Therefore, my prediction of the prospects is very optimistic. "

Everyone exchanged, and then, the old man sitting at the top looked at the stack of documents in front of him, took out the top one, and said, "Then, let's start voting on these decrees.

This first one is about strengthening the spread of the Yanxia civilization. "





"From now on, Yanxia will replace all teaching materials and delete all parts related to Daxizhou and the God of Light. Those truly valuable knowledge will be retained, such as mathematical geometry, such as rational philosophy, psychology, spirituality, etc., but Only its pure intellectual value is preserved, nothing else is involved.

All books and periodicals related to Daxizhou and the God of Light will no longer be printed and distributed, and will be withdrawn from all citizen libraries. Those who have special research needs must submit an application, and dissemination is prohibited.

We will further strengthen the education of traditional culture, and the government intends to promote the active participation of the people in the 'new retro movement'. The so-called new is to make a comprehensive 'physical examination and revision' of the hot summer culture in a spirit that is more open, more inclusive, and more in line with the times .

It is undeniable that there are many beautiful and good things in traditional culture, but there are also many ugly, bad and inappropriate parts.

From fashion customs, etiquette and communication, aesthetic taste, to food, socializing, and how to get along with family and friends, there are things worth talking about and need to be re-recognized.

A few years ago, some schools used "cultivating scholars and gentlemen" as the bait for recruiting students, and many parents and students took the bait. In recent years, more and more schools have followed this method.

The author does not object to this formulation, but I think it is better to add the word "new" before the "scholar gentleman". The new scholar and the new gentleman should take it as the heart of the world, the life of the people, and the inheritance of the sages. The lofty ambition to create peace for all generations must abandon the self-admiration and superiority mentality, not to mention all kinds of bad habits that think they are elegant, but they are all dross. "

Jiang Buku sat in the small courtyard behind the apse of the collection room, holding "Summer Times" in his hand, reading the newspaper very slowly, and sometimes he would fall into long-term contemplation after reading a paragraph.

"The Yanxia Foreign Affairs Department officially condemned the anti-human nature exposed by the three camps of the God of Light in this incident. It will inform other civilized countries of their actions and the damage they caused, and remind them to be careful of back arrows from the three camps of the God of Light.


The surrounding countries of Yanxia have been deeply influenced by Yanxia culture since ancient times. In this incident, they were affected by the three camps and suffered immeasurable losses. More importantly, they saw clearly the evil nature of the three camps of the God of Light. Due to the continuous loss caused by the loss, they re-recognized the great value of the Yanxia civilization.

While completely eradicating domestic westernized thinking, it has increased the promotion of local cultural traditions.And it is positively admitted in the textbook that its local culture is rooted in the ancient Yanxia civilization, which is an adaptive change made by the Yanxia civilization at different times and regions, just like the language of the vast Yanxia land. There are various customs, but they all come from the same source, and the long and bright Yanxia history will officially enter their textbooks.

The surrounding countries have all submitted formal plans. Within three years, the Yanxia language will be introduced into the enlightenment textbooks, and within ten years, it will be used as the official language. "

Jiang Buku looked at this text, smacked for a long time, and then smiled.

Of course he doesn't think that the surrounding countries will take the initiative to make such a request, but since the text has such an expression, then at least there is such a ceremony. As for the operation behind this, Jiang Buku believes that it is definitely more decent than the three camps of the God of Light much.

His last smile reminded him of the passages he often saw when reading historical stories. A certain prince finally made himself the only candidate for the throne through untold hardships and unscrupulous means. At the last step, he steadied himself. up.

He had to kneel down three times and worship nine times, earnestly and even beg in every possible way, before he would be embarrassed to sit on it.It seems that I can't wait to tell the whole world that you forced me to do this!

In the past, he only saw the hypocrisy of this ceremony, but now he sees a kind of calm and self-confidence. Only when the winning ticket is in hand, everyone from top to bottom will complete this set of rituals so calmly .

If there is a slight lack of confidence, it is impossible for this supreme crown to be worn so calmly, so decently and naturally, it is either crooked, or stained with mud or even blood spots, or simply reveals the essence of the monkey's crown.

The approach of the three camps of the God of Light said that it would not be possible to wear the crown with the monkey, but their crowns were actually covered with blood spots and mud. They could pretend not to see it, but unless they could put all the All other civilized countries in the world are wiped out, otherwise, there will always be someone to help them watch.

Chapter Fifty and Five

Yan Xia calmly rectified the internal and surrounding order, and did not forget the direct source of this incident.

Since Tianchang, Yanxia has continued to increase her influence on the Yuan Continent in a gentle and kind way, and finally even helped them win the beast tide war.

In addition, their evolutionary system comes from Yanxia's practice system. In order to practice and grow, the best and most elite of them have already begun to actively learn Yanxia culture many years ago.

This time there was an accident in the anomalous monument, their first reaction was to look to the east, immediately report the accident to Yan Xia and ask the boss for help.

It can be said that they have become more and more conscious of followers who follow Yan Xia's lead.

