Coupled with the fact that the collection room has entered a virtuous circle, even if he doesn't show up for ten and a half months, it won't have much impact.

Jiang Buku thought of being very quiet and thinking about moving.

Chapter Thirty-Five The Sovereignty Controversy

Jiang Buku only wandered around the imperial capital at first.

According to the official announcement, the current population of the imperial capital is about 500 million, which is unique among all the densely populated cities across the country.

As the absolute center of Yanxia, ​​the imperial capital has undertaken more missions to support the spirit of all Yanxia people.The population is too small, and many projects cannot be implemented.

Jiang Buku took a rough tour of the city. If it weren't for those traditional ancient buildings that guided his spiritual coordinates, he really thought it was a completely strange city.

Many large parks and green shopping malls in memory are now turned into farmland and orchards.

And outside the city, there are even more fields and fields, stretching endlessly.

Every inhabited city must achieve absolute self-sufficiency in food production, which was the core tone set during the initial national migration.

Therefore, when designing the location of each inhabited city, full consideration is given to the fertility of the land and the surrounding resources.

And as nature thrives, the land becomes more vigorous. As long as the plants survive the initial wave of elimination, they will also have more tenacious vitality. Later, enough and abundant new species have been collected by gathering the power of the world. The mu of the main food crops This is also the major premise for the stability of people's hearts.

The current agriculture is all large-scale agriculture. There are special institutions to make rigorous plans to carry out large-scale planting with ten thousand mu or even one hundred thousand mu as the basic unit. Although intelligence and internal combustion engines have long been a thing of the past, people's farming has not degenerated to The extent to which the ground is dug with a hoe.

The use of a large number of steam machines has undertaken most of the heavy work, while people have used various well-designed instruments to do some light and delicate work.

Around the imperial capital, there are farmlands that can't be seen at a glance, and Jiang Buku's mood also becomes more at ease.

Then, he began to go deep into the mountains that had long been deserted.

Dense jungle, exuberant vitality, and a kind of frankness and wildness of natural selection.Human breath is completely expelled from these places.

Except for the roads that the Yanxia people have worked hard to maintain and connect with other cities inhabited, there is often an endless stream of convoys, and there is no trace of human information left.

He went to many villages and towns that were originally inhabited by humans, but they were all submerged by wildly overgrown vegetation and jungles, and all kinds of specious animals appeared in them.


A violent wind, accompanied by a roar, rushed towards Jiang Buku from the dense forest behind him.

Jiang Buku didn't dodge, instead he kicked his feet, his figure suddenly became half shorter, and he ran into the giant that was rushing towards him with his back.

Soon, he felt a mass of softness on his back, which was the attacker's chest and abdomen.

He straightened his arched back slightly, and the strength of his whole body instantly poured out like a torrent, directly appearing in the most vulnerable internal organs in his body like a teleportation.


As if a bomb exploded in the attacker's body, a huge hole of flesh and blood exploded directly in the chest, and the internal organs and blood sprayed out.

The giant flying upside down only had time to howl a few times in the air, and after falling to the ground, it died soon after.

Only then did Jiang Buku come closer and look at it. It looked like a tiger in appearance, but it was as big as a cow, weighing at least one ton, and had faint scales on its head and limbs.

Jiang Buku just stopped and looked around for a while, then turned and left.

There are so many encounters like this that make him numb, unless it is extremely special, it is difficult to arouse his interest.

Not long after he left, a few wild animals with heads resembling hyenas sprang out from a dark corner in the dense forest. Their bodies were black and oily, their limbs were skinny but extremely agile. The most frightening thing was their heads, not only their mouths were special Sharp, and the upper and lower fangs are like sawtooth guillotines. The skull seems to grow outside the skin and is covered by a layer of pale cuticle. It looks like an undead zombie resurrected after death.

Their abdomens seemed to be digesting food at any time, making a low buzzing sound all the time, they pounced on them, and quickly ate the tiger carcasses, leaving nothing but a complete skeleton.

And this skeleton will be digested by this jungle within a day or two and disappear completely.

Jiang Buku went to many places, and often approached other inhabited cities, but he didn't go in, but continued to wander in the jungle.

With super strength, even those creatures at the top of the food chain in a certain area can't stop his blow, but what he can see, his mood is getting heavier and heavier.

After the sky changes, Yanxia has achieved a perfect transition that amazed the whole world, and her national strength has been preserved to the greatest extent.

