In order to encourage childbearing, the government even introduced a policy that not only will the government waive all future education and medical expenses for all newborns born after the fourth child, but will also give the family a substantial subsidy every year, which can not only meet the child's daily needs In terms of wear and tear, my mother will have a monthly salary of no more or less.

The child is still your child, but the money for raising the child is all paid by the state, and you can even earn some extra wages.

Some people have done calculations specifically. If a family has six children, the mother can earn enough to barely cover the expenses of the family with the baby at home.

If eight children are born, the family can live a relatively prosperous life by relying on this.

The more you give birth, the greater your income.

Many people criticize this policy, thinking that it objectifies women and treats women as human-making machines. There must be many families who will not succumb to such temptations and embark on the road of infinite baby creation. But there is no doubt that because of this policy, Yanxia will continue to maintain the highest growth rate of population.

Jiang Buku, who knows the inside story, of course knows that this is Yanxia's population reserve for the upcoming planetary growth.

If the growth rate of human beings does not catch up with the growth rate of the planet, it is very dangerous.

After this population policy was promulgated, all the newspapers would "complain" every now and then that there were too many people living in the inhabited cities. After only 20 years, the population had soared to twice its original size, and it was approaching the limit that the city could accommodate. , and with the expected continuous population explosion, in less than five years, all the cities inhabited will be exploded.

Jiang Buku knew that this was a warm-up for the upcoming population migration.

No one likes to move, especially with this move, starting all over again.

All previous social relations and life direction were cut across the board.

If they are assigned to different cities, no matter close relatives or close friends, it will be very difficult to have the chance to see each other again in this life.

I moved once 20 years ago, and my life was cut in two.

If you move again, your life will probably be in pieces.

Moreover, the growth of the planet is continuous, and the migration of human beings will also be continuous.

The best way Jiang Buku can think of is to minimize the number of troubles to the individual, don't move twice and move three times, either on the way of moving or preparing to move again, if things go on like this, normal people will go crazy.

Therefore, this migration is not likely to be mobilized across the country like the previous one, but will come in batches, round after round.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Apart from encouraging fertility and warming up for the upcoming migration, Yanxia did not do any unnecessary actions.

Yan Xia didn't move, just practiced her internal skills quietly and hard, but in the whole world, there was already an undercurrent surging.

After the celestial vision, those monuments specially marked by the will of the planet are different.

During the day, there are no clues, but at night, you can see that these monuments are emitting a faint light, as if they are echoing a certain will in the sky.

And the light they emit has strengths and weaknesses.

For example, the monuments marked by the will of the planet in the first two days, the light they emit is obviously better than those behind.

According to statistics from around the world, there are enough such monuments. If Yanxia's historic monuments that are packaged into one city and one mountain are separated, the number of samples will be even greater. Therefore, people will soon know the rules.

For a historic site of civilization, the more people know about it, the more obvious its light will be, and the less people know about it, the dimmer its light will be.

And when the number of people who know it is less than a certain number, and the degree of attention to it is lower than a certain limit, then it is not even qualified to be "on the list".

For example, many local people and even people of this civilization think that they are qualified to be on the list, but because of insufficient dissemination and people's awareness of it, they do not appear in the vision.

Many of them, in terms of their "academic status" in a certain civilization, are even higher than some of the historic sites on the list, but they were left off the list due to insufficient awareness and dissemination.

And as so many years have passed, more and more people have recognized that consciousness can interfere with reality, and people have put forward many conjectures based on this.

So far, research on the anomalies of monuments is still at the academic level.

But in September, a news came from Yuan Continent. On a certain night at the end of August, three monuments glowing with clear light suddenly shattered, and the light of several other monuments also decreased significantly. On the next day, Another monument was cleared and shattered.

Now, there are only five historical sites in the Yuan Continent where the vision remains.These include the pyramids and the Sphinx.

When such a strange thing happened, Yuan Dalu immediately passed the information to Yanxia.

Yanxia has retained more than one million elite combat forces there for a long time to maintain influence, guiding the local humans in the source mainland to establish a practice system rooted in Yanxia civilization, coupled with the deeds of more than 4000 million elite expedition rescues, Yanxia has always been kind to people and good deeds With an attitude of not asking for anything in return, the local humans in the Yuan mainland have a high sense of identification with Yanxia.

