Before the old principal Ou passed away, there was a saying.

As the practice system developed on the basis of traditional martial arts gradually gained a firm foothold, and became more profound day by day, it has the ability to grow and evolve by itself, and the value of various basic data provided by the experimental research team is declining.

With the increasing threat of the jungle, the research field of the experimental research team has gradually shifted from human beings to other types of animals and plants that have mutated and evolved.

As these two trends become more and more obvious, there is gradually a saying that the two parties will eventually "separate".

However, during the time of the old principal, this statement has always remained at the level of rumors.

With the death of the old principal, the matter quickly rose from the rumor level to the executive level.

July of the eighth year of the new calendar.

Liuyi College specializes in the study of the mysteries of life evolution. It has collected the most evolutionary data from Tianchang so far. The research team with incomparably rich practical experience has been officially separated from the college and merged with several other research departments affiliated to different official institutions to form the new imperial capital. Escorted by a school that was established.

This newly established school is called "Wan Beast". Unlike Liuyi College, which focuses on the evolution of human beings, Wan Beast College focuses on the study of the evolution of animals and plants, and tries to find more fundamental laws from the frequent iterations. .

The official ambition is self-evident, wanting to breed more grand systems with the same model.

This has little effect on the students.

The biggest impact is that the research and experiment area is open to all teachers and students, and the upper limit of the school's capacity to accommodate students has almost doubled to 2.

With the further improvement of the entire practice system, a freshman class is recruited in August every year. The number of students varies from 7000 to [-]. Each class of students will be in school for three years.

In addition, the personnel changes of the instructor team are also very drastic.

As the talents of the students are getting better and better, and the upper limit of their strength is getting higher and higher, many martial arts instructors can no longer keep up, and they are eliminated to teach in those middle-level practice schools.

Zhou Tashan, who has been the chief instructor for a long time, was also transferred to the Beast Academy to take on greater responsibilities.

It has been nearly ten years since the establishment of the academy, and more and more excellent seeds have blossomed and bear fruit, and they have gone through a lot of tempering, whether it is experience, vision or strength, they have reached the peak state, and they have become the backbone of the school's current instructor team.

Compared with those instructors who transferred from folk martial arts masters, they are the fruits of the Liuyi College system. Before the change, they were in their youth. They grew up in the era of technological information explosion, and their thinking horizons are flexible and broad. , has a deep personal experience and sense of identity with the existing system, and is able to propose more targeted and constructive adjustment plans.

Such a change is timely.

From Jiang Buku's point of view, with the death of the old principal, the school quickly changed to a "new look", and only Yan Hong was left who could be called an acquaintance.

Always accepting the "care" of the new generation and the most talented students, Jiang Buku's talent has been slowly but steadily improving, coupled with the accumulation of practice at the same age as the school - the practice time is about the same as him, but the talent is not as good as him Strong, the talent is stronger than him now, but he hasn't grown up yet, and when they grow up, his talent has already surpassed them.

Yan Hong, who was inscrutable in his eyes when he first met, gradually returned to an old man.

He is older than Principal Ou, and is now in his 90s.

It's just because of his deep cultivation, Wu Qin Xi, which he has practiced to the point of returning to the original, is also very good at keeping in good health, and with the favor of the great era, his strength has broken through one after another, and new vitality is constantly blooming in his old body.

But this is not endless, his strength has not improved for many years, without the addition of "living water", his life state began to decline significantly.

In Jiang Buku's eyes, the aura of the old man's life is dimming day by day, like a candle that is about to burn to the end.

In the eighth year of the new calendar, Jiang Buku's mood has always been a little low, and the only way to relax is to read the continuously updated exercises in the library.

As students stay in school longer, teaching methods have also been greatly adjusted.

Because of the traffic problem, it is not easy to commute between the cities where they live together. The students do not have the opportunity to go home during the holidays. However, they will not stay in the school for three years. They will be organized several times a year. Internship opportunities.

The biggest internship task is to patrol the border of the farmland around the imperial capital, eliminate any danger from the jungle, and ensure the absolute safety of food supply.

Secondly, completing the optimization or innovation of at least one exercise has become a task that all students must complete, otherwise, the graduation certificate they get will become a certificate of completion.

If the contribution is huge, such as combining multiple exercises into a more advanced exercise, or even creating a brand-new exercise, in addition to the graduation certificate will be inlaid with better quality materials, and an additional one will be obtained. This honorary certificate of outstanding alumni, and a thank you letter - thank them for laying a more solid foundation for the practice of the latecomers.

Various measures have ensured that every book of exercises in the collection room has been "hardened and tempered", and the number of new exercises is also increasing little by little.

Jiang Buku never has to worry about staying in the library without books to read.

What's more, with his current height, the level of these exercises is still a little bit lower. What he cares about is not the exercises themselves, but the different optimization and perfection of the exercises by different people, capturing their unique genius thinking, This is the most precious, and also the most touching and reference point for him.