But if you look at it from another perspective, the vast land of more than 2000 million square kilometers, except for more than [-] inhabited cities that are firmly controlled by human beings, other areas are completely eroded by wild nature.

He even traveled rapidly for more than ten days, heading in the northwest direction of the imperial capital. The endless grassland was no longer the grassland that was severely desertified in his memory, and the sky was full of sand when the strong wind blew, but it was supported by all kinds of weeds and vines with strong vitality. One or two meters high, the vast grassland is truly endless, and the sky is full of birds, and various mutated and huge insects come and go in groups.

And if you take a closer look through the grass, there are still a large number of scalp-numbing wonders of life hidden. Every moment, they are fighting fiercely for their position in the food chain.

The threats to the densely populated cities that made their homes in the grasslands are becoming increasingly severe. Jiang Buku has seen many times that those concentrated cities have tried various methods to protect the farmland and curb the further erosion of the grasslands.

Airplanes are used to drop fuel oil on the grassland, turning the grassland into a field of fire; a huge torrent of convoys is formed to carry out indiscriminate crushing and sweeping.

The effects are obvious, but as soon as the human power is withdrawn, it won't be long before those dead places will come back to life again.

In the end, humans had to maintain the "border" between farmland and grassland.It is impossible for them to continue to pay extra resources and manpower just to protect a piece of land that is temporarily unused.

Therefore, even if everyone knew that the increasingly alienated jungle and wilderness outside the city was a major threat to human beings, large-scale extermination and cleansing operations had been organized many times.

Especially before gunpowder weapons failed, the armed forces dumped the various stocks accumulated for decades to those dangerous places in a gesture of washing the ground, and indeed achieved fruitful results. Large areas of dangerous areas were turned into scorched land by humans. But such a result could not be maintained for even a year, and was "digested and swallowed" by the expanding jungle around it.

You are strong and let you be strong, the breeze blows the hills, you let you do whatever you want, and the bright moon shines on the river.

This makes human beings very irritable, and they have to admit in frustration that unless someone occupies it for a long time and cleans it at any time, otherwise such actions are meaningless, and it is just a waste of material and manpower in vain.

Moreover, the number of people cannot be small, otherwise it will not be cleaning up nature, but being cleaned up by nature.

Between heaven and earth, there is a grand spectacle that only Jiang Buku can see.

At the beginning of the sky change, the will of the planet was born.

In a state of complete ignorance and chaos.

There are pure heaven and earth inspirations hanging down in the world, interacting with all the vegetation, mountains, rocks and human beings.

This not only helps the evolution and growth of all things on the planet, but also allows the will of the planet, which is ignorant of the chaotic state, to draw wisdom from all creatures.

The state of complete chaos is gradually fading, and He began to think and be confused.

Of course, at his level, what he sees is not a specific human event, but something more macroscopic and abstract.

First of all, he will find that all living beings on the planet follow two completely different, even completely opposite survival strategies.

One is the most intuitive and clear food chain and ecological niche rules.

In the grasslands, in the forests, in the desert glaciers, in the depths of the ocean, in terms of absolute numbers, almost all species in the vast majority of areas on the planet are following this set of laws, and they are working very well. After the gift of inspiration from heaven and earth, it showed extraordinary growth and iteration.

And the other is the most successful so far on this planet, covering all lands, no matter before or after the sky change, it is the well-deserved absolute hegemony on the planet, and even extended its tentacles beyond the sky at its peak , even now, although it is a terrestrial species, its tentacles can still be seen extending to the sky and ocean.

This is human civilization.

From his perspective, the operating mechanism of human civilization is complex and difficult to understand, like a fog, far less clear than the niche rules of the food chain.

As soon as his consciousness left the chaos and came into contact with the outside world, a difficult problem of choosing between the two was placed in front of him.

Although no one taught him, he knew instinctively that he had to make a choice, he had to have a tendency, and he couldn't sit on the wall!

So how to choose?

From Jiang Buku's special vision, it is obvious that in places where human beings live together, the pure inspirations of heaven and earth gradually become more friendly to human beings, easier to be accepted by human beings, and more able to promote human evolution;

But on the other hand, where there is no human habitation, the heaven and earth will become more aggressive, which is equivalent to adding fuel to the fire of food chain wars that occur anytime and anywhere, and natural selection is extreme.

This is the choice of the will of the planet. He does not make the choice himself, but delegates the right to choose after adding fuel to the fire.

Jiang Buku knew that after the mushroom natural disaster, the biggest disaster for all mankind was brewing.

A duel between civilization and savagery.

