There is still one main hall, four auxiliary halls and five main halls, but it is no longer one floor. Each of the four auxiliary halls has three floors, and the central main hall has five floors. The space of each floor is only slightly larger than before.

The front faces the lake, and the back is backed by mountains.

Jiang Buku disappeared from the sky and landed in a small quiet courtyard on the back mountain of Dianzang Pavilion.

I didn't go home for more than half a year, not only the yard was overgrown with weeds, but even the house began to grow grass.

Jiang Buku deliberately took care of it all day, some things were broken and needed to be repaired and replaced.

"Well, the heaven and earth can be invisible by dividing the boundary, so it should not be difficult to clean and remove dust to prevent foreign objects from entering."

Every time after going out for a trip, he would come here to clean up, Jiang Buku began to think of a solution once and for all.

The only gratifying thing is that the wild tea plants brought back from the previous trip in the courtyard have become more spiritual. Take a few petals of tender tips, and after simple processing, you can experience the feeling of peace of mind and detachment from the world.

After working, he stood in the courtyard with a cup of hot tea and looked at the sunset glow in the sky.

Jiang Bu painstakingly moved, added the invisibility technique, and his figure floated up again, fixed at an altitude of [-] meters, looking in the direction of the new imperial capital.

Sure enough, the mysterious rhythm of the heaven and earth is more obvious.

Looking at the more distant ancient city of the imperial capital, not only the rhythm of the heaven and the earth is more obvious, but also, there is an inexplicable and mysterious aura.

For a certain trance, those rhythms showed a vague outline.


Jiang Buku's heart moved, and he thought of every city he saw along the way from the Bazhentu historic site to the east, and a slight trembling feeling like an electric shock flowed through his body instantly.

"Yan Xia Dragon Vein!" He murmured softly and blurted out.

This is not the same thing as the earth veins that lie under the earth in the classics, but Jiang Buku is blessed to the heart at this moment, but he can't find a more accurate expression than this.

Chapter Fifty-Nine

The next day, Jiang Buku walked to work slowly.

First wandered around in the reading area and communication area, re-feeling the atmosphere, and transferred the state of mind from the state of traveling to the mode of seclusion in the college.

In the end, he stopped at the newspaper section, collecting all the new academic journals and important current affairs news newspapers and periodicals that were newly released during the half year of travel, and planned to spend a few days to read them all.

Because of the hot summer, the whole world has already sailed in a completely different direction from the previous life.

Except for the important general trend nodes, all the memories and experiences of the previous life are worthless, and in many cases even become an obstacle. He must refresh his understanding of the world at any time.

In the previous life, the growth of the planet started from the 50th year of the new calendar, but in this life it is 30 years ahead of schedule.

In the previous life, when the planet began to grow, the total number of human beings in the world was less than one-third of that in this life, and the growth rate of the planet was far less than that in this life.

Moreover, due to the long-term chaos, all kinds of inheritance are rarely fully preserved. Whether it is the scientific research system and scientific research thinking, or the macro-mobilization experience of materials and personnel, it is far from comparable to the current world.

In particular, those born after the change of heaven, with higher talents, and those who stand at the top of the individual evolution path are basically the top decision-makers of various civilization camps. What they believe in is that the path of individual evolution is the truth of the new world.

As for what to study, compared with the evolution of individual practice, it is not highly valued, and it is not possible to devote the entire civilization camp to various research and exploration for a long time. The exploration of directions and new careers are still in their infancy.

In this world, more than 70 years earlier, in addition to the major course of practice, Liuyi College also has six elective directions: Beast Control, Spiritual Planting, Artifact Refining, Alchemy, Formation, and Mechanism Technique. Great results, and very clear prospects.

In the previous life, when the information from the middle layer penetrated, the top combat power of human beings was S rank, that is, the strength of the third rank, and Jiang Buku has now achieved this achievement more than 70 years ahead of schedule. He believes that within ten years, Yan Xia will have more Practitioners in the third-rank realm emerged.

If the current life can develop steadily to about a hundred years in the new calendar, whether it is Blue Star or human civilization, it will far exceed the same period in the previous life.


"After nine consecutive years of observation, if you look at the change in the diameter of the planet, the increase is decreasing year by year, but if you look at the surface area, the increase is nearly 13 million square kilometers in the first year, 16 billion in the second year, and 20 billion in the third year. 20 billion, an increase of about [-] billion in the fourth year, and the planet's surface area has maintained an annual growth rate of [-] billion square kilometers for five consecutive years.

If we assume that the planet will maintain this growth rate for a long time in the future, then we will draw a very interesting conclusion.