Before the sky change, the entire Yuan Continent had a population of about 14 billion. After the sky change, man-made disasters, natural disasters, and animal swarms, plus many chose to abandon their wisdom and return to their ancestors to return to the wild. The remaining population is just over one billion.

These years are also recuperating, with an average population growth rate of 3.8%, and now the population of Yuan Continent has just returned to the 14 billion before the sky change.

More importantly, they are adjacent to Daxizhou, and their territory is three times that of Daxizhou.

Whether it is a game between civilizations or a global layout for a more far-reaching crisis, the Yuan Continent is an extremely important fulcrum, and it is impossible for Yan Xia to give up.

From the perspective of the global situation, the three camps of the God of Light are combined, and the source continent is just within the joint attack of the three of them, let alone Daxizhou is close at hand, and although Yanxia is not afraid of their combination, it is far away from the source continent The distance is flawed.

The millions of elites stationed here in order to maintain their influence are far from enough in this kind of camp confrontation.

On the one hand, Yanxia made a high-profile voice in the international arena, accusing the three camps of the God of Light for harming others, self-interest and anti-humanity. , to remind them to be vigilant against this terrifying neighbor, and even the ancient Vatican Kingdom, which was watching the play, was pulled off the stage, reminding them of the truth of death.

Use diplomatic means to mobilize all the civilization camps in the world, and firmly hold the eyes of the three camps of the God of Light.

On the other hand, the human beings in Guiyuan Continent take the initiative to assume the responsibility of "supporting" the remaining five visionary monuments.

The nine anomalous monuments in the Yuan Continent all originated from the same lost civilization. Their ability to form anomalous phenomena is the common contribution of all mankind.

When the three camps of the God of Light suddenly withdrew their capital, the visions of the four monuments collapsed, and the visions of the remaining five monuments also dropped sharply.

As a historic site of a lost civilization, there is no "support" from direct descendants, and it is naturally not a long-term solution to rely on people to reward and eat.

The existing human beings in the Yuan Continent know that they cannot climb up to this illustrious ancestor, and they don’t have a sense of identity with this lost civilization, but Yan Xia makes it clear that these ancient sites are in the Yuan Continent, and you are the ones who benefit, recognize a distant relative and be a godson , do not suffer.

Look at what the Alpha Empire did, destroying the native civilizations of the New World from the root, slaughtering hundreds of millions, but those native civilizations left anomalous monuments, and they readily accepted them without any rejection, without any psychological barriers.

At the same time, Yanxia is also quietly implementing another supporting plan, a volunteer expedition.

Its nature is similar to that of the volunteers who rushed to the front line with high spirits back then, defending the motherland and civilization outside the country.

However, this voluntary expedition has no triumphant day, and it is likely to be a lifetime in the foreseeable future.

Not as a unit, but as a unit, to establish a new Yanxia city in the distant Yuan Continent, settle down and take root, and spread its branches and leaves.

Like a nail, it stuck firmly beside the three camps of the God of Light.

From the perspective of the three camps of the God of Light, Yan Xia's close combat showed strong malice and aggressiveness.

But only Yan Xia knows that this is not malicious, but kind.

Although Yanxia has great influence in the Yuan Continent, the humans in the Yuan Continent also have a good impression of Yan Xia, and gradually regard themselves as followers.

But this kind of position is uncountable.

The three camps of the God of Light have already shown their villainous nature indifferently, put a piece of fat aside, and expect him to abide by the moral bottom line and not steal it?

If he steals it, then accuse him, isolate him, unite the whole world to beat him... Escalate the situation little by little until all the civilized countries in the world are dragged into the water, set up the Dragon Slaying Warriors Group, and then use ingenious means and absolute Become the leader of the warrior group with strength, kill the dragon, and sit on it by yourself.

This is not such a clever method. The ancestors of Yanxia played the rest of the tricks thousands of years ago. If it is a country that pursues hegemony and power like the Alpha Empire, it will choose this method without hesitation.

But this is not what Yan Xia does.

Yan Xia is really looking at the current chess game from the perspective of all human beings with good intentions.

There is no doubt that the only force in the world today that can make the combination of the three camps of the God of Light fearful is Yan Xia.

Moreover, even if the three of them fit together, Yan Xia's strength is stronger than them.

As long as this fact remains unchanged, they dare not launch a full-scale civilized war.

At most, they will engage in tricks and tricks.

Yan Xia Luozi, rely on.

Back to back, face to face, across the sea, breath can be heard.

They will be nervous and may feel challenged and humiliated.

They will be honest, they will silently grit their teeth and practice their internal skills.

And Yanxia, ​​by the way, continued to strengthen its influence in the Yuan Continent, striving to turn it into a sub-base of Yanxia civilization.

Prepare for real havoc to strike.

When the sky fell, there was a tall man holding it up.

Yes, Yan Xia has now realized that he is the tallest person, and he does his part to regard himself as the eldest son of the planet. The third camp of the God of Light is the second brother who is not strong enough but likes to make trouble. Boring little actions, just ignore them.

