"Therefore, we will extend the stay time of the current three-year students in school. Our coaches now have a large number of awakened people. There is great hope that they will be trained as the first batch of students who will break through the awakening in school on a large scale. Their regular students are also beneficial to the development of the collection room."

Back in the collection room, Jiang Buku saw a hundred pairs of expectant eyes.

He nodded and said, "It's done."

The crowd cheered in unison.

After everyone made a fuss and celebrated, he said again: "However, there are still some things that need to be revised and adjusted."

He told everyone about Yan Hong's opinion.

The main thing is to combine the two methods of training and the two methods of fighting and killing, and hope that everyone can further compress and streamline the existing moves.

Everyone deserves to be a genius, so they quickly learned from one instance and thought of more.

"Isn't this the division of kung fu into two categories, 'kung fu' and 'skill'? Kung fu masters the way of evolution, and skill masters the methods used in actual combat."

"Just like in physics, there are two directions: theory and application. The same is true for skill and technology. The former is the fundamental. We spent more energy on fighting and killing before, which seems to be putting the cart before the horse."

"I also have some inspiration. There are indeed too many moves in 278, and the threshold is too high for beginners. We have to make drastic cuts and completely abandon the idea of ​​​​not being willing to part with pots and pans."

Everyone was chattering, and quickly discussed a new set of plans. Under this new set of plans, they are confident that the moves in the entire set of boxing records will be reduced to less than 120 moves.

After everyone finished discussing, Jiang Buku clapped his hands and said, "Okay, I'll talk about another thing."

Now the front hall of the collection room is no longer empty as it was at the beginning, and is divided into four large areas.

The basic library, all the materials have now been moved into it, and there are perfect measures for moisture-proof, insect-proof and fire-proof.

The book collection area, which also occupies the largest area, is now just rows of empty bookshelves.

The reading area is for everyone to read quietly.

The exchange area is for everyone to exchange and discuss, and you can also make some related reports and speeches.

Now everyone discusses and discusses in the communication area, and if you want to think and do things quietly, you can go to the reading area, and a norm has naturally been formed.

"Through the practice of Mantis Boxing, everyone should have understood how our model works, right?" Jiang Buku asked.

The crowd nodded.

"Then we will officially start working on all the materials in the basic library." Jiang Buku said.

"Through the collection and verification of various aspects, and the school's empirical test, we now have 1784 martial arts transmission materials. very similar.

Just because of the different inheritance, the naming methods are varied.

Some are named after gods and monsters, such as Vajra Fist, Yasha Fist, and 28-Su Fist; Named after animals, and even daily miscellaneous things such as fan boxing, flower boxing, bell boxing, jacket boxing, more named after techniques, footwork and legwork, boxing gloves, boxing, Jeet fist and cross hands.

Furthermore, there are many types of boxing with very similar cores. For example, there are more than 30 types of ground lying boxing, more than 20 types of drunken boxing, and there are also many types of falling boxing.

This proves the diversity and vigorous vitality of our Yanxia inheritance, but we focus on the cultivation of the classics, so we must try to simplify them as much as possible.

First of all, those who have evolved into multiple schools based on a certain school of martial arts, as long as there is no fundamental change in their core general principles, they should be regarded as one school and not divided into multiple schools;

Secondly, those martial arts created from different sources, due to different things, different things, and different feelings, but their spiritual cores are highly consistent, and their moves are also highly similar, and they are all combined into one;

Finally, there are many martial arts without a complete core, more like some kind of folk remedies, which have effects but are also limited, and the potential is really not great.

My opinion is to find the ones that are compatible with them and integrate them into them to become nutrients for other martial arts; or to find complementary martial arts and merge them into new exercises with a complete core and potential for further growth. "

"What's the difference between this and re-creating a practice? It's too difficult." Someone said.

Jiang Buku said: "Let's start with the easy ones and then the hard ones. I'm just giving a direction. If you can't do it, let's put it there for the time being and wait for the newcomers to play."

"Boss Jiang, you are using aggressive tactics against us again!" Someone said dissatisfied.

Jiang Bu smiled bitterly and asked: "Then are you motivated?"

"Accept!" The man confronted unequivocally.

Jiang Buku laughed.

"That's good."

Then, he said seriously: "When it comes to creating exercises, what I want to say is that in terms of strength alone, you have surpassed those ancestors who created martial arts, and your vision is far from comparable to theirs in that era. You are all outstanding people selected from all over the country, even if you really created a new exercise, what's so strange about it?"

"But we don't have enough time. In one more month, we will all be graduating."

