Who, when, and with what ideas, put out such an article?

Zheng Xun tried his best to control his emotions, but he was so excited that he clenched his fists tightly.

With an obvious vibrato in the voice, he asked, "How many people have read this article?"

Chief Luo said calmly:

"There was a vision last night. We sent people here to check it out immediately. The nearest inhabited city is less than [-] kilometers away. We can be sure that our people are the first to arrive.

Later, it was discovered that there was a stone room suddenly added to the main hall, and the inspection team had already been very careful. Not long after the wall bricks blocking the stone room collapsed, it was even possible to see that there was still dust that had not cleared away.

We have a complete process, only the team leader and two other team members enter the stone room to check, and everyone else including the vice-captain is on guard outside.

The three of them came out quickly, and all of them stood guard at the entrance of the stone room. They didn't leave a step, but the captain arranged for other team members to go outside and release the special signal flare.

Half an hour later, this place was taken over by the Civil Security Administration of the Imperial Capital. During this period, the three people did not have any communication with other people. Now they have arrived in the Imperial Capital and have been properly resettled. "

Speaking of this, Director Luo said: "Apart from the three of them, I was the first to enter the stone chamber. Before I was appointed as Director of Wen'an, I read that article and knew the whole story of that article. You are the first contact person, so I will arrange for someone to invite you here for confirmation."

Zheng Xun said: "Confirm what? Is someone playing a prank?"

Having said that, Zheng Xun let out a long breath, and slapped Chief Luo on the shoulder: "Director Luo, get ready to welcome the real big era!"

He looked at the title of the wooden type article.

"Spoiler Post II"

Over the years, he has imitated countless times in his mind what kind of psychology the guy who posted the spoiler post in the dark wrote the "Spoiler Post" and clicked to send.

He was quite sure that, apart from other motives, that guy really had some mischievous thoughts in it.

After 20 years, he saw "Spoiler Post [-]" again, and he was even more convinced of this judgment in his heart.

He looked at Director Luo beside him and asked, "Do you have a pen and paper?"

"You want to copy this article?" Director Luo asked.

Zheng Xun nodded: "The situation is urgent, we must send this thing back to the imperial capital as soon as possible, but these wooden movable type will fall apart if there is a slight turmoil... At that time, we will be sinners forever! Do you think this is aggrieved?"

Director Luo hurriedly took out a notebook and said: "Yes, yes, yes, to ensure that there is no mistake, we each copied a copy by hand and backed it up independently. Later, I will ask them to make a wooden box of suitable size, put them in together, and put them up and down. All around are framed tightly, try not to cause displacement.”


three hours later.

Imperial Capital, Counselor Research Institute.

20 years ago, Zheng Xun sat quietly in the corner facing the crowd.

He has seen them resist tremendous pressure with his own eyes, and resolutely make various decisions in order to preserve the foundation of civilization. He is most aware of the positive impact of these decisions on the hot summer and the world.

Today, those big bosses have all passed away. He who used to sit in the corner now has a seat of his own. The people around him are not the same as before, but what remains the same is his fiery and sincere heart.

They have the same awareness and responsibility.

The wooden movable type tray that was urgently transferred and framed by wooden strips was placed in the center of the big table, and everyone looked down at a newly printed article in front of them.

The atmosphere was silent and oppressive.

After a long time, one person murmured to break the silence and said, "I thought the change of the sky was over, but I didn't expect it to be the beginning. The previous ones can only be regarded as appetizers before the main meal. Are you warming up for the event?"

"The situation is indeed dangerous, but it doesn't seem to be that bad. Moreover, the time this time is not as tight as last time. We have more time to prepare. I am confident!"

"This is a crisis, but it's also an opportunity, do it!"



Compared with their predecessors, they have experienced 20 years of changes and are stronger and more powerful. For unavoidable crises, they not only defend, but also deal with them head-on and counterattack forcefully.

A series of draft resolutions were formed during their exchanges. They provided professional opinions and theoretical support. If the opinions were unanimous, they were submitted, and there was a high probability that they would become new national policies.





-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Spoiler Post II"

Common sense one: time is power.

Common sense [-]: Consciousness interferes with reality.


The planet leaves the original universe and enters the new universe.

Bluestar has been born for 46 billion years, which is both a heritage and a burden.The will of the newly awakened planet is chaotic, and after ten years of gestation, it finally gains a little bit of spirituality. Only this point, the order of chaos is reset, and the heaven and earth are more abundant.

The heaven and earth inspiration is a network that connects all things and all living beings with the will of the planet as the core.

Through this network, the will of the planet will draw the essence from the 46 billion years of ancient times, obtain nutrients from the strange interaction with this new universe, and share it with all things, so that human talents will improve year by year, animals and plants will evolve supernormally, and the mountains, rivers and earth will automatically adjust and optimize. , The underground mineral veins changed subtly.

In front of the will of the planet, the will of an individual is like a speck of dust, but the collective thoughts of all living beings can reversely exert influence on the will of the planet through this network.