It is much purer than the mentality of neighboring countries who are slightly wary of Yanxia but have to cling to it. It is an extremely important result of Yanxia's global strategy.

For such a change, Yanxia attaches great importance to it.

For this reason, 108 anomalous monuments of Yanxia itself were investigated.

Then they came to a shocking conclusion, all the ancient monuments had a slight weakening of the clear light, and it was difficult to find the faintness without careful comparison.

The same thing happened to the surrounding countries that were defaulted to be the Yanxia camp, and the weakening rate was even a little bigger than Yanxia's side, but it was not to the extent that the light was broken.

The giant dragon that was dormant in meditation suddenly opened its eyes and mobilized all its forces to investigate the cause.

Soon, the reason was found out. The official did not cover it up, and directly published the investigation results on "Yanxia Shizheng". As expected, it caused an uproar and heated discussions among the whole people.

When studying the visions of ancient monuments, the Alpha Empire camp, the Daxizhou camp, and the Shaluo Kingdom camp all discovered that compared with the visions of ancient monuments of other camps, there is a natural consistency among them.

This unity comes from their common belief, the God of Light.

There is also a common sense of civilization identity, the civilization of Daxizhou.

Although due to historical reasons, the belief in the God of Light has been divided into many branches, and there are even long-term hatred and conflicts, but it is not enough to deny that the source can be traced back to the God of Light.

Therefore, when studying the visions of ancient monuments, the three parties came very close and showed a more active desire to explore. This is understandable, and there is nothing to say.

But the three-party peace talks are far deeper than what others have seen.

First of all, they further verified the strengthening of human consciousness on the vision of ancient monuments.

Because in addition to the visions of the ancient ruins of the lost ancient civilizations in the New World, all the monuments with visions in the three major camps have a common feature, that is, the source can be found in the belief of the God of Light or the civilization of Daxizhou.

So the three parties cooperated, and each camp quietly strengthened the propaganda of the historic site where the vision appeared.

There are various methods, first of all, to modify the relevant content in the textbook, and secondly, through various implantation and replacement methods, such as statues in squares, publicity billboards, various art exhibitions, people's daily communication topics... …Because these originated from the God of Light and the civilization of Daxizhou, people will not feel the slightest abruptness, but they did implant the concept of visionary monuments in the hearts of all the people of the three major camps in this way.

At the same time, any information related to other monuments of civilization has been deliberately "blocked", removed from textbooks, related books have been quietly transferred, and pictures and models of these monuments have disappeared from people's sight.

Among people's topics, there are fewer and fewer people talking about it. These changes are very natural. If you don't deliberately explore, you can hardly find this change.

The changes brought about by this are remarkable. The brightness of the clear light emitted by the vision monuments of the three camps of Alpha, Daxizhou, and Shaluo at night has been significantly improved.

Meanwhile, they made another discovery.

It should be known that Daxizhou is the birthplace of science. Mathematics is the cornerstone of everything and has been leading the world.

In such a large-scale experiment involving billions of people, people living in different cities are completely isolated from each other and can be easily used by the upper echelon. They took advantage of this feature to design a large number of experimental control groups and harvested a large amount of data. first-hand data.

Through these data, they also deduced a more important thing.

There is an upper limit to the output of a person's consciousness.

For example, there are two people, one of whom only knows the greatness and immortality of the God of Light, and the other knows the greatness of the God of Light, but also agrees that the pyramids and the Great Wall are immortal masterpieces of human civilization.

If the former can give 1% consciousness output to the statue of light, then the latter will each share 3/[-]. If the person has a more detailed judgment in his heart, then this ratio will also be adjusted accordingly.

The upper limit of each person's consciousness output is closely related to the level of evolution. The higher the level, the higher the upper limit of output.

Then, of course, the three camps of the God of Light formulated a common strategy to deify the light in an all-round way, and engaged in two show operations.

[-]. Carry out targeted hypnosis to those hobby research groups of Orientalism, lost civilizations, and alien civilizations, and clear their stubborn cognition of these knowledge in their minds;

[-]. Although these three camps are mainly believers of the God of Light and fans of the Daxizhou civilization, there are also many pagans and blood descendants of other civilizations, especially the Alpha Empire, which is a new immigrant empire, descendants of Yanxia, ​​Sanskrit There are also quite a few immigrants from the Jiagu country, and believers in the God of Hope. They used the same method to baptize and convert them on a large scale.

