The first feeling of all the people who eat melons after hearing this is that it is ridiculous to the point of inhumanity, but when you think about Yan Xia's style of doing things carefully, which thing they have done is not like this?

Considering that Yanxia's domestic population is a hundred times that of Guyangzhou, if a disaster really breaks out, the rescue team's carrying capacity will be of no avail.

Thinking about it again, there are four teams stationed in the southwest, south, southeast, and east. How many such rescue teams are there in Yanxia?

Their goal, can't be a catastrophe erupting on the earth, and move all Yanxia people to the sky at once, right?

Everyone was practicing their internal skills in retreat, and didn't pay much attention to the turmoil and changes in other countries. Now when they suddenly looked up, they only felt a terrifying giant standing among them.

When did it grow so big?

Yanxia continued: "Our initial rescue plan is to first place you on an island more than 50 kilometers east of Sita, and try to improve the efficiency of the rescue. For the time being, we haven't found any signs of sea beasts coming ashore. It's safe, our four teams will do our best to rescue and try to help you all out of danger within one day."

The eighth year of the new calendar, the seventh day of December.

Sita's sky is crowded with strange clouds, and as they continue to rise and fall, Sita's human defense line shrinks rapidly.

Soon, when the last group of humans lifted off with the airship, the beast tide finally swept through all corners of the city.

They are madly destroying all clearly visible human signs and human buildings. When all these are destroyed, the beast tide quickly dissipates.

Many weaker ones were hunted down by stronger predators around them before they could react.

Humanity was overwhelmed by a herd of beasts and either killed or displaced and driven from their homes.

For all human beings, this is a scalp-tingling event.

And Yan Xia's inadvertently exposed muscles made everyone in the know talk about it.

After Jiang Buku heard about it, his first reaction was to think of the old principal.

"Is this another plan you have drawn up?"

The Guardian Project, the Lurker Project, what is this, Feitian?Send everyone to heaven?

Now that there is a flying sky, there should be a dungeon. It must be known that from ancient times to the present, digging holes underground to avoid danger is almost the most instinctive reaction of rabbits.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Yanxia used [-] giant spirit airships to transfer all the surviving humans of Sita to the island, and the follow-up arrangements should be based on the opinions of these people.

The rescued nearly 2000 million people were divided on the island on the issue of their future.

Among them, more than 300 million people expressed their gratitude to Yanxia and decided to go to the Kingdom of Wrangell, the Empire of Alpha, and other countries with deep roots.

Interestingly, although the identities of these people are different, scholars, businessmen, politicians, evolved new humans, team leaders, missionaries... But they are all well-deserved elites among the survivors of Ancient Oceania.

Whether it is the belief in the God of Light cultivated since childhood, the elite education they have received, and the concepts they have cultivated all the time, they do not hesitate to stand in the camp of the God of Light.

Although Yanxia saved them, if they survived in Yanxia mode for the rest of their lives, they would feel suffocated and oppressed that they could not even breathe freely. In addition, the Alpha Empire and the Wrangell Kingdom were eager to throw out olive branches for talent, and opened the Given the favorable conditions, they naturally made the wisest choice.

As for the remaining 600 million people, there are excellent and young families who died in the battle of defending Sita, and most of them are old, weak, women and children, and ordinary families.

None of them are eligible to receive the olive branch extended by the Alpha Empire and the Wrangell Kingdom, so in fact, they have no choice but to firmly hold on to the thick leg of Yanxia.

What's more, they don't think that the hot summer mode will make them feel depressed, on the contrary, it can give them a sense of security that they never dared to expect before!

In addition, almost all ethnic minorities also chose to go with Yanxia, ​​and there were more than one million Yanxia people alone.

With the arrival of rescue planes from the Alpha Empire, Wrangell Kingdom and other camps of the God of Light, everyone parted ways in a tacit understanding.

Looking at the polite old white men boarding the plane one after another, their demeanor and behavior are simply the pinnacle of human civilization. Even if they lost their homes and fled, they didn't look in the slightest embarrassment, as if they were going to a feast, and the airship stationed in the southwest rescue The captain of the team was a rough man. He tugged on the buttons of his shirt, which made his neck uncomfortable, and said with a long sigh of relief: "Fortunately, these uncles left by themselves, otherwise I really don't know how to arrange it."