The most notable effects are:

[-]. All living beings have their own desire to survive, and the spiritual wisdom will accelerate the growth of the will of the planet, and the growth of the will of the planet will feed back to all living beings, all prosperity and loss, prosperity and decline together;

Second, when the collective mind is strong enough to trace the will of the planet through the inspiration of the heaven and the earth, "up to heaven and listen", it can affect the present world.

For example, the day and night are dark and bright, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, the waxing and waning of the moon, and the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. The reason why they are so appropriate is not only that the will of the planet draws lessons from the past years, but also depends on the call of the collective thoughts of all living beings.

When the will of the planet breaks free from chaos and ignorance and gains a little bit of wisdom, it needs a more accurate and stable anchor point if it wants to grow rapidly.

From his point of view, the first thing he "sees" when he "opens his eyes" is that there are two completely different rules in the planet. One is the food chain of natural selection, which spreads all over the sky, land and ocean; , Know the world, transform the world, and use the world.

He must choose one of them as the anchor point to become a further cornerstone. If the two are in conflict for a long time, it will be harmful to the will of the planet and all living beings.

Thus, there was an all-out war between human civilization and wild forces, and mankind won the final victory. Since then, the legal status of the spirit of all things has been established, and it has truly become Blue Star's own son.

Since then, the world has become fully compatible with human beings. Animals and plants that originally only had tyrannical and aggressive desires towards human beings will gradually transform into spiritual beasts and spiritual grasses, which are easier to be domesticated, planted, and used.

The victorious human civilization will get a rare large development window, a peaceful and stable atmosphere, the talents of the new generation are getting stronger and stronger, and the upper limit of human evolution and growth is getting higher and higher.

Because the will of the planet at this time is stabilizing the anchor point, sorting out the new world structure, very busy, no time to toss.

After completing these tasks, he will fall into a long semi-sleeping state, from a hardworking social animal to a mature and regular salted fish. The continuous improvement of human civilization is the best nourishment for his rapid growth.

The better the world is transformed by humans, the stronger he becomes, lying stronger.

Human beings, the biological sons of the Spirit of All Creation, have since become hard-working workers, and must make themselves stronger and make Blue Star's father better.

Since then, mankind will be surrounded by two nightmares.

In the stage when human civilization confronts wild forces, human civilization is considered as a whole.After the will of the planet anchors human civilization, human civilization automatically differentiates into different individuals due to their own differences, such as Yanxia civilization, Vatican civilization, Daxizhou civilization and so on.

The biological sons are divided into the illegitimate sons and the bastard sons, and the eldest sons among the legitimate sons.

Once human civilization is divided into different civilized individuals, it will inevitably be treated differently by the will of the planet. The only way to get more love and care is to show that you are better than other brothers in front of Blue Star's father. more powerful.

Reflected in reality, the era of human civilization going hand in hand has become a thing of the past. Just like raising Gu, the confrontation between different civilization camps will intensify.

Nightmare [-]: The internal contradictions of human beings will intensify.

A pig that is full and lying down has the longest fat, and a salted fish has the longest meat. Blue Star, who occupies both, will grow "fat meat" like crazy. What's more, his current body is far from worthy of the 46 billion years of horror background.

The planet got bigger, the surface area got bigger, and the land area got bigger.

In theory, this growth is homogeneous.But human civilization is different after all, and enjoys special preferential treatment.

First of all, special creations such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Temple of Gods, the Statue of Light, and the Pyramids, which are engraved by countless human minds, have become irreplaceable and important symbols of different civilizations. The will of the planet will be extracted from countless human minds through the inspiration of heaven and earth. , to carry out marking protection, not only will not be torn apart by the expanding land, but also gain some kind of magic, becoming a real spectacle.

Secondly, the growth of land will take the initiative to avoid human settlements, basically occurring in the wilderness, the farther away from civilization, the less populated the place, the greater the expansion.And these places are also the places where natural selection and the law of the food chain are the strictest and most efficient.

The land, the sky, and the ocean will become more and more deep, lofty, and wild.

If human beings cannot keep up with the growth of the planet and continue to expand the territory of civilization, more ferocious and vast wild forces may launch counterattacks against all human beings at any time, and the world will return to the wild and wild planet where all kinds of frosts compete for freedom.

Nightmare [-]: While different camps are entangled in fighting pets, they must run at high speed without slacking off or stopping.

Does it feel tricky?

Don't worry, this is just an internal cause.

The most important thing is external factors.

Blue Star traveled to a brand new universe.

First of all, this is an animate universe, where individuals can evolve supernormally, with an unlimited upper limit, not only life forms, but also stones can become fine as long as the time is long enough;

Secondly, like the theory of parallel worlds, there are countless interlayers in this universe, and different interlayers have different paths. There are countless strange things, and most of them cannot even understand each other, but this is not a hindrance, because Between different interlayers, there are parallel lines that never meet.

