It is not the garrison that rotates every few years in the past, but the posture of long-term settlement and rooting.

These Yanxia people are basically young and middle-aged men and women. They take the family as the unit, are full of energy and enthusiasm, and build urban homes full of hot summer wind and open up farmland and pastures.

In these places, in addition to more than 5000 million pure Yanxia ethnic groups, there are also a large number of native black-skinned humans who work together, laughing and joking, playing and joking, looking like they can't run out of energy.

Daxizhou felt uncomfortable, feeling as if his softest waist was being held against by a sharp dagger.

To completely eliminate this hidden danger, considering Yan Xia's strong appeal in Yuan Continent over the years, Daxizhou estimates that the three camps of Guangming God must be thoroughly united and send hundreds of millions of troops, so that it is possible to quickly eliminate the hidden danger of Yuan Continent before Yan Xia can react. removal.

If you procrastinate and wait for Yanxia to react, it will be a protracted and bitter battle, and it is still difficult to see the dawn of victory.

And small-scale intrigues and tricks have almost zero effect in this level of game.

And with the terrifying reproductive power of the hot summer civilization and the ability to tolerate and assimilate foreign races, the longer it takes root, the harder it will be to remove this thorn.

Dare not fight a big war, and a small war is meaningless.

Daxizhou, who had shrunk his head and been a tortoise for several months, suddenly accused Yanxia of blatantly violating international peace.

Yan Xia only responded lightly.

"That is a volunteer team from the local residents of Yingyuan Continent asking for help. They are all lovers of the lost ancient civilization of Yuan Continent. They are very sad to learn that half of the anomalous monuments have been destroyed. They want to go to protect the remaining anomalous monuments in person.

We reiterate once again that all visionary monuments are the common wealth of all mankind, even if they are not of our own nation or civilization, we must protect them well. "

Faced with this kind of answer, Daxizhou felt that the rebuttal was an insult to his IQ, but he couldn't do anything except vomit blood with anger.

In the 22nd year of the new calendar, all kinds of turmoil caused by celestial phenomena suddenly fell silent.

On the first day of the first lunar month, people all over the world were dumbfounded.

Just one sleep and the world changes.

The cities inhabited by humans have not changed much, and the uninhabited areas such as green spaces, parks, and squares have swelled a bit out of thin air.

The square that was originally paved with stone slabs has many vertical and horizontal cracks, just like a complete field that is automatically cracked into thousands of ravines due to extreme dryness.

But the torn square did not have a gully, but was filled with mud and rocks that appeared out of thin air.

The same is true for those green parks, where stretches of green shade are torn apart by criss-crossing mud and rocks.

And outside the city, the farther away from the city, the more obvious this change.

The whole earth was torn and crushed, reshaped and filled.

There is no doubt that the planet has grown larger.

The distance between cities, between countries, between civilization camps and civilization camps has become larger, and the more obvious the difference in attributes between each other, the greater the distance between them.

The will of the planet is consciously giving each individual civilization sufficient space to display.

Not only did the land change, but the oceans got bigger and deeper.

After calculation, the diameter of the planet has increased from more than 1 kilometers to 5 kilometers, the volume has quadrupled, and the surface area of ​​the planet has doubled from the original 12 million square kilometers to more than [-] billion square kilometers. more than enough.

The extra matter came out of thin air like a balloon, and human cognition was smashed into slag again.

The whole world was confused by this turn of events.

The planet grows bigger, and the original land is like a complete piece of porcelain that has been smashed and put together in a mess. There is a strange sense of fragmentation, and it has become unprecedentedly strange.

Except for the place where human beings live has not been affected, the anomalous monuments specially marked by the will of the planet have also maintained their integrity.

Whether it is the Great Wall or Mount Tai of the Yellow River, not only are they not torn apart by the enlarged land, but they become proportionally larger as the land of the planet grows.

Become more towering majestic, majestic.

It is a rare and familiar thing in a strange new world, a landmark that anchors civilization, and a place where the soul is placed.

And with the expansion of the planet, the world's inspiration skyrocketed.

Ten days later, the land full of tears became one again, and the newly added land was covered with green shades, insects and beasts were infested, hard work, joyful play, and a bigger and deeper ocean , is even more vibrant, and you can often see huge sea monsters jumping out of the sea, splashing huge waves, as if thanking and celebrating this wider and vast world.

Yanxia is warning the world, reminding all civilized countries to be careful of the counterattack of wild forces. Compared with the expansion of the entire biological world, the speed of human reproduction is really not enough.

It is a fact that the planet has become bigger. If humans do not occupy it, it will be occupied by wild forces. Beware of another wave of beasts sweeping the world.

After issuing the statement, Yanxia started the long-prepared big migration.

Different from the previous migration involving everyone, Yanxia's migration plan this time is to remove [-]% of the population from each concentrated city, which can also be considered as a decompression for cities that are getting closer to the population limit.

Young adults are preferred, followed by adolescents who are about to grow up, with a complete family as the unit.