Before the sky changes, these three camps had the highest degree of modernization in the world. Psychology and spirituality were all well-developed disciplines. Not only were there many practitioners, but also many enthusiasts.

Therefore, among the awakened people of these three camps, those who tend to be conscious of the soul side, most of them have some psychological and hypnotic abilities, and many of them are particularly good at it, using it as the main method and the direction of in-depth research.

As long as the top management made up their minds, it would not be difficult to accomplish this on their own territory.

The consequences of this are significant. Through this cooperation, the three camps of the God of Light have a high degree of tacit understanding and sense of identity.

All the anomalous monuments in the three camps have benefited from this, and the overall brightness has nearly doubled.

The negative impact is that the visions of clear light in the visions and monuments of other civilized countries around the world have weakened to varying degrees.

The worst thing is the anomalous monuments in Yuan Continent. They all come from the same ancient lost civilization, and Daxizhou, as its close neighbor, has always been full of enthusiasm for studying this lost civilization, except for the pyramids and the Sphinx. Like the world famous, the three camps of the God of Light contributed at least half of the other miraculous monuments to take shape.

Now they are extinguishing this source together, and the vision of Yuan Continent collapsed in half in an instant.

And this also explains why the anomalous historic sites in Yanxia territory are the weakest affected, because we have a large number of people, and relying on ourselves alone is enough to make the anomalous historical sites of our civilization shine brilliantly.

This is still more than a dozen or two billion new generations who are ignorant. When they reach the age of the governor, the Yanxia clan will beat the world, believe it or not!

However, the fact that Yan Xia suffered little damage is not the reason why Yan Xia is not angry.

There is no reason, and I don't bother to think of any reason. After knowing the ins and outs of this matter, all Yanxia people are all irritated.

"After so many years of shouting, the whole world believes it, but they are still the same as in the Middle Ages."

"Using the most vicious means to complete the internal purification, what's the next step, is it going to be a conquest? ... Oh, no, this is clearly going to hit the whole world, conquering everything from east to west!"

"I used to see that the people over there were full of vigilance against all the measures and means of the high-level, as if they were going to play them as fools in the next moment. At that time, I still felt that they were suffering from persecution paranoia and thought too badly of those in power. It turned out to be me. Too naive, aren't they just playing the people under their rule as fools...

Oh, at least fools are still human beings. They probably aren’t even human beings in the eyes of those in power. They’ve been brainwashed now, and they’ve all become devout believers of the God of Light.

Slave masters, capitalists, vampires... how have they changed?It's just becoming more cunning and cannibalism more elegant.

Thinking about it makes people shudder. I used to regard them as the benchmark of civilization and the beacon of human beings. I admit that I am blind! "

"I'm guilty.

I used to like the origin of Daxizhou civilization very much, as well as those myths and legends, and I admired their insistence on reason, those exquisite philosophical thoughts, and the great achievements that changed all mankind one by one.

In order to promote these, I opened a special account and carefully produced various videos just to promote these to more people. The results were not cheap, and there were a lot of fans. Before the sky changed, my attention had reached more than 2000 million.

I used to be very proud of this, thinking that I passed on good ideas and values ​​to more people, but now, I can't wait to smash my brains! "

"What's the use of smashing? They play erasure, don't we? I suggest that we collectively volunteer to clear all things related to Daxizhou from our minds, and don't want to remember anything related to them!"

"Agreed, I formed a Xizhe club, I think there are many people who have the same idea as us, let's call them all!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The original plan was to hand over all kinds of affairs to the new generation and start to retire, but the world is unpredictable, so of course such a plan has been completely abolished.

Zheng Xun is busier now than he was 20 years ago after the change of sky. Moreover, he was busy at that time. At that time, there were a group of big bosses on his head, and he could do some practical affairs at most. A member of the boss not only does things, but also makes decisions. The impact of each decision is so far-reaching that it cannot be estimated. Moreover, there is no hesitation, and a decision must be made immediately.

But his face was always as calm as Gujing, and he didn't transmit this pressure to the actual executive levels of the affairs below.

September 21th, [-]st year of the new calendar.

Zheng Xun participated in a closed-door meeting with a group of old guys.