"You don't have to worry about this, you have to stay in the school for at least two or three years." Jiang Buku briefly explained the adjustment of the school's enrollment strategy to everyone.

"Then what are you waiting for, work hard, so that the younger brothers and younger sisters will have no work!"

One of them clenched his fist and punched the sky, shouting loudly.

"Right, let them have no work!"


From this day on, all students in the school have entered a new mode.

During the class time, he practiced desperately, trying to absorb all the nutrients he could absorb from all the instructors.

For the rest of the time, all of them were dedicated to nearly [-] kinds of martial arts materials in the collection room.

Due to the limited space in the collection room, everyone spontaneously improved the operation mode. With ten people as a group and a hundred people as a group, tens of thousands of students from the whole school formed a hundred "strategy groups". Each group set a target and then selected representatives to go to the collection room Communicate with Jiang Buku and get the corresponding information.

In this way, there are hundreds of traditional martial arts being "raided" by tens of thousands of students anytime and anywhere.

Every month, more than a hundred new classics are born.

All the students had a rare, sustained enthusiasm for it, even though it took all their spare time, and they all enjoyed it.

The only tense moment is when other regiments successfully capture a classic, and there is one less martial arts target for them to choose from in the basic library.

The instructors were originally worried that this would affect the students' practice, but the truth is that everyone hardly practiced in private except for the formal class, but their growth not only did not slow down but accelerated.

As a result, all the instructors couldn't help but were moved, and formed five instructor groups to join this shameful food grab, which made the students itch with hatred, but they could only squeeze themselves twice.

This huge momentum, the "Thousands of People Cultivating Codes" that will be talked about by future generations, finally failed to last for a year, so it had to stop, because there was no code to repair!

Everyone was running around like hyenas in a hurry.

I don't know which group set a precedent. They went to find faults in the kung fu practiced by other teams, optimized the kung fu to a certain extent, reduced five moves, and firmly pressed their signature right on top of the other team.

This move gave the "hungry and thirsty" hyenas a new direction.

As a result, after tens of thousands of people revised the code, the more tragic battle for the right to authorship kicked off a protracted prelude.

They first reflect on the hidden dangers left in their exercises due to insufficient experience at the beginning, and quickly make up for them to consolidate their positions.

Then, start a large-scale operation to find faults with other exercises, and what's more, directly uproot the exercises and merge them with other exercises to become a brand new exercise book.

In this strange and tragic fight, there is no real loser, everyone is a winner.

The originally empty bookshelves in the collection room have become worthy of the name. Not only are they full of various exercise classics, from the first edition, second edition, third edition to the latest edition, through them, one can clearly see this strange battlefield, and the lines are filled with The fighting spirit is bloody.

Every student's cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds, and his vision and heart have been expanded to unprecedented heights.

Since the second year, people have awakened and made breakthroughs one after another.

As for Jiang Buku, who single-handedly promoted this matter, at the very beginning, he still had a sense of existence and needed to make some directional suggestions. But after everyone has thoroughly played with the rules, or even introduced new ones, and made various better improvement measures , Jiang Buku took a few steps back silently, hid in the shadow of the collection room, and gradually became an unknown caretaker of the collection room.

Chapter Thirty-four

Humans are astonished by their ability to adapt to suffering.

As long as you give me time, there is nothing I can't bear.

There is a saying that if all kinds of catastrophes after the sky change were released in one go, human beings would have already become an endangered species on this planet.

Electronic disasters continue, and the frequency of failures continues to rise. The network that originally covered the world is shrinking at an alarming rate. Later, even if someone's mobile phone is lucky enough to escape the risk of bombing again and again, they can no longer Access to any network, of course, can not call.

People have to adapt to life without internet.

Lighting with electric lights gradually became a luxury, and people had to adapt to lighting with ancient oil lamps again.

The sky is still changing, day and night are chaotic, and people have to adapt to work in the dark with oil lamps.

People were sitting on the steam engine bus, and several large oil lamps were used as the headlights of the vehicles by the repeated focusing and refraction of the mirror surface. On the left and right were pedestrians shopping as usual with windproof lamps.

Sometimes when I think about it, the human beings in it will feel that this kind of picture is absurd and a little scary, but when they are really in it, they feel that it is so natural.

The change of day and night is irregular. Sometimes it stays the same for a few days, and sometimes it changes for a few days. It is impossible for people to let themselves work and rest to chase the crazy day and night. They can only force a rule, no matter how the sky changes. People will arrange their work and rest according to their own timing rules.

