Without much hesitation, Jiang Buku removed the camouflaged bark, came out of the tree hole, took out the windproof lamp and lit it again, adjusted the light outlet to make the light brighter, making it easier to travel.

The creatures in the jungle who were used to the darkness did not attack him, and seemed to be frightened by the movement in the distance, and did not dare to act rashly.

Jiang Buku didn't encounter any obstacles along the way, getting closer and closer to the explosive battle direction.

A stronger light source came from that direction, Jiang Buku turned off his windbreak lamp and approached quietly.

In the darkness, even a faint light can easily expose himself. He doesn't know what's going on over there now, who are the people, it's best not to expose if he can, and get closer first to learn more about the situation.

Approaching a distance quietly, Jiang Buku stopped in shock.

The place where the battle took place was a valley with a drop of 40 meters from his location.

At this moment, several piles of flames were artificially lit, which also allowed Jiang Buku to see clearly the things in the valley.

A steady stream of black threads drilled out of the cracks in the rock.

When I took a rough look, I thought it was some kind of thick and turbid liquid, which was naturally sticky and disgusting, but when I looked closely, it was even more disgusting. It was a entangled snake.

There are big and small, long and short.

The big one is thicker than a grown man's leg, the small one is as thick as a thumb, the long one is more than ten meters long, and the short one is twenty or thirty centimeters.

Innumerable and dense.

They entangled and surged like this, squeezed out from the cracks in the rocks, and rushed towards the six men and women in military uniforms and camouflage who were guarding the entrance of a huge cave.

Facing this scene that made ordinary people's scalps tingle, the six of them remained calm and composed.

Five men stand in five directions, protecting the only woman in the middle.

Facing the oncoming tide of snakes, they directly used their legs as brooms to sweep out tornado-like strong winds, not only driving back the tide of snakes, but also controlling them to concentrate.

Whenever the wave of snakes gathers to a certain extent, someone will take out a hand bomb slightly bigger than a baby's fist from his bosom and throw it into the wave of snakes.

With a bang, the hand-throwing bomb exploded in the middle of the snake wave, and dots of flames splashed everywhere.

The flame is attached to the highly adhesive oily substance, and as long as it is stuck, it cannot be extinguished. Even if the snakes repeatedly rubbed and beat the burning part of the flame on the ground, it would be difficult to extinguish the flame.

What's more, they are crowded into a group, and they can easily touch each other. The dots of flames expand rapidly during their rapid contact, turning into snake-like flames.

The big ones can last a little longer, and the small ones will be burnt to coke soon.

Snake Tide is not afraid of death, and keeps on fighting.

The expressions of the six people became more and more solemn, but they still stood firm at the entrance of the cave, not giving way.

After a while, there were dense footsteps coming from the depths of the cave.

The spirits of the six quickly lifted, and they dealt with the surrounding snake tide more carefully.

Soon, more men in military uniforms and camouflage came out of the cave, and they joined the front line against the snake tide without hesitation.

Two men in military uniform and camouflage respectively helped a man and a woman into the safe zone surrounded by everyone's backs.

"Xiao Ling, both Dr. Xu and Professor Chen have been poisoned by snakes. You should deal with them quickly." One of the men in military uniform and camouflage shouted.

The woman who had been in the middle from the beginning put her hands on the wounds of the two people, and soon, the two people who were poisoned and unconscious woke up leisurely.

The first thing the man did when he woke up was to ask, "Where's the king snake?"

"Dead." A captain-like man said.

"Where's the sample?" the man asked again.

"Take it." The captain said concisely.

"That's good, that's good." The man said happily, and finally sighed: "If the darkness can be delayed for a while, there won't be so many things."

"God is crazy, what can we do? However, although there are some twists and turns, it is still smooth, let's go back quickly." The captain said.

"Okay, go back... This jungle is getting more and more dangerous, it's really not for people."

They just walked towards the imperial capital grandly in the dark with torches on.

Jiang Buku was far behind them, and it was a ride.

During this period of time, he has also encountered many teams that went deep into the jungle with special purposes. They are all very strong, and the guards are at least starting from the awakened.