After he has grasped the most core points, he can easily understand the whole exercise, and because of his higher level of cultivation, the exercise in his heart is more excellent and perfect than the exercise in his hand.

For such a practice, he will not do anything extra, but will just let it go silently, hoping that the latecomers will improve it, and maybe he will see a different solution and a different genius aura at that time.

But there is a situation where the creator's starting point is biased. Although the result seems to be good, but at his level, he can see that it is a dangerous path or even a dead end. Leave some hints in a few words in the cracks.

"? Is this really the case? It seems that something is wrong, and the flow of strength is obviously abnormal!"

"Some things get twice the result with half the effort, or even useless efforts, maybe we should change our thinking."

"I don't understand, I don't understand. There is a simpler truth, so why go around in such a complicated way that challenges normal people's thinking?"


These messages are very cryptic, and only those students who really devote themselves to research can see and understand.

Those students who were inspired by these messages and opened up new ideas were very excited. They were sure that this was a special way of communication between the seniors who had graduated and left school, and even thought it was a special tradition.

No one would think that this is the masterpiece of the staff in the collection room.

Just when Jiang Buku thought that the eighth year of the new calendar would pass like this, a shocking news spread to the world, and even Jiang Buku, who was hidden in the collection room, was shocked severely.

From December [-]th of the eighth year of the new calendar, except for the two north and south glacial polar regions, the history of human domination of all continents has come to an end.

Guyangzhou, hanging alone in the southern hemisphere, surrounded by the vast ocean, is thousands of miles away from other continents, it is an "isolated island".

There is a vast and ancient land, because it is ancient and barren, not much smaller than Yanxia, ​​the population is only over 2000 million, which is a little less than the population of the imperial capital when it was at its peak.

Over the years, with the gift of inspiration from the heavens and the earth, the ancient and barren continent glowed with infinite vitality. For human beings, this vitality is full of dangers.

More than 2000 million human beings can only gain a sense of security if they get together closely.

And this sense of security is far less secure than they imagined.

Since November, danger has been brewing. Countless ferocious creatures from all over the continent are rushing towards this only human settlement, with a frenzy that makes humans fear.

They swoop on colonies like moths to a burning flame.

Even if they were smashed to pieces, they couldn't stop their footsteps, let alone deter those who came after them. Instead, they came more and more frantically.

At that moment, their greatest mission was to extinguish the only flame of human civilization with the wildness of the entire continent.

Their individual strength cannot pose a threat to human beings. In the beginning, people easily extinguished their self-seeking method.

One day, two days, three days...

Ten days later, the easy ridicule that could be killed easily turned into deep fear.

More than 2000 million human beings, under this savage beast tide, the death toll is as high as 500 million, and most of them are young and strong, excellent human elites who have obtained greater evolutionary improvements.

Of the remaining less than 2000 million human beings, women, children, old and weak account for more than half.

The fear of death made them no longer worry about the instability of electric power, desperately sent messages for help to the world, and notified in real time of the tragic battle they were encountering.

Chapter Thirty-Nine

After many years, the radio waves carried all kinds of signals from the surviving humans in ancient Oceania and bombarded the world.

The humans in Ancient Oceania are all direct descendants of Atlantis, especially the Kingdom of Wrangell, which is a clear proof of Wrangell's dominance of the world.

After the Alpha Empire dominated the world, Gu Yangzhou often followed suit.

In the face of Guyangzhou's call for help, the Kingdom of Wrangell and the Alpha Empire have responded one after another. They will try their best to send ships and planes that can be mobilized to respond.

But a more desperate reply soon came from Guyangzhou.

Because of the geology and landforms of Guyangzhou itself, more than [-]% of the population lived in several cities along the coast before the sky changed.

After the change of the sky, after some turmoil, all human beings settled in the largest coastal city, Sita. Because of its sparse population, they adopted a strategy completely opposite to that of Yan Xia, concentrating all their forces together to deal with the aftermath of the change of sky. all kinds of chaos.

They dealt with the initial beast siege very easily. After all, Sita was their only settlement, and they were not unaware of the revived wild power in the vast wasteland.

The horde of beasts impacted the layers of killing defenses built by humans with wisdom. Without any skill or strategy, it was directly overwhelmed by a number far exceeding the defenders' expectations.

A flesh and blood body of a ferocious beast, under the unity of a greater will, is used as a means, a tool, even if the effect of individual death is negligible, but when the number of this body breaks through a million, a thousand Ten thousand level, reaching billion level...

Moreover, with the continuous replenishment of "new blood" from the vast continent, even though the beast horde that hit humans is being quickly wiped out, the scale of the beast horde shows no sign of weakening, and even continues to grow as time goes by. come stronger.

As time went on, the human beings who persisted in resisting gradually realized that their enemy was not the beast tide individuals in front of them, but a bigger giant monster, and each beast tide individual was equivalent to each giant monster. cell.

Although the entire settlement was piled up as a mat of flesh and blood by the corpses of all kinds of monsters and monsters, countless monsters had died in their hands, but the giant monster that was higher than the individual seemed to be intact.

