The next day, people saw the situation abroad from the newspapers.

The Sphinx of the Yuan Continent, the Ancient Colosseum of Daxizhou, and the Statue of Light of the New Continent.

People are getting more and more uneasy, they all know that something big will happen, but apart from the vision from the sky, nothing happened. This not only did not eliminate the uneasiness in people's hearts, but made them more uneasy.

However, the official still did not make a meaningful response to this, but only appease the public and quietly strengthened security measures.

On the third day, the great mother river.

On the fourth day, the Yangtze River.

On the fifth day, the mausoleum of one emperor through the ages and the terracotta warriors lined up.

On the sixth day, Fengchan Holy Mountain.

On the seventh day, Emperor Xuanyuan's Mausoleum.

On the eighth day, Mang Kunlun, the ancestor of Wanshan, was born out of nowhere.

On the ninth day, the Snowy Temple.

On the tenth day, the highest peak in the world.

No. 11,...


One day, two days.

Ten days, 20 days.

January, February.

People go from shock to numbness, and from numbness to normality again, and more and more elders even regard it as a living teaching material for educating younger generations. They point to the vision in the sky and introduce what it is with pride. What, they either casually recite a few famous poems related to it and have been handed down through the ages, or tell about the epic deeds of the sages related to it.

Spring is over and summer is coming.

There are still visions in the sky, but there are fewer and fewer people who know them, and every time someone points out their names and introduces their general deeds, they will win the admiration and admiration of the people around them.

This night, people went to wait in the open air after an early dinner as usual. Unfortunately, after waiting for most of the night, there was no abnormality in the sky anymore.

Someone beat his waist and sighed in disappointment: "It's gone, there's nothing to see."

Someone asked the companions around him: "How many visions have we seen in the sky?"

His companion said: "As of last night, there are a total of [-] ancient fishing cities. Some newspapers have made statistics."

"I remember the other places stopped early?" the person asked again.

His companion said:

"That's right, although there are many world-renowned monuments such as pyramids and sphinxes in the Yuan Continent, they are the relics of a lost civilization after all, and it didn't last for ten days in total. Then there is the Shaluo Kingdom, which has a shallow civilization. It only lasted for ten days.

To be honest, the foundation of the Alpha Empire is even shallower, but who made the New World itself have so many famous monuments? They killed all the original owners, and now they can still inherit the wonders of their civilization.

If we really want to talk about the background, there is only Daxizhou. Although it is still far from us, it lasted for two months. "

In the beginning, visions appeared all over the world, but as time went on, some fell behind.

This caused another wave of disbelief, but, after a little analysis, people found the truth for themselves.

The visions of the sky are all related to the monuments of civilization.

Later, people simply took it as a proof of the depth of different civilizations.

And what makes all Yanxia people feel proud and taken for granted, Yanxia has far more visions than other civilizations.

But even so, there are still people complaining.

"The visions of other families are released one by one, but our visions are released one by one. Among other things, if the ancient city of the imperial capital is taken apart, there will be at least ten places that can be ranked in the forefront of the world. Therefore, to I said, if you really want to study the number of wonders carefully, it will definitely far exceed the number of 108."

And someone interpreted it from another angle.

"Why do you say that it is 108, not 107, and not 109, but it is 108 that we have given too much special meaning to?"


"108 visions."

Jiang Buku didn't make any movements, and stayed quietly in a corner of the college's collection room, looking up at the sky like everyone else every night.

At this moment, he whispered the number to himself, with a smile on his lips.

He remembered that there were only 72 visions in the hot summer sky in the previous life.

In this life, there are not only 36 more in number, but also a lot of people who pack a city and a mountain into one vision. Therefore, compared with the previous life, the number of newly added visions far exceeds 36.

In addition to paying attention to the changes in the vision every day, he also searched for traces of Yanxia's official actions from various news newspapers.

In the eyes of others, such an obvious vision that lasted more than 100 days, but the official did not take obvious targeted measures, but only appease the hearts of the people and strengthen protection.

However, Jiang Buku could see from some seemingly trivial decrees that the high-level executives had seen the second "Spoiler Post" issued by him, and had already started to act.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Jiang Buku did not give any time information in this spoiler post, not even a rough estimate.

For example, according to past life experience, when the interlayer information penetrated, it was after the phenomenon of ancient monuments appeared on a large scale around the world, and the planet continued to expand for 50 years.

The background of the planet is far from comparable to that of the present. Not only have a large number of A-level evolutionaries emerged, but S-level people have been forced out.

And these 50 years are also the most intense stage of the game between civilizations on the planet. Jiang Buku is convinced that this thing will still happen in this world, and he will not stop the fighting between civilizations just because of his spoiler post. Moreover, in Jiang Buku It seems that this is not all a bad thing. If the internal order can be clarified before the inter-layer information penetrates, it will be a good thing for all mankind.