The eyes of the eldest son are already outside the middle layer. As for the affairs of the planet, it is the attitude of the elder brother like a father who disciplines him.

Of course, the plan for this voluntary expedition was not made public, it was carried out in secret.

The reason why Jiang Buku knew this was because many graduates of this year's college applied to become volunteers.

This is a continuous and long-term plan, and the final scale of personnel will not be lower than that of the cross-sea expedition ten years ago.

And the first batch to go were all real elites.

After they arrive for inspection, they will provide more specific plans according to the actual situation, where the settlement cities are located, the population size of each city, communication and coordination with local people, etc.

When he learned the inside story of this plan, Jiang Buku was very surprised by the courage of the top management.

From the data he learned, there are many people who voluntarily apply to become volunteers. If the high-level officials did not set the upper limit for applications from all walks of life, more than half of the graduates of Liuyi College this year would leave.

This result made Jiang Buku a little speechless.

Of course he knew that most of these students made this decision out of selfishness. As absolute geniuses in a generation, they enjoyed the best of everything, and everyone had the consciousness of "who can give me nothing".

But he also clearly knows that apart from the public interest, everyone has more or less selfishness.

It is now the 21st year of the new calendar, and everyone understands one thing.

The back waves of the big river push the front waves, and the waves die on the beach.

A person's talent for cultivation continues to rise from generation to generation. This is the rule of the world, an irreversible general trend, and cannot be changed by one or two gifted geniuses.

What's more, those who can enter Liuyi College are not talented. In the end, the talent is the upper limit of the era.

When they entered school, they deserved to be the strongest, but in the second year, they learned more and their cultivation was higher, but they could no longer deserve it. By the year of graduation, there were already three classes of juniors Overall performance is better than them.

Moreover, in the foreseeable future, there will be more outstanding juniors and juniors. Their achievements, their cultivation bases... will all get higher and higher.

For Yanxia civilization, and for all human beings, this is a good thing. The green out of the blue is better than the blue, and the young phoenix is ​​clearer than the old phoenix.

But personally, it's not a good experience.

Therefore, from the bottom of their hearts, if they can break away from this endless and endless cycle, go to a new place as the first generation of pioneers, and establish a new foundation, they are very willing.

In addition, the parents of these students happened to be in their 30s and [-]s when the weather changed. They were in good health and at the right age. They were the first batch of practitioners of unlimited multiple births. They had many younger brothers and sisters at home. The family members will be sad, but they will not be too entangled.

Compared with these things, at the end of September, a spontaneous petition initiated by the people to "brainwash" them and completely format everything about Daxizhou and the God of Light in their minds seemed like a farce.

The official attitude, however, is astounding.

"Soul consciousness is a forbidden area that we have not been able to peek into so far. We do have a lot of means to interfere with soul consciousness, but we don't know whether there are side effects or whether it will cause irreversible damage at the soul level.

Therefore, we are very cautious when dealing with consciousness and soul methods, and we will not use this method on you who are also descendants of Yanxia.

We understand your feelings, but there is really no need to use such a drastic way. "

Some people said loudly that even if their souls were damaged, Da Xizhou couldn't take advantage of him.

But the official attitude remains firm and unmoved.

This makes people very helpless, but it is also very touching.

In the end, they could only make an appointment to forget these contents as much as possible, and all of them were rotten in their own minds, not to be revealed to the younger generation.

Chapter Fifty and Six

In the eyes of other civilizations, Yanxia is a complete alien.

Usually lukewarm, not in a hurry, not grabbing, lying there lazily and not wanting to move, even slight teasing provokes him to ignore him, and sometimes he doesn't even give warning eyes.

But when you really made a major decision, you acted swiftly and resolutely, without saying anything in vain. You haven't recovered, and you have already put the matter into practice.

Of course, the three camps of the God of Light know that what they do is a bit hated by others, and they are also ready to face a wave of international criticism.

On the other hand, the current international environment has regressed to a great extent compared to the globalization before the change, and international trade or other types of global cooperation are so small that they can be ignored.

It is precisely after a rigorous analysis that being hated by others is hated by others, but including Yanxia, ​​all they can do is to verbally accuse them and strengthen their domestic confrontation and hostility. It is impossible to cause a global war because of this incident. Beat up.

What's so scary about that.

do it.

Therefore, in the face of the public accusations that came as expected in the hot summer, the three camps of the God of Light buried their heads in pretending to be ostriches and shrinking their heads to be turtles with peace of mind.

In such an era where drastic changes may occur at any time, how much weight does this matter have in the eyes of people who have nothing to do with it in less than ten years?

However, the benefits obtained by the three camps of the Light God are real and long-term.

But at the end of the year, Da Xizhou was dumbfounded.

Just at the door of the house, in the areas closest to Daxizhou in the Yuan mainland, there are suddenly dozens of urban settlements composed of Yanxia people.

The population of each settlement is at least over one million, and the total number exceeds 5000 million.

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