If it is safe, he will avoid them far away, and if they are in danger, he will secretly help them.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Back at school, Jiang Buku continued to "reclusive" in the library.

The eighth year of the new calendar, the first day of the first month.

Jiang Buku walked out of the bedroom with mouthwash in his hand, and was gurgling with his head up, when he suddenly froze in place.

His eyes widened, his body stiffened, and he even forgot to swallow.

It wasn't until the body resisted instinctively, two streams of clear water gushed out from his nostrils, and he coughed again and again, that he realized that he didn't have the time to rinse his mouth, threw away the belongings in his hand, raised his head and murmured: "Two years earlier than in the previous life." .”

In the sky, a rising sun hangs in the east.

In the cloudless, blue sky, a round of the newborn sun that fully conforms to people's aesthetic perception hangs in the sky.

Endless rays of light illuminate the world.

At this moment, on the blue star, no matter the eastern hemisphere or the western hemisphere, no matter whether the southern hemisphere or the northern hemisphere, they are all illuminated by light.

Jiang Buku didn't know what kind of turmoil this change had caused to the world, so he didn't do anything. In order to spend the day more peacefully, he deliberately went to a quiet place where no one would be disturbed, and looked up at the sky.

The rising sun is born, the sun is passing through the sky, and the setting sun is setting to the west.

The moon is born at sunset, the new moon is like a tooth, and the quiet silver light sprinkles the world.

The next day, the new moon disappeared, and the rising sun emerged from the sky again on time.

Jiang Buku finally confirmed that this is indeed a sign of the reshaping of time series in his memory ten years after the change of heaven.

Don't look at the sun and moon in the sky again, but they have no entity. Both the sun and the moon are the disguise of the will of the planet.

During the day, He pretends to be the sun that illuminates all things, and at night, He pretends to be the moon.

It is fully in line with the longing call of the blood of all living beings.

In addition to the most basic order of day and night, He will also restore the timing of the seasons.

In spring, He gives the world more vitality, suitable wind, and just right rain; The harvest season is full of grain; in winter, at the end of the year, the world is full of snow, everything is hidden, and minions are secretly grinding, waiting for a new reincarnation.

It perfectly fits the aesthetics of the four seasons that absolutely most lives have.

It seems that the weather is myriad and ever-changing, but it can be traced back to the source, and everything is maintained by the will of the planet with its own power.

Peerless model worker.

The will of the planet was completely "shelled" out, and officially "punched to work", the inspiration pouring into all corners of the world was multiplied again, and everything in the world was thriving.

But Jiang Buku knew that this meant that the collision between civilization and wildness would start ahead of schedule.

There are more and more human geniuses, and they are getting better and better; in the jungle, on the grassland, and in the ocean, the evolutionary variation of life is becoming more intense, and the food chain wars are becoming more frequent.

Three days later, a bad news brought Jiang Buku back to reality.

Jiang Buku appeared at the door of the special ward of the school hospital.

Ou Ziyuan was half leaning on the bed, looking normal.

Beside the bed, a woman in her fifties was quietly peeling fruit. Jiang Buku knew that this was Mr. Ou's only daughter, who was very talented, and his wife had passed away many years before the sky changed. .

Seeing Jiang Buku appear, Ou Ziyuan had a friendly smile on his face, and waved his hand lightly. The fruit-peeling woman took a look at Jiang Buku, got up, walked past Jiang Buku, and left the room.

It is really such an experience that she has become numb in the past few days, and she is not in the mood to explore what the visitors who communicated with her father said. What's more, she knows that every word that her father confessed at the end of his life has unparalleled weight, far from What she can contact and what she can bear, for her, not listening or asking is the most correct response.

Jiang Buku gently closed the door, and walked slowly to Ou Ziyuan's side.

Ou Ziyuan smiled and said, "In the past few days, I have met everyone I should see, and I have explained everything that needs to be explained. The only thing in my heart is you."

Jiang Buku was silent, and after a while, he asked, "Why didn't you get someone to notify me?...Aside from other things, as the manager of the collection room, he is also qualified to know the principal's physical condition at the first time."

Ou Ziyuan is critically ill.

Jiang Buku heard the news, not through any official channels, but learned about it from the discussion of the students.