In the previous life, this aspect was somewhat unsatisfactory, because there was no one who was absolutely strong and could be heard by others.

And the reason why he didn't give time is because the situation in this life is much better than the previous life.

In the previous life, it was not until the 50th year of the new calendar that the phenomenon appeared and the number of planets began to increase. At that time, most of the people before the sky change had died, and the rest were either injured or even mentally problematic. They were all 70-[-]-year-old , the real pillars of the strong are all born after the sky changes.

And when the information from the middle layer began to penetrate, it was already a hundred years ago in the new calendar.

However, in this world, the heavenly phenomenon is 30 years earlier, and the global situation is completely different. He no longer dares to speculate based on the experience of his previous life.

Therefore, he cannot give a clear time node.

However, he is very sure that no matter how the timeline changes, the course of the situation will not change fundamentally.

Including the game competition between civilizations on the planet, and the response of other interlayers to the waves caused by the crossing of the blue star, from information infiltration, incorporeal infiltration, to physical exchanges, these things will still happen.

Although he doesn't know the exact time point of each change, he can roughly infer that it is still a long time span for an individual, at least three to fifty years later, and the replacement of human beings is already two or three generations later. thing.

This is another reason why he didn't even give an approximate time frame. He wanted them to have a sense of urgency. Don't feel that there is plenty of time, just do some programmatic and necessary work at the moment, and focus on the things that should be done in the future. Leave it to posterity.

Because according to common sense, the world is developing dynamically, and Blue Star is now in the stage of rapid evolution and growth. People today make plans for the future in 50 to [-] years, so it is unreliable to think about it.

But Jiang Buku's feeling is that the latecomers, the new generation is indeed better than the previous generation in terms of talent, understanding of the new world and power.

But in terms of vision and experience, especially when it comes to tens of billions of people in the world, and the grand development trend of the next few decades or hundreds of years, there are no people who have really experienced the information explosion in modern society and the political circles who have completely experienced that era. Compared with the academic elites, they are really far behind.

Like Zheng Xun, when they were in their 40s and 20s, when they were in their prime, they encountered changes. Compared with the older generation, their thinking was more open and active. Compared with the new generation in their teens and [-]s, they had a complete sense of Know the three views of the world, know how to remove the chaff and keep the essence in the ocean of information and absorb the essence.

Moreover, at that time, they basically all had a high social status. Whether they were engaged in politics, business or academic research, their thinking and seeing were deeper and more essential than those of young people who were still being severely beaten by society.

Afterwards, they experienced 20 years of turmoil and turmoil after the changes in the sky. At the height of the society they were in, what they saw and thought was deeper than that of ordinary people who are busy all day. Today, they have become the leaders of this country. backbone.

It has gone through two complete eras.

This is not one person, but a group of people, not only in Yanxia, ​​but also in the whole world.

This is the only remaining, rare, and even unique generation.

Compared with the new generation born after the sky change, Jiang Buku believes in the experience and vision of their generation more.

Therefore, he deliberately did not specify the time, the purpose is to make them more nervous, think more and take more responsibility.

Although Jiang Buku didn't give any time information in the post, it can be analyzed that these changes will not happen within a few days or months, and the span can be calculated at least in years.

From the perspective of the 46 billion-year-old Blue Star, it can be called a flash of lightning in terms of years.

This is not surprising, combined with the content of "Spoiler Post II", the sky has changed so far, it is only the "preparation time" after Blue Star travels over, it is far from the time for the main course, and it has been 20 years .

Therefore, compared to the race against time and stormy mobilization and adjustment after receiving the spoiler post last time, the official action this time is much gentler, and ordinary people can hardly see the clues.

After the tenth day of the first lunar month, the official newspaper "Yanxia Shizheng" published [-] long issues in a row, only talking about one thing.


First of all, a thorough review of the population changes after the sky change was made.

This is mainly divided into three stages.

The first is the eight years from the change of the sky to the chaotic time sequence, and the four seasons of day and night are not clear.

Because the Yanxia government handled it properly, the transition was very stable, and there were no major turmoil and disasters. Coupled with the drastic changes in social relations and lifestyles, not only the special group of leftover men and women disappeared completely, as long as they reached the right age, no matter whether it was both men and women themselves or Both parents will urge them to quickly establish a new family and obtain a complete life.

Because for people at that time, tomorrow was almost unknown, and there was always anxiety and anxiety in their hearts, and they cherished every day of the present very much.

During those eight years, the average birth rate of the population reached 2.78%, far exceeding that before the change.

However, on the other hand, the death rate of the population is also very high. Most people adapt to the new world and their physique becomes stronger and stronger, but there are also many old people, sick people, people who are born weak or congenitally deficient, and cannot adapt to the fierceness of the new world. Change, mass die.

Over eight years, the average death rate was a horrific 2.1%.

The average growth rate of the population is only 0.68%. During the eight years, the new population increased by 1.28 million.