Blue Star crossing, like a stone thrown into the calm water, the movement is not small.

Many interlayers similar in nature to Blue Star have already learned a lot of information from the spreading ripples, but the Blue Star that has just passed through is in a strange state of half mesosphere, half wormhole, isolating all outside detection.

But as Blue Star grows, different civilizations become stronger and their characteristics become clearer in the continuous transformation and polishing. The high-gloss civilization will become a lighthouse, a resonant tuning fork, and be noticed and locked by the interlayer with a similar evolutionary path.

The barrier between the interlayers is absolute and insurmountable, and the half-interlayer of Blue Star is naturally not absolute.

After being locked by other interlayers, there are three major stages.

At the very beginning, there will be information related to these interlayers seeping in, some of which are naturally infiltrated, and some are carefully packed with poison. The external manifestation is that all civilizations suddenly enter into a burst of inspiration, and countless geniuses will emerge. They may Epiphany, or blessing to the soul, or even daily sitting, lying, walking, or even dreaming, opens up a broader road and raises the upper limit of civilization.

This kind of message penetration is silent, invisible, inseparable, and inescapable. There are benevolent, malicious, unintentional, some positive, some anti-civilization, anti-human, and even anti-Blue Star. Moreover, human actions Decision-making will negatively affect the nature of the messages. The more vigilant and confrontational you are, the worse and more targeted the nature of these messages will be.

Regardless of the nature of information, as it spreads across the globe, the barriers between layers will be weakened.

As the interlayer barrier is weakened to a certain extent, it will enter the second major stage.

Not only can information from other interlayers spread over, but also incorporeal bodies such as mind and spirit can cross barriers.

At that time, the world will become more chaotic. Human newborns may be visitors from another world, and people who wake up from serious injuries will suddenly have unknown missions... Under the skin of human beings, it is likely that there are all demons and ghosts hidden.

In the third stage, the path of Blue Star is completely integrated with the paths of those interlayers, and the interlayer barriers disappear directly, just like two independent bubbles fused into one big bubble, not only information and virtual bodies can exchange freely, but also physical objects You can come in and out freely.

The more special thing about Blue Star is that there are too many different civilization paths, and there will be many interlayers that can be attracted. In the end, these originally irrelevant interlayers will communicate through the link of Blue Star, and the impact it will bring will surpass This corner of Blue Star.

Traveling from Blue Star to here is already a predestined and irreversible event.

Blue Star will become more and more brilliant, but for all Blue Star human civilizations, this is unknown. Maybe it can gain a firm foothold and follow the glory, or it may just be a native aborigine under the fangs of the planet's new owner.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Sell newspapers, sell newspapers, "Summer Current Affairs" was urgently published, visions occurred in countries all over the world last night, and the world is about to usher in a new big change!"

"The Great Wall in hot summer, the temples of Daxizhou, the Pyramid of Yuanda, the statue of Goddess in Newland, the Vatican and Taj Mahal, "News Express" will decipher it for you!"

"The series of "Monuments of Civilization" introduces in detail the famous monuments of all civilizations. Don't miss it when you pass by."


On the first day of the first month of the first lunar month, you can see active hawkers peddling the best-selling products in all the densely populated cities in hot summer.

The use of projection equipment to broadcast news to people has stopped a few years ago. With the further increase in the explosion rate of electronic equipment, all news, from information collection, transmission, production to final presentation to people, has gone through too many links. to electronic equipment.

Every piece of news is followed by the explosion of multiple devices. Even if people's awareness of prevention is very high, people are often injured or even killed.

With the stability of the current situation, new life and new troubles come one after another, people's enthusiasm for paying attention to foreign countries is cooling down day by day.

The centralized broadcasting of news to people naturally stopped, and the channel for people to understand the outside world was replaced by newspapers. Although most of them published domestic affairs, there were also special international pages introducing major foreign events.

Moreover, if there is a major global event, a newspaper publication will respond quickly.

It has only been a few hours since the sky changed last night. Abnormal celestial phenomena have occurred in countries all over the world. This event has been published in dozens of newspapers and periodicals in the hot summer, and has been interpreted to a certain extent. It looks decent.

When everyone heard their cries, they couldn't help but buy one, and when they got home, they all held a thick stack of newspapers and publications in their hands.

It turns out that the phenomenon is not only happening in Yanxia, ​​but it is happening all over the world.

Knowing the latest developments, people's nervousness relaxed a little at first, and then raised even higher.

They wanted to wait for an official statement, but they didn't.

At night, people were shocked to find that another vision appeared in the sky.

People in the Yanxia Imperial Capital can see more clearly. All the historical sites within the imperial capital, from the majestic imperial city to the magnificent royal gardens, as well as princely mansions, temples and Taoist temples, all the historical sites project a clear light to the sky , this night, no matter how far or near, all people in Yanxia can clearly see the ancient city of the imperial capital hanging in the sky.

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