In order to stimulate population growth, the civilization camps have exhausted all methods and wisdom. If there are no new subversive rules in the world, such as shortening the pregnancy period of women, or having two or even three or five births per birth becomes the norm, then the population of each civilization camp will The growth rate has reached the limit of human expansion.

Yanxia's population growth rate is 8%, and the average population growth rate of other camps is 7%.

If the surface area of ​​the planet maintains a linear growth rate of 20 billion square kilometers per year for a long time, and the speed of human reproduction maintains the current exponential growth trend of various civilization camps, then the planet will be in a state of sparsely populated land in the next 45 years.

Especially between now and the next 30 years, the speed of human growth cannot keep up with the speed of planet expansion, and more, larger and more extensive uninhabited areas will appear on the planet, which will become a super hotbed for the reproduction and evolution of wild forces.

But starting 45 years later, this trend will reverse. Human beings will not only be able to take in all the wilderness and uninhabited areas, but the new population will not only be able to fill the new land, but will even have a lot of surplus.

At that time, human beings will once again return to a state where the land is sparsely populated.For Yanxia, ​​the only solution is to return to the old path, from stimulating and encouraging births to implementing strict birth policies.

Are you thinking of occupying the territory of other civilization camps to expand the development space of this civilization?Return to the competition between the civilization camps?For other civilization camps, this may be a solution, but for Yan Xia, it is a dead end.

Because if we develop according to the above model, after 45 years, more than 80% of the planet's territory and population will belong to the hot summer camp, and the sum of the other major civilization camps will be less than 20%. With a population base of hundreds of billions and a population growth rate of 8%, this territory will be filled in a few years, and finally we have to return to the population policy itself.

Therefore, the author’s suggestion is that if the follow-up development is as predicted, the authorities should step on the brakes several years in advance, and not wait for the population to reach its peak before taking measures. For birth, neither encourage nor suppress, and maintain natural stability This method may slow down Yanxia's global layout and take a longer time, but it is most beneficial to the stability of people's hearts. "

Jiang Buku was reading "The Politics of Yanxia" two months ago with great interest, when suddenly a voice came from behind.

"Ms. Jiang is also paying attention to this article."

Jiang Buku put down the newspaper, and Mo Ze was standing beside him with a chuckle.

Moze sat down opposite him and asked curiously, "Since this article was published, it has been a hot topic among people... What do you think, Mr. Jiang?"

Jiang Buku nodded and said: "If the future trend really develops like this, this is indeed a problem worthy of attention. It is better to deal with it in advance than to solve the problem after it happens. Moreover, with the increasing population, the management The difficulty will also increase exponentially, I really can't imagine how to manage our Yanxia population with a population of hundreds of billions."

After sighing with emotion, Jiang Buku looked at Mo Ze who had come here on purpose, and asked directly, "Are you...doing something to me?"

Mo Ze said: "This is to bid farewell to Teacher Jiang. I have already submitted my resignation letter to the higher-ups. I will leave the academy after finishing my work this year. There should not be many chances to come back in the future, so I come to say goodbye to you."

Mo Ze is a student from the third year of the new calendar to the seventh year of the new calendar. He has participated in the training of thousands of people, and the wind and clouds are scattered, and the teachers and students of the iron-clad college are flowing. At the end of the 30th year of the new calendar, only the two of them have experienced it in the current school. After that period, it was not only the teacher-student relationship with a little edge, but also old friends.

Hearing the words, Jiang Buku was surprised and said: "You are only 44 years old this year. You are in the prime of life, and you even single-handedly upgraded Liuyi College from a pure practice school to a comprehensive college integrating multiple departments. With ability and qualifications, how do you think of resigning at this time?"

Mo Ze waved his hands and smiled bitterly: "Mr. Jiang, please don't praise me. Because of my lack of ability, I have turned this comprehensive college into a mess. Although I forced everyone together, each school still does its own thing. If you want to get this After the matter is completely done, my strength is still a bit weaker."

Speaking of this, he said with emotion: "After all, Liuyi College is a practice college. Of course, administrative ability is needed, but as the principal, if the cultivation base cannot convince the public, how powerful is the administrative ability? Let alone The other colleges are trying to avoid us, since Liuyi College claims to be the leader of the entire practice system, if the leader's ability is not convincing, wouldn't it be a slap in the face?"

Hearing what he said, Jiang Buku remained silent.

During the period from the third year of the new calendar to the seventh year of the new calendar, Mo Ze's talent can be called the son of the times, and at the same time he awakened the dual abilities of the soul side of the consciousness and the body and flesh side. When he took over as the third principal ten years ago, At that time, B+ level, that is, the strength of the fifth-rank upper realm was also among the top in Yanxia.

After ten years of painstaking practice, he finally broke through his own bottleneck, and his cultivation reached from the upper level of the fifth rank to the lower level of the fourth rank.