It's because these polite gentlemen have too strong aura, he obviously came to rescue, but in the communication with him, he found that he was more like a servant waiting for them.

The captain of the airship rescue team stationed in the southeast said with a sneer: "You have a good idea. It's not uncommon for you to use eight big sedan chairs to invite people."

"I can't ask for it, I can't ask for it... But what about these 600 million people, why can't they go back?"

"It's okay, we don't need to worry about this matter, the higher-ups have their own plans, and these are ordinary people who only want to survive, so it's not difficult to arrange."

The rescue and relocation involving the participation of many countries around the world has a huge and far-reaching impact.

In addition to the largest landmass in Guyangzhou, there are many islands of different sizes and more than a dozen independent countries around it.

The population is large or small, and with the evacuation of all human beings on the mainland, this lonely overseas land will be completely occupied by wildness. On land and in the sea, endless wildness breeds, and the human civilization of several island countries is like a storm. Lights that go out anytime.

Although they cannot clearly and intuitively feel the struggle between the two forces, they can understand the danger of their situation.

Therefore, following this international rescue, they took advantage of the situation and suggested, "Take us away too." The Light God camp headed by the Alpha Empire and the Wrangell Kingdom and Yanxia made a tacit division of labor.

The former took away the social elite, the human beings who were deeply baptized by the will of the God of Light and poisoned by self-play, and left those low-level useless people who they thought were useless and threw them to Yan Xia.

If it wasn't for Yanxia who didn't have a complaint to back up, they wouldn't be able to do such a great job, at least they would have to say a few words of concern for the disadvantaged groups.

In the end, the number of people that Yanxia needed to transport by air across the northern and southern hemispheres reached about 300 million. In order to complete this ultra-long-distance transportation task as soon as possible, Yanxia dispatched four airship rescue teams again.

However, this time, I didn't make a global announcement through radio waves. I went quietly with an empty boat, and then quietly returned with a full load.

In other countries, there were more than 2000 million refugees who would cause headaches for everyone. Yanxia packed and swallowed them all without any burden. Yanxia has always been confident in her own digestion ability, not to mention dying, there will be no indigestion.

During this migration, there was another piece of news that was not widely circulated, but everyone who knew about it took it seriously.

During the Great Migration of Ancient Oceania, not all countries chose to leave, and a few did not care about this at all.

There is no shortage of such warm-hearted, good-hearted people under the command of the God of Light.Seeing that these countries had no intention of contacting the international community for help, they took the initiative to run over to check the situation. If they had any difficulties, they would not mind extending a helping hand.

The result was very bad. Not only did they not gain gratitude, but they were ruthlessly expelled.

As a small remote island country, because it has never had the opportunity to stand on the big chessboard of the world, the local natives have not been deliberately purged, so although there are many believers in the middle and upper classes of the country, the natives who account for the vast majority of the population still maintain With very localized primitive beliefs, their beliefs are strange and down-to-earth, and they believe in local rocks and even some reefs and islands.

Hanging alone overseas, countries are too busy to take care of themselves after the sky changes, and no one cares about them. This time it was an accident that attracted the attention of the whole world.

It was not until other countries discovered that these natives had abandoned the game of human civilization.

Not only did all the believers of the God of Light disappear without a trace, but they also abandoned all the achievements of human civilization, and even actively destroyed them, returning to the primitive life of raw hair and drinking blood.

Even, their human qualities have degraded, and they look more like two-legged wild monsters walking upright.

The rescue team of the Alpha Empire felt offended, because an enthusiastic Alpha Empire boy was gang-beaten for his excessive concern, and a female companion was lost to the hands of wildlings.

They organized an elite team, vowing to bring thunder and fury to the savage tribe.

They thought there would be a devastating victory, but it turned out to be a slap in the face. They appeared in the opponent's core hinterland with parachutes on their backs. come to kill.

Although they abandoned their wisdom and civilization, they were not weak at all. Instead, they gained stronger strength, and their battles were wild and ferocious, just like a jungle beast. More importantly, they could also control beasts. The mutated ferocious beasts that extremely reject humans are very close to them, allowing them to ride and fight with them.