A shrewd and capable young woman gave a report first.

"After the Alpha Empire completed the reorganization of the entire New Continent, they did not relax their control and penetration of the entire New Continent. They have completely eliminated the previous national boundaries through the strategy of pulling one faction to fight another faction, and formed a hub with many large consortiums as the core. A brand new alliance of interests that governs the entire New World.

Due to its historical foundation, the Atlantis camp completed the integration of internal order earlier than the Alpha Empire. Although the Rangel Kingdom has a high degree of independence, this internal conflict will not affect the consistency of their external strategy.

Before the death of the legendary emperor, the Shaluo faction maintained a high degree of independence, fighting against the Alpha Empire more than cooperating with it. However, after his death, the power was monopolized by the oligarchy, and the merger with the Daxizhou faction was accelerated. "

"Before the change of the sky, the total population of the New World was about 10 billion. Before the end of the Beast Tide War, the population of the New World had been in negative growth. In the early stage, the Alpha Empire deliberately guided and indulged, not only frequent domestic riots, but also spread this chaos to the entire New World.

Not only did innocent people suffer heavy casualties, but also those groups and organizations that propagated anti-alpha hegemony all over the countries of the New World were devastated.Later, when the New World was reorganized, Alpha took the opportunity to clean it up again.Coupled with the vast land and sparse population of the New World, greater sacrifices were made to extinguish the beast horde, plus the cruel elimination of old and weak humans by the laws of nature.

By the end of the 11th year of the new calendar, the population of the New World had decreased by nearly one-third, to about 7 million.

After ten years of mass cleansing, the Alpha Empire has completed control of the New World, and there is no large-scale cleansing plan. In addition, they are also aware of the plight of the vast land and sparse population to prevent the resurgence of beasts, and they are actively encouraging births until the end of the year. At the end of the year, the population of the New World also increased rapidly, with an annual per capita growth rate of more than 3%, and the current population of the New World recovered to about 9.2 million.

The population of the Daxizhou camp, in addition to the more than 6 million people in Daxizhou, also has steadfast followers cultivated all over the world because of its hundreds of years of cultural hegemony. confluence.

In addition, the internal rectification of Daxizhou is more of a conflict at the national political level, and the killing of innocent people is rare. The only few times are the suppression of some extremists, causing more than [-] deaths and injuries .Generally speaking, the integration of the internal order of Great Western Continent is much more efficient and moderate than that of the New World.

After winning the Beast Tide War, the population of the Great Western Continent camp will still be 9 million. Coupled with the high growth rate of 3% in the next nine years, the current population will be nearly 12 billion.

The Shaluo camp has the smallest population, but because of the iron fist of the legendary emperor, the population has not experienced a negative growth.After winning the Beast Tide War, the size of the faction has about 4 million people, which is a slight increase from before the change.

Taking advantage of the nine-year peace period, it has been sparing no effort to encourage childbearing. The population growth rate has reached 4.5%, and the current population is nearly 6 million. "

Finally, the woman concluded: "If the three camps are calculated together, by the end of last year, the total population has reached 27 billion, and data shows that their population growth is still accelerating, and the overall population growth rate will reach 4.5%. By the end of this year , the population of the three camps will break through to 28 billion.”

An old man muttered: "So, in two years, the scale will basically reach 30 billion."

Others also looked solemn.

However, there was also an old man who looked relaxed and said:

"According to my research, in terms of encouraging births and stimulating population growth, economic stimulus, policy support, and even the concept of family and country oppress people, all of which are short-lived and have an upper limit. Moreover, they are likely to trigger people's rebellious psychology , in the end, we have to go back to the origin of culture.

In this area, our hot summer advantage is very great. As long as there is no fear of famine, as long as our official can provide the best conditions for growth, no matter how much it is, we can guarantee that we will get the best growth conditions, more children, more blessings, more branches and leaves, and continuous prosperity... …The psychology of the vast majority of people will be to have as many children as they can, and they will not stop after thinking about how many children they will have.In addition, women's pregnancy reaction is very slight, the impact of prenatal and postpartum is very small, and there are few safety concerns.

More than half of our population is now underage. When they grow up, our population growth rate still has a huge room for explosion. What's more, our population base is much larger than theirs.

Plus what they did this time hurt the emotions of all human civilizations except theirs.

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