On the first day of the first lunar month, seeing the sun rising and setting normally, and waiting for the new moon to rise, he couldn't restrain his emotions, laughed a few times and said "Okay, okay", then he looked up and wanted to fall down.

If he hadn't been supported by someone, he might have died on the spot, but even so, he still fell into a coma, was sent to the hospital for emergency rescue, and soon regained consciousness, but all the doctors expressed no optimism.

Ou Ziyuan's organs and body have long since failed. If this state were changed to an ordinary person, he would have died long ago. He was supported purely by a wave of faith.

Now, the belief in his heart was loosened, and his body was instantly broken. Soon, he will usher in an eternal sleep.

Knowing his situation, Ou Ziyuan didn't feel sad at all. Instead, he took advantage of the last time to explain and sort out all the affairs on his shoulders.

At this moment, after hearing Jiang Buku's slightly complaining words, he said with a smile: "You came at the right time, if you come early, I will not be able to arrange it."

"Is your body...really hopeless?" In the end, Jiang Buku still asked this question.

Ou Ziyuan smiled and said, "Don't worry about me. I know my body best. If it weren't for this change, I should have died a few years ago. I still have a few more years to live. Make a lot of money... Don't talk about me, the timing has returned to stability these days, does this mean that the chaotic timing is completely over?"

Jiang Buku was startled, and looked at Ou Ziyuan. The old man's expression was very calm. Although his life had entered the countdown, his face was only relaxed and free.

In the end, Jiang Buku nodded lightly and said, "Yes."

The old man opened his mouth, he still had a lot of things he wanted to ask, a lot of things he wanted to say, but in the end, he didn't ask any superfluous questions.

Shaking his head and laughing, he said, "One generation has the responsibility of one generation. I won't ask about it. There is no need to worry about future generations after death."

He took out a paper bag from under the pillow and handed it to Jiang Buku.


Jiang Buku was stunned again.

"Take it." The old man gestured to Jiang Buku.

Jiang Buku took the file bag and pulled out a thick stack of files inside, page by page, full of information about Jiang Buku's life. From the day he was born, many things that he didn't even know about In this file, it is clearly recorded.

The old man said:

"Before the changes, our country managed to enter the identity information of all Chinese people into the supercomputing database. After the changes, we moved them back to the real world for preservation, because the information in the database is too large, so we can only choose to keep the main thread. Can only be reduced as much as possible.

With the Great Migration, everyone's profile information followed them to the new settlement.

A large number of personnel transfers far exceed human memory, and these files have become the fundamental basis, or even the only basis, for officials to grasp information about a person.

Its weight can be imagined. "

The old man patted the file bag in Jiang Buku's hand, and said: "In this life, I used the only privilege to take out the original copy of your file, and destroy all the backups... If someone really checks your file, It is very likely that you are found to be a person without identity, which may bring you new troubles, I hope you will not blame me for making claims."

Jiang Buku held the old man's hand tightly, and finally said only one sentence.

"Thank you."

If he had been a safe and secure administrator of the collection room, no one would have deliberately checked his files for the rest of his life.

If it reaches this point, it means that his situation is very dangerous, and his file will become his fatal flaw, just like the real name of the demon god in some fantasy works is the biggest weakness of the demon god.

Now, the old man helped himself to permanently eliminate this flaw.

Nothing but thanks.

He didn't say anything, and the old man didn't ask anything, but in their eye contact, there was a tacit understanding that only the two of them could understand.

"Do it well."


Chapter Thirty-Eight

The next day, the school was on holiday, and all the teachers and students in the school wrapped a white cloth around their arms to express their condolences.

The old headmaster, who was admired by everyone, passed away permanently in his sleep last night.

According to his will, no mourning hall was set up. With his status and contribution, all Yanxia people deserve to bow to him and say his final farewell. However, he resolutely opposed this practice in his will. leave.

All teachers and students in the school can only express their condolences with a white cloth.

On the seventh day of the first lunar month, the school resumed teaching order.

Yan Hong became the new principal of the school as a matter of course.

However, his main work is still in practice, and Professor Zhai Shutong is fully responsible for the research and experiment.

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