Even if Team Alpha had better equipment, they were caught off guard and suffered heavy losses.

In the end, they took their female companions who had been tossed out of shape, left eight or nine corpses of their companions, and fled in embarrassment.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Of course, it is impossible for the Alpha Empire to go on an expedition to wipe out these savages and natives for this small setback, so they can only suffer this dumb loss in silence.

And this phenomenon has also alerted other countries. After investigation, not only the small island countries around the ancient ocean continent, but also the indigenous tribes in various parts of the ancient ocean continent were bloody massacred by the believers of the god of light who traveled across the ocean. Once banned by civilized people, it became a special landscape, a zoo.

There are more than 500 indigenous tribes with a total population of nearly one million. They are not affected by the beast tide and live very freely. It can even be said that they live more freely now than before.

And this is not a special case of Guyangzhou.

Globally, this phenomenon occurs on almost every continent.

Why are they not attacked?

Why is the attack only targeting us?


As the national practice system gradually deepens and takes root, practice culture has gradually become a prominent culture. Everyone is talking about practice and health preservation. If strangers strike up a conversation, if they don’t know how to develop the topic, then it’s right to talk about practice.

Led by the Liuyi College and all the practice schools, they jointly founded the "Six Days Newspaper", which is published every ten days. News events related to spiritual evolution.

In addition, some other related publications are also being born one after another, trying to create a communication platform for people after the Internet disappears.

In the collection room, there is a special area for newspapers and periodicals, which is dedicated to storing various valuable newspapers and periodicals.

Jiang Buku saw a special statistic in the latest issue of "Six Days News":

There are more than 800 tribes and a population of 200 million in the ancient ocean continent and surrounding islands;

There are more than 50 countries in the mainland, with a population of more than one billion. It is synonymous with chaos, restlessness, and ignorance in the hearts of people all over the world. The tribal color is already very heavy, and now one tenth of the population shows signs of returning to the original;

The people of the snow and glaciers in the extreme north of the New World once had a brilliant civilization, but were slaughtered by the Alpha Empire by tens of millions. Now the natives, the people of the rainforest, and the people of the mountains and swamps, huddled in the forest and desert, have a total number of more than 5000 million. ;

Then there is the World Island. Although there are Yanxia, ​​Daxizhou countries, Shaluo Kingdom and more than ten other countries with large populations and territories, as well as various and long-standing civilizations as support, there are still many tribal peoples, islands, and mountains. , the plateau, and the polar regions, the total number of people exceeds ten million;

They are scattered across the continents of the world, and they have no connection with each other, but they all chose the same evolutionary path.

Abandon wisdom and return to ancestors.

By giving up human attributes, amplifying the original animal nature in the blood, integrating into nature, and obtaining evolutionary growth.

Behind this statistical data, there is such an ending:

"Humans who choose to abandon their wisdom and return to their ancestors account for 1.58% of the total population in the world. It seems to be a disease of mange, but it can be noticed that its terrifying growth rate, or in other words, all countries facing the threat of jungles, Ruoguyangzhou The disaster of the beast tide is happening all over the world, in order to survive, how many people will choose to "abandon their wisdom" to avoid the beast tide?"

After reading this statistic, Jiang Buku fell silent.

In previous lives, this situation was not obvious.

Because the chaos at the beginning of the sky change was far more tragic than the current world, those small and weak countries could not persist until now and were out of the game. Those who can really persist until now are all supported by a long-standing civilization and the belief and honor of being born as a human being.

Even if there is such a group, it is too rare, and it is far out of people's sight and has no impact on human thinking.

But in this world, the overly favorable global environment allows those weak countries, small countries, and remote people to be preserved to the greatest extent, allowing them to walk out of such a path on a large scale, which has a strong spiritual impact on all discoverers.

If the animal tide in ancient Oceania is staged in other parts of the world, what choice should human beings make when they are about to perish?

Survival comes first?Even if you give up everything in human beings, as long as you can live!

Swear to the death to defend everything that is healthy and human, whether it is honor, belief, for God, for self-play, or for the continuation of civilization... No matter what, you must stick to this final bottom line anyway, and don't take a step back!