Families over [-] are not included in the relocation, so they can take care of themselves for the elderly, and at least one son or daughter will stay with them to minimize the pain of parting.

There are 5000 million people who have migrated in this wave of hot summer.

For some civilized countries, it may be a super troublesome thing, and all sorts of messy things will happen, but for Yan Xia, this matter is not very difficult.

The upper level made a plan and gave a plan, and every inhabited city took action in an orderly manner.

The upper echelon will mainly focus on the mobilization of neighboring countries.

After ten years of living, the population of the surrounding countries has reached 15 billion. The hot summer is ordering all countries to readjust the layout of domestic settlements and cities, and must take all the newly added land into their pockets, so as not to give wild forces a space to multiply and grow.

At the same time, these countries will provide [-] million people for unified scheduling in hot summer according to the population ratio.

Because the internal borders of each country have been upgraded in different proportions, there are larger gaps between countries and civilization camps. These gaps must be filled immediately, otherwise countries will be isolated by wild forces and become "isolated islands".

In the other civilized camps, Yanxia is still powerless and can only focus on appeals, but in the Yanxia civilization camp, Yanxia has the duty to comprehensively coordinate the efforts of all countries to jointly eliminate this hidden danger.

Yanxia not only conveyed this truth to the ruling classes of various countries, but also clearly informed the people of all countries that people have instinctive resistance to such a large-scale migration, but they have to admit that Yanxia's reasons are upright, and they all know Alpha Empire, How does the Shaluo Kingdom treat the people of other countries in the camp? Yanxia has such power but such a gentle attitude, what else can he do besides being obedient and cooperating?

In the 22nd year of the new calendar, Yanxia has devoted most of her energy to the resettlement of these 5000 million people.

Because of the leapfrog improvement of individual strength, people's ability to survive and act far exceeds that before the sky change, and considering the continuous increase in the future population and the continuous migration activities that have to be carried out as the planet continues to expand, try to control each time. The scope of migration, coupled with the fact that the era of industrial technology is gone forever, quickly shrinks the variety of industries.

Combining various factors, the originally inhabited city with a million people as a unit has been reduced to a city of 20.

Yanxia used [-] million direct ethnic groups and [-] million collateral ethnic groups from various countries to build [-] new cities inhabited like sesame seeds.

Half of it is used to fill the large gaps between Yanxia and the surrounding countries, between the southwest and the ancient Vatican camp, and between the west and the God of Hope camp. In addition, nearly [-] new cities are all scattered in the vast north of Yanxia.

Yanxia's actions were as quick and straightforward as ever, and by the time the other civilization camps reacted, it had become an established fact.

Faced with dissatisfaction from the Vatican Ancient Kingdom camp and the God of Hope camp, Yan Xia's attitude is very clear. It is meaningless to insist on who owns the newly added territory between these camps.

The fundamental purpose of our actions is not to give wild forces sufficient space to reproduce, not to seize territory. If you rush to bring these new territories into the protection of the civilization camp before us, we have nothing to say and will accept it with pleasure.

The reaction from the Shaluo Kingdom camp was even more intense, because the nearly [-] new cities deployed by Yanxia in the north not only included the newly added territory, but also a large part of the territory that originally belonged to the Shaluo Kingdom was occupied by the new cities.

Facing the fierce protest from Shaluo Kingdom, Yan Xia remained calm.

In terms of area, the territory of the Shaluo Kingdom is nearly 2000 million square kilometers, but not only does it have a large number of polar frozen soil and ice fields, but also the vast undeveloped land in the hot summer north is also regarded as remote and wild by them.

Since the reorganization of the civilized camp and the outbreak of the Beast Tide War, the Shaluo Kingdom has shrunk all its forces and approached the Daxizhou camp. Not only has it abandoned all the frozen land and ice fields, but tens of millions of square kilometers of territory in the northern part of the hot summer have been abandoned and idled. There are ten years.

Every year, Yanxia dispatches elite forces to carry out in-depth investigations. Among them, the reproduction of wild forces has recovered, even surpassing the source continent. This has become the biggest source of danger hanging over Yanxia's head.

This time the planet expanded, the farther away from civilization and inhabited areas, the greater the expansion rate. Therefore, the expansion rate of the tens of millions of square kilometers of wild hotbeds in the hot summer north exceeded the average increase in the surface area of ​​the planet, and the area expanded to nearly 3000 million. square kilometers.

Seeing that the bomb has a tendency to become a mushroom bomb, how could Yan Xia not take action.

Since the Sharo camp is protesting that we have occupied these areas, we can evacuate everyone now, and leave the newly built cities and massive supplies to you, provided that you must send a number of people no less than ours to take over.

If you can't do it, please shut up and don't babble.

Sha Luoguo shut up instantly.

Among all the national camps, their population is the smallest. Although strategic contraction has been implemented many times to condense the scattered forces into fists, the planet is now expanding like a balloon, and its power is even more stretched. How can we allocate manpower to replace Yan Xia? Guard the North.