It's a pity that although he has been working hard for the past ten years, as the principal of Liuyi College, he can enjoy the most cutting-edge achievements in the practice system at any time, but he is still inevitably surpassed by more and more backward waves.

Thousands of sails passed by the side of the sinking boat, Wan Muchun in front of the diseased tree.

Not to mention Yan Xia's current strength, there are no less than [-] instructors in Liuyi College with higher cultivation levels than him.

And as time goes by, there will inevitably be more and more instructors who surpass him, and it is even very likely that the students of Liuyi College will have higher cultivation levels than him in the future.

Moze is only in his 40s now, even if his cultivation level does not improve, it will take at least 70 to [-] years to live to the end of his natural life.

As the vanguard who has always led the entire Yan Xia practice system, at that time, let alone an elite instructor, an ordinary school employee's cultivation level will be stronger than him.

Therefore, the actual situation does not allow him, the third principal, to sit until his death like the previous two.

Taking advantage of the relocation of Liuyi College to a new location, it would be a wise move for him to quit quickly and resign voluntarily to give Liuyi College a pair of wings to take off.

With these thoughts in mind, Jiang Buku didn't delve further into this topic, but asked: "Then how will you arrange it in the future? You have been the principal of Liuyi College for ten years, and you are only 44 years old now, in the prime of life. If you enter retirement right now status, or running personal or family trivial matters, it would be a waste of money!"

Mo Ze was very happy that Jiang Buku could speak such heart-to-heart words, and said: "I have had a lot of exchanges with the higher-ups on this issue, since my cultivation base is not very good now, and it has basically reached the upper limit of personal growth. In the future, I will transfer to the administrative and clerical work more thoroughly."

Regarding future plans, he had a lot of exchanges with Jiang Buku, and it took him more than an hour before he said goodbye and left.

And because of the news he revealed in his conversation, Jiang Buku was not at peace, so he sat in the Dianzang Pavilion for a while, then got up and went back to the small courtyard.

After making a cup of tea, he leaned on the recliner, his eyes half closed, and he deduced the general trend of the future.

Personal growth and development cannot escape the general trend of the times.

Moze only talked about his future career plan, but in his words, it revealed the thinking of Yan Xia's decision-makers on the future layout.

The planet is getting bigger every year. In terms of long-distance communication, land transportation has been completely cut off. The only thing that can support the scene is the airship. Although Yanxia has the world's largest fleet of airships, the size of the airship once every two years has exceeded one billion. The Great Migration of China has exhausted its potential, and it is almost impossible to be idle for a moment. In addition to transporting people, there are also huge amounts of materials being transferred.

Moreover, as the surface area of ​​the planet continues to increase, the distance between the front line of the new city and the back of the hot summer is getting farther and farther, often tens of thousands of kilometers, and the cost of a round trip is getting higher and higher. All will be filled into this bottomless sinkhole.

Therefore, in the foreseeable future, it is unrealistic to use airships as a means of transportation between private cities.

Communication between cities is bound to become more and more difficult.

In terms of communication, although the telegraph machine has not been completely abolished, the damage rate has reached the level where sending a word will blow up a machine. Not to mention that the people cannot afford the telegraph, and the government will not use it unless there is a major event. Send a telegram.

On the other hand, the territory of Yanxia will surge every two years, and the population is also increasing exponentially. The local territory exceeds [-] million square kilometers and the population exceeds [-] billion.

If you count the surrounding countries that are also in the Yanxia camp and have basically completed cultural assimilation, the population size and territory of the overseas ancient ocean continent and the source continent are even larger than ordinary people's imagination.

Even though Yan Xia has unique experience in mobilizing a large number of personnel and materials, she still feels more and more powerless.

As early as many years ago, the imperial capital was only responsible for the control and decision-making of the macro direction, and the specific implementation was continuously decentralized. Dozens of itinerant governments were also formed to work on airships. Each airship team was stationed in a large and comprehensive government. The decision-making center, formulate the route, and move back and forth between each city, so as to firmly control each inhabited city, and always twist the power of the entire camp into one.

With this general change, Liuyi Academy was not immune to splash damage.

Whether it is going to various places to recruit students every session, or students traveling back and forth from their home city to the college, more and more time is wasted on the road.

After studying for four years, it takes more than half a year to travel back and forth on the road, and this difficulty will continue to increase in the future.

The official prescription is to add a sub-brain. The imperial capital is the absolute center of the entire Yanxia camp. Of course, this cannot be shaken. In the four directions of the local area, these deputy capitals have the same power as the imperial capital in the decision-making of actual affairs, and they only need to inform the imperial capital of the final decision.