In addition, several neighboring small countries have voluntarily applied to join Yanxia, ​​and there are also a large number of descendants of Yanxia who are scattered all over the world. Seeing that Yanxia's performance after the sky changes is the best in the world, Yanxia will return to China in various ways. Yanxia will not refuse to come. In total, more than 2000 million newcomers have integrated into Yanxia.

Until Vientiane was updated on the first day of the first month of the eighth year of the new calendar, and the time sequence was reset, there were actually 24.5 billion people in Yanxia.

In terms of population structure, the new generation is the most, followed by the young and middle-aged, and the proportion of the elderly over 60 years old is less than 0.1%. The aging society that people were generally worried about before the change of heaven was eliminated by nature in such a cruel way. .

The second stage is the four years from the eighth year of the new calendar to the eleventh year of the new calendar.

The time sequence was re-set, and within a year of stability, humans in Ancient Oceania fell, rescued across the sea in hot summer, and then dispatched more than 1 million elite combat forces to clean up the wilderness across the country.

After cleaning their own courtyard, nearly 8000 million people were sent abroad to assist neighboring countries, and more than 4000 million people went to the mainland.

With so many adults and young adults staying away for a long time, the birth rate will naturally decrease, but the death rate will also drop sharply. The average population growth rate in the four years is even higher than that in the previous eight years, reaching just 1%, and an increase of 1 million people.

On the other hand, more foreign populations have integrated into the Yanxia system, including more than 300 million refugees rescued by Guyangzhou. During the global reorganization, Yanxia organized a population of one billion people from surrounding countries. These places have been deeply affected by Yanxia culture since ancient times. Influence, it can even be said that as long as it goes back a few generations, everyone has the blood of the descendants of Yanxia in their bones.

Yanxia first sent a large number of personnel to guide and help, and then directly sent nearly 8000 million troops to assist. These countries that survived Yanxia's surroundings have had troubles since ancient times, and the changes of more than ten years after the sky change are enough to make Ordinary people dilute the confrontation and resistance instilled in them by modern society in the past, and it is fundamental to live well by relying on the strong.

Therefore, as the beast horde was extinguished, Yanxia's forces withdrew in an orderly manner, with a gesture of not continuing to interfere with their remote control, a large number of Yanxia's descendants, and a large number of ordinary people, just stuck behind their buttocks and followed them back.

Those high-level officials in those countries will naturally not be chatty because of such a trivial matter. Look at the attitude of the Alpha Empire in the New World, and look at the methods of the Shaluo Kingdom against neighboring countries. , they can only be thankful to have such a good neighbor as Yanxia.

According to later statistics, during the past four years, the new migrant population reached 1.5 million.

Therefore, at the end of the 11th year of the new calendar, Yanxia had a population of 27 billion.

The third stage is from the 12th year of the new calendar to the end of the 20th year of the new calendar. During this nine-year period, it can truly be called a population explosion.

First of all, the death rate of the population is less than 0.1%, because people who do not adapt to the new world have been eliminated before that, and the rest are adapted to the new world. Everyone's physique is better and healthier than before, plus Practicing health preservation is popular, and within 20 years, the death rate of the population will be very low.

This is a special fault.

Second, the birth rate is extremely high.

Only by comparing the number of pregnancies of women, it can be compared with that legendary era. Five or six births are commonplace. Moreover, compared with that time, people's physique is better, their awareness of medical hygiene is higher, and the neonatal mortality rate is extremely high. Low, there is no danger to women who give birth.

With the addition of multiple comprehensive factors, the average population growth rate in the past nine years has reached 5.1%.

In the past nine years, the new population has increased by 15.25 billion, and the total population in Yanxia has reached 42.25 billion.

Among them, the new generation under the age of 20 exceeds 20 billion.

Not only did the Yanxia officials not step on the brakes, but they continued to pump gas.

It is said that although Yanxia used to occupy tens of millions of square kilometers of land, less than 15% of it was arable land, but now, after careful investigation by experts, 60% of the land suitable for arable cultivation nationwide is as high as [-]%. Moreover, due to continuous evolutionary changes, The yield per mu of grain far exceeds that of the past.

Although each city has continued to open up new land as the population has increased since the establishment of the urban settlement model, so far, less than 1000% of the land of more than 10 million square kilometers has been truly included in the management of urban settlements.

More than 90% of the area is not used by humans.

If humans don't use it, nature will once again become a hotbed for the reproduction of wild forces.

Everyone has personally experienced the confrontation with the beast horde ten years ago, and naturally understands that when the wild power multiplies to the extreme, there will be a new round of beast horde.

Therefore, the best way is to create more people and occupy those places.

Only in this way can the root of the beast tide be pinched.

Coupled with the frequent occurrence of visions and major changes, human beings should plan ahead and make plans early.

This reasoning is reasonable and irrefutable.

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