But Yan Xia's actions are not over yet. After finishing the layout of Yan Xia's surroundings, especially reducing the potential hidden dangers in the north, Yan Xia's eyes are drawn away from herself and look at the whole world.

There are 20 new cities, each with 5000 people, and a total population of [-] million. According to this year's plan, there are still [-] million people who have not been resettled.

Yanxia moved them to Guyangzhou.

This action directly hit the chicken point of the three camps of the God of Light.

The reaction was more intense than Yanxia's layout in the north.

In their cognition, even though human civilization has retreated from Ancient Ocean Continent for more than ten years, legally speaking, it is still the territory of the three camps of the God of Light, and Yan Xia's behavior is an invasion.

Yan Xia's response was still calm and upright.

The territory of Ancient Oceania has now increased to more than 2000 million square kilometers. Since human civilization was expelled, it has become a paradise for wild forces and a hell for human civilization. Now, that hell has become deeper and bigger.

Are all human beings going to sit back and watch it continue to develop like this?


The wild forces brewing there are the common enemy of all mankind.

Now, for the safety of all mankind, we are determined to put our lives on the line and suppress hell, but you care about this being your territory.

Come, come, let me take a step back, and let you take care of this place.

The Sharo camp has the least population, and the territory of the New World has more than doubled to nearly 4000 million square kilometers, and more than 9000% of the territory has been strategically abandoned. The population of Daxizhou is relatively large, and that is only Compared with the other two, now they are barely including the newly added land into the civilization camp, so how can they be distracted from attacking a continent!

It can't be that you can't control it yourself, and you can't allow others to control it, just wait for it to continue to brew and ferment, right?

The three camps of the God of Light looked at each other, feeling that Yan Xia had taken advantage of everything, and had also taken advantage of all the reasons.

The cheapness is there, but they are powerless. They say they can't win, and they can't fight. They are very depressed.

The 22nd year of the new calendar, at the end of December.

Yanxia Foreign Affairs Department, year-end summary.

Through a whole year of practice, we have achieved fruitful results for the hot summer.

Zheng Xun said to a group of juniors with staring eyes:

"The current international affairs are much simpler and purer than before. For you, this is a good thing and a bad thing. The good thing is that things are easy to do, but the bad thing is that you have lost too much experience and have never experienced the real turbulence. international atmosphere.


Before, you proposed to communicate with other camps first, don't be too strong and domineering, and damage our Yanxia's always good and gentle international image.

But the fact is that this level of communication is basically ineffective or even negative. If you rely on communication, it is impossible to achieve the current results in ten years. Of course, I am not saying that communication is useless, but I want you to understand the mystery of it .

When to rely on communication to achieve your intentions, four or two will make a difference; when to just do it without talking, or do it first and then talk... The mystery can only be understood. When you really understand this, I can really rest in peace. "

Having said that, he paused, and said:

"This year we have achieved the established results, and everyone is very happy. But I found that there is a very bad trend, that is, most of you think that this result is how much territory we have occupied in Yanxia, ​​only from the territory. The influence of it exceeds that of other civilization camps. No, no!"

He said three mistakes in a row while shaking his head.

"As the planet expands, territory is the least valuable thing. What we occupy is not territory, but more responsibilities.

Someone couldn't help asking: "Teacher, if the planet continues to grow, with the population size of the Alpha camp, more territories will be abandoned. What shall we do then?"

Zheng Xun said seriously, "How did we do it this time?"

Everyone was dumbfounded, thinking, if the Alpha Empire knew that Yan Xia was ready to take their responsibilities in the New World at any time, they might really burst their minds.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the 22nd year of the new calendar, Yan Xia has turned the world.

The other civilization camps have all become spectators on the global chessboard, and their emotions are so complicated that it is difficult to describe them exhaustively.

Awe, envy, jealousy, gnashing of teeth, convinced, not convinced...

Uneasy after all.

It hurts.

After watching the whole process for a year, they at least know what the real winning code is in this brand new competition.


In the face of a population of hundreds of millions, even billions, or tens of billions, B-level evolutionists, or even A-level evolutionaries, can play very limited roles.

Therefore, this year, one of the most vigorous efforts by countries around the world is to stimulate the population and encourage fertility.

Without exception, they have all made major changes to their teachings. Whether they believe in the God of Light, the God of Hope, or the destruction of the True God, the measure of belief is directly embodied in how many children your family has, and the more you have, The higher the piety!The higher the social status!

The competition among civilization camps has turned into a battle to create humans.

As the planet expands, the distance between the civilization camps widens. Starting with the three camps of the God of Light, all the civilization camps have carried out a wave of "purification" of the interior. It is extremely difficult to cause trouble inside others. Moreover, in addition to attracting Feelings have no effect.

The only effective way is to fight head-on, but this is the most unlikely thing to happen at this stage.

Therefore, what can really fight is to practice hard and survive.

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