In the four years of the new calendar, the planet has become even more weird.

The bridge of a certain river suddenly became a dead end bridge, and a certain tunnel was squeezed by the surrounding rock mass and disappeared.

Because of poor information, these incidents are still relatively scattered around the world. The official did not deliberately publicize them, and most ordinary people still don't know about them.

But in the fifth year of the new calendar, such strange events became frequent, and most people knew one thing, the planet under their feet seemed to have become a "living creature".

A nearby river suddenly changed significantly, and the mountains that had remained unchanged for thousands of years in people's minds were inadvertently adjusted slightly. A hill suddenly protruded from the flat ground, and a sandy island suddenly appeared in the heart of the river...

Summarizing the information from all over the world, you can feel more and more clearly that the planet under your feet has become a child who has just mastered a certain ability, and can't wait to try his own ability.

But on the other hand, his instinct reminded him from time to time that he has a relationship with all beings on the planet, who are all prosperous and all are harmed. Therefore, while he is eager to try, he is very cautious.

Originally all sorts of weird and varied conjectures, more and more concentrated in one direction - the planet under the feet has changed from a dead thing to a living thing, and has a certain kind of will.

His prudence is beneficial and harmless to other living species, but to human beings, the harm is immeasurable.

The transportation network built by humans to extend in all directions, faced with such a dimensionality reduction blow, was instantly torn to pieces.

The cost of people's travel, the difficulty of communication between cities and countries has skyrocketed.

In the information age, everyone has a global perspective. Now, everyone has become blind. Except for the one-acre three-point land in front of them, they cannot see or hear the situation in other places.

While becoming blind, people still suspect that they are becoming fools, and they even understand the methods that those who really hold power will use to turn them into fools step by step.

It is also thanks to such a big environment that Yan Xia once again put on the title of her infrastructure madman, and used a large amount of manpower to quietly and secretly reconnect those disconnected traffic nodes.

From a certain point of view, the paralysis of traffic is just because some nodes are disconnected, and the originally connected network becomes fragmented. As long as the scheduling is proper and there is enough manpower to pile up, it is not too difficult to reconnect.

Of course, this is for Yanxia. As for foreign countries, the order that had been slightly stabilized has a tendency to become chaotic again, because people generally distrust those in power, even to the point of persecution paranoia. Decision-making, they will first think, is this the first step to fool us?

Yan Xia was also happy that no one would bother her, so she no longer had to worry about someone coming to surround her and ask for an explanation.

The people of Yanxia have fallen into a kind of pride of fighting against the sky and the earth, against the will of the planet somewhere.

Wherever you break, I will make up.

It depends on whether you destroy it faster or I repair it faster.

We are not bragging, but there are many people and they are in the same heart.

Unless you come to an earthquake volcano to clear the station directly, don't expect me to admit defeat.

It's that horizontal.


In the seventh year of the new calendar, it has become a legend that tens of thousands of people have revised the code.

The last batch of students who participated in this event also left the school at the end of last year.

The current students are all outstanding talents selected from more than 200 secondary schools across the country.

When they entered the school, they were already the best among the awakened ones.

After laying the foundation of the elementary school of practice and honed by the secondary school of practice, compared with those students before, they have a clearer understanding of themselves-we are geniuses.

They have firm self-confidence, no matter what they do, they have the confidence to not lose to others.

As the direct beneficiaries of tens of thousands of people's training, they certainly have admiration and gratitude to those seniors who directly participated in the training, but at the same time, this is also an example to inspire them. They are very confident that their names are also included in these training books Sign up.

There is no need for Jiang Buku to talk too much, everyone will spontaneously enter into the promotion and optimization of the classics of exercises.

Jiang Buku really became a pure treasurer.

He just needs to watch, those exercises are getting better and better.

Moreover, as time goes by, the talent level of new students shows a slow but continuous upward trend.

Compared with those seven years ago, the talents of these students have been significantly improved.

Naturally, Jiang Buku would not let go of these good people who took the initiative to send them to his door, and borrowed their light to become a better self, and his talent has been increasing.

His strength is also constantly improving. As for what kind of situation he is in now, Jiang Buku himself is a little confused. He just has a feeling that since the year before last, Yan Hong has gradually become ordinary in his eyes.

Of course Yan Hong's talent is not bad, but compared to him now, the gap is very big.

The only ones who can compete with him in talent are the most outstanding students in the school in recent years, but their practice time is at least four or five years behind me.

Occasionally, he guessed immodestly that his current strength was unique in Yan Xia.

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