big piece of fat, you have to hurry up and stop dawdling.

The only point of difference is whether it is worthwhile for Yan Xia to do so, and the hostility that will inevitably be incurred by doing so.

It was agreed to carry forward for the sake of all mankind, but in the end, it took the initiative to provoke a full-scale civil war?

The two opinions were at a stalemate, and an old man next to him saw that Zheng Xun had remained silent, bumped him with his hand, and said, "Old Zheng, what's your opinion?"

Zheng Xun woke up from his contemplation, his eyes were calm, and he said calmly: "I have an idea, maybe we can avoid direct conflicts with other camps while eating these 20 billion people."

"Say it, tell it quickly!" Everyone was very interested, and they knew that Zheng Xun was a human being. If he was not fully sure, he would not be able to say that.

Of course, it would be best if there is a law of both ends.

Zheng Xun said slowly: "What we want are those 20 billion people, not those cities, right?"

Everyone nodded in unison.

"The reason why we feel that accepting them will be in full-scale conflict with other camps is because they are now in the border area between us and other camps. If they change their flags, those camps will of course react violently. Those People who are temporarily classified into our camp, in such a situation, are also very likely to repeat themselves, and it is possible to directly change the flag back."

Everyone nodded again, their minds were spinning very fast, after Zheng Xun's words, their eyes were already thoughtful.

Sure enough, Zheng Xun said: "Then let's get them away from that right and wrong place."

"Where do we need people? Everyone has always been worried that the population of Guyangzhou is too small. Relying on us to squeeze blood transfusions like toothpaste again and again, the indicators will not cure the root cause. We need to increase the population base there. The natural population growth every year reaches a certain level. It is a long way.

There is also our north, our internal expansion area, and the source continent.

We can completely remove them from this place of right and wrong, and cut off their worries. Only in this way can they truly live with peace of mind.

As for those camps wanting revenge, let's wait until they fill those empty cities.

"Old Zheng, it's ok, you're taking your salary from the bottom of the pot with this trick.

I optimistically estimate that they will not think about such a good thing in ten years.After all, the planet is getting bigger every year, and no matter how many newborns there are, it will take time for them to grow up. "

Everyone praised.Have a great time! "

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