Compared with the millions of young adults who died guarding their homes, this cognition hit everyone even harder.

They no longer have the confidence to stick to their homeland.

But just when they wanted to evacuate from the land and take refuge in nearby islands, waiting for the rescue of the international community, the sea also boiled.

Several giant ships full of people were sunk by a group of sea monsters larger than blue whales.

Their body size is larger than the terrestrial species that generally become gigantic after the mutation. When they float up from the sea, they look like hell monsters descending into the world.

The body of tens of hundreds of meters at every turn, some form the enlarged version of the sea turtle, the back is covered with bony spines, just one float up, can push the small ship out of the water; some are shaped like octopus, sticky and disgusting The tentacles are not only extremely tough, but also more vigorous than the broken-tailed gecko. When they go crazy, they can turn a sea area into hell.

And all kinds of other weird aliens, big and small, have turned the sea around Sita into a jeopardy.

They not only destroy all human creations floating on the sea, but also rush into the port along the waterway, destroying the port wharf and other construction facilities, and destroying and sinking all the ships moored in the port.

As long as there is a little human creation on the sea surface, that sea area will surge like boiling water, with turbulent white foam, until all human creations in this sea area disappear, and the sea surface will return to calm again.

Seventy percent of the surface of the blue star is the sea. Although it is given different names by humans, compared to the land divided by the ocean, all the oceans are connected into one piece.

Ancient Oceania, known as the barren land, can breed such a terrible disaster. The ocean, known as the source of life, far exceeds the vast sea area of ​​​​Ancient Oceania.

They used one sentence to describe the danger of the ocean at this time.

"The ocean may have been ruled by extreme environmentalists, and the era when human beings can't sail in the sea may come again!"

Several countries that have dispatched ships to sea and are preparing to launch rescue have to let all the ships go back to sea, and start to be alert to possible disasters on their own seas.

The surviving humans in Ancient Oceania are even more desperate, and have lost the ocean channel with the largest capacity. How many people can those planes transport?

You must know that when they asked for help from human society, the beast tide on land did not weaken at all, and even intensified. Human beings have been sacrificing, and the number of survivors is getting smaller and smaller. The faith supporting their tenacious fight is weakening, and everyone in the world can foresee that soon, these survivors will usher in a total collapse, and the number of casualties will increase rapidly.

But at this moment, Yan Xia, who had been diving to eat melons, suddenly made a sound.

"Please note that the airship rescue team dispatched by our country will arrive in the airspace of Sita in two hours. Please arrange the first batch of evacuees in advance to save rescue time."

"..." Alpha Empire.

"..." Ranger Kingdom.

"..." Sita is local.

"..." All the melon-eating countries in the world.

The air that was excited by the scorching electric waves that was about to burst into sparks was suddenly quiet, and all the electronic signals were silent.

After a long time, Sita finally spoke up cautiously.

"Thank you, thank you... I don't know the maximum capacity of your airship rescue team, so we can prepare in advance."

"Our airship rescue team has a medium and long-distance transportation capacity of about 80 people. If it is an emergency rescue, the maximum transportation capacity can reach 200 million people."

"..." The Alpha Empire and the Rangel Kingdom became a member of the Melon Eating Kingdom.

"..." Sita is local.

In the end, it was Sita who broke the silence.

"It's not that we question your strength, it's just that the data is beyond imagination. Can you explain it in detail?"

Yan Xia replied quickly.

"We have designed the latest type of giant spirit airship, with a maximum load of 160 tons, a cruising speed of 230 kilometers per hour, and a limit speed of [-] kilometers per hour. The airship immediately took off, speeding at a speed of [-] kilometers per hour, and now it is about to reach above the airspace of Sita."

Yan Xia's reply letter is not encrypted, and all countries can answer it.

A single boat has a load of 5000 tons, calculated as 100 kilograms per person, it can carry [-] people, and [-] airships, isn't it [-] million people?

Moreover, after nearly 10 years of tossing, the sub-healthy and obese people have basically been eliminated, and the average weight of men, women and children is far below 100 kg.

Xita confirmed that what Yan Xia said was true, and immediately became excited.

"Okay, we will make preparations immediately, and we will organize people to board the boat as soon as you arrive."

If Yan Xia doesn't speak, she can't stop talking, and they are all nuclear-level golden sentences.

"After the arrival of our airship rescue team in the south, the airship rescue team in the southeast, which is farther away from Sita, will arrive with some necessary living and medical supplies, and then there will be two airship rescue teams in the southwest and east carrying more supplies. Many rescue supplies have arrived, and their size and capacity are the same as those of the airship rescue team stationed in South China, and they will also participate in the emergency rescue."

"..." Eat melon country.

The countries that eat melons continued to eat melons silently, counting with their fingers in their hearts.

One airship team has a long-distance transport capacity of 80, four is 320 million, and emergency transport can reach 800 million.

The nearly 2000 million people who made everyone feel horrible and couldn't be rescued before the beast horde, under such rush transportation, it only takes less than three rounds to clear them?

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