Such a choice is difficult, and everyone has their own answer in their hearts.

However, from Jiang Buku's perspective, there is another explanation.

"Human beings are really cunning. Originally, the will of the planet is facing the problem of choosing one or the other, but some human beings choose to leave the civilization camp and regard themselves as a link in the food chain. What is this, betting on both sides?"

Moreover, it was a choice made instinctively without knowing it at all.

It's even more interesting when you think of humanity as a whole as a conscious being.


At the end of the eighth year of the new calendar, a series of events in Guyangzhou came to an end, and the international order, which had become calm after the change of the sky, suddenly became turbulent.

As fierce as the Alpha Empire, they swiftly swept away the native savages in the country. Except for a few who saw the opportunity quickly and fled into the deep mountains and old forests, the others were all wiped out by the imperial army.

Since you voluntarily chose to withdraw from the human camp, then I don’t need to talk about humanitarianism anymore. Even though the international community has some criticisms about this, it cannot stop Alpha from moving forward.

Then, the Alpha Empire aimed its guns at all the countries in the New World and made two demands.

First, clean up the savages and natives in the territory to prevent them from becoming hidden dangers in the future;

Second, according to the plan formulated by the Alpha Empire, the countries carried out orderly split-up and concentration throughout the New World, to the effect that they copied Yanxia's great migration model.

Because the area of ​​the entire New World is more than four times that of Ancient Ocean Continent, once a beast tide occurs, it will be even more terrifying than that in Ancient Ocean Continent. All humans in the New World must be able to survive under unified and reasonable scheduling.

The New World is already the backyard of the Alpha Empire, and the beast horde is a real threat to all human beings. Although the international community has some complaints about the Alpha Empire's rough style, it acquiesces in its actions. Therefore, this The operation went very well.

Daxizhou also took action, and its internal contradictions had to be subdued in the face of a huge threat, breaking the national boundaries, and making more reasonable scheduling arrangements. There are also three catties of nails. Many countries have indeed followed its arrangement, and they can be regarded as officially standing in the Great Western Continent camp.

Of course, Yanxia also took actions. Compared with the brutality of the Alpha Empire, Daxizhou's reach was too long, and Yanxia's actions were very gentle.

The heritage of the kingdom of heaven for thousands of years, and the surrounding countries are all deeply influenced by Yanxia civilization, which cannot be revealed at other times, but at this time, Yanxia came forward to give guidance with the attitude of a gentle elder, and no one dared to refuse to listen, let alone Well, Yan Xia never mentioned the faction and standing in a team, it was purely doing good deeds.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Over the years, with Yanxia as a strong neighbor by their side, everything they have done is placed in front of them. The balance in people's hearts is already tilted. Some remote and small countries even voluntarily apply to join the Yanxia system, just to get Better shelter.

Now Yanxia took the initiative to give guidance, intending to build a human camp with Yanxia as the core and covering the surrounding countries. Even if there are occasional sporadic objections, it will not affect the advancement of the general trend.

In addition, since ancient times, many Yanxia descendants have migrated and multiplied. Now that the situation is in crisis, Yanxia has made a strong voice. These Yanxia descendants are very active and active in participating, making the whole situation move faster than the actions of the Alpha Empire in the New World.

And because the surrounding area of ​​Yanxia is a "cooked land" cultivated by human civilization for thousands of years, it is densely populated, and the number of tribal savages who abandon their wisdom and return to their ancestors is very small.

Not only that, Yanxia has further promoted this norm to the countries in the southern sea area, because the climate is suitable, the resources are abundant, and the population is extremely dense, which is not comparable to that in ancient Oceania. Moreover, there are more native tribes in the sea area countries, and several super The major powers have reached a tacit consensus that the evolutionary path of abandoning wisdom and returning to ancestors must be curbed from spreading across all mankind.

Yanxia's strong intervention has caused more obvious conflicts among the countries in the sea area, but there is a group that firmly supports it, that is, the descendants of Yanxia who have migrated and settled in the past dynasties.

Their strength, ability, and population all play a pivotal role in the countries in the sea area. With the acquiescence of the international environment, and in the face of Yan Xia's suddenly tough attitude, a little resistance can't change the general trend.

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