Jiang Buku firmly believes that human beings will win in the end. The situation of human beings in the previous life was more than ten times worse than that in this life, but they still won the final victory.

Human beings have won the supremacy of the spirit of creation with no doubts and victories.

But the price is also very tragic.

Jiang Buku only hopes that the situation of human beings in this world has improved so much, and the price will not be too high.

Chapter Thirty-six

On this day, Jiang Buku jumped from the top of the ancient city, the first level in the world, fell more than 20 meters, and stepped firmly on the wild grass outside the city.

This is a famous historical site of Yanxia civilization, and everyone in Yanxia has a place in their hearts. Before the sky changes, there are many tourists every day.

Now there is no trace of people here.

It would be very strange if someone came in person.

Because this place is not submerged by jungle weeds, the luxuriant jungle, the wanton growth of vegetation, all stop outside the Guancheng.

This most powerful pass in the world, apart from the fact that it has not been maintained for many years and has not been rewarded for a long time, which makes it look a little dilapidated, there is not much sense of dilapidation.

Jiang Buku was not surprised by this, it seemed to be the case.

Let him explain, the reason is very simple, because he has a place in the hearts of more than 20 billion Yanxia people.

After passing the first pass in the world, Jiang Buku strode towards the imperial capital.

It's almost done, and the things to be done have been done, so I can go back and continue to stay at home.

With good luck these few days, it was daytime for two consecutive days, so he wanted to take this opportunity to travel more.

The thing that provides light to the world still cannot see its specific shape clearly, as if blocked by thick clouds, people can only enjoy its light and heat, but cannot see its shape.

Jiang Buku runs in the jungle like a bear, making a lot of noise, and often attracts attacks from the owner of a certain territory. His way of dealing with it is very simple. He bumps into it, and if it looks disgusting, he stretches out his hand and pushes it. , Bleeding flowers exploded on their bodies, obediently get out of the way.

He ran more than 200 kilometers in one breath, and he was less than [-] kilometers away from the imperial capital. He was about to finish the last distance in one go.

The sky darkened without warning.

Moreover, it was getting colder and colder, and after a while, snowflakes sprinkled all over the world like dancing elves.


Jiang Buku held the light and simple windproof lamp and complained.

Under the dim light, he found a big tree that couldn't be surrounded by two people, took out his dagger and quickly cut at the trunk.

The dark jungle became extremely quiet, but Jiang Buku's heart was lifted.

He knew it was only temporary.

With the change of climate, other organisms also have an adaptation period.

When those active creatures hibernate during the day, and those creatures adapted to the dark and cold wake up from deep sleep, this jungle will become more dangerous.

The darkness in the jungle is really pure darkness, with no light at all.

At first, Jiang Buku in the dark was besieged by a pack of ferocious wolves because of his lack of experience. As soon as he killed them, the hyena team who were hiding by the side and hoped to catch them also rushed out.

Although he won in the end, it was his most embarrassing experience in the jungle.

Under his vigorous digging, the tree trunk was quickly divided into pieces by him like tofu, and soon he took out a space that could accommodate one person sitting cross-legged with a little extra space.

He extinguished the deliberately dimmed windbreak lamp, hung it back around his waist, and sat cross-legged in the tree hole.

After entering, he picked up the bark that had been completely cut off in advance and covered it in its original position.

A few air holes are left on the bark, which not only facilitates the circulation of air inside and outside, but also facilitates him to check the outside situation from time to time.

There were rustling sounds in the dark jungle, from far and near, and occasionally hunting and struggling could be heard.

But what is strange is that in the darkness, whether it is a predator or a prey that is already dying, they all obey the order in the darkness, not shouting or calling for help, as if their function has degenerated disappear.

After waiting for a while, Jiang Buku leaned against the tree trunk and took a rest.

After traveling for such a long time, it is not bad to take the opportunity to take a break. It is best if the darkness is short, but if it is too dark, then wait until the rest is over.

In a daze, half asleep and half awake, Jiang Buku suddenly woke up.

He pricked up his ears to listen.

The surrounding jungle also suddenly became quiet.

After a while, Jiang Buku finally confirmed.

In the distance, there was the faint sound of explosions and battles.

After confirming this point, Jiang Buku immediately confirmed another point.


There is no doubt about this.

Although the strength of the jungle beasts has grown wildly, their fighting instincts, and their cunning have also increased day by day, but this is not the same thing as wisdom.

Being able to create explosions during battle is something that only humans can do at the moment.

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