This is the old wisdom that the ancients have used skillfully for a long time. Because of the vast territory and inconvenient communication, there have been two capitals in the north and south for a long time, with one master and one deputy to manage state affairs together.

In this way, the imperial capital can be freed from the specific and complicated affairs. It only needs to firmly control the situation in the various deputy capitals, and always do a good job of defending and exporting the Yanxia ideology.

This is a major change from the top down.

It goes hand in hand with bottom-up adjustments.

For ordinary people, the information age has long been a distant past, and those who can still clearly remember the past are those in their 50s, 60s, or even [-]s.

The backbone of the society, because of decades of childbirth policies, the proportion of young people and the new generation is very exaggerated, and the proportion of people who have experienced the information age is very low, so it is diluted so that it is difficult to find the same kind.

For these new generations, the whole world they can see in this life is that one city, what they think and see cannot go beyond this range, and all the love-hate entanglements are also contained in one city.

They may be able to see the wider world outside the city from the book, but if they fail to practice, they are not monsters with explosive IQs, and they will be legends throughout their lives, which have nothing to do with them.

Because of the huge demand for materials during the big migration every two years, all the new towns have been retrofitted more thoroughly, and the steam industrial style that relies heavily on materials is gradually fading.

Traveling within the city is either on foot or by animal power, not to mention buses, and bicycles have become rare gadgets.

Time is moving forward, but those new generations are more and more like real ancients.

And administratively, that's a good thing.

Compared with the people who have been bombarded by the information age, they are too simple, even the villains that always appear are very simple.

Therefore, for each densely populated city, Yanxia's decision-makers will imitate the wisdom of the sages, learn from the old man's technique, remove the chaff and keep the essence, and achieve "action" with "inaction".

"Government by doing nothing, a small country with few people, old age and death do not communicate with each other." Jiang Buku recited softly.

As time goes by, the sense of existence of ordinary people in this world will become weaker and weaker. For most people, a small city is their country for life.

This is inevitable, but sooner or later.

If it evolves naturally, the relationship between cities and cities will gradually develop into a relationship between "countries" and "countries", and the gap will become deeper and deeper. Even if they are both of Yanxia's blood, they will not be able to prevent each other from being alienated after a long time.

Yanxia's executives embraced this general trend with a more proactive attitude. On the other hand, they hoped to break the barrier with the help of the 30-year-old practice system.

If different cities are regarded as different tissue cells, then this practice system is the meridian that runs through all tissue cells.

In other aspects, "inaction" is promoted, while in the education and practice of Yanxia culture, "doing" is promoted. The former will strengthen the emotional identity of the new generation, while the latter will reserve a city for everyone to leave their own and embrace a more A wide world of opportunities.

The ever-expanding world has become more and more daunting to ordinary people. Just looking at it can make you dizzy and feel uneasy, but as your cultivation level gets higher, people's mobility and range of activities will naturally decrease. It is getting stronger and stronger, if its own movement speed exceeds that of the airship, the entire hot summer will be under its feet.

They come from different cities. As their cultivation level increases, the world will expand and they will come into contact with more cities. They are naturally messengers of communication and communication.

As long as Yanxia firmly grasps their hearts, it is equivalent to winning the hearts of the cities behind them.

Because of this concept, the practice system will be spread out more thoroughly, covering every Yanxia citizen, and they will be exposed to practice from the beginning.

Then elementary, intermediate, and advanced, the best of them will go to the six one branch of each sub-capital to practice.

Yes, in this wave of major reforms, Liuyi College will follow the imperial capital to learn the avatar technique, and wherever there is a vice capital, there will be a Liuyi branch.

All outstanding students within the jurisdiction of the vice capital directly receive the same education as Liuyi College in the Liuyi branch.

In this way, at the best age, when their cultivation base can advance by leaps and bounds, they can practice with peace of mind instead of wasting time traveling.

When they have completed their studies and graduated from Liuyi Branch, they will have a special trip to measure the vast territory with their feet, and go to Liuyi College in person like a pilgrimage.

Witnessing the vastness of the hot summer with your own eyes and broadening your horizons is also a spiritual "homecoming".

Jiang Buku imagined that kind of grand occasion. With the talents of the top students now, when they succeed in their studies, they can reach at least the fourth rank, and they are more likely to reach the third rank in the future. They come from various sub-capital branches and meet alumni. Here, we candidly exchange and share the various achievements of the new developments of the various sub-districts, and the geniuses sparked more sparks of inspiration.

The practice system will grow more and more vigorously under the watering of so many wisdom and inspiration.

In addition to being responsible for the education and training of top geniuses within the territory directly under the Imperial Capital, Liuyi College's more important role is to build a smooth communication platform for all branches, so that the results of all branches can achieve